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...was icy cold and windy this morning here. All the tram lines were out of commission and only in about the last hour are now coming on line. East county was hit the worst and there were extreme wind warnings in the Western Columbia Gorge with possible gusts of 80 - 100 mph. Here in the city (particularly the east side where I live) we are still under an ice storm warning though tonight.
I'd take a foot of snow over this rubbish any day. At least I can walk around in snow.
I am having the same "fun" here in Eugene, and I need to go grocery shopping soon. It is supposed to get better over the next couple of days. I may buy some slip on ice cleats and a snow & ice tip for my cane. At least then I could get to the grocery store.
...I made a run on Friday to stock up in advance.
So did hubby and I. Even in the mid-afternoon, Costco was swamped. Took twice as long as our usual weekly grocery run.
Hubby's got a paper route and has been out in this crap from 1:30am until about 7am since last Wednesday... except today, when he inadvertently kicked the suv out of four-wheel drive, (stuffing Sunday papers with inserts, he stacked papers on the console. Oops.) He got stuck around 6:30am and didn't get unstuck until after 9:00 am, when the freezing rain finally turned to normal rain and, apparently, started melting the ice around his tires. The tow-truck guy got within a block of him, and then refused to go any further up the hill. Told hubby he couldn't help him. So much for the roadside assistance we pay for with our car insurance!
Hey, neighbor. I'm in west Eugene. Looks like it's going to be warmer and raining for the next few days. Hopefully all that white stuff will be gone by tomorrow morning.
I once overheard a couple of ham operators discussing the snow, many, many years ago, (while working for a local firm that catered to ham operators.) One of the guys said the pristine snow looked picturesque. He followed that with, "I hate picturesque." After a couple days of this stuff, I'm inclined to agree.
...Portland is completely "iced down" now. All the LRT trams are having issues and service has been severely disrupted due to ice on the tracks and overhead wires. The east side streetcar is shut down for the rest of the night. Currently in the middle of a large "blob" of pink on the radar map indicating freezing rain over most of the eastern half of the city. In the higher elevations like Cascade and Coast range foothills, it has warmed up enough to turn to just rain but down here in the northern valley and mouth of the Columbia Gorge it seems to take forever for the warmer air aloft to sink to the valley floor.
Boy, am I glad I don't live in Portland. Eugene's been bad enough. We had over 40,000 households without power after the ice storm in December. (And that's only Eugene. There were thousands more in the outlying communities.) I'm grateful we weren't one of them. I think it was 4 or 5 days before everyone had power again. You can't drive through any residential area without seeing some debris still on the side of the road. Just a couple blocks away from here, a large tree is in chunks on the neighbor's yard. the trunk is a good 2-2.5 feet in diameter. The surprising thing is how many of those trees came down without landing on homes or cars. I assume the same is true up there.
We're just getting started and I'm ready for winter to be over!
...yeah pretty much, and on top of it all most of yesterday and early today it's been pretty windy as well. Just saw one of the traffic cams on the weather site and there's fresh tyre tracks going off the highway to the right. Hope whoever was in that vehicle is OK.
Hi neighbor, I live near the University.
I don't know that I would expect the ice and snow to be gone in the morning, but maybe by early to mid afternoon. We will need to stock up on groceries again, it looks like we may repeat this starting Thursday(oh, joy).
Edit: temperature has gone up 2 degrees in the last hour, my prediction may be wrong. Won't be the first time, lol.
..yeah just received an alert that the warning has been extended into tomorrow morning. Radar map is still indicating freezing rain in the city proper
These two decided to take a nap this afternoon on the path I had shoveled around the back of the house. Yes, thats right, I did it just for you guys.
dawww, the poor cold cuties
coooold, put towels around mr door to block drafts. this the kinda cold draws the mousies in the housies

MON, JAN 9Mostly Clear
celsius even colder

MON, JAN 9Mostly Clear
I wasn't surprised the snow wasn't gone this morning, just disappointed. Looks like it's supposed to get cold again come Wednesday, assuming the weatherpeople guessed correctly. I suppose tonight they'll be saying Tuesday. Doesn't really matter. Looks like this white stuff is sticking around for a while.
That was very nice of you. I'm sure they really appreciated your thoughtfulness.

today was very very cold here in NYC/NJ. The kind that really seeps into your bones, unless you're wearing 2 pairs of long johns inside your pants. However, tomorrow it is supposed to warm up a bit, but they are calling for a bit of snow then Wednesday, it will be in the high 40s.
Around here they're called 'supper'.
Around here they're called "animated speed bumps".
We also have a phrase for horse dung on the side of the road "Amish exhaust".
Bambi's parents?
Feeling the deep freeze more than usual today but it's got nothing to do with the weather, just discovered some (Insert TOS-Forbidden phrase of your choice here) chuckleheads ripped off my Mastercard for a bit over $3500 in all sorts of fradulent charges. How they got it I have no idea, it's not one I use regularly even on-line and there were only 2 legitimate charges on it for the whole month. Fortunately I was able to get it cancelled and I won't have to pay for their spree but it is a right pain nonetheless. Brrrr.....
...and one more time.....
Received a weather alert this morning for more snow 3" - 5." or maybe more as this is a triple barreled storm made up of three low pressure systems that are converging on the region. The last time this happened was 2008 which dumped a total of 19" over two days, paralysing the city for a week. . Radar is now showing snow falling over the entire Portland metro area.
Cancelled the Tuesday gaming event I usually go to as well s plans to go see the new Star Wars with a couple friends tomorrow.
Oh my heart bleeds for you all. At the moment I'm a prisoner in my bedroom, the only room I have AC, and it's 40C (104F) outside. The AC struggles to keep the temp at an even 27C (80F) which is not cool, but at least much better than outside. Give me cold any day.
You need: Either ...
A) Bigger A/C or
B) Smaller room or
C) Fewer clothes.
Picture a naked old man at his keyboard in a tiny room, with half an eye on his pc and the other half on the electricity meter spinning frantically around.
Not a pretty sight by any means. If that doesn't put you off your dinner.... nothing will LOL. well as an understanding of what "real winter" is.
@kyoto_kid, the storm system went north of Eugene and we didn't get any snow last night. I'm sorry you and other folks north of us got so much snow, but can't really say I'm sorry we didn't get any. Looks like our temps won't be quite so cold, too. I sure wish winter would go back to typical, here and elsewhere, but I suppose it's all just headed for a new "typical." Stay warm and stay safe.
We got about 13 - 14" here in Portland. Going to stick around as well since it won't get above freezing until Sunday.
Have a bunch of pics I took today but drained the phone battery so have to wait until tomorrow to post some.
Actually am enjoying it as Portland looks so nice with all the snow.
We've been having an up & down winter. Heavy snow then thaw & rain. Right now my driveway is filled with about 3 inches of slush. I have to get my car out today before it freezes again tomorrow and I'm unable to get back up the frozen slush.
I got a call from the local "Things Remembered" store kiosk in the mall. They called to remind me that I'd ordered a small brass plate be engraved a couple weeks ago. It was ready two days after I ordered it but I totally forgot about it. Now I have to pick it up in the next few days because their store is closing permanently and unclaimed items will be discarded.
..agh. I have an appointment for X-rays and MRI scans for my disability claim Saturday morning. The revised forecast for the next four days is for highs only in the 20s and lows in the mid teens so the 14" of snow we got isn't going to go away probably until Tuesday (for Monday it indicates rain and the temps hovering around freezing which could start as snow, then turn to that ol' devil freezing rain and after that a drenching on Tuesday which will turn all that snow into a city wide slushie).
All surface streets, even major ones, are snowpacked (Portland doesn't have any ploughs). My biggest concern is the effect it will have on transit service to get there on time as buses are chained up and have to run slower. Some routes have even been cancelled for the last two days.
Other than that woke up to a pretty sight this morning with the bright sun and all the snow.
Stay safe my friends. We woke up to a thick coat of ice everywhere here in the Midwest. I can't believe nothing was cancelled. Spent a half hour chipping a quarter inch thick ice off the windshield before work. Nearly got into two bad wrecks and nearly fell and busted my rear end several times. Even the grass is coated and crunchy with ice. An evening of DAZ and wine are in order!
...Kansas, Oklahoma, Missouri, Illinois? That seems to be the area being hit with ice.
Well it was down to about -35C up here this morning. Getting pretty close to overtaking Fahrenheit. At least the winds have died down from yesterday - they were fairly howling.
It's pretty rough in the UK at the moment: