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How do I install now decimator in this version?
Ok, so I got the same blackscreen rendering crash that I had in this new version the previous version now. So it must be something else going on.
SO, Reinstalling
Has anyone had crashes rendering scenes created in previous versions?
That isn't the correct version. It should read DS4_Decimator_1.7.2.70_Win64.exe which you will get if you redownload it,.
If it is doing it in the older even more likely to be something video card related.
My feedback about the new General Release. So far it's stable but I do notice things loading slower than usual. These are not intensive files as I'm setting up materials and doing renders on like ONE figure with a backdrop.
seams like noone is rendering as movie
but its a valid option
so it should work
I thought it was just me and that I was just seeing things. But I'm getting the same feeling - things are a little slower, Smart Content seems to be a little slower to load even when searchign for something. I couldn't really put a finger on it tho....just thought maybe I was going insane. :D
was it always the case that when rendering to movie studio stores every frame in the temp folder as png ?
but even after deleting all this it does not free memory
Apart from my renders crashes (i think my card is on the way out) I think Daz should raise the minimum pc specs, especially for iray rendering
thx richard but what about the ram issue ?
just rendered the movie as image series and ram stays down
Image sequence is geneally the best practise anyway, but if you are seeing a new increase in RAM usage when rednering direct to a movie that should be reproted as a possible bug.
Your card could just need a good cleaning...especially if it has a shroud over the heatsink. Dust will collect under that shroud and the card will overheat much more quicky.
Yeah, its been a while since opening the case and cleaning stuff ..ok its been a year lol
Ummm....then it's probably time.
Alright, I give up!
I have gone thorugh all of the suggested methods of solving the Viewport scaling I have found in this form and none of them seems to solve the problem. I am NOT using a 4K monitor, so I have Checked the [Disable display scaling on high DPI settings], as suggested. I have set the Windows 10 - Display settings at[Change the size of text, apps, and other items: 100%], My Viewport still looses all of the controls on the top right side the moment I try to expand the docked panels on both sides of the application. (See attached images: This is a screen shot of version maximized at 1080p - 1920 x 1080)
MAX_Left_Only is fine, MAX_Right_Only is fine but MAX_Both clearly is NOT fine!
Any ideas?
win7 x64 App error Unable to start 0xc000007b
Resolved Issues
Are you trying to run the 32 bit version of Studio?
Remov e Shader Mixer/Shader Builder from the center dock.
Is to start X64
Internal damage DLL
i use movie renders only for testing purposes quick renders
a ticket is up already
and this was photoreal
interactive with image series stores your ram till its full then renders black and is not stopablet
You Rock!
Thanks Mike!
Try reinstalling Studio, making sure that the current install is NOT running.
indeed that is very bad; you could use a vacuume cleaner, but I wouldn't recommend it. Compressed air is best around the components.
well, I vacuumed it all, and the last few renders finished. Also took some ram from another pc (the wife will never notice!) taking the 9 year old dell to the max 8gb (woooo)
Due to budgeting, the plan is to get an i5 with 16gb next and havent decided on gpu(s). I would stick with the dell if it had 2 pci express slots but no
Creating new shaders in shader builder is broken in general release and beta for me. When I try to create a new shader DS4.9 is closed.
YIKES.. not good at all!
I upgraded to DAZ Studio 4.9.2 and it has been lagging. Previously, when I loaded genesis 3 male and female base, the program load the character fast. Now, I am experiencing a long load time. It has to delete the assest of the whole scene (even though it is empty) followed by loading assets. It hangs there for a bit. The character suddenly appears after a few seconds. Anyone else experiencing this problem? I reinstalled Studio x3... Thank you very much.
I have the same problem and i cant change the resolution cause im using a HD monitor and after the update everything is too big and it looks too crowded, and for last and no less i cannot use the Reality Render button cause the button for render is hidden in the screen and i cannot reach it; at least someone can help me to change the resolution because im lost in that part and i dont want to downgrade