Daz 3D Forums
Official news, announcements, updates, and peer-to-peer discussions related to Daz Studio.
Please note, bugs are reported by opening a Technical Support ticket http://www.daz3d.com/help/help-contact-us.23,905 discussions 173,765 commentsMost recent: My settings to render Atmos Fog plus ti… by ibr_remote aka infinity109:45AMChild Categories: Daz Script Developer Discussion, Daz SDK Developer Discussion
Official news, announcements, updates, and peer-to-peer discussions related to Carrara.
6,751 discussions 164,850 commentsMost recent: Carrara Sale Email Message Alert thread by WendyLuvsCatz6:53AMChild Categories: Carrara SDK Developer Discussion
3rd Party Software
Discussions around using Daz 3D content in 3ds Max
93 discussions 301 commentsMost recent: Prop Creation in 3DS Max - Best Practic… by MattymanxNovember 2024
Discussion around using Daz 3D content in Blender.
1,269 discussions 15,148 commentsMost recent: Manual setting of materials for average… by SnowSultan5:43AM
Discussion around using Daz 3D content in Cinema 4D
198 discussions 957 commentsMost recent: Exporting morphs to FBX for use in C4D … by chris_dinardo_0b4186f51fFebruary 6
Ask questions and grow your 3D skills!
19,620 discussions 114,446 commentsMost recent: Need a professional to rigg a model for… by Halcon Bluesky6:41AM
A place to learn and create great artwork. We are here to help.
235 discussions 26,747 commentsMost recent: February 2025 - DAZ 3D New User Challen… by suffo85February 10
Discuss anything Daz 3D related not covered by any other forum here.
52,728 discussions 1,142,616 commentsMost recent: Dear PAs, please make some ancient/old … by felis11:46AM
The place to find the latest information on Daz 3D PA releases.
2,672 discussions 108,906 commentsMost recent: "V3D HDR Master Bundle" (Commercial) by V3Digitimes10:02AM
Share and discuss your finished or in progress renders and 3D art.
3,617 discussions 181,314 commentsMost recent: G9 Shape Preset for SWOLE Garrick mix by leemoon_c43b45a1142:25AM
Discussions and updates about NFT's
48 discussions 2,601 commentsMost recent: How does copyright apply to NFTs? by roustanSeptember 2024