ot Blizzardy Warning? whiskey tango foxtrot

noooo stop the snowwww insanity, it's not pretty after a couple inches

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noooo stop the snowwww insanity, it's not pretty after a couple inches
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Yup, been watching this for days. Here in Central New York, winter storm warning expecting 6-12 inches. Actual high on Friday of 5 degrees F. Wind Chill of minus 25. Take care, stay inside if you can.
...hope you've stocked up.
i'm stocked with drambuie :) and lindt chocolate. and cheerios.
iz worries the wind will knock power out. or the heating pipes will freeze.
Here in western NY State (Jamestown area) we've missed most of the heavy snow that came off Lake Erie between here and Buffalo north of us. It's been snowing for 5 days but only about 6 inches accumulation here. But it's been COLD and getting colder. My car has been buried since last Sunday. However, predictions are that by Saturday I can dig it out for a day or two.
I hate driving in winter weather. I even hate walking 1/4 mile to the grocery store in snow, so I stock up on essentials. Cabinets are chock full. Mmmm, yum cold peas!
Expecting around ten inches here in NH
You live in the traditional snowbelt and you hate winter driving?
I love it, but my current car doesn't
we got 18 inches in 2 hours the other night
You live in the traditional snowbelt and you hate winter driving?
LOL, my thoughts exactly. I live in TX and know how much I hate driving when it ices up or snows, can't imagine doing it all winter. I think I would love to live in a winter area as long as i don't have to drive in it or worry about loss of power. I have thought about moving to Alaska as i love the area, but I would have to live next to work and food, LOL.
you can never have too much Drambuie, Keep warm Long Island and dont loose power!
There's already a meter of snow outside my window, and the temp last night was -12 (centigrade, not wussy fahrenheit). On Boxing Day, I had to dig a tunnel to get out for groceries. And the snow will lie here until April or May.
Mind you, that's life in The Alps. It's normal.
Sounds a lot like Wyoming.
You live in the traditional snowbelt and you hate winter driving?
I was born here, but spent most of my adult life in Florida and Washington DC and Florida again. Unemployed since 2001, ran out of money, returned "home" because it's cheap to live here. Government has now declared me officially "old" so I get regular Social Security payments that are just enough to cover the cheap rent in a large apartment, heat, water, electricity, phone, TV, food & gasoline. Can't afford to move back to a "civilized" area so I'm stuck here, hibernating in winter.
I will admit that my worst winter experience was on a business trip from Florida to Washington DC the year and day that that airplane crashed through the ice on the Potomac river in front of the Jefferson Memorial. At that time I had been living in Florida for over 15 years, I flew into National airport that morning and I was driving a small rented car that had a manual transmission that I had little experience with, yet that afternoon when the company I was consulting for (COMSAT) told everybody to get home out of the storm I was able to crab my way up slippery hills passing all the locals who had slipped into the ditches on either side of the road. I drove two miles on the Washington Beltway at 5 miles an hour through blinding snow and heard the announcement on my car radio that a plane had crashed into the 14th street bridge and fell into the river. I made it to my hotel in time to watch the airplane rescue efforts on TV.
It's going real feel down to the lower teens for SEVEN HOURS tonight down in Pensacola, Florida- and I think we're either in the same system, or this system is coming up the coast AFTER you get your snow. The models keep changing. So after your snow, you may get the second round of arctic blast. I keep checking accuweather (Frank Strait's southern blog usually covers the coast all the way up, he's good about that) so if you haven't seen it, it shows the models four or five days out. (accuweather.com>news/blogs>blogs>Frank Strait.
happy new year :)
snow? temperatures lower 0°C? winter? not here where I am (germany). no snow, temperatures around 10°C, sun and rain and a low breeze and it seems that winter will not come this year. my cousin lives in NYC and I guess she has snow.
Our car is buried in about a foot of snow here now in Rochester.. and it just keeps coming
...well, the Drambuie should help keep you warm.
Blizzard due to hit us here in Newfoundland sometime tomorrow, right now it's colder than we've seen it in years and there are rolling power outages. So if anybody doesn't hear from me for awhile, I'll be hunkering down to wait out the storm. Heaven only knows where we are going to put all this snow, got about four or five feet of it already in my yard from last week. I must say, Mother Nature has been very generous with the white stuff this year. Busy making up for all the green Christmases we've had over the past five or so years, I guess.
Oh, and it is a lovely minus 20 right now, including the wind chill. That's -20 Farenheit, not Celsius. Brrrrr ......
We got about 8 inches of snow on the ground atm and the temp with the windchill is -15F. It's suppose to be more of the same for the next 5 day with highs in the single digest and lows in the minus range
I got to walk down town in the morning, its -15 F here already, not looking forward to this
...grey skies and mid forties here. maybe rain by next week.
There are times I miss the snow, just not the ice and cold that usually comes with it.
LG, kind of know the feeling, old and thus no longer competitive in the job market while being wracked with "Uncle Arthur's" perpetual onslaught on my joints, and now, bones. Took over an extra hour to get out of bed today because my one hip was so stiff, if I tried to stand up before it popped back into place, I'd be in worse pain than normal all day. It's beginning to make me wonder how I'd be able to manage getting up early every morning five days a week. I can barely lift my right leg high enough to get my foot onto a step stool anymore just to tie my shoe.
However to retire on the SSI allotment I would get would mean having to move as Portland is getting really spendy due to not only all the upscale development and gentrification, but an imposed Urban Growth Boundary for the metro area that has been driving up housing prices and in particular, rental rates. Would probably have to head back "home" to Milwaukee to survive (if I could afford to relocate) as the economy there is still pretty depressed back which is reflected in the housing prices. Shoot, on a halfway decent income I could actually afford to purchase a home rather than rent a flat as prices there are so low (found several nice small homes for under 90,000$ in my old neighbourhood that would easily cost four to five times that here). In the 15 years I spent on rent just in the place I am now living, I'd pretty much have a home there paid off.
Another sad thing is that the transit system there has taken a beating during the recession with widespread service reductions. Many employers there are even specifying in their job requirements: "dependable transportation - no bus".
...however moving there would also mean having to deal with "real winter" again (which would only aggravate my condition even worse) as well as a higher overall crime rate. Here is the Milwaukee 5 day forecast, not a lot of snow but bone chilling cold and windy.
In Stevens Point WI to the north (where I lived for a while) the high next Monday is going to be -16 after a low of -26
it was a bitter cold walk home. they didn't plow a shoulder, had to walk in the street very close to the cars
Oh, the weather outside is frightful...
Yep, down here in the hills of WV, it's SNOWING...and they lied...we already got the inch they said we were going to get...about 3 times, and it's still coming down (harder), so you folks due east of here...gather up the neighborhood dogs, you're gonna need 'em.
Jan 2, 9:00 PM, 60 miles south of Buffalo, NY. Temperature is now 3F (-16C) and still falling, but the snow has stopped (for now).
just heard about the weather chaos there in the US in our radio news. Must be real hard. Hope you all will get through this mess good and healthy and that the power will not fail. Greetings from Germany. Weather here is 12°C and windy.
Where to put the snow? Obama should ask Putin if he needs some snow for the winter games :) there they haven`t much :) with trucks to a near harbor there on a ship and then to russia :) for money for sure.
Where do they put the snow? That depends. Do not compare all of New York State to New York City. Much of NYS is still rural/agricultural.
At one time the city used to dump the snow into the harbor but that's long ended. Now they have to use high lifts and dump trucks and literally haul it out of the city. One roads with no sidewalks the state and the county just push it aside with their giant plows. In the village, it depends upon how much we actually get. We actually have a guy who drives around with a little sidewalk plow.
Jan 3, 8:30 AM, Snow has stopped, maybe 8 inches out there but it's real pretty. Light fluffy stuff blown and drifted with no animal or people tracks in it yet. Road has been plowed but it's so cold that the pavement isn't visible, just off-white hard-packed frozen slush. Temperature is currently 0F (-18C). Tomorrow (Sat.) is supposed to get up to 30F (-1C) but then the forecast high for Monday here is -6F (-21C).
However, I remember a few days when I was a kid back in the 1950's and 60's when the thermometer outside our kitchen window said -35F (-37.2C). Really. And that window wasn't insulated, so the real temperature out there was lower! We'd leave our water drizzling all night to keep the pipes from freezing. When we first moved into that big old farm house it only had one pot bellied wood/coal burning stove in the living room to heat the whole house. We'd close off the upstairs and all sleep downstairs the first couple of winters 'till dad put in a real furnace. And we still went to school on those days. All the kids in town would traipse on down to the old vacant brick schoolhouse in the middle of town to wait outside for the school bus to take us to the newer schools. My dad was head of the school bus garage so I always knew if we had school that day.
Edited update: Time is now 9:00AM and temperature is still falling. It's now -2F (-19C). No bout-a-dout it, my door stays closed today! 8-o
I think I'd prefer snow to what we have here in England at the moment. Torrential downpours, and severe gales which is causing horrendous flooding, causing power cuts and many people to be flooded out of their homes. This has been going on now since before Christmas.
I tend to agree with you there. Although we are ok, living as we do at 1200ft, but I do really feel so sorry for those living below us in the Valleys.
Wales has been pretty badly hit in some areas, several times for some of them.
And apparently we will get more when the storm front currently menacing the US drifts over towards us.