[CONTEST] RRRR - Things you have to do before you die *Tons of prizes*

TotteTotte Posts: 13,527
edited November 2014 in The Commons

Ladies, gentlemen and render bots the next RRRR is ready!

RRRR - Things you have to do before you die!

As you see, this RRRR is themed, but with a very wide theme, Things you have to do before you die. I can just begin to imagine what Luci, barbult and Ken can do with this.

For all who have no clue what the RRRR is, it stands for “Random Runtime Roulette Renders”.

Who can play?
Anyone can play!

How do you prepare yourself for play?
The rules are very simple, but first you need to have all your items in some kind of order in a text file, dumped from the itemized history into a text file or a spread sheet. Remove things like software, gift certs, and special plugins from the list.
Then you use a randomizer to randomly pick 4 items from your list (your Runtime/My Library). You can use items from any store.

Lucky Bastard Rule!
Anyone who won a prize (place 1-3) last RRRR, the RRRR Back to Renders needs to pull one extra item for each placement just for being a lucky bastard.

Randomizer that works well:random.org
Randomizer where you get all numbers in one draw:All at once

There are some situations where you allowed to redraw, these are:

- You picked something that doesn’t work, broken thing, only works in a version / software not used etc etc.

- You picked a software or add-on to a software or anything you should have filtered out from the list.

- You picked only huge environment props and will not be able to render a scene without crashing.

- You picked an item you already have been using in two RRRR renders in this content and that was picked randomly. Three is a curse - rule!


If you pull a bundle, use two, three complete items from it, or more if you like, but you do not need to use all, but only picking a hairpin from V4 Complete Bundle is “too little”. Clarification: A bundle still counts as only one pulled item.

The rules of madness!

Now you have successfully picked 4 items (plus any Lucky bastard pulls), make a scene, you can add other items as well but the one you picked should be prominent or cleverly used. Render it, post it and make us all laugh! Remember though that the renders must follow the TOS of the forum and the theme of the contest.

The contest categories!

There are two categories, Funniest and Best, you get it. A fun render might maybe not be a super great render but will cause the viewer to fall of the chair laughing.

Contest duration!

It stats now, and will go on until Sunday November 9 at 23:59:59 local DAZ time.

Yes, we have prizes, thanks to our sponsors!
This months sponsors so far:
Totte is sponsoring with a $25 DAZ GC.
Luci45 is sponsoring with a $20 DAZ GC.
zarcondeegrissom is sponsoring with a $40 DAZ GC.
diomede64 is sponsoring with a $10 DAZ GC.
KaribousBoutique is sponsoring with a $20 DAZ GC.
KenOBanion is sponsoring with a $50 DAZ GC.
barbult is sponsoring with a $20 DAZ GC.

Emma & Jordi is sponsoring with one item to the winner in each category, come visit their store!
Dumor3d is sponsoring with one item to the winner in each category, come visit their store!
ART Collaborations is sponsoring with one item to the winner in each category, including bundles plus a $15 DAZ GC each to the winners in each category. Come visit their store!

I hope we can attract some more sponsors.
Sponsors may of course participate in the contest, their own decision. As Ken O Bannion so elegantly put it, sponsors play for keeps.

If you want to sponsor this RRRR, send me a PM or post in the thread!

More to know?

I might edit this when new info on sponsors arrive.

Maximum number of entries?

Yes, this time we limit the number of entries per person to seven, seven the number should be.

Are you ready to render in 3….2….1…..go!

Post your entries here together with your pull and your comments, and feel free to comment on other peoples work as well.
We post images in the Entries only thread with tag and name, as this thread is later used for voting. An update to the entries only post, we can now also post a little story, up to maximum 10 lines, as that would make some renders in the funniest easier to vote at.

List of some previous RRRR Contests

In the PC Members Only forum:

RRRR Summer Edition ( 13 June 2012 - 15 July 2012) 
Winners Thread: http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/5053/

RRRR “Back to Reality / My Summer Memory (15 August 2012 - 23 September 2012)
Winners Thread: http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/9315/

In The Commons:
RRRR Commons Premiere (9 October 2012 - 18 November 2012)
Winners Thread: http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/12867/

RRRR “Sayings” Contest (6 December 2012 - 31 December 2012)
Entries-Only Thread: http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/12877/
Winners Thread: http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/15094/

RRRR Contest (18 January 2013 - 24 February 2013)
Entries-Only Thread: http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/15307/

Winners Thread: http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/17908/

RRRR “April Fool” Contest (with “Mini” Contests) (21 March 2013 - 21 April 2013)
Entries-Only Thread: http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/19108/

Winners Thread: http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/21780/

RRRR Summer Contest (23 May 2013 - 4 August 2013)
Entries-Only Thread: http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/22664/

Winners Thread: http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/27864/

RRRR “Chain” Render Contest (15 September 2013 - 13 October 2013)
Entries-Only Thread: http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/28997/

Winners Thread: http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/31526/

RRRR “Chain” Render Contest - Round II (1 November 2013 - 1 December 2013)
Entries-Only Thread: http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/31760/
Winners Thread: http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/33417/

RRRR “Story” Contest (4 December 2013 - 12 January 2014)
Entries-Only Thread: http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/33478/

Thread: http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/36407/

RRRR - One day in XXXs life Render Contest: 13 February 2014 - 16 Mars 2014) http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/37042/
Entries only thread: http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/37041/
Winners thread: http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/39504/

RRRR Classic (19 May 2014 - 22 June 2014) http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/41451/
Entries only/Winners; http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/9325/

RRRR Freak Accindents (15 July 2014 - 10 August 2014) http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/43832/
Entries only/Winners: http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/43830/

RRRR Back to renders ( 25 Aug 2014 - 28 September 2014) http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/45619/
Entries only/Winners: http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/45617/

Post edited by Totte on


  • kaz42kaz42 Posts: 63
    edited December 1969

    Kaz42 Pull #1-

    Capable for Hooded Cloak Pack
    Aslan Court 3
    The Tavern

    ...Clearly, everyone needs to visit a TRUE underground bar once in their lives... Time to put my posing cap on.

  • Dumor3DDumor3D Posts: 1,316
    edited December 1969

    kaz42 said:
    Kaz42 Pull #1-

    Capable for Hooded Cloak Pack
    Aslan Court 3
    The Tavern

    ...Clearly, everyone needs to visit a TRUE underground bar once in their lives... Time to put my posing cap on.

    Aslan Court 3 and The Tavern. That's going to be interesting! :ohh:

  • TotteTotte Posts: 13,527
    edited December 1969

    Pull #1
    #2605 i13 Fantasy Tavern (Rendo)
    #645 Variety for M4 (#7985)
    #348 Lisa's Botanicals - Hosta (#4316)
    #4398 St Michael's Gate (#10798)
    (LB) #1516 Creature Creator HD for Genesis 2 Female(s) (#17469)

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,602
    edited December 1969

    ...awww...since there's a theme to this one, guess my late entry for last month doesn't qualify then.

  • TotteTotte Posts: 13,527
    edited December 1969

    Kyoto Kid said:
    ...awww...since there's a theme to this one, guess my late entry for last month doesn't qualify then.

    Sorry (but you can JUST come up with something fitting. Its a wide open goal, just hit it!

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,602
    edited December 1969

    ...thank you, had to ask first. Still was a fun pic to create.

    Have a bit more time on my hands and since I have net service back, it will be a lot easier to keep up. Need to add a few things to my list then will do a pull.

  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,085
    edited December 1969

    Pull #1

    1414 "Glamour Jeans and T-Shirts"

    1991 "Mardi Gras Supersuit","

    3357 "Wanted Dead or Alive","

    867 "DMs Instances","

    Lucky Bastard

    3329 "Udane Hair - Genesis

    513 x 513 - 230K
  • luci45luci45 Posts: 2,667
    edited December 1969

    Oooooh, already a new RRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yea! :cheese: :-) :lol: ;-)

    I love the theme, but got an awful first pull for it:

    The Neighbour's Yard
    Ron's Apocalypse
    Render Sphere for DAZ Studio
    Parkside Point Interior
    Gallerie Bastion Spacious Interior

    Hi, Dumor3D! Good to see you here and sponsoring too! I'm sure you will fit in with this crowd. ;-P

  • kaz42kaz42 Posts: 63
    edited October 2014

    First! Unless I take too long to post this, anyway. :P I'm going for all 7 this month.

    A Night at the Fang

    The Dusty Fang is the destination that any visitor to the Underworld city of C'roan adds to their bucket list. The owner and brewer, known only as Fang, has perfected his recipes over the course of several centuries. Fang is said to be at least three hundred years old, but Fang never tells... Any creature of the Underworld is welcome, as long as they cause no trouble and can order in one of the thirty-nine languages Fang knows. For those who survive the experience, a night at The Dusty Fang turns into a story told to grandchildren.

    Capable for Hooded Cloak Pack
    Aslan Court 3
    The Tavern

    Countless other things. :) I didn't keep a list this time, but if you don't recognize something, please ask.

    1920 x 1080 - 2M
    Post edited by kaz42 on
  • Dumor3DDumor3D Posts: 1,316
    edited December 1969

    Luci45 said:
    Oooooh, already a new RRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yea! :cheese: :-) :lol: ;-)

    I love the theme, but got an awful first pull for it:

    The Neighbour's Yard
    Ron's Apocalypse
    Render Sphere for DAZ Studio
    Parkside Point Interior
    Gallerie Bastion Spacious Interior

    Hi, Dumor3D! Good to see you here and sponsoring too! I'm sure you will fit in with this crowd. ;-P

    Thank you Luci! What? You think it'd fit in with insanity like this? How do you know me so well? :) BWC forever!

  • MorganRLewisMorganRLewis Posts: 233
    edited December 1969

    Nice opening image, Kaz. Very creative.

    This looks like it'll be a fun round. I'll hopefully be ready to make my first pull in a few days. Right now I've got runtime maintenance to do. I'd thought, when I won the mini-contest (for which I will be taking a lucky bastard pull for, I think it's only fair) that the only challenge ahead would be learning the ins and outs of Poser. Not so. Lot of content added to the mix that I need to sort through now. Nice problem to have, though. :) (I've got a Gillman now! Why didn't anybody tell me Poser came with a Gillman?)

  • KaribouKaribou Posts: 1,325
    edited December 1969

    Totte, throw a $20 DAZ GC into the prize pool from me.

    I like the theme this month! And, since I'm currently bed-bound with major back issues, I'll have lots of time to render! (My monitor sits on a hospital table in front of my bed because those same back issues make a regular desk impossible for any length of time.) Thank goodness I have RRRR fun to keep me occupied. There's only so much bad television one can watch every day...

    Pull#1 (Woo-hoo!! No LBs this month!!)
    7431 SV7 Nanashi (Seven, Sabby), RR
    915 Branwen Hair for V4 (Valea), DAZ
    8817 WRIs Pose Collection - Up Close (WhiteRavenImages), RR
    5038 MRI Machine (Valandar), DAZ

    LOL!!! What are the odds that I'd pull an MRI Machine?!! (I'm having one tomorrow!) So much for taking my mind off the back problems...!

  • TotteTotte Posts: 13,527
    edited December 1969

    Totte, throw a $20 DAZ GC into the prize pool from me.

    I like the theme this month! And, since I'm currently bed-bound with major back issues, I'll have lots of time to render! (My monitor sits on a hospital table in front of my bed because those same back issues make a regular desk impossible for any length of time.) Thank goodness I have RRRR fun to keep me occupied. There's only so much bad television one can watch every day...

    Pull#1 (Woo-hoo!! No LBs this month!!)
    7431 SV7 Nanashi (Seven, Sabby), RR
    915 Branwen Hair for V4 (Valea), DAZ
    8817 WRIs Pose Collection - Up Close (WhiteRavenImages), RR
    5038 MRI Machine (Valandar), DAZ

    LOL!!! What are the odds that I'd pull an MRI Machine?!! (I'm having one tomorrow!) So much for taking my mind off the back problems...!

    Thanks, and you do have something with RRRR, like exploding toilets, MRI machines....

  • KaribouKaribou Posts: 1,325
    edited December 1969

    Totte said:
    Totte, throw a $20 DAZ GC into the prize pool from me.

    I like the theme this month! And, since I'm currently bed-bound with major back issues, I'll have lots of time to render! (My monitor sits on a hospital table in front of my bed because those same back issues make a regular desk impossible for any length of time.) Thank goodness I have RRRR fun to keep me occupied. There's only so much bad television one can watch every day...

    Pull#1 (Woo-hoo!! No LBs this month!!)
    7431 SV7 Nanashi (Seven, Sabby), RR
    915 Branwen Hair for V4 (Valea), DAZ
    8817 WRIs Pose Collection - Up Close (WhiteRavenImages), RR
    5038 MRI Machine (Valandar), DAZ

    LOL!!! What are the odds that I'd pull an MRI Machine?!! (I'm having one tomorrow!) So much for taking my mind off the back problems...!

    Thanks, and you do have something with RRRR, like exploding toilets, MRI machines....

    I must be gifted. Or I've angered the RRRR gods with my bloated, underused list of content...?

    This is why I love RRRR -- I have ALLLLL those fantastic, ridiculous freebies from Valandar which pop up in my pulls. Because, let's face it, when else would I ever render an MRI machine? I didn't even know I HAD an MRI Machine!

  • TotteTotte Posts: 13,527
    edited December 1969

    This is why I love RRRR -- I have ALLLLL those fantastic, ridiculous freebies from Valandar which pop up in my pulls. Because, let's face it, when else would I ever render an MRI machine? I didn't even know I HAD an MRI Machine!

    Lol, I had plans to use it in a render, but dirtied and damaged, to pose as the "Genusator", then machine that is used in the future to punish non gender neutral behaviors. It's for a post apocalyptic adventure, and this is a "look back into the history that could be a possible future for us".
  • KaribouKaribou Posts: 1,325
    edited December 1969

    Totte said:
    Lol, I had plans to use it in a render, but dirtied and damaged, to pose as the "Genusator", then machine that is used in the future to punish non gender neutral behaviors. It's for a post apocalyptic adventure, and this is a "look back into the history that could be a possible future for us".

    Where do you come up with such magnificent ideas?! I wish I had your creative energy! Your "Adventures of Lomund" already astounds me. I've never tried rendering a narrative/story -- I have commitment issues, lol. I'd get two images done and get distracted. (The Karibou Who Stole Christmas was the longest series of renders I've ever done!)
  • TotteTotte Posts: 13,527
    edited December 1969

    Totte said:
    Lol, I had plans to use it in a render, but dirtied and damaged, to pose as the "Genusator", then machine that is used in the future to punish non gender neutral behaviors. It's for a post apocalyptic adventure, and this is a "look back into the history that could be a possible future for us".

    Where do you come up with such magnificent ideas?! I wish I had your creative energy! Your "Adventures of Lomund" already astounds me. I've never tried rendering a narrative/story -- I have commitment issues, lol. I'd get two images done and get distracted. (The Karibou Who Stole Christmas was the longest series of renders I've ever done!)

    I was born this way, what is your excuse? ;-)

  • KaribouKaribou Posts: 1,325
    edited December 1969

    Totte said:
    I was born this way, what is your excuse? ;-)

    I blame my children. You think zombies eat brains? Children eat brains. And they're sneaky about it. too -- you don't notice your gray matter being siphoned away until you look back at your brain BEFORE children. Post-apocalyptic MRI ideas were displaced by potty-training techniques, or 5th-grade division, or episodes of the Teletubbies...
  • TotteTotte Posts: 13,527
    edited December 1969

    Totte said:
    I was born this way, what is your excuse? ;-)

    I blame my children. You think zombies eat brains? Children eat brains. And they're sneaky about it. too -- you don't notice your gray matter being siphoned away until you look back at your brain BEFORE children. Post-apocalyptic MRI ideas were displaced by potty-training techniques, or 5th-grade division, or episodes of the Teletubbies...

    Teletubbies, haha, that's how those who's been treated with Genus-therapy will act and look like. And those who lived back then (seen from the future), was scared of GEPO, the GenusPolice, who wore long black leather coats...

  • KaribouKaribou Posts: 1,325
    edited December 1969

    Totte said:
    Teletubbies, haha, that's how those who's been treated with Genus-therapy will act and look like. And those who lived back then (seen from the future), was scared of GEPO, the GenusPolice, who wore long black leather coats...

    And here I thought Teletubbies couldn't get any scarier...
  • MarkHossackMarkHossack Posts: 28
    edited December 1969

    Hopefully real life won't get in the way and stop me doing something this time.

    990: The Fountain
    264: DM's Lost Land (Renderosity)
    859: Scraac
    1037: Treant

  • ZarconDeeGrissomZarconDeeGrissom Posts: 5,412
    edited October 2014

    Totte said:

    This is why I love RRRR -- I have ALLLLL those fantastic, ridiculous freebies from Valandar which pop up in my pulls. Because, let's face it, when else would I ever render an MRI machine? I didn't even know I HAD an MRI Machine!

    Lol, I had plans to use it in a render, but dirtied and damaged, to pose as the "Genusator", then machine that is used in the future to punish non gender neutral behaviors. It's for a post apocalyptic adventure, and this is a "look back into the history that could be a possible future for us". So all we need are some 'Future Predators' (Primeval BBC), lol. "O" never mind, them are really bad.

    I like the render and pulls so far, this is going to be a good topic.

    Things you have to do before you die... Hmmm. (NOT an entry, different project)

    1920 x 1080 - 584K
    Post edited by ZarconDeeGrissom on
  • kaz42kaz42 Posts: 63
    edited December 1969

    Moving right along to pull #2! :)

    Poseable Bonsai Tree
    Love Me Hair for Genesis
    Ultimate Canine Bundle
    Aiko 4 Base

    Already got some ideas brewing for this, but I'll have plenty of time to think about it while I work alllllllll day today. :/ Ultimate Canines should be fun, I picked them up during the sale this month and haven't even rendered a dog yet. :P

  • EmsimEmsim Posts: 234
    edited December 1969

    This sounds like a fun theme!

    My first pull (and hopefully it won't take me 3 weeks to finish it):

    1588 Professional Style
    883 Stone Accents - Fences
    938 Jepe's FlameZ
    725 Generic Sci-Fi Corridor

  • TotteTotte Posts: 13,527
    edited December 1969

    Totte said:
    Lol, I had plans to use it in a render, but dirtied and damaged, to pose as the "Genusator", then machine that is used in the future to punish non gender neutral behaviors. It's for a post apocalyptic adventure, and this is a "look back into the history that could be a possible future for us".

    Where do you come up with such magnificent ideas?! I wish I had your creative energy! Your "Adventures of Lomund" already astounds me. I've never tried rendering a narrative/story -- I have commitment issues, lol. I'd get two images done and get distracted. (The Karibou Who Stole Christmas was the longest series of renders I've ever done!)

    Here it is (Not an entry, just to amuse karibous)

    1600 x 900 - 396K
  • Ken OBanionKen OBanion Posts: 1,447
    edited December 1969

    Just found out about this new round, but you know I'm gonna play!

    And yes, Totte, I shall be more than happy to throw some shekels into the sponsorship kitty. (Check your PMs!)

    Now to update my list; I kind of went a little bit berserk during the PA Festival...!

  • Shades of KnightShades of Knight Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    W00t! I'm in. Thanks, Totte and donors.

    I hope to get all 7 done this time, if my work doesn't get in the way.

    Nice entry Kaz42. Even though it has a lot more wood-finishing, it reminds me of that one scene in that one space movie with that one song playing in the background. ;)

    My first pull:
    Summertime Grill
    Postal Props
    FW Neomi
    Kung Fu HD for Genesis 2 Male(s)

  • Ken OBanionKen OBanion Posts: 1,447
    edited December 1969

    And here is pull #1....

    412 - Miwa Anime Hair for Genesis 2 Female(s)
    721 - Colors for Chic Hair
    3334 - Martial Arts Weapons 2
    382 - Dragon's Tower

    "Things I have to do before I die"? Come up with a render for this mess!

  • KaribouKaribou Posts: 1,325
    edited December 1969

    Totte said:
    [Here it is (Not an entry, just to amuse karibous)

    I'm very glad that the one I was in today didn't look like that!! Very cool grunge textures, btw -- definitely post-apocalyptic. Apparently I need to think outside my box more often! (Not hard to think outside the MRI machine, though -- it's tiny in there!! It felt MUCH smaller inside that machine today than it looks in the render.)

    Random factoid... My fiance (an electrical engineer who works for GE Medical) tells me that if you put an aluminum object inside the bore with the magnet running, the aluminum will "defy gravity." (Google it -- very cool to see!) If you move any metal through a magnetic field, a current is induced. And so, the object (with current running through it) generates its OWN electromagnetic field, essentially creating another magnet. He informs me that if you have an aluminum wrench inside of an MRI bore, you have to move it slowly because fast motion increases the strength of the field and makes it difficult or impossible to move!

    It's also amusing (and scary!) to see what happens when iron objects are put in the magnetic field... Makes you understand why they ask if you've ever had metal particles in your eye. (eeeek!)

    Okay. Must stop talking about the MRI and start rendering it instead. Outside the box. Outside the box...

  • zawarkalzawarkal Posts: 1,018
    edited December 1969

    pull #01

    divinity skies prophecy
    dark trees pack 1
    Christmas accessories
    drifter hair for genesis 2 male
    LB: courageous warrior for genesis 2 male

    actually have an idea for this one

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