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Cool thanks. I have started reading the Fiddling with Iray Skin settings at the very begining and stripped all the textures & maps but left all the settings except adding a diffuse color and I basically get a nice cartoon look that actually isn't bad. You can see with properly defined overlays and masks you could get something pretty realistic looking with enough work without everything basically being included in the diffuse texture layer as it is now. I will look forward to adding in the maps & such one by one until it looks pretty realistic again but without the diffuse textures. It will be interesting to learn.
Practice is the best thing , you never know what you end with and on the way find something new and interesting , sorry for not sharing deeper any info, but I am working on commercial products in this thread so keeping it tight until release . :)
Btw here is one of the Merchant resource metal Gold 14 K with different surfaces and reflection smart layers than can be used on each metal independent so a lot of possibilities , the pack will have over 240 already set metals surfaces + 22 reflection distortions , you can load your own normal or bump maps and AO for the dirt effect into the channels keeping all PBR , I will show later the effect.
The product is to use in own commercial-only product as material preset for your sets , of course everyone can buy it and not just product makers
this pack is not for making own shaders and materials need to be saved as material preset for the model , what don''t mean someone make one sword with 250 material preset if you know what I mean
in the tree it looks like that for example
1. PBR Gold14 K + 9 types of the metal with different micro surface + 22 different reflection surfaces on top for each metal type = 207 different Gol14K looks
below just couple of examples of 1 x PBR Gold14K Used , the other 8 styles will give different effect
I need to start soon new thread for this product as it will get too busy here with all the stuff soon
Oh, I don't mind a bit if you don't share that detailed information as really it will be interesting for me to learn this somewhat before your product becomes available. To start, I've simply stripped all the textures and maps and defined a translucency color that to me on my monitor looks to be close to albino. I'm rendering that now. And I see how the approach for gold is the same for skin and other materials.
Funny thing is without all those other maps and textures I see so much better the effects of translucency and glossiness and a good ideal of how I want to built this up layer and mask by layer and mask than had I kept the textures and maps and tried to replace them one by one (the Genesis 2 iRay Material Presets).
This is going to be fun. I'm mostly doing this to create my own personal toon style iRay material presets so I doubt I'll go to all the detail that you are but if it winds up being fun for me then why not? The HRDI and PBR together is great! I do have occasional desire for realistic material presets that <I think> I understand is the approach you are taking so I will definately be happy to buy your PBR Bundle when it's ready. Thanks again.
I'm having fun playing with skin maps now that I have Photoshop and can follow Mec4d's advice from way back about Vibrance. Muuuch better.
You know that new Disney animations are done using PBR materials? that why they created metallicity version of regular shader , when you render with iray, no matter real or fantasy or cartoon you should use accurate shaders settings , that is the point of unbiased rendering and not just for photo realistic stuff . in Iray less realistic means less details
Had to search the forums to see what Vibrance is...since it's part of Photoshop I guess I will have to see in Gimp/Nik or PS Essentials 9/Nik has something similar, although I'm not wanting to post process although that's good preparation I imagine for figuring out how to prep the PBR to do it in iRay eventually..
The textures have build in everything already, the specular, the blood , translucency since are photo textures , removing the vibrance will stripe off the fake red translucency so it can be replaced with the shader for proper function , also the brightness need to get down so the new specular settings shine on top .
My first test skins don;t have any color textures or anything of it and it worked so removing half data from the textures will only improve 3D settings and you can add only as much as was removed for the right balance . I am going to make more tests soon to see how this works and the new settings .
Well definately I could create just a few masks and gradient masks to create easy-peasy textures with none of the really bad attempts of me and my mouse in Blender, LOL and have a great looking toon shading. So much better than all that diffuse texturing were you always felt many of the characters were using all the same diffuse textures.
It looks so good already with no bumpmaps or anything and I lucked out and picked the right shade for albino from the get go although I probably should see if there is a 'reference dictionary' of all these PBR values I should use because I have no ideal if it's actually somewhat near that average value of it just looks like it in the render due to the default HRDI lighting in iRay. The translucence for the external skin was the only thing I've changed so far, everything else is the default for the Genesis 2 Male iRay optimized shaders.
from what I remember it does have a plugin for that , it is different than saturation but under the same family, I believe I saw pluging last year when someone else asked .
Since after release we go forward with the product here I would recomend for you to set new thread when u ready as it will go little in the way with the currently subject as myself going to set new one for next product so the customer that purchased vol.2 can have one spot for all needs or questions regarding vol.2 in the future or post new art work .. so important stuff you post get lost .
OK, I am going to the
As it turns out really I've not any more questions I just need to find proper references and work through the process myself. Thanks very much.
Just make sure there is not pure white in the channel for Base color or Specular color , the translucent color can red 255 but when used with guide maps , or little darker in brightness when not .
PBR values are online just search Google for skin, hair and other stuff you find it all there for specular as that is most important so it blend nicely with the environment but usually it never get above 150 in brightness of the gray scale .. never use color in specular unless for metals with PBR always grayscale for all objects .
No such thing as enough, never mind too much, processing power for rendering.
My system is last gen but top of range, and I have two graphics cards, and I've had renders take hours; that is likely (certainly in some cases) down to my lack of experience; however, I know of one PA here (IIRC or maybe a customer only) who has 4 titans, and theirs are quick, but not instant. :)
That would be great...
Hurry up and take my cash! :)
4 x Titans X will use just 80% of its power to render when on SLI, so don;t think that 4 titans X will give you 4 times the same power than 1 Titan X on 1 CPU , there is no INSTANT render with iray software no matter 1 or 10 Titan X the CPU still need to process the data with 4 cards, so unless you run 4 CPU with 4 Cards at the same time you can;t double the speed power by adding extra card . For example rendering 1 cube with 1 titan x will take the same time than with 2 titan X , however if you use complex materials or bigger scene then you can see improvements in time but still not double faster , when rendering with Interactive it is another story , the speed is insane but some way it consume my RAM , the other day I rendered animation with my new metals and it used all my system memory after couple of minutes , but the renders was pooping like crazy then system message and 32 GB was gone .. need to close program .. may be bug or something .. I think the world need better CPU to process better and faster the data on side with so many cards in the system .. until then I don't bother .. for what I do my twins titans are enough for now... Patience is a Virtue :)
BTW today is already one month since I created this thread .. the time flows
I hope Easter Bunny bring some goods for you this weekend .. all possible
The efficient parallization of graphics processing is supposed to the one big improvement in Direct X 12 / Vulkan / Metal over the prior versions of those softwares.
for games and SLI maybe but see no difference with iray
Here are the 4 volumetric water shaders from vol.2 rendered on the Stonemason new set
Really beautiful!
I see a little wink there. I'll keep my out for the bunny.
Sounds like plenty of shader balls ... Ehhh.... eggs
Ooh... hope the cats don't chase the Easter bunny too much...
It's an improvement in how the CPU handles parallelization and dispatching of graphics operations so it applies to all art processing that uses GPUs, not just games and SLI.
We don't know how it will be implemented as yet. Hope it will improve things, but still early days.
And that is only with Windows, and specifically Windows 10. It is interesting to note that MS will only support new releases of of CPU architecture with W10,
I'm trying to put off buying another computer until I see how this year shakes out. So many things that might be huge gamechangers coming.
I am not updating my rig for the next 2 years ..that's for sure as I just did
btw what about section of the water ? lol having little fun
Did you use and Iray section plane? That looks very interesting.
What happens if you put a camera underwater and render an underwater scene?
I tried with the section plane but it cut the stones so it was empty inside but the water was looking cool just no volumetric anymore
so I moved the water model in the middle of the set for the second time in image above ..
when you go under water with the camera then it will render as usual, just will take time for the volume to finish , kinda take long to clean the noise ... I think putting the camera inside glass sphere will create interesting effect especially if you want capture up and under water at once but have to try it out to be sure ot working
there my be an option to assign the section plane just to the water, but never played with it enough to tell
here under water camera 500 iterations .