ot Blizzardy Warning? whiskey tango foxtrot



  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,221
    edited January 2016

    They announced that the DC metro will not be running on Saturday or Sunday even in the areas (like mine) where the tracks are entirely underground.  Fear! Fire! Foes!  Everyone panic!!!!   


    Guess I will have some time for Daz stuff.  May get back to the male content creation support group.


    (Edit: The auto show announced it is delaying its opening until Monday)

    Post edited by Diomede on
  • algovincianalgovincian Posts: 2,636
    diomede said:

    They announced that the DC metro will not be running on Saturday or Sunday even in the areas (like mine) where the tracks are entirely underground.  Fear! Fire! Foes!  Everyone panic!!!!   


    Guess I will have some time for Daz stuff.  May get back to the male content creation support group.


    (Edit: The auto show announced it is delaying its opening until Monday)

    I hope your juice stays on!

    On a related note, it's a strange thing for us here in NH to watch a storm miss us to the south . . .

    - Greg

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    charged up my mp3 player. if power goes can shiver to the music 

  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,221
    edited January 2016

    Administrators closed the building at noon forcing my higher ups to release us.  Reached home safely.  I intend to begin a Benny Hill dvd marathon at dawn, electricity permitting.  May yakkity sax inspire some interesting 3D projects.   All hail Boots Randolph!   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QNVUDBcZxp0


    As for the storm passing further south than usual (not NH or Maine), I heard somewhere that it has something to do with how a warm Pacific Ocean (El Nino cycle) affects where the jet stream sets up.  We are being told to expect more big snow storms this year because of it.  I have no idea, though.



    Post edited by Diomede on

    Here in PA, Philadelphia is going to get hammered. But I live in the Poconos and for once the mountains are getting less this time around.

  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,221

    Poconos? - wish I hadn't sold my skis last year.  Stay toasty warm.

  • diomede said:

    Administrators closed the building at noon forcing my higher ups to release us.  Reached home safely.  I intend to begin a Benny Hill dvd marathon at dawn, electricity permitting.  May yakkity sax inspire some interesting 3D projects.   All hail Boots Randolph!   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QNVUDBcZxp0


    As for the storm passing further south than usual (not NH or Maine), I heard somewhere that it has something to do with how a warm Pacific Ocean (El Nino cycle) affects where the jet stream sets up.  We are being told to expect more big snow storms this year because of it.  I have no idea, though.

    Ooh, ooh, Benny Hill marathon.  If you come across the Benny Hill episode where he and a few other people scoot around on stage in what looks like the bottom half of a Dalek (a Dr. Who reference) in time to an extended version of the following music theme let me know.  I know I saw it years and years ago but don't know the episode name or number.  It's been driving me nuts.

    Music theme located between 15:28 and 15:55 at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fyd0jjTVGgE  (from Prokofiev's "Lieutenant Kije Suite")

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,214

    ...so the overpayed do nothing Congress get's a snow day at the taxpayers expense, wonderful.

  • ScavengerScavenger Posts: 2,674

    I feel for you.. Here in Colorado, it was a chilly 55 today. Why, there's still some snow on the ground from weeks ago!

  • SpitSpit Posts: 2,342

    Power expected to go out today. Even my Kindle won't help me becuase my router will lose power as well. I can read though and use it as a light. :)

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    is a wall of whiteness, is hard to believe all this only spposed to add up to 12 inches

  • bytescapesbytescapes Posts: 1,850

    This storm has inspired me. I've rendered an image of the view from my window right now (attached).


    720 x 540 - 19K
  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,066

    I just looked outside and it's all white... What's going on?

  • bytescapesbytescapes Posts: 1,850
    McGyver said:

    I just looked outside and it's all white... What's going on?

    Probably a rendering issue. Check that you don't have gamma correction turned up too high, or a very bright light source right in front of your camera. Or maybe the texture maps aren't loading properly.

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    it's those new led lightbulbs  is like sitting under supernova

  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,066
    MistyMist said:

    is a wall of whiteness, is hard to believe all this only spposed to add up to 12 inches

    The last time they said 8-10 inches we had 28 inches of snow here... That was the National Weather Service.... News 12 on the other hand was bravely out at Mary Furgenson's yard in Medford reporting on the continuing search for Mrs Furgenson's cat, who had been missing since 6 AM... Granted you could see Mr. Fuzzypaws watching them from the kitchen window if you looked past the reporter.  The problem was Mr. Fuzzypaws had cleverly concealed himself behind a sheer lace curtain and nobody could see the sixty seven pound cat shaped lump through the almost transparent curtain, despite his chronic flatulance and persistent meowing, his location remained a mystery for twelve hours.

    But that was last year... This year they are reporting live from Elizabeth Idontgiveacrap's backyard on the canal in Massapequa... As we speak, her lower dock- what is called "a finger dock" by locals (and a gangway by everyone else on earth) has broken and her two kayaks are in danger of something... I don't know... Getting wet?... How about taking them in before a snowpocalypse and not leaving them out on the most flimsiest part of your dock? Sorry Lizzy, I don't care about your kayaks.... What I want to know about is what is Mr. Fuzzypaws up to this time.

    Elsewhere a 1997 Saturn has spun out somewhere on the LIE (for those who don't know, LIE is Long Island-speak for Long Island Expressway- the twelfth longest parking lot on the eastern seaboard)... 

    Sofar it looks like there is about five inches maybe six outside... Here... I don't know... I feel like going out to my garage and getting some tools I need to fix my wife's old adding machine, but I'm afraid if I go outside I'll die or something... The news stations keep saying "FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, WHATEVER YOU DO, DON'T GO OUTSIDE-STAY INSIDE UNLESS YOU ABSOLUTELY HAVE TO GO OUT!!!!"... That kind of makes me want to go outside... Actually now the News is saying 12-24 inches and that where I am is supposed to be included in the areas on LI that will get the heaviest snow... Is heavy snow made out of heavy water?

    News twelve keeps saying, don't go out, but they keep showing pictures of people's pets playing outside... What the hell is wrong with these people?... Letting their pets play in deadly snow conditions? That and they just identified a Great Dane as a bulldog... 

    They also keep mentioning that we should send them pictures of the snow where we are... Now I want to go outside and pee "NEWS 12" in the snow and send them the picture... Well... If I'm gonna do this I have to start drinking more water... Maybe orange juice... Water will probably not make the pee yellow enough, and they won't get it... 

    Well, later...


  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    as soon as upstairs lets the buppies out to play, i'll be standing at the window watching them.  lol.  i brought couple of their toys in so not all buried.

    manuevering my netbook to door for real time footage. ...  camera not picking up the snow in gusty snownado 


    zoinks 004.jpg
    640 x 480 - 20K
    zoinks 005.jpg
    640 x 480 - 20K
  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,655
    edited January 2016
    McGyver said:
    MistyMist said:

    is a wall of whiteness, is hard to believe all this only spposed to add up to 12 inches

    The last time they said 8-10 inches we had 28 inches of snow here... That was the National Weather Service.... News 12 on the other hand was bravely out at Mary Furgenson's yard in Medford reporting on the continuing search for Mrs Furgenson's cat, who had been missing since 6 AM... Granted you could see Mr. Fuzzypaws watching them from the kitchen window if you looked past the reporter.  The problem was Mr. Fuzzypaws had cleverly concealed himself behind a sheer lace curtain and nobody could see the sixty seven pound cat shaped lump through the almost transparent curtain, despite his chronic flatulance and persistent meowing, his location remained a mystery for twelve hours.

    But that was last year... This year they are reporting live from Elizabeth Idontgiveacrap's backyard on the canal in Massapequa... As we speak, her lower dock- what is called "a finger dock" by locals (and a gangway by everyone else on earth) has broken and her two kayaks are in danger of something... I don't know... Getting wet?... How about taking them in before a snowpocalypse and not leaving them out on the most flimsiest part of your dock? Sorry Lizzy, I don't care about your kayaks.... What I want to know about is what is Mr. Fuzzypaws up to this time.

    Elsewhere a 1997 Saturn has spun out somewhere on the LIE (for those who don't know, LIE is Long Island-speak for Long Island Expressway- the twelfth longest parking lot on the eastern seaboard)... 

    Sofar it looks like there is about five inches maybe six outside... Here... I don't know... I feel like going out to my garage and getting some tools I need to fix my wife's old adding machine, but I'm afraid if I go outside I'll die or something... The news stations keep saying "FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, WHATEVER YOU DO, DON'T GO OUTSIDE-STAY INSIDE UNLESS YOU ABSOLUTELY HAVE TO GO OUT!!!!"... That kind of makes me want to go outside... Actually now the News is saying 12-24 inches and that where I am is supposed to be included in the areas on LI that will get the heaviest snow... Is heavy snow made out of heavy water?

    News twelve keeps saying, don't go out, but they keep showing pictures of people's pets playing outside... What the hell is wrong with these people?... Letting their pets play in deadly snow conditions? That and they just identified a Great Dane as a bulldog... 

    They also keep mentioning that we should send them pictures of the snow where we are... Now I want to go outside and pee "NEWS 12" in the snow and send them the picture... Well... If I'm gonna do this I have to start drinking more water... Maybe orange juice... Water will probably not make the pee yellow enough, and they won't get it... 

    Well, later...

    Heavy snow from heavy water would probably not melt in regular ice water and would sink to the bottom of the glass.  Next time there's a nuclear meltdown in winter near you can test the snow! enlightened

    As for peeing in the snow, try eating a lot of asparagus to see if you get green snow that drives away anything living. surprise


    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • icprncssicprncss Posts: 3,694

    After dealing with 8 plus feet of snow, a collapsed garage, two totaled autos, multiple homeonwers and auto insurance claims, mountains of paperwork and 15 months to sort it all out, this little storm is walk in the park.  Have fun guys.

  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,066
    edited January 2016

    Okay.... It took a bit of effort...


    And in regards to other recent developments... 


    Incidently don't try this too out in the open wind... That last one almost went really badly.


    Thats really weird... In real life you can barely see any of that... The colors are so off... I wonder if there are special filters for taking pee pictures? There probably are special films that photographers recommend when photographing pee, but now with digital you probably have to fiddle with the setting when dealing with piddle... Fiddle... Piddle... I drank a lot of beer too... That's not just orange juice and coffee.


    I'm sorry if this has offended anyone... But this is me we are dealing with....

    Post edited by McGyver on
  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,539
    McGyver said:

    Okay.... It took a bit of effort...


    And in regards to other recent developments... 


    Incidently don't try this too out in the open wind... That last one almost went really badly.

    Nice aim Sir

  • sfaa69sfaa69 Posts: 353

    It was sunny and 82 degrees yesterday in Tucson.

  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001

    I don't want to hear anything about how bad it is...I've got 23" plus of the stuff and it's still coming down!

    So unless you have more than that, no complaining!!!

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    is it done snowing yet?

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    fool said:
    McGyver said:

    Okay.... It took a bit of effort...


    And in regards to other recent developments... 


    Incidently don't try this too out in the open wind... That last one almost went really badly.

    Nice aim Sir

    tee hee  a whiz of a wiz, If ever, oh ever a wiz there was

  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,066

    I'm not complaining, I've spent time in places with far more snow... When the snow is really deep you can't effectively pee messages to people... So no complaints here... Although it is really friggin windy here... I'm close to the Great South Bay, and behind that is the Atlantic... The Ocean one, not the record company that featured artists like Otis Redding and Genesis... The band not the 3D figure... Where was I?  Something about it being windy... Yes, that was it... There have been quite a few sustained gusts of what felt like 40 mph... 50 usually is enough to to push me around and 60 really pisses me off... So probably 40-45... Although, back before that last picture there was a really strong gust that was probably stronger and because of it, by Canine Law article 7 section 4b, several acres of land south of me now are mine. Especially if you go by the who marks the highest rule... Then the are several roofs down the block I have title to as well.

  • icprncssicprncss Posts: 3,694
    McGyver said:

    Okay.... It took a bit of effort...


    And in regards to other recent developments... 


    Incidently don't try this too out in the open wind... That last one almost went really badly.


    Thats really weird... In real life you can barely see any of that... The colors are so off... I wonder if there are special filters for taking pee pictures? There probably are special films that photographers recommend when photographing pee, but now with digital you probably have to fiddle with the setting when dealing with piddle... Fiddle... Piddle... I drank a lot of beer too... That's not just orange juice and coffee.


    I'm sorry if this has offended anyone... But this is me we are dealing with....

    Careful.  I doubt that's one part of the anatomy you want frostbitten...


  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,539

    The answer my friend is blowing in the wind ......

  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,066
    MistyMist said:

    is it done snowing yet?

    No... Not at all... 16-18 inches average so far, but it's really hard to tell... In the deeper woods it's like 16 plus, but if it's too out in the open its like eight because it keeps getting blown away.


  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    blowin in the ditch where i just finished shovely

    oww hurty


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