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here from the fish view point still under water just slightly below the surface
After seeing your animation and the renders you posted on the thread in commons I immediately snapped up that bundle (and a few other bits from stonemason) now I'm looking forward to even more options with this new shader pack! Although I admit I'm still learning how to use vol. 1 well.
By the way, any word on the wood pack vol. 3?
Vol.2 is easy to use as all shaders are preset already all you need to do is just scale (tile ) it correctly to your model size
Wood vol.3 will be released after Merchant Resource Pure Metal in April
Thanks for the support !
Having fun again with the Lake set, replaced water and ground with one of the moss shader from vol.2 stones with mossy stones shader u got the other day , v7 with my Vampire huntress outfit with leather shader and cotton from vol.2
Outstanding work. Absolutely looking forward to these volumetric water shaders.
Wishing I could get the Fern Lake set, but even without I'm really looking forward to what I can do with the volumetric water on some other sets. :)
Full(er) Ultra HD sized version of my Apt 39 revamp with PBS Shaders Vol.2 is in the gallery to like & experience in it's detail. Loving this set of shaders! The perfect way to breathe new life into vintage sets & props. <3
Any release date yet?
I just sent the same question to the store marketing , it was never so late before but I suspect due to new PA wave .. I am as impatience as you already
but finger crossed and waiting for the reply .
beautiful water!
hope these shaders are released soon...
i've already been holding my breath for them this Madness, and the more you show of them the more i wish i could be using them and learning them now. :)
Thanks, I stopped teasing you with it until the release .. so much stuff it is even hard to show you everything in previews , I wish you got it already
Thanks for the support and stay tuned, the release day is closer
So do we Cath! Can't wait to start redoing older stuff with this!
Just for spring time .. dusting off the old sets :) can't wait to see what you all do with
It's really funny that the architecture stuff comes out just as I've been noodling at trying to spruce up older content. Heh.
Did you wish for or something ? he he I want to make separate Construction pack this summer with a lot of stuff .. just for that , different types of side walks, walls , stones and all the new stuff ..I play with it often
Architectural construction pack by MEC4D? WANT!
Wishing for cobblestones ...
It will cover it as well and everything around us
No, keep teasing us ... we deserve it ...
well I had my doubts about the water but these last few renders showed me the light and proved to me that you are better at this than I...for now. :)
Might deserve it, but don't know if I can handle much more. :)
I thought it was The Truth! that we were not supposed to be able to handle?
Is that a peace offering or what Pete ? lol
You can have as much doubts as you want ..remember one thing .. Nothing bite a Lion
however you can still do better artwork of course ..
I avoid cheating in iray or use of alternatives .. as that is the path to the dark side of mambo jumbo carousel aka fake it until you make it ..if you know what I mean .. and I can't sell BS to my trusting customers .
Peace offering for what? I hope you didn't think I was having a go at you as I wasn't. I am just blunt. :)
I don't doubt myself anymore I just know my limits as it stands now.
I still think it's worth cheating sometimes, particularly when stuff is too complex for Iray to do 'right.' But you don't know until you try to do it realistically. ;)
For a moment I did ..but now I was just kidding with the comments
You see things are so simple that are hard to get , the darkest place is always under the lamp
and I refuse to believe in your limits , you too creative and too smart for that
The Internet info today on this subject is mixed in all directions and in total chaos that grows up everyday and less sense it make
for that reason I unsubscribe from all the treads and study on my own as group of people tend to make stuff more difficult as it really is and consume more time and energy
PBR is less difficult than 3DL shaders, you just need to empty your cup and follow the simple path
Everything that exist in real world can be recreated with iray , one things more difficult other less , the only thing that you should never cheat with are reflection surfaces and right color brightness as it will screw everything
and you mean stuff too complex for us to recreate in iray .. iray just shut photons on the surfaces we made.. as my mother always said .. how you made your bed, so will be your dreams
MEC4D: if you are ever get tired of making shaders you should contemplate a career as philosopher...
I am definitely lover of wisdom and I believe in the beauty of simplicity and I often wish to translate my exact thoughts and visions into words, but not always possible that why metaphors are so handy but still sometimes I find myself in a room with a low ceiling , and there isn't light in all my room
Those water renders looks really great , makes me want to go have a swim.
An Architectural construction pack would be awesome to play with .
Thanks, I would go too if I can see the bottom lol
Yes and a lot of it at last 250 and more, starting shutting materials for that soon