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Yes there is but I can't remember which grrr
Yes, it was what I had been doing before, but the eyes were half-open. But now I created a new model and to my surprise the eyes worked perfectly, so probably I had chosen some eye shape in the old model that did not fit right... I'm still new to DAZ and need to learn to be more patient with the program before coming here to the forum get help, lol...
New question: I noticed that there are not so many assets for sale in the DAZ store for Sakura8. For example, I only found two specific hairs for this collection (anime long hair and anime bun hair). Is there any alternative (eg other stores) where I find more assets in this anime style or should I try to buy normal hair and adapt to Sakura figures?
Hmm hair for Star 2.0 fits the style well. Look for anything by Lady Littlefox as well. Sakura hasn't been out long enough yet to build up a good selection yet of stuff. As far as outfits and things stuff for gen 2's Keiko would do as well. -chuckles- I have been kitbashing things for her since day one. We can hope for more but sadly it really depend on that eveil word sales. If you have done any texturing you can also make the less anime stuff look more so. Muywaya [ sp] Also does some decent anime stuff over at Rendo that can be autofited. Look a couple of pages back and you can see a few items I have used.
All you can really do is hope she gains interest like what hapoened with Aiko 3. Then you will see a ton of stuff come out.
Here are a couple of quick examples. The GaoDan stuff is extremely flexible because it has a bunch of options. However texturing it is a bear lol.
Ok my turn to ask a question. Been working on a render. All surfaces etc are Iray and using Iray for the render. But can't get the render to look like the viewport. I rarely use anything but the default settings but needed something a little more complicated so to speak. ie cameras lights etc.
There used to be a way to render the viewport in the old Daz but has been so long I have forgotten how or if it even is even still an ability. ]
render using the 'Basic OpenGL' Renderer instead.
Hmm not sure that will work with the stuff all in the scene. When I tried a 3DL render I got a black screen. But will give it a try thanks.
open GL render
I used it just yesterday to test an animation from a DAZ tutorials I'm making via a series on png files rendered in Basic openGL mode (aka Texture Shaded in viewport). Make sure you don't obscure the viewport or anything though DAZ Studio should pop up a warning about that.
Oh it does but I figured the tail would do what it did. I was actually testing the skin. I really hate the plastic look lol. But it looked good in the viewport.
@noshobawolf_f994bf986d I think the issue with the skin you're having, is that you're rendering in Iray while using the 3delight materials. I wasn't sure before (since I've never rendered in 3DL), but after doing some tests, I'm thinking that's why the skin of your characters look so off. Here's the test I made. Notice how different the skin look when you're rendering in Iray AND using iray settings (1st) vs how it looks rendering in Iray while using 3delight (2nd) materials (and I'm using the same lights for those two renders). I'm also using the same lights for the 3delight renders (2 and 4), notice again how different the skin looks.
You can buy regular hair as well and "toonify" them via shaders. If you use Iray, I recommend: FSL Toon Hair Shaders Iray. I used those shaders to toonify one of the regular hairs I had (see attached picture). It's not perfect, but it gets the job done. Of course, it works more on some hairs than others.
Actually not this time. I was using strictly Iray everything lol. As I think I said before I tend to only use Iray when I want shadows and a more realistic look. Sadly I may have to reset my Daz Studio. Seems to have developed a glitch. Now render 3dl as black shadows and nothing else oddly enough.
BTW Nice to see you like that outfit as much as do lol
Destiny garden makes a good set of toon shaders as well. With some getting the look can be just adjusting the transmap.
2 doesn't look like an Iray render to me - even with 3Delight mats. The outfit is even totally different from 1, which doesn't seam right.
Here's Sakura 8, rendered in Iray with Iray mats:
Here's Sakura 8, rendered in Iray with 3Delight mats:
Changed the skin over to G3F Natsuki. Seemed to get better results plus deleted the cameras and lighs I was using. Still have suspicion its is the render settings more than anything.
Ok think the play of white and shadow came closer with this one. And yes that is Sakura. All iray textures but for the tail and it has old poser mats that actually render pretty nicely in Iray for some reason.
Have some sort of weird glitch going on with 3DL though. Rendering black or black filled in for some reason. Cleared cache and done a reinstall so not sure why it went hooves up.
great render @noshobawolf_f994bf986d
Thank you. I am thinking of doing a series of renders of these. I really like doing renders that take advantage of the play of light and shadow.
I don't usually do the what I call artsy poses like I did when I used to work in charcoal and soft pastels back in my traditional days. But I still love doing them May do some traditional nudes once I get the skins I am trying to make for her done. Rarely do skins for the human so taking time since it is something I still learning to get right. Doing LIEs are something else entirely different though lol.
Is there any reason I am getting this now with 3DL?
I get that sometimes, I just save and restart.
Problem I am having is that doing save and restart isn't working either. Annoying the livng snot out of me. Started the other day after using an Iray preloaded scene, Even resetting everything back to defaults hasn't fixed it.
This is freakin' awesome....awwwww!
Usually, that happens when there are no active scene lights and the auto-headlight is turned off.
Check the camera you're using. In the paramenter tabs, check if the headlight is on or off. If you have it in auto and you added a light on your scene, it will automatically turn off.
Now that just may be it if it weren't for the fact it is happening with thefirst render. Sometimes I will throw the toon light on it in 3DL to get a celshading look.
A little off topic.. You know what is scary and tells you that you have been working with Daz too long. It is when you click on the flash sale for Gen 2 and the upper corner of the list says 87 of 766 items.
Oh, you made me curious and I went to check as well... Gen2 sale: 95/745 ; Gen3 sale: 184/1276! (And I did buy three items from the Gen3 sale today!)
You have been busy over the years as well. Yeah I bought one new item and two from the sale. Picked up a couple of Kenji things I had missed. Grabbed the dforce presets for clothes and the render throttle for Iray the other day. Scripts and Hair are my usual first buy.
Just wait, some day all you'll see in the store is today's new items.