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Started snowing here at around 1:00 AM which is when I went to bed. Woke up at around 10 this morning and went to look out the window...couldn't see a thing because my windows were all covered in snow! It's all quiet outside. Not really any cars passing by. I just hope the road conditions have not improved much by Sunday evening so that it still impacts public transit in some way so that the mayor/governor issues a state of emergency so that my office will close down for the day. I hope it's the only snow I see this year.
Still snowing here, and still have internittant belts of blizzard-level winds. Think we are at 22 inches so far, but I am not sure. Supposedly we will be able to sled on the Capitol grounds on Sunday if we can first defeat the dang imperial walkers.
walkers are from a circulating FB meme
After watching 10 episodes of Benny Hill, then trudging to 7-11 to get the paper (didn't really need it, just wanted to get outside for a bit), I think my next moves will be several stiff drinks and an afternoon nap. Instead of working on any existing 3D projects, I picked up some new Naomi hair products in the sale and I've been playing with that. Naomi has great hair products.
I was daughter measured an undisturbed was 25". It must have been 8" on the porch when I shoveled it off last night, not 6.
you not gonna believe this ... but ,,, iz snowing ,,, still
Well, the neighbor in the other half of the house was gone this morning so I paid to have our driveway plowed and was able to back my car down and go get my laundry done. So when I get back what do I see? My neighbor has parked his car down at the bottom of the driveway again and didn't even leave me room to get my car off the street. I had to find a place to park my car then walk back to the house and BAM BAM BAM on his door to ask him to move his car and I was able to drive just and nice as you please all the way up, around the corner and into my spot. Mumble, grumble, lazy SOB.
Thing is, when he does do any sort of cleaning for HIS car or entry way he uses MY shovel. Cheap SOB. least it's only a Snownado and not a Sharknado.
say no to sharknado lol
forecast changed - storm total snowfall 1-2 feet
still comin down crazy
heard the sound of a plow on the main road
It finally slowed down here...about 27" with one to three more expected overnight.
I'm back in... The snow won.
So far it's easily over 24"... It's mostly two to three inches over the intake of the snowblower and that is 24"... There is a ginormous drift up against my wife's SUV and I have no interest in digging that out now... The wind is killer, they are saying 30 mph gusts but it feels worse.
Use to live near there, down in a little place called Dryden just south of the Syracuse down 81 off the Cortland exit. I didn't think we would ever leave there until my husband got a job offer in FL that he just couldn't turn down about three years ago now.
Not offended, just really impressed!
I just got off the phone with my mom. She is in the northern part of West Virginia and they have gotten 21 inches so far. She didn't say if they were expecting more. They haven't lost power yet, but they have a generator so I don't have to worry about her too much. She and my sister will be staying put and should be able to stay warm even if they loose power which happens a lot as they are out in the country and off the main road a bit. A couple of parts of WV in the panhandle apparently got 40 inches so my mom said they were lucky they didn't get quite that much. She is worried that she won't be able to get out to a doctor's appointment on Monday. It takes the road crews forever to get out in their neck of the woods even for a light snow. Right now she is wishing she was here in FL with me. I hope every stays warm and safe!
Darc's dad works at Pall in Cortland, and we bought our new (used) car there this summer. Quite farmiliar with that area.
My husband went to Cornell and just kind of stayed in the area. He was originially from Canada, but his family lived in Sydney, NY when he was a teenager where he graduated from high school. He found me in WV and we lived there in Dryden for 18 years until he got this job offer in FL. I can't say that I miss the snow. I'm enjoying the warmer weather even if it is dropping down to the 60's in the evenings here. I still have a ton of friends up there and chat and keep up with each other on FB now. I'm hoping the warmer weather here will entice some of them to come for a visit soon.
I am hoping we are going to dodge the bullet this time. Weather forecast now says only 1-3 cm (around an inch or two) here for tomorrow. Of course, they are also cautioning that might change any minute since their models aren't all in agreement. As usual.
Anyone in the blizzard zone having a yeti problem? I forgot to get yeti repellent.
WV for me too...and over 27" in my yard. Hadn't heard about the panhandle with 40+.
My wendigo says he hasn't seen any yeti.
My mammoth wants a playmate...
I hope he is housebroken... Does Hartz still sell those wendigo diapers?
He mostly knows to use the litter box (I have to buy litter in 500lb. bags, fortunately Amazon Prime gives free shipping), but the dragon is really good at disposing of any accidents.
What part? Up north near Morgantown? in the middle closer to Charleston? down south closer to Beckly country? My family is up north closer to Morgantown about an hour south of there although I do have some family in Morgantown, too, as well as in Parkersburg and over near the Ohio border in New Martinsville. My dad's side is kind of spread out all over the place there. 40" does seem like a lot even for WV. Not sure how reliable that is but that was what listed as totals for someplace called Glengary, WV when I was checking the weather before I called Mom to see how much they ended up getting. And, Mom did say there were other areas near her that was reporting totals much more than their 21" so probably fairly reliable. I've never been over in the panhandle, though, except maybe driving through there when I was a kid and we lived in VA when my dad was in the Navy and we would go back to WV to visit family so I had never heard of Glengary before.
OK, forget the snowfall totals that I posted. The WaPost is reporting that DC is so dysfunctional that we cannot even measure snow.
Washington, D.C., snowfall total called into question after improper measurement
By Angela Fritz January 23 at 8:26 PM
After reading through this thread, I'm almost inclined to put on more clothing than my current shorts and t-shirt. All joking aside, though, I'll complain that it's cold when the temp gets below 15c in winter. And, if I want to see snow desperately enough, I'll drive for 6hrs to have a look. You folk are made of sterner stuff than I.
I think it is very unfair that the Americans are hogging all this snow, and when they let us have the last dregs of the storm over this side of the pond they are going to send it over as rain.
We want some snow too
I hope you all up north are able to stay warm. It is cold here in the South, so I can only imagine what it's like in NY and New England.
Ouch... Literally, I snorted on my coffee when I read the big bold type. Well, you gotta understand... It was cold and windy and if you follow the guidelines for the proper measurement procedure it could be pretty complicated... Like for one, you have to measure in more than one place (and still find your way back), then know the difference between windblown areas and drifts, use one of those super complicated hi-tech wooden measuring sticks that all those kids these days are always playing with, know all you numbers so you can read the darned thing, and know the difference between snow and white concrete... Crazy stuff like that.
The article contained a link to the NOAA guidelines for accurate snow measurements, which I'm happy for and now have a copy of.
I used to have a nice weather station that did wind speed/direction, precipitation, and the other basic stuff... But apparently it turned out to be not so nice and not made out of UV resistant plastic... It came from some crap manufacturer that tried to look like it was Edmund Scientific and was sold in one of those pseudotechie overpriced mall stores. Most of the plastic started to degenerate after one summer and when I sent the maker an email I got a response that basically stated "our products are not intended for outdoor use or harsh environmental conditions, the user is responsible for proper care and storage of the product"... I guess the unit was intended for measuring the rainfall and wind speed in my living room... Silly me.
peeks - is it stopped snowing naos?
Nah, the biggest problem was the measuring board was a new version and they didn't want to buy into the idea of connecting it to the cloud.
Afternoon here and no sign of the Big Snow they said was coming our way yet. Guess the weatherman was wrong ... as usual.
...official Wisconsin approved snow measure device Fig. 1
Fig. 2