Official Announcement: HiveWire 3D to publish Animals through DAZ 3D

Oso3DOso3D Posts: 14,929
edited July 2017 in The Commons

[In a thread on the Hivewire 3D forums]



This makes me very happy. I've had my eye on those animals for quite some time, but most of my 'stuff' and resources and store credit etc are over here and I feel reluctant to set up on other sites that often

(Although personally I was hoping on the birds and a few others making it over, but not so much)


Post edited by Richard Haseltine on


  • AllenArtAllenArt Posts: 7,153

    Holy smokes! Hopefully this will be incredibly beneficial to BOTH stores ;)


  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 14,929

    Well, amusingly, it might get me off the fence to go GET some of those bird models I've been eyeing for a year+


  • glaseyeglaseye Posts: 1,311

    Well, amusingly, it might get me off the fence to go GET some of those bird models I've been eyeing for a year+


    Ken Gilliland stated that his products are not coming over.... 

  • FSMCDesignsFSMCDesigns Posts: 12,682

    Well at least they are not being bought out by DAZ, although the " exclusively" bit bothers me a bit . I like DAZ but I fully support the most options on places to get content. I like HW, great bunch of people and Chris does an amazing job at modeling, so hopefully this will get some more traffic over there and be beneficial for them also.

    I love the HW leopard. hopefully this will increase it's popularity from new users that for whatever reason don't venture outside of the DAZ bubble

    1544 x 870 - 2M
  • And that probably explains why DAZ hasn't done anything about MilDog and MilCat.

  • ZyloxZylox Posts: 787

    If you are considering Ken Gilliland's birds, I strongly suggest buying them. I bought most of them when they were still sold here at DAZ and they are very good.


    It will be nice having the other animals available here. Hopefully both stores make lots of money and we get lots of nice critters!

  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 14,929

    Glaseye: I wasn't clear, I meant it might encourage me to buy from HW

  • DaWaterRatDaWaterRat Posts: 2,882

    And that probably explains why DAZ hasn't done anything about MilDog and MilCat.

    I was thinking something similar.  :)

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,582
    edited July 2017

    Daz store has needed practical animals for some time i.e. Cat and dog in particular.. I can't say however that hivewire's house cat strikes me as realistic though it still has shades of milenium cat in the way it looks. But good. Glad people will have a little more modern feline.

    I tend not to buy hivewire content. the zips can be unwieldy and difficult to use particularly with  birds with their complicated file structures and lack of complete presets. I have several sets and they are often cumbersome to load apply and get right I don't want to apply morphs and topknots. Those should load with the animal but each critter has different textures and shapes I need to apply just to get what I buy to work. No thanks..

    I think the move to daz will at least make the few vended here easier for daz users since at least the installer issue won't be a problem. I don't want to download 6 installers for one animal and then recombine that so I can use it in dim.

    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • zombietaggerungzombietaggerung Posts: 3,673
    edited July 2017

    Hmm. Not sure how I feel about this. :/

    No, I do know how I feel about this. I don't like it one bit. Not at all. I'd rather have multiple options for the content I purchase instead of one enormous conglomerate who has no competition and can set the prices however they wish, and can limit the available options.

    Post edited by zombietaggerung on
  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 37,962

    the cat is out of the bag it seems....

    or the horse has bolted ....


  • LlynaraLlynara Posts: 4,770

    If it makes it easier to use their content, then I'm all for it. I find I tend to collect  stuff from other places more than I render it because of all the extra steps involved. Yes, I know, it's not that much extra work for one of two items to download, organize and install it (then try to find it.) But DIM has spoiled me, so has Smart Content, at least for newer items. We're all busy people, and the fewer steps there are between buying and rendering the items, the better.

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    Well at least they are not being bought out by DAZ, although the " exclusively" bit bothers me a bit . I like DAZ but I fully support the most options on places to get content. I like HW, great bunch of people and Chris does an amazing job at modeling, so hopefully this will get some more traffic over there and be beneficial for them also.

    I love the HW leopard. hopefully this will increase it's popularity from new users that for whatever reason don't venture outside of the DAZ bubble

    100% agree.  I already own all of the cats but I am very glad that other people will get exposed to them. They are really beautifully done.

  • DaWaterRatDaWaterRat Posts: 2,882

    Daz store has needed practical animals for some time i.e. Cat and dog in particular.. I can't say however that hivewire's house cat strikes me as realistic though it still has shades of milenium cat in the way it looks. But good. Glad people will have a little more modern feline.

    The thing that mildly bugs me about the house cat (and the big cat) is that on loading, the toes are spread and the paws look stiff and as if the cat is even more on tiptoe than is actually natural for a cat (I say with one of my real life fur buddies about to fall off the back of the couch and onto my head... again... because she's fast asleep), and not all poses correct this, so I have to manually fix them, which adds time, because I havne't noticed any quick way to fix this (pose controls, correction poses, etc.)

  • Daz store has needed practical animals for some time i.e. Cat and dog in particular.. I can't say however that hivewire's house cat strikes me as realistic though it still has shades of milenium cat in the way it looks. But good. Glad people will have a little more modern feline.

    I tend not to buy hivewire content. the zips can be unwieldy and difficult to use particularly with  birds with their complicated file structures and lack of complete presets. I have several sets and they are often cumbersome to load apply and get right I don't want to apply morphs and topknots. Those should load with the animal but each critter has different textures and shapes I need to apply just to get what I buy to work. No thanks..

    I think the move to daz will at least make the few vended here easier for daz users since at least the installer issue won't be a problem. I don't want to download 6 installers for one animal and then recombine that so I can use it in dim.

    You've touched on the main reason I buy at DAZ; ease of installation. If the other stores did this, and it wouldn't have to be exactly the same way, it would make things so much easier for all buyers.

  • FSMCDesignsFSMCDesigns Posts: 12,682
    Llynara said:

    If it makes it easier to use their content, then I'm all for it. I find I tend to collect  stuff from other places more than I render it because of all the extra steps involved. Yes, I know, it's not that much extra work for one of two items to download, organize and install it (then try to find it.) But DIM has spoiled me, so has Smart Content, at least for newer items. We're all busy people, and the fewer steps there are between buying and rendering the items, the better.

    That is exactly why I don't use DIM or smart content, I don't want to become dependant on it and I like using content from many other places, so it makes more sense to me to install everything manually so I know where everything is. I personally don't find it all that inconvienant

  • nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715

    Daz store has needed practical animals for some time i.e. Cat and dog in particular.. I can't say however that hivewire's house cat strikes me as realistic though it still has shades of milenium cat in the way it looks. But good. Glad people will have a little more modern feline.

    I tend not to buy hivewire content. the zips can be unwieldy and difficult to use particularly with  birds with their complicated file structures and lack of complete presets. I have several sets and they are often cumbersome to load apply and get right I don't want to apply morphs and topknots. Those should load with the animal but each critter has different textures and shapes I need to apply just to get what I buy to work. No thanks..

    I think the move to daz will at least make the few vended here easier for daz users since at least the installer issue won't be a problem. I don't want to download 6 installers for one animal and then recombine that so I can use it in dim.

    You've touched on the main reason I buy at DAZ; ease of installation. If the other stores did this, and it wouldn't have to be exactly the same way, it would make things so much easier for all buyers.

    I find the method of dropping a few folders in as easy as opening DIM and selecting the library and then installing them where I require.

    I buy more at Daz for one reason only - their return policy.

  • scorpioscorpio Posts: 8,352

    Hmm. Not sure how I feel about this. :/

    No, I do know how I feel about this. I don't like it one bit. Not at all. I'd rather have multiple options for the content I purchase instead of one enormous conglomerate who has no competition and can set the prices however they wish, and can limit the available options.

    HiveWire will still exist, the Forum and the store, its the HW Animals that are coming to the Daz store HiveWire isn't closing down.

    I'm hopeing that the Cats will see some extra morphs etc being produced by the talent here, I would love to see what Raw can come up with for the Big Cat.

  • scorpioscorpio Posts: 8,352

    Daz store has needed practical animals for some time i.e. Cat and dog in particular.. I can't say however that hivewire's house cat strikes me as realistic though it still has shades of milenium cat in the way it looks. But good. Glad people will have a little more modern feline.

    I tend not to buy hivewire content. the zips can be unwieldy and difficult to use particularly with  birds with their complicated file structures and lack of complete presets. I have several sets and they are often cumbersome to load apply and get right I don't want to apply morphs and topknots. Those should load with the animal but each critter has different textures and shapes I need to apply just to get what I buy to work. No thanks..

    I think the move to daz will at least make the few vended here easier for daz users since at least the installer issue won't be a problem. I don't want to download 6 installers for one animal and then recombine that so I can use it in dim.

    HiveWire zips should be prety straightforward. Kens birds are structured like they are I thin mainly as they are created for Poser before DS hence why you have to run all over the place to set them up.

  • JOdelJOdel Posts: 6,275

    Mildly OT (because they are not coming here), Ken's birds are getting another revision, and the DS versions are in the process of being given more conventionally DS files. His Nature's Wonders (moths, lizzards, frogs) already have these, but it is going to take a while to shift the bird models over.

  • KnittingmommyKnittingmommy Posts: 8,191
    edited July 2017

    After reading the announcement, one of the things I'm not crazy about is the fact that if you have already purchased at HW, your purchases aren't won't be reflected here.  There is a slight chance of accidentally purchasing again as the DAZ store won't have a way of knowing you already own it.  Not that I own that many but it would be more convenient if there were a way of fixing that one small issue.

    Post edited by Knittingmommy on
  • AllenArtAllenArt Posts: 7,153

    After reading the announcement, one of the things I'm not crazy about is the fact that if you have already purchased at HW, your purchases aren't won't be reflected here.  There is a slight chance of accidentally purchasing again as the DAZ store won't have a way of knowing you already own it.  Not that I own that many but it would be more convenient if there were a way of fixing that one small issue.

    I think if you have the Daz Deals browser addon you can hide specific products. That might be an option for you :)


  • After reading the announcement, one of the things I'm not crazy about is the fact that if you have already purchased at HW, your purchases aren't won't be reflected here.  There is a slight chance of accidentally purchasing again as the DAZ store won't have a way of knowing you already own it.  Not that I own that many but it would be more convenient if there were a way of fixing that one small issue.

    I agree I'd like to have my HW purchases in my account here when the product is moved if it was at all possible.

    I do hope this works out well for all parties involved.  It certainly opens up a large audience of buyers for the Hivewire animals, and I wish everyone on both sides success with the new venture!

  • napalmarsenalnapalmarsenal Posts: 82
    edited July 2017

    Well at least they are not being bought out by DAZ, although the " exclusively" bit bothers me a bit . I like DAZ but I fully support the most options on places to get content. I like HW, great bunch of people and Chris does an amazing job at modeling, so hopefully this will get some more traffic over there and be beneficial for them also.

    I love the HW leopard. hopefully this will increase it's popularity from new users that for whatever reason don't venture outside of the DAZ bubble

    Wow!! Excellent image you have done there!! The Cougar and cub morph are awesome too and Pommerlis has some cute poses to go with them. I do know there is possibly a lion in the works! 


    1200 x 598 - 816K
    1044 x 614 - 720K
    Post edited by napalmarsenal on


    Daz store has needed practical animals for some time i.e. Cat and dog in particular.. I can't say however that hivewire's house cat strikes me as realistic though it still has shades of milenium cat in the way it looks. But good. Glad people will have a little more modern feline.

    The thing that mildly bugs me about the house cat (and the big cat) is that on loading, the toes are spread and the paws look stiff and as if the cat is even more on tiptoe than is actually natural for a cat (I say with one of my real life fur buddies about to fall off the back of the couch and onto my head... again... because she's fast asleep), and not all poses correct this, so I have to manually fix them, which adds time, because I havne't noticed any quick way to fix this (pose controls, correction poses, etc.)

    My big issue with that is that the retractable claws always load out so I have a pose preset I apply to the model once I load it that fixes them and they are retracted. Have you tried saving a pose preset you just apply once you have it to your liking?  That would save time from having to manually do it every time. 

  • AllenArtAllenArt Posts: 7,153

    As a person who has had housecats all my life, there is something "off" with the HW Housecat and I never bought it. I'll likely stick to the Millennium Cat with LAMH fur for now. I do however LOVE Harry the horse :)


  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    do they have face rigging?  


  • napalmarsenalnapalmarsenal Posts: 82
    edited July 2017
    AllenArt said:

    As a person who has had housecats all my life, there is something "off" with the HW Housecat and I never bought it. I'll likely stick to the Millennium Cat with LAMH fur for now. I do however LOVE Harry the horse :)


    Hey we we are all entitled to our own preferences! =)

    Yeah, the horse is a dream to work with, but I also like the Housecat too! 

    This one is done with the orange Tabby coat texture and CWRW's Black Panther texture that is for the HW big cat. There is a tuxedo kitty coat texture in the works also!  You can interchange coats between the HiveWire Big cat and the Housecat btw, and the house cat also comes with Fantasy morphs! 

    Horse Images - 

    Hivewire Horse + Foal Morph + my custom morphs on the pegasus and then the unicorn is the Throughbred form with custom morphs flowers are Lisa's botanicals. I will be adding more images to my Daz gallery shortly. Just waiting on a render to run to finish up on some promo images. 


    I use both programs Poser and Daz. First image of the cat is Poser the other two are Daz. The first horse is a Poser render the 2nd a Daz render.



    Artistic Render 2FireFly.jpg
    1085 x 821 - 706K
    670 x 800 - 559K
    Fairy Lit Marsh Cat.jpg
    800 x 670 - 497K
    1200 x 834 - 948K
    1050 x 817 - 919K
    Post edited by napalmarsenal on
  • JOdelJOdel Posts: 6,275
    edited July 2017

    I think the expressions are the usual morph dials. Not rigging. They shipped with a nice selection of expressions though, and I know there are add-on packs for the Horse. 

    Not all of the add-ons are coming over here, I gather. Don't know about the lovely tack for Harry, but I *think* it's on the list. Pretty sure, anyway.

    There was someone who was working on an LAMH preset for the housecat, but his thread has been idle for a while. I'd expect him to offer it here if he ever gets it done. But it may stay at Hivewire.

    Post edited by JOdel on
This discussion has been closed.