The [Disco Chives] Misplaced Parrot Complaint Thread



  • DanaTA said:

    Has DAZ been hacked?  Or are they actually putting ads at the top of the forum page?  I never saw this in here before today...


  • Well, fellas, it's been a great ride. I think I've reached that point of "I've got enough to work with for the next ten years." You guys have been a great source of entertainment and acvice these past couple of years. It was good to grow with y'all.

  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,262

    The ads disappeared!  Maybe it's a timed thing?  Or, maybe they realized from all the complaints that it's not such a good idea.  Later I'll see if they're still gone.

  • were still here on ipad until I enabled strictt privacy on Firefox a minute ago

    not figured it out for Safari yet

    considering other sites I browse are not this bad and the general adblocking was enabled 

    DAZ is using a particulary aggressive approach on their site

  • Charlie JudgeCharlie Judge Posts: 12,888
    edited February 2024

    DanaTA said:

    Has DAZ been hacked?  Or are they actually putting ads at the top of the forum page?  I never saw this in here before today...


    No, not hacked. Google provides the ads but DAZ provides the slots for them to do it. The ads are in the gallery also.

    Post edited by Charlie Judge on
  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,658
    edited February 2024

    Any bets on how long before we have to pay to subscribe to use the forum?indecision

    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • I just bought some legacy items in the sale I wanted yes

    TBH if I hadn't solved the Ad issue here, I wouldn't have out of spite

  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,262

    Well, it's back...though this time only at the bottom of the screen, and seemingly not in post edit mode.

  • NylonGirlNylonGirl Posts: 1,927

    LeatherGryphon said:

    Any bets on how long before we have to pay to subscribe to use the forum?indecision

    My guess is they will add a few more advertisements and try to charge people money to get rid of the ads.

  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,221

    NylonGirl said:

    LeatherGryphon said:

    Any bets on how long before we have to pay to subscribe to use the forum?indecision

    My guess is they will add a few more advertisements and try to charge people money to get rid of the ads.

    Good point.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,220
    edited February 2024

    McGyver said:

    So... the past three days we've had guests over from North Carolina (technically from India, but they aren't going back for a few months)...

    So this weekend we took them around a little showing them some of the beaches and parks and stuff... today we were supposed to go to Manhattan to take them to the King Kong Building (the 1933 King Kong) and afterwards drop them off at my wife's cousin's house who's next on the visitation agenda... but anyway, on the way there this happens on the other side of the highway...

    That's not my picture because I was driving and the overpass blocked my view of the actual landing until we were past it... so I didn't get a chance to take a picture... but it basically landed a minute or two before we came upon it... there was still dust and debris settling down as we drove past... 

    So... my wife is generally super calm about stuff like this, I'm like used to stuff like that, but the two guests barely acknowledged this... which I found really unusual... like they looked up and were like "oh..." 

    So I'm like wondering A- Does this happen frequently where they are from, or B- Did someone tell them NY drivers are so bad that they were expecting Mad Max - Fury Road, and this seemed tame... These are two people who never really go anywhere and were fascinated by two stupid looking deer (not even "A" quality deer... like these were those shabby uncombed looking deer "C" quality at best)... but like a plane crash was like only worth a glance up and then they went back to texting or reading stuff on their phones... 

    Granted my wife's other cousin did warn us they get bored really quickly... which they totally did each time... King Kong building included... like who goes to NYC, does one thing and then wants to go home right away... I gotta give my wife credit, she was clearly losing patience when they were like "can we go back now"... we were prepared to do a whole tour and I could hear that tone in her voice that she gets when I'm doing something really annoying (which is surprisingly frequently, which I'm sure everyone is shocked to find out)... 

    But anyway... yeah... weird day. least it looks like the people on board  survived unlike that jet crash on the Florida freeway near  Naples a couple days ago.


    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,220
    edited February 2024

    LeatherGryphon said:

    Getting new electronic equipment and other appliances back in the day (pre-1974), used to be unfinished until you found the professionally written, edited, & printed, enclosed manual and read it for all the wonderful secrets it held.  These days, good luck getting more than a leaflet that lists the buttons and simply repeats the engraving on the panel next to the button.frown  It's intuitively obvious, right?  Yet we now have to explain how to not stick one's hand in boiling water.  Or not stand on the top of the ladder.  Or to not leave your cake out in the rain.indecision  I don't think I can take it.sad

    ...I still have he full owner's manual that ame with my old late 1960s Kenwood Hi-Fi which included the full schematics.  On the back there is a list of about a dozen and a half places in the country  listed that could service it. 

    I miss those days.

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,220
    edited February 2024

    DanaTA said:

    Has DAZ been hacked?  Or are they actually putting ads at the top of the forum page?  I never saw this in here before today...

     ..not seeing any here, but then I have fairly robust advert blocking software active and apparently Daz doesn't have antii-advert blocking software like other sites have .

    Of course it will likely only be a matter of time before they do.

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • NylonGirlNylonGirl Posts: 1,927

    kyoto kid said:

    DanaTA said:

    Has DAZ been hacked?  Or are they actually putting ads at the top of the forum page?  I never saw this in here before today...

     ..not seeing any here, but then I have fairly robust advert blocking software active and apparently Daz doesn't have antii-advert blocking software like other sites have .

    Of course it will likely only be a matter of time before they do.

    Then we will bring out the ((advert blocking) blocking) blocking software.

  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,262
    edited February 2024

    kyoto kid said:

    DanaTA said:

    Has DAZ been hacked?  Or are they actually putting ads at the top of the forum page?  I never saw this in here before today...

     ..not seeing any here, but then I have fairly robust advert blocking software active and apparently Daz doesn't have antii-advert blocking software like other sites have .

    Of course it will likely only be a matter of time before they do.

    Never mind, I misread your post.

    Post edited by DanaTA on
  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,658
    edited February 2024

    kyoto kid said:

    McGyver said:

    So... the past three days we've had guests over from North Carolina (technically from India, but they aren't going back for a few months)...

    So this weekend we took them around a little showing them some of the beaches and parks and stuff... today we were supposed to go to Manhattan to take them to the King Kong Building (the 1933 King Kong) and afterwards drop them off at my wife's cousin's house who's next on the visitation agenda... but anyway, on the way there this happens on the other side of the highway...

    ...[snip] least it looks like the people on board  survived unlike that jet crash on the Florida freeway near  Naples a couple days ago.


    I know the spot where that big plane in Florida crashed.  I've been past that spot many times.  It's on the west side of Florida, just south of Naples.  Leave Naples heading  south on I-75 and then continuing on I-75, go 'round-the-bend to head East toward Miami on the other side of the state.  My cousin lives in Naples, just a few miles or so from the accident site.

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    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • NylonGirlNylonGirl Posts: 1,927

    So, I decided to go out of my comfort zone an audition for a modeling job. First, it seemed to be going well as I stood there nervously and the man said, "this is a very beautiful woman". But then I moved slightly and he said "wait, this a giraffe". I shifted slightly again and he said "okay you're a woman again". But then I got excited and blinked, and he said "nope, giraffe".

    After figuring out what was going on, I tilted my head to the left 12.5 degrees and he said "you've got the job". But then an executive came in and said "There's been a change of plans. After reviewing our market research, it appears we don't need a woman. We need a sasquatch".

    Fully rejected, I turned and walked away. But as I made my exit, I extended my neck more than the length of my body, and ate all of their high hanging fruit.

  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,066

    Well... I'm outta here for a while... I was busy for a couple of days and come here today to see sleezy ads festering at the top and bottom of the page... I feel like I need to take a shower now... seriously tasteless trash ads obviously intended to lure in the gullible... Gross... see y'all later when and if I come to terms with this s**t.

    Really, really gross.

  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,221
    edited February 2024

    The Daz Forum is showing me ads for dental implants.  I assume there is some sort of targeting algorythm.  I don't feel good about myself right now.  Don't think that helps their sales.

    EDIT:  If not obvious, that is my complaint.


    dental implant ads.png
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    Post edited by Diomede on
  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,658
    edited February 2024

    "The No Ads In The Forum", Complaint Thread


    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,262

    Three on top and two at the bottom, one above the DAZ links and one absolute bottom.

    This is a forum where DAZ products and 3D in general are discussed.  (Except for this thread and perhaps a few others)  Why would they intentionally whisk us away to some other site, for things we really don't even want, mostly?  And maybe spend the money we would have spent on DAZ products somewhere else instead!  Seems like a poor business decision.

  • There is already a thread on the ads here - please use that. And please PM us ads that are offensive or questionable, so that they can be blocked (actually offensive or questionably legal, not every ad because the idea is offensive).

  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,262

    Richard Haseltine said:

    There is already a thread on the ads here - please use that. And please PM us ads that are offensive or questionable, so that they can be blocked (actually offensive or questionably legal, not every ad because the idea is offensive).

    So, this is not a valid complaint?  This is the complaint thread. 

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,220

    LeatherGryphon said:

    "The No Ads In The Forum", Complaint Thread



  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,558
    edited February 2024

    I had no idea Pirates fine dined so much devil

    I thought it was all hard tack, barrels of salty dried meat wih fish and rum surprise

    so after writing this I Googled and found a food pyramid laugh

    Post edited by WendyLuvsCatz on
  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,220



  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,658
    edited February 2024

    Popin' in here to drop off a ramble that I'd put into the wrong thread.  That thread had mentioned Australia but I went way off topic and started reminiscing.blush  But figured the good folks in this thread would know how to properly ignore it, so here it is:

    Back in '95, I was in Australia for 5 weeks, mostly New South Wales and Queensland but some Northern Territories too, and I never heard anyone saying "no worries mate", they would however say "no woories maiyt".indecision   I was afraid to go to Victoria because of the language difficulties.devil

    All accent kidding aside, my host explained that the accent has mellowed in the last 50 years.  To demonstrate, he introduced me to an old timer (veteran of WW-II) whose manner of speech was really difficult to understand.  Sort of like running into a 90 year old West Virginia hill person chawin' tobaccy while 'splainin' history with 50% words and colloquialisms I'd never heard before.frown

    Non-complaint:  OK, talking about Austrialia again got my rememberin' meat (i.e. brain) humming.  While in Austrialia, I stayed with a person who had come to Washington DC, back in the late '80s.  We (Max & I) took him up to the Buffalo area on a few hundred mile drive through the Pennsylvania & NY forests, to see Niagara Falls and to my parent's house to see how typical country people live.  After my Max had died, I returned the visit with a trip to Cairns, Queensland.  At the time, I was on my year long motorcycle trip around the US, and was sporting a nice short Mohawk haircut, I was in the peak of my conditioning, big muscular biker in my 40s.  My host took me to his local pub a couple of times but made sure that I understood that he would be introducing me as his "Red Indian friend from the US".surpriseindecision  Um, OK, sure, no woories maiyt.yes

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  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,536

    My question is either; Why are there ads in the Daz forums or Why is kitty so sad?

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  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,658
    edited February 2024

    Non-complaint:  Yay, a friend came by and took me to breakfast.  Mmmm..., a good omelet, English Muffin with peanut butter, coffee, and orange juice.  Mmmm..., such luxury.yes  And I got a bit of grocery shopping done too.  'Twas a good morning in the boonies.smiley  

    Note:  The omelet was so big that I took half of it home and had it for lunch

    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • Yummy

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This discussion has been closed.