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Hi, Singular Blues. What figures does the script support?
Thanks a lot,
G3F/M and G8F/M.
This alpha prototype will not support any others. However, it can transfer between any combination of them.
Be aware, the script might allow an attempt to do nearly anything, however, the results will be very, very bad. This is not a guess. The way the script works will definitely cause it to mangle unsupported figure morphs.
Hi guys,
I'm tryng to create a Twi'lek figure with G8 and I'd love to use Lekkulion Head Tails but everytime I fit them to the model I lose the Pose morph/slide so the tails are unusable...
Is there a way to fix it?
Autofit doesn't conserve bones, as it adapts them to the target figure; you should instead use the transfer utility (although, with geografts, the results may not be that good, maybe someone more knowledgeable can help).
SingularBlues, thanks for your work, but I am unable to use the script. I extracted it to the main library folder, loaded G3F, favorited a few morphs, loaded G8F, ctrl-click selected first G3F and then G8F, double-clicked the script and got an error message (I tried to delete G8F's eyelashes, in case the selection messed things up, but I still got an error),
From the Log:
2018-02-05 12:51:29.472 Loading script: C:/Users/Public/Documents/My DAZ 3D Library/content/Scripts/Morph Transfer Prototype/Prototype.dse
2018-02-05 12:51:29.476 DEBUG: false
2018-02-05 12:51:29.477 DEBUG: /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 8/Female/
2018-02-05 12:51:29.480 DEBUG: C:/Users/Bruno/Documents/DAZ 3D/Studio/My Library/data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 8/Female/Morphs
2018-02-05 12:51:29.552 Iray INFO - module:category(IRAY:RENDER): 1.0 IRAY rend info : Received update to 00059 iterations after 9.422s.
2018-02-05 12:51:29.611 DEBUG:
2018-02-05 12:51:29.613 WARNING: Script Error: Line 773
2018-02-05 12:51:29.613 WARNING: TypeError: Result of expression 'oSrcClone' [null] is not an object.
2018-02-05 12:51:29.613 WARNING: Stack Trace:
<anonymous>()@C:/Users/Public/Documents/My DAZ 3D Library/content/Scripts/Morph Transfer Prototype/Prototype.dse:773
2018-02-05 12:51:29.622 Error in script execution: C:/Users/Public/Documents/My DAZ 3D Library/content/Scripts/Morph Transfer Prototype/Prototype.dse
Hi Singular Blues. First trials with the new prototype script.
First attempts, I received an error. Went back and read your instructions, and discovered that my ‘main DAZ3D Library’ (where I installed the script and data folders) was not the one that is listed first in my Content Library - Daz Studio Formats. Once I set ‘My Daz 3D Library’ as the first folder in the list, the script works exactly as described.
So is the script looking for the first listed Library destination, rather than the main one, where the base figures are installed? For most people they will be the same, but I customize the content folders a lot for content creation.
I've found an issue the the vertices at the back of the eyeball/sclera when transferring an extreme morph (The Orc) from Genesis 8 Male to Genesis 3 Male. G3 doesn't have a back face on the eyeball, whereas G8 does, and a few of the outer vertices appear to have been omitted from the morph transfer.
There are nail issues with the G8 - G3 Transfer also
Hope this helps with development. Redz
Next observation is that the order in which the figures is loaded in the scene appears to matter, as well as the selection order. If I have G8M loaded first and then load G3M, the script won’t run at all for G3M to G8M morph transfers. So it appears you must load the donor/source figure first?
Also a question, is G8M to G8F and vice versa supported in this version? I get an error when attempting this. So I assume only transfers between generations 3 to 8 and 8 to 3 (of either gender) is supported right now? Thanks again Singular, and this is all in the spirit of constructive feedback, not criticism, but you know that my friend.
You say the order of selection in the figures you load is important so then does it:
a) G3F to G8F
b) G3M to G8M
c) G8F to G3F
d) G8M to G8M
e) G8M to G8F
f) G8F to G8M
g) G2F to G8F (for example)
h) Genesis to G8F?
i) Genesis to G8M?
Just wondering what you managed given what you were talking about earlier in the thread.
Nevermind - I missed the earlier post about supported figures in the alpha.
Thanks by the way!
Studio cannot find the necessary clone to run the script for G3F. Check to be sure the script is correctly installed. You may not have placed it in your primary library. Note, It is not supposed to be in "My Library/Content/" thus the instruction to extract the contents of the content folder.
It should transfer between any of G3 and G8 to any of G3 and G8.
G2 and Genesis are not supported. Only G3 and G8.
If this is the worst it's done, I am surprised. I expected more trouble, tbh.
I tried again from G8M to G8F, but the script gives an error.
2018-02-05 16:57:25.239 WARNING: Script Error: Line 487
2018-02-05 16:57:25.239 WARNING: TypeError: Result of expression 'aExKey[0]' [undefined] is not an object.
The script could transfer from one figure to the same figure, but that wouldn't really do anything. I should probably add a check point to stop it doing that.
Unlike the last script, this one does not run on a vertex by vertex comparison (it wouldn't be useful to do that for expanding beyond G3 and G8, and it would never work for the cross gender stuff). So these dangling vertexes are due to some kind of interference. The difficult issue, then is figuring out what is causing it and how to correct it. It'll take some trial and error to narrow that down.
I'm uploading the first trial now. Just copy this version of Prototype.dse to the scripts folder. Nothing else is changed as of now. Looks like some work needs to be done on the mouth and teeth, but I'm not seeing any distortions on my eyes and nails in my test files, and the results above would be visible at least slightly. So that means it's probably* not a clone issue, but a transfer issue. The change is the script is minor, and changes one of the projection settings. This is where the trial comes in. It may be one setting, or may need a combination of settings. It may turn out that one size fits all is not a good way to set those settings. I'm not sure, and the only way to test it is, well, testing.
EDIT: Upload removed as changes have been merged with the original package here.
*It could be the G8M clone, specifically being off, but that will take a while to check. I will check it, but I've gotta do pesky "get a job stuff," and checking the script side, while requiring more individual tests, only requires that I change true to false or vice versa, so I can do that pretty easily while doing other things.
Thanks :)
This is sort of what you need.
Yes, that's for Generation 4, not for Genesis, but most of the instructions apply.
The only bit that does not apply is "In Scene Tab, go to edit—rigging—convert figure to weight mapping. Choose TriAx."
Genesis built figures are already either Triax or general weight mapped and do not need conversion.
Note, this will not allow the geografting to work. That's a whole other thing. You can try this.
Be aware, Geografting is "advanced" stuff. (it's not really that hard, but can be tedious. The issue is it is fiddly and it's not ever clear what you did wrong when it doesn't work). You often need to make adjustments to the graft figure in a 3rd party modeler so if you aren't comfortable with that, this may not be for you. G8 and G3 are similar but not the same, so the grafting data for one will not work for the other. it has to be "rebuilt" as it were. And because they aren't the same, it is possible the graft will not line up right after refitting, and that's where knowing how to edit the model in a separate program comes in.
Admitting that my script is experimental, the easiest way to combine a G3 graft with a G8 shape is to transfer the shape from G8 to G3. Obviously, you may have reasons to not want to do that. This isn't meant to be a boost to my script, which you'll note is being debugged and not perfect. It's just that as the two tuts above show, transfering grafts is non-trivial.
This due some break in the code. It's supposed to skip that in this case. I'll have to troubleshoot my check points because it's basically asking for a file that does not exist. ANd it's supposed to not do that in this case.
Also, there is problem with the G8M clone's eyes. I was expecting something more fiddly, but it turns out it's pretty obvious. I'll fix it today.
Until I figure out why that check point isn't working, G8F<->G8M may fail, but it should be easy enough to fix when I find it. It has to be within a narrow range of changes I made.
If it helps, I get that error whenever I attempt a trans-gender transfer between the same generation ie G3M-G3F or G8M-G8F and vice versa. Transferring the same favourited morphs works from G3 to G8 or from G8 to G3, so the problem seems to be intra-generational.
I wasn't having this issue. That's why I figure it's code change. I messed up one bit saturday when I moved a line of code and it ended up requesting an object before it defined that object. I may have done something similar with an if statement. Not sure. I don't remember doing it, but I didn't remember moving that other line and I clearly did. But the specific issue you've ID'd is related to translating expression code, and that is not required for G3<->G3 or G8<->G8 and it worked correctly before, so I must have broken it.
Yet another update to prototype.dse. Should solve the same generation expression error. The same generation creates a null object, which is fine, but it seems I changed some code that probably wouldn't do anything anyway in the same generation case to more specfically look for that object in the cross generation case (it's more efficient). But that also meant it needed to be inside an if statement, and it wasn't.
The clones issue will take more time, since I might as well fix the mouth problems while I'm at it, and that means a whole bunch of work across all 4 clones. Well, across 3, since I can just use one as the basis clone and adjust the others to match it. As a guess, this clones problem will not effect basic morphs dramatically, but stylized, toon, and monster morphs will be distorted. I'm not seeing an issue with the fingernails as yet, but I'll look into while I handle the rest.
EDIT: Upload removed as changes have been merged with original package here.
Great. With this update I was able to transfer the G8M Orc morph to G8F, but with the same eye and nail issues seen on G3M. Obviously I’m purposely trying an extreme morph to test the limits of the transfer abilities.
More worryingly though, I now get a missing file error when loading base G8F, looking for data/daz 3D/genesis 8/female/genesis8fefemale.dsf
That's new. But I know exactly how that happend. If you remove the orc files, it will go away. That's going to be harder to fix because reasons. It's down to another last second change that is required, but also kind of a pain. I'm thinking, though, I can get around that. Suffice it to say, this is in the core of script, so I'm gonna take the script down until it's fixed.
All right.
All of the required changes have been merged into the tool set, tested, and appear to be working.
I just don't have any morphs that can really stress test the fingernail issue. I took a WAG and supposed the distance to the bottom of G3's separated nail is too large for the projection, so I made it smaller. If that's wrong, the next step is to create a special clone for G3 when it is the target.
The changed upload is back in the original post (see the top of my signature or click here).
Yellow highlighted link is wrong but the one at the top of your signature is correct.
Wow, Singular Blues. You are a genius. It's working super fast now. Is there a reason why the transfered morph doesn't show an icon card like with the old version of the script? Anyway, awesome work and thank you so much for sharing.
Martha E.
Thanks Singular Blues. Testing the Orc again with the new prototype, the eye issue is fixed. The nail transfer is much improved, apart from some separation at the nail beds. (see pics). Hope this helps.
Thank you for your hard work on this scritp. I just tried transferring the V7 morph to G8F and everything looks great except for a fingernail on her left hand and the upper arms have a weird curve:
The card should show, but you will have to reload the figure to see it. I want to get around that, but I'm not sure I can. If you have experience with GenX, you know the target figure isn't loaded when it runs. Basically, the script has a similar issue. Many of the changes it makes are not made "live." Since the figure is live, it has to be reloaded before it will show all of the changes.
Looks like a special clone will be needed to make the G3 nails work. Closing the distance on nails worked, but clearly the nail beds are too far out to project properly. Unfortunately, moving them would massively increase the odds of nail distortions in other figures. Most of that is fairly easy to fix, but I would prefer to have a generic solution, so I'll have a careful think about how to approach it. Right now the script is mostly agnostic about, and almost completely unaware of, what figures it is dealing with. That information lives in support files, which is maybe 25% of the reason the old script was over 2 megabyte to manage 2 types of transfers, and the new script is 10 kilobytes, with a full package size of about 1 meg, and can do 12 types of transfers. the other 75% is just the fact that the mechanism behind the morph translation is no longer coded as a brute force thing.
The need for a special clone to receive transfers may be limited to G3, but I'd rather build it so that any figure this issue crops up in can be supported at the support file level.
I'm a bit stumped on the nail. Could be bad vertex position in the clone. Most likely it is as otherwise, if it was something systemic, it would at least be both hands. I'll look into it. For my information, it would help if you set mesh resolution to base, and checked the right hand. If it is systemic, the high res smoothing could be, well, smoothing the error out on the other side.
The arm is a thing that happens with all transfers to Genesis 8. Some are just more obvious than others. I don't know why it's a thing. There've been a few suggestions advanced, especially early in the thread, but I haven't seen a convincing explanation. If I knew of one, I would certainly look for a way to remove it, even if it was a simple as a corrective morph. I will think about it. This comes up a lot, and the random customer is not going to easily believe it's a result of the figure and not the script. So if I can find a way to fix it, I will.
I have set the mesh resolution to base and the right hand still looks fine. The problem seems isolated to the left hand.
Thanks for the info on the curved upper arm. I had a feeling it wasn't caused by your script but I just wanted to be sure.