Official Announcement: HiveWire 3D to publish Animals through DAZ 3D



  • napalmarsenalnapalmarsenal Posts: 82
    edited July 2017
    RKane_1 said:

    Okay... I hate to kvetch but.... (He said, preparing to kvetch)

    I have long wanted to get the Hivewire Big Cat and put off buying it til it was on sale. I finally bought it.... June 24th.... I bought it on sale.

    I actively avoid buying things outside of DAZ unless they are of such high quality or vital to the type of renders I do because I like having it part of the DIM upload and download which I treasure to help with system management.

    On my birthday of all days, I find the same product I purchased is being offered here more cheaply (for me because of previous purchases) than what I purchased it for at Hivewire with no transferal of what I purchased at Hivewire being moved over to DIM thru DAZ.

    I unfortunately feel a little screwed. I would VASTLY Nprefer these be a part of DIM and to get the difference in what I spent refunded back to me but I will gladly settle simply for having it transferred to DIM.


    Help me? :)

    P.S. PLEASE don't think I am being down on Hivewire or their WONDERFUL products! The BIG CAT is AMAZING and beautiful to pose and work with.

    Alisa, can probably better clarify if existing files will be DIM accessible. 

    Heheh ...... sounds like DIM  has quite a few people spoiled wink, but I get it...... well kind of ........ sort of ....... well Maybe! 

    Hopefully, there will be an answer for you soon. laugh





    Post edited by napalmarsenal on
  • napalmarsenalnapalmarsenal Posts: 82
    edited July 2017

    In the mean time, let me see if I can do this double click insert picture thing. 

    Kali Ma - Dance of Kali poses. 


    And there we go! 

    Kali Ma copy.jpg
    837 x 1000 - 849K
    Post edited by napalmarsenal on
  • Alisa Uh-LisaAlisa Uh-Lisa Posts: 1,308

    Hi, RKane -

    Thanks for the compliments about HiveWire and the products :).

    For all wanting to know, if you purchased the product from HiveWire, the files will be updated at HiveWire, but in our original format.  We'll make sure you have the latest and greatest version, but they won't be usable in DIM.

    People can always write to support here and ask them if there is any way, should you provide them with a copy of your HiveWire receipt, that they could put the product in your account here.  I have NO clue if this is something they'd be willing to do.  They did that with RDNA products, but that was a different situation, where they bought the company, whereas  HiveWire is a vendor here, under the HW3D name.  I know I've bought products elsewhere that have then been moved to DAZ, but I've never asked them to do add the products to my account, so again, I don't know what they'd say.  I do know that any contacts I've had over the years with DAZ Support have been good, whether or not they've been able to do what I've asked. 

    Like DAZ, HiveWire has a 30 day money back guarantee.

    Please feel free to pm me here or at HiveWire if you have questions I can help with.

    RKane_1 said:

    Okay... I hate to kvetch but.... (He said, preparing to kvetch)

    I have long wanted to get the Hivewire Big Cat and put off buying it til it was on sale. I finally bought it.... June 24th.... I bought it on sale.

    I actively avoid buying things outside of DAZ unless they are of such high quality or vital to the type of renders I do because I like having it part of the DIM upload and download which I treasure to help with system management.

    On my birthday of all days, I find the same product I purchased is being offered here more cheaply (for me because of previous purchases) than what I purchased it for at Hivewire with no transferal of what I purchased at Hivewire being moved over to DIM thru DAZ.

    I unfortunately feel a little screwed. I would VASTLY Nprefer these be a part of DIM and to get the difference in what I spent refunded back to me but I will gladly settle simply for having it transferred to DIM.


    Help me? :)

    P.S. PLEASE don't think I am being down on Hivewire or their WONDERFUL products! The BIG CAT is AMAZING and beautiful to pose and work with.

    Alisa, can probably better clarify if existing files will be DIM accessible. 

    Heheh ...... sounds like DIM  has quite a few people spoiled wink, but I get it...... well kind of ........ sort of ....... well Maybe! 

    Hopefully, there will be an answer for you soon. laugh

  • Rae134Rae134 Posts: 49

    DAZ has a nifty little program called "Content Package Assist" if you want anything to be DIM compatable that isn't already.

  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,164

    A humming bird I did a while back this was from the Hmming bird of America series

  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,164

    This video was made with daz studio it also uses all ken gillians bird . like the flock formation and water fowl sets

  • In the mean time, let me see if I can do this double click insert picture thing. 

    Ivy said:

    This video was made with daz studio it also uses all ken gillians bird . like the flock formation and water fowl sets

    RLOF!!!! laugh

    OMG!! that was soooo good!! LOL! I'm still laughing!!  Very realistic in their flight patterns and I admire your sense of humor !! 

    The humming bird is also just as good!! The Dutch windmill lends a good clue and gives us a setting for our little friend to collect his nectar. I can imagine him flying throughout Holland among the tulips fields collecting it and protecting his territory. LOL! Hummers are notorious for that trait. I have seen six of them fight over one of our feeders. 

  • Alisa Uh-LisaAlisa Uh-Lisa Posts: 1,308

    These are lovely, Sandman!

  • Rae134Rae134 Posts: 49
    edited July 2017

    I realised I hadn't done a render with the Cougar for the HW3D Big Cat so here's one :D

    Zombie Catfight.jpg
    1600 x 900 - 960K
    Post edited by Rae134 on
  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,157

    Is the one to the right Sparky's pack for the Hive Big Cat?

  • JOdelJOdel Posts: 6,275
    edited July 2017

    Yup. Skelecat.

    With her skeleton cat in the foreground.

    Post edited by JOdel on
  • Rae134Rae134 Posts: 49

    Yep, the Skelecat is add-on (zombie look) and Bonez which I think is stand-alone but can use the HW3D Big Cat poses.

  • scorpioscorpio Posts: 8,352
    Rae134 said:

    Yep, the Skelecat is add-on (zombie look) and Bonez which I think is stand-alone but can use the HW3D Big Cat poses.

    BoneZ can also be conformed to the Big Cat.

  • RKane_1RKane_1 Posts: 3,037
    RKane_1 said:

    Okay... I hate to kvetch but.... (He said, preparing to kvetch)

    I have long wanted to get the Hivewire Big Cat and put off buying it til it was on sale. I finally bought it.... June 24th.... I bought it on sale.

    I actively avoid buying things outside of DAZ unless they are of such high quality or vital to the type of renders I do because I like having it part of the DIM upload and download which I treasure to help with system management.

    On my birthday of all days, I find the same product I purchased is being offered here more cheaply (for me because of previous purchases) than what I purchased it for at Hivewire with no transferal of what I purchased at Hivewire being moved over to DIM thru DAZ.

    I unfortunately feel a little screwed. I would VASTLY Nprefer these be a part of DIM and to get the difference in what I spent refunded back to me but I will gladly settle simply for having it transferred to DIM.


    Help me? :)

    P.S. PLEASE don't think I am being down on Hivewire or their WONDERFUL products! The BIG CAT is AMAZING and beautiful to pose and work with.

    Alisa, can probably better clarify if existing files will be DIM accessible.

    Heheh ...... sounds like DIM  has quite a few people spoiled wink, but I get it...... well kind of ........ sort of ....... well Maybe!

    Hopefully, there will be an answer for you soon. laugh





    Yep, spoiled by DIM. I will admit it. It is too easy rather than having to fidget and seek the right file and....nope... didn't put it in right and... yep. DIM works more quickly for me.

    HIVEWIRE made me a VERY happy customer with a full refund and I look forward to ALL their wesome products in IRAY being sold here. :)

  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,157

    DIM is fabulous.  No more double clicking on EACH file and browsing to the My Library folder and saying yes or replace to pop up dialogs that I wish I didn't have to deal with... DIM does it all for you with muliple files at once.  In the settings there is a way to put in multiple paths and since I have My Library backed up twice as well as a main work path I have all three paths in DIM and it DOES install to all three paths so instant back up. With Hivewire and 'Rosity purchaces I just have a temp folder and drag and drop unzipped files to those three locations.  PITA but it's what it is....

  • Alisa Uh-LisaAlisa Uh-Lisa Posts: 1,308

    Just goes to show how different people find different things work for them.  It's great that some find DIM a great way to install products.  Many others do not. I didn't ever let the old DAZ exe files install files for me either.

    I do use DIM to download purchases from DAZ, but I do not want any installer to decide where to put my product files.  I manually install everything so I can choose exactly where it goes both in Poser and in DAZ Studio :).  And it works with purchases from anywhere and with freebies from anyone.  I simply open 2 Win Explorer windows - one with the product's zip file, the other with the Runtime/Library where I want it, and drag and drop everything to the specific folders/subfolders I want.   

    My personal way of doing things has nothing to do with HiveWire not using DIM files, though. ;)

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548


    Thanks so much for that!! heart I kept trying to insert image lol and a handful of other things and now I know!! laugh

    I had the same problem until someone explained to me how to do it too lol.  Glad I could help!

  • dreamfarmerdreamfarmer Posts: 2,128

    I wonder if there's an ETA on the Hivewire horse.

  • Alisa Uh-LisaAlisa Uh-Lisa Posts: 1,308

    I wonder if there's an ETA on the Hivewire horse.

    No, not at this time.  There are a LOT of products and many textures/materials are being updated.  They will all have Iray and Superfly mats in addition to the current 3DL and Firefly ones (a few already do have them, but not all).  It's being worked on, though!

  • dreamfarmerdreamfarmer Posts: 2,128

    That's fine! Gives me plenty of time to save up for a big splurge on (hopefully) a full breed set!

  • frank0314frank0314 Posts: 13,762

    Please remember that this thread is about HW3D products available through the Daz store, and off-site commercial posts are a violation of the TOS

  • Alisa Uh-LisaAlisa Uh-Lisa Posts: 1,308

    That's fine! Gives me plenty of time to save up for a big splurge on (hopefully) a full breed set!


  • SummerhorseSummerhorse Posts: 684

    Is there an ETA for the housecat?? And any chance for Siamese coat coloring?

  • Rae134Rae134 Posts: 49

    Not sure 23Cascade, I think its the next in line.  CWRW said she wanted to do a Siamese as she owned one but there's alot of things she has in front of it I think.

  • RKane_1RKane_1 Posts: 3,037

    I know you guys share a lot over at Hivewire about things in the pipeline. Any chance of you guys showing some of it over here in this thread? :)

  • scorpioscorpio Posts: 8,352
    RKane_1 said:

    I know you guys share a lot over at Hivewire about things in the pipeline. Any chance of you guys showing some of it over here in this thread? :)

    I don't think that would be possible especially considering Frank0134's warnning post above.

    Hivewire is a friendly forum you would be very welcome to join in the conversations there.

  • Alisa Uh-LisaAlisa Uh-Lisa Posts: 1,308
    edited July 2017

    23Cascade said:

    Is there an ETA for the housecat?? And any chance for Siamese coat coloring?

    The housecat, kitten and CWRW's Orange Tabby has been submitted - just waiting for DAZ to do their thing and then put them in the store.

    Post edited by Alisa Uh-Lisa on
  • dreamfarmerdreamfarmer Posts: 2,128

    I just checked out the Hivewire forums.... and it wasn't for the first time. :-) I did see a concern that folks who buy HW3D products here won't have any clue there might be extra content at Hivewire and while I'm too lazy to POST in a new forum I wanted to mention that such wasn't quite true. Honestly... I want Iray and I'd like to see some Iray renders. And I'm not going to lie, the launch discount here is what is going to push me over the edge re: Harry the Horse. But if not all the breed textures/morphs I want are available here, I'll simply have to find them elsewhere. Hopefully with promo renders that make me feel comfortable it will look good in my preferred engine.

    So excited. I didn't bite on the HW3D Big Cat, but only because of finances, and seeing that render above comparing the two cats makes me so sad about finances. Gotta sock away the pennies for Harry, who I hope will look just fine without blasted LAMH.

  • RKane_1RKane_1 Posts: 3,037
    scorpio said:
    RKane_1 said:

    I know you guys share a lot over at Hivewire about things in the pipeline. Any chance of you guys showing some of it over here in this thread? :)

    I don't think that would be possible especially considering Frank0134's warnning post above.

    Hivewire is a friendly forum you would be very welcome to join in the conversations there.

    But if those products are offered here, then what is the issue?


  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,565
    RKane_1 said:
    scorpio said:
    RKane_1 said:

    I know you guys share a lot over at Hivewire about things in the pipeline. Any chance of you guys showing some of it over here in this thread? :)

    I don't think that would be possible especially considering Frank0134's warnning post above.

    Hivewire is a friendly forum you would be very welcome to join in the conversations there.

    But if those products are offered here, then what is the issue?


    For products in the pipeline, they may not be planning to offer them here, or it may be too soon to have considered whether to sell them here.

This discussion has been closed.