ot Blizzardy Warning? whiskey tango foxtrot



  • PetercatPetercat Posts: 2,321
    McGyver said:
    They also keep mentioning that we should send them pictures of the snow where we are... Now I want to go outside and pee "NEWS 12" in the snow and send them the picture... Well... If I'm gonna do this I have to start drinking more water... Maybe orange juice... Water will probably not make the pee yellow enough, and they won't get it... 

    Well, later...

    You could always put yellow food coloring (with a little red) in a squirt bottle. They're newsies, they wouldn't know the difference.

    They'd probably be impressed by the sheer quantity...

    Just don't use too much red or you'll have LifeFlight on your front lawn.

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 37,962
    Petercat said:
    McGyver said:
    They also keep mentioning that we should send them pictures of the snow where we are... Now I want to go outside and pee "NEWS 12" in the snow and send them the picture... Well... If I'm gonna do this I have to start drinking more water... Maybe orange juice... Water will probably not make the pee yellow enough, and they won't get it... 

    Well, later...

    You could always put yellow food coloring (with a little red) in a squirt bottle. They're newsies, they wouldn't know the difference.

    They'd probably be impressed by the sheer quantity...

    Just don't use too much red or you'll have LifeFlight on your front lawn.

    unless he likes beetroot

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,825

    ...there's a pub in the neighbourhood that makes a drink called a Beet Down which uses beet juice.

  • PetercatPetercat Posts: 2,321

    Fool, you and Kyoto Kid share the win.

    It's 32dF (0dC) here now. Hope it warms up later today.

    Shutting up now.

  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,099

    Round 2 by the end of the week.  Sorry, Chohole, we intend to continue keeping all the snow.  Forecast map includes a second blizzard.  Any chance some mad scientists really have invented a volcano-fueled lair/machine to control the weather?  If so, I will pay my share of the ransom.

    aa weather map next week.JPG
    484 x 414 - 46K
  • ThatGuyThatGuy Posts: 794

    Ehhh back to work today....nothing but slush out here in Manhattan this morning.  Glad I wore my snow bootst today.  

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    edited January 2016
    kyoto kid said:
    McGyver said:
    diomede said:

    OK, forget the snowfall totals that I posted.  The WaPost is reporting that DC is so dysfunctional that we cannot even measure snow. 


    Washington, D.C., snowfall total called into question after improper measurement

    By Angela Fritz January 23 at 8:26 PM

    Ouch... Literally, I snorted on my coffee when I read the big bold type.  Well, you gotta understand... It was cold and windy and if you follow the guidelines for the proper measurement procedure it could be pretty complicated... Like for one, you have to measure in more than one place (and still find your way back), then know the difference between windblown areas and drifts, use one of those super complicated hi-tech wooden measuring sticks that all those kids these days are always playing with, know all you numbers so you can read the darned thing, and know the difference between snow and white concrete... Crazy stuff like that.  

    The article contained a link to the NOAA guidelines for accurate snow measurements, which I'm happy for and now have a copy of.

    I used to have a nice weather station that did wind speed/direction, precipitation, and the other basic stuff... But apparently it turned out to be not so nice and not made out of UV resistant plastic... It came from some crap manufacturer that tried to look like it was Edmund Scientific and was sold in one of those pseudotechie overpriced mall stores. Most of the plastic started to degenerate after one summer and when I sent the maker an email I got a response that basically stated "our products are not intended for outdoor use or harsh environmental conditions, the user is responsible for proper care and storage of the product"... I guess the unit was intended for measuring the rainfall and wind speed in my living room... Silly me.


    ...official Wisconsin approved snow measure device Fig. 1

    Fig. 2


    You missing living in Wisconsin?

    Post edited by Mistara on
  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,044

    Screw snowpocalypse, it's crappocalypse... I went out this morning to warm the cars up and everything was cover in bird crap... Apparently a huge flock of starlings have taken up residence in the neighborhood... It's like Alfred Hitchcock's "The Birds", just with crapping instead of pecking... There is a 75' x 150' area that is just speckled with crap... It's nasty because on the snow it really stands out... These stupid birds are here early too because normally they don't show up until March or early April... 

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,825
    MistyMist said:
    kyoto kid said:
    McGyver said:
    diomede said:

    OK, forget the snowfall totals that I posted.  The WaPost is reporting that DC is so dysfunctional that we cannot even measure snow. 


    Washington, D.C., snowfall total called into question after improper measurement

    By Angela Fritz January 23 at 8:26 PM

    Ouch... Literally, I snorted on my coffee when I read the big bold type.  Well, you gotta understand... It was cold and windy and if you follow the guidelines for the proper measurement procedure it could be pretty complicated... Like for one, you have to measure in more than one place (and still find your way back), then know the difference between windblown areas and drifts, use one of those super complicated hi-tech wooden measuring sticks that all those kids these days are always playing with, know all you numbers so you can read the darned thing, and know the difference between snow and white concrete... Crazy stuff like that.  

    The article contained a link to the NOAA guidelines for accurate snow measurements, which I'm happy for and now have a copy of.

    I used to have a nice weather station that did wind speed/direction, precipitation, and the other basic stuff... But apparently it turned out to be not so nice and not made out of UV resistant plastic... It came from some crap manufacturer that tried to look like it was Edmund Scientific and was sold in one of those pseudotechie overpriced mall stores. Most of the plastic started to degenerate after one summer and when I sent the maker an email I got a response that basically stated "our products are not intended for outdoor use or harsh environmental conditions, the user is responsible for proper care and storage of the product"... I guess the unit was intended for measuring the rainfall and wind speed in my living room... Silly me.


    ...official Wisconsin approved snow measure device Fig. 1

    Fig. 2


    You missing living in Wisconsin?

    ...yes and no, the latter for my achy bones and joints as well as reasons I cannot discuss without overstepping TOS.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,825
    McGyver said:

    Screw snowpocalypse, it's crappocalypse... I went out this morning to warm the cars up and everything was cover in bird crap... Apparently a huge flock of starlings have taken up residence in the neighborhood... It's like Alfred Hitchcock's "The Birds", just with crapping instead of pecking... There is a 75' x 150' area that is just speckled with crap... It's nasty because on the snow it really stands out... These stupid birds are here early too because normally they don't show up until March or early April... 

    ..interesting, I just saw The Birds on BBC America Last Night.

    However sounds more like the parody of the Hitchcock classic from High Anxiety (no decent quality versions to embed).

  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,044
    kyoto kid said:
    MistyMist said:
    kyoto kid said:
    McGyver said:
    diomede said:

    OK, forget the snowfall totals that I posted.  The WaPost is reporting that DC is so dysfunctional that we cannot even measure snow. 


    Washington, D.C., snowfall total called into question after improper measurement

    By Angela Fritz January 23 at 8:26 PM

    Ouch... Literally, I snorted on my coffee when I read the big bold type.  Well, you gotta understand... It was cold and windy and if you follow the guidelines for the proper measurement procedure it could be pretty complicated... Like for one, you have to measure in more than one place (and still find your way back), then know the difference between windblown areas and drifts, use one of those super complicated hi-tech wooden measuring sticks that all those kids these days are always playing with, know all you numbers so you can read the darned thing, and know the difference between snow and white concrete... Crazy stuff like that.  

    The article contained a link to the NOAA guidelines for accurate snow measurements, which I'm happy for and now have a copy of.

    I used to have a nice weather station that did wind speed/direction, precipitation, and the other basic stuff... But apparently it turned out to be not so nice and not made out of UV resistant plastic... It came from some crap manufacturer that tried to look like it was Edmund Scientific and was sold in one of those pseudotechie overpriced mall stores. Most of the plastic started to degenerate after one summer and when I sent the maker an email I got a response that basically stated "our products are not intended for outdoor use or harsh environmental conditions, the user is responsible for proper care and storage of the product"... I guess the unit was intended for measuring the rainfall and wind speed in my living room... Silly me.


    ...official Wisconsin approved snow measure device Fig. 1

    Fig. 2


    You missing living in Wisconsin?

     as well as reasons I cannot discuss without overstepping TOS.

    Mmmmm Texas Otter Soup... With beer pretzels... Mmmmm


  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,825

    ...not again...

    On the Complaint Thread, didn't Dana say it was 60° where he is today?

  • nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715

    Ouch, stay safe over the other side of the pond.

  • nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715
    Chohole said:


    wilmap said:

    I think I'd prefer snow to what we have here in England at the moment. Torrential downpours, and severe gales which is causing horrendous flooding, causing power cuts and many people to be flooded out of their homes. This has been going on now since before Christmas.


    I tend to agree with you there. Although we are ok, living as we do at 1200ft, but I do really feel so sorry for those living below us in the Valleys.

    Wales has been pretty badly hit in some areas, several times for some of them.

    And apparently we will get more when the storm front currently menacing the US drifts over towards us.



  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    we went from predictions of 1-3" to 5=10" in less than 24 hours.

    messy out there.  iz the wet heavy snow.  dunno if pizza will deliver today.  lol

  • SlimerJSpudSlimerJSpud Posts: 1,453
    edited February 2016

    For the Stupor Bowl on Sunday, we're expecting 70 degrees out here in California...


    Post edited by SlimerJSpud on

    For the Stupor Bowl on Sunday, we're expecting 70 degrees out here in California...


    LOL @ Stupor Bowel. Its a perfect description of the Super Bowel

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    super bowl!  needs beer and snacks!


  • SlimerJSpudSlimerJSpud Posts: 1,453


    For the Stupor Bowl on Sunday, we're expecting 70 degrees out here in California...


    LOL @ Stupor Bowel. Its a perfect description of the Super Bowel

    Bowl first, bowel later. Pass the hot wings, please!

  • Every year I make it a challenge to see if I can go a week after the fact without finding out who won the SuperBowl or the ... the ... (oh, what do you call the big game at the end of baseball season?  stupid senility sad), ... yeah, that one.  I usually fail and end up finding out by a careless glance in the wrong direction at a newspaper.

  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,044
    edited February 2016

    Taken earlier today, probably around 9:39 AM... Near the back end of the yard at the border of the woods... 

    About ten minutes after I took these I went a little further in the back and just about forty feet away the top of one of the sassafras trees snapped off... Spoiled the nice view and almost squashed my tractor... I checked on the tractor and took off before more branches came down... It looks now like a few oaks lost some big limbs... Well, more wood for the firepit this summer.

    Post edited by McGyver on
  • Bundle up, and stay together.

  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,365
    edited February 2016

    Every year I make it a challenge to see if I can go a week after the fact without finding out who won the SuperBowl or the ... the ... (oh, what do you call the big game at the end of baseball season?  stupid senility sad), ... yeah, that one.  I usually fail and end up finding out by a careless glance in the wrong direction at a newspaper.

    OK, so I'm quoting myself again but nobody wrote in to tell me the name of the big game at the end of baseball season so I had to look it up.  It turns out that it's not that easy to Google.  Apparently everybody just knows what it's called and it's not part of the regular season so it doesn't get mentioned except down in the small print.  So unless you know what it's called it's somewhat difficult to find. 

    But the answer for all you people like me who have holes in their memories is "World Series"! enlightened Which is a really poor name because it does not involve the world.cheeky  It is apparently though, a "series" of games not just one game.  surprise  The only saving grace about this whole misadventure is that despite accidentally finding out who won, I don't remember who won last year's football or baseball final games or who was even in them and I didn't drop dead and the world is still turning. devil


    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • Charlie JudgeCharlie Judge Posts: 12,551
    edited February 2016

    Every year I make it a challenge to see if I can go a week after the fact without finding out who won the SuperBowl or the ... the ... (oh, what do you call the big game at the end of baseball season?  stupid senility sad), ... yeah, that one.  I usually fail and end up finding out by a careless glance in the wrong direction at a newspaper.

    OK, so I'm quoting myself again but nobody wrote in to tell me the name of the big game at the end of baseball season so I had to look it up.  It turns out that it's not that easy to Google.  Apparently everybody just knows what it's called and it's not part of the regular season so it doesn't get mentioned except down in the small print.  So unless you know what it's called it's somewhat difficult to find. 

    But the answer for all you people like me who have holes in their memories is "World Series"! enlightened Which is a really poor name because it does not involve the world.cheeky  It is apparently though, a "series" of games not just one game.  surprise  The only saving grace about this whole misadventure is that despite accidentally finding out who won, I don't remember who won last year's football or baseball final games or who was even in them and I didnt' drop dead and the world is still turning. devil


    After the Stupor Bowl don't forget "March Madness". No, not the one at DAZ -- that other one with the NCAA Basketball tournament.

    Post edited by Charlie Judge on
  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,099

    And the Stanley Cup, eh?

  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,044

    Bundle up, and stay together.

    Okay... but nobody wants to come near me...

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    McGyver said:

    Taken earlier today, probably around 9:39 AM... Near the back end of the yard at the border of the woods... 

    About ten minutes after I took these I went a little further in the back and just about forty feet away the top of one of the sassafras trees snapped off... Spoiled the nice view and almost squashed my tractor... I checked on the tractor and took off before more branches came down... It looks now like a few oaks lost some big limbs... Well, more wood for the firepit this summer.


    sassafras!   is different thing from sasparilla?

    tractor with the explodie battery?

  • diomede said:

    And the Stanley Cup, eh?

    Ooh, ooh, I know this one.  Stanley, they make hammers, saws and other implements of destruction?  I didn't know they made cups too. surprise


  • McGyver said:

    Bundle up, and stay together.

    Okay... but nobody wants to come near me...

    Have you been getting ideas from Professor Fate?

    Fate on iceburg.jpg
    675 x 289 - 80K
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