Morphs from G3 to G8



  • marth_emarth_e Posts: 182
    edited February 2018

    Hi, Singular Blues.

    About the cards not showing… I understand what you say about having to reload the figure but even after reloading, the cards for the transfered morphs are not showing.

    What I did was to transfer a morph from G8F to G8M and what I have seen is that the script is not copying the .png files from the G8F path to the G8M path:

        My Library\data\DAZ 3D\Genesis 8\Male\Morphs\...

    If I manually copy the .png files from G8F:

        My Library\data\DAZ 3D\Genesis 8\Female\Morphs\...

    to the G8M path then it shows the cards as it's suppose to.

    And don't get me wrong… this is by no means a complain. The script is awesome. Just trying to be of any help with the testing.

    Thanks a lot,

    Martha E.

    Post edited by marth_e on
  • Singular BluesSingular Blues Posts: 737
    edited February 2018
    marth.e said:

    Hi, Singular Blues.

    About the cards not showing… I understand what you say about having to reload the figure but even after reloading, the cards for the transfered morphs are not showing.

    What I did was to transfer a morph from G8F to G8M and what I have seen is that the script is not copying the .png files from the G8F path to the G8M path:

        My Library\data\DAZ 3D\Genesis 8\Male\Morphs\...

    If I manually copy the .png files from G8F:

        My Library\data\DAZ 3D\Genesis 8\Female\Morphs\...

    to the G8M path then it shows the cards as it's suppose to.

    And don't get me wrong… this is by no means a complain. The script is awesome. Just trying to be of any help with the testing.

    Thanks a lot,

    Martha E.

    I just ran a couple of tests on over 60 pngs and they all transfered.

    Also, there should be complains. Many complains. That is the point of this experiement. To knock out the silly issues before moving to the Bata test where things get really complex. At this point, there's only been my tests of the core program and they won't turn up issues like yours, obviously. Because I'm not haing the issue. The script is designed to pull the pngs it finds in a product folder.

    You'll need to be more specific, since I can't replicate the issue. Exactly what product and exactly what pngs. Not just file names, but the source file paths from \data.

    Post edited by Singular Blues on
  • marth_emarth_e Posts: 182
    marth.e said:


    I just ran a couple of tests on over 60 pngs and they all transfered.

    Also, there should be complains. Many complains. That is the point of this experiement. To knock out the silly issues before moving to the Bata test where things get really complex. At this point, there's only been my tests of the core program and they won't turn up issues like yours, obviously. Because I'm not haing the issue. The script is designed to pull the pngs it finds in a product folder.

    You'll need to be more specific, since I can't replicate the issue. Exactly what product and exactly what pngs. Not just file names, but the source file paths from \data.

    Hi, Singular Blues.

    Actually it seems to happen with all the transfers. It doesn't seem to matter which figure morphs I try to transfers or which combination of figures I use.

    In this sample I tried to transfer Teen Josie 8 from G8F to G8M. Here is a capture after the transfer. On the left you can see the path to Teen Josie 8 under G8F. On the right you can see the path of the transfered morphs under G8M. As you can see all the png files are missing on the right. For some reason the script didn't copy them.

    First I load G8F on the scene and then G8M. I favorite the morph I wish to transfer and after that I select G8F first and then G8M.

    I have been using the old version of the script a lot and never had problems with the image cards before.

    I'm using Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bits.

    Hope this can be of any help.

    1920 x 1080 - 245K
  • marth.e said:

    Hi, Singular Blues.

    Actually it seems to happen with all the transfers. It doesn't seem to matter which figure morphs I try to transfers or which combination of figures I use.

    In this sample I tried to transfer Teen Josie 8 from G8F to G8M. Here is a capture after the transfer. On the left you can see the path to Teen Josie 8 under G8F. On the right you can see the path of the transfered morphs under G8M. As you can see all the png files are missing on the right. For some reason the script didn't copy them.

    First I load G8F on the scene and then G8M. I favorite the morph I wish to transfer and after that I select G8F first and then G8M.

    I have been using the old version of the script a lot and never had problems with the image cards before.

    I'm using Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bits.

    Hope this can be of any help.

    Nothing about that suggests a reason for the transfer not to happen.

    I was hoping something would jump out. Grasping at straws, have you updated to the most recent script?
    Shouldn't make a difference, because I didn't change that code, but I dunno. The code that copies the pngs is almost entirely unchanged from the old script. The only change is that new script copies the dsf files to temp folder, so there's a special object introduced to tell the script to send the pngs to output folder. But that same object is used to tell the final part of the process where to send the data in the temp files, and if that wasn't working, it's unlikely CTRLTeenJosie8 would have been transfered.

    A windows version issue shouldn't impact this at all. Maybe your Studio version, but I can't imagine this would work at all if that was the issue. The transfer stuff requires 4.9 or 4.10 I think, and I'm pretty sure DzFile.copy() existed way before that. Looking at the code, every thought that I have that might cause this would cause a number of morphs to not transfer correctly (as in "at all").

  • marth_emarth_e Posts: 182

    Yes it's weird. The morphs transfer super fast and perfectly. The only thing missing are the image card files. If I copy them manually then Daz Studio shows them with no problem. I'm using  Daz Studio 4.10 and the latest version of the script. I haven't tried running Daz Studio with administrator privileges. Not sure if that could make a difference. Maybe if someone can confirm if it's working for them or not.


    Martha E.

  • RedzRedz Posts: 1,459

    I can confirm that the image pngs are not transferring with the latest script. 

    The other thing I’m seeing with some G8M to G3M transfers is that the G3 eyelashs no longer conform to the morph. Hiding the lashes and autofitting the G8 lashes also gives misaligned lashes on some figures like Michael 8 and Darius 8. 

  • Tanis VoltaTanis Volta Posts: 550
    edited February 2018

    @Singular Blues, could you look into doing a duplicated version of your script only to transfer Morpheus 7 to females and Sakura 8 to males? these are so unique looks that need a cross morph solution. Thanks!!


    Post edited by Tanis Volta on
  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,293
    EquisVoid said:

    @Singular Blues, could you look into doing a duplicated version of your script only to transfer Morpheus 7 to females and Sakura 8 to males? these are so unique looks that need a cross morph solution. Thanks!!


    I'd like that too but I'd transfer Morpheus 7 to G8M and then to G8F. Maybe, or maybe not I'd Morpheus 7 transfer to G3F.

  • EquisVoid said:

    @Singular Blues, could you look into doing a duplicated version of your script only to transfer Morpheus 7 to females and Sakura 8 to males? these are so unique looks that need a cross morph solution. Thanks!!



    For the following reasons:

    1. I don't really have time to devote to trying to create specific tools to transfer morphs I don't own.
    2. The script in wor will already do that to extent it will transfer anything else.

    I wouldn't recommend trying it right now, as the alpha is still very alpha. But there's not real justification for attempting to tackle the issues involved any more than I already have. As you can see above, there are more immediate functionality issues to deal with.

    Redz said:

    I can confirm that the image pngs are not transferring with the latest script. 

    The other thing I’m seeing with some G8M to G3M transfers is that the G3 eyelashs no longer conform to the morph. Hiding the lashes and autofitting the G8 lashes also gives misaligned lashes on some figures like Michael 8 and Darius 8. 

    Well, there'll be another version up shortly, so mayhap that will fix it. I still can't imagine why it wouldn't work while everything else did. As the script is written, the copy command details are the same ones that are later used to finalize the morphs. And the copy command itself is the same as the old one.

    Anyway. I'm doing a code change and adding new clones, so I'll take another look. I think I'll add a data dump feature. That should only take a few minutes.

  • Bunyip02Bunyip02 Posts: 8,790
    edited February 2018

    Hello to Singular Blues, and many thank-yous for your script. Had lots of fun transferring G3 to G8, including all of the GenX morphs I have done.

    Morpheus is a lot of fun, glad to get him on G8.

    G8 Morpheus.png
    1987 x 1036 - 615K
    Post edited by Bunyip02 on
  • That took not time at all.

    Still wouldn't recommend just yet. OTOH< the script is very fast, so replacing poor results doesn't take long.

  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,293

    Yes, that's good. I have the products being talked about too but I've been waiting for this new alpha version to be working with what Redz has been testing & failing on.

    I suppose I could test only with Morphues to G8M & G8F and Sakura 8 to G8M and report any errors before then though as I could easily delete the mistakes for the next test. Whether then any special exception code or clones were made is entirely up to Singular Blues & whether or not he thinks his product would get enough additional sales from Sakura 8 and Morpheus 7 customers to justify the extra labor.

    I think Morpheus will transfer easy but Sakura 8 I'm not so sure of as she's unusually constructed.

    What I don't want is a mass transfer of all my G3M & G3F products to G8M & G8F by design or through some coding mistake or my own user error.

  • Singular BluesSingular Blues Posts: 737
    edited February 2018

    New clones added, new code to use said clones.

    I tried to add a check point to make it optional for log dumping, but I messed up the syntax and can't figure out where. So, instead of that there's one that logs, ProtoypeVerbose, and one that doesn't. The only difference between the two is one has print statements and one has print statements commented out. If something doesn't work, run it again using PrototypeVerbose and provide the relevant log info.

    If something is distorted, don't do that, because the logs won't help there. Probably. It's not the best first test, anyway. The best first test is a screenshoot of the distortion in WIRE TEXTURE SHADED view mode with default textures. That gives me enough information to orient on the possible clone issues.

    This is not a criticism of previous pictures. It's just, assuming I didn't breaks something new, we've probably gone past the low hanging fruit (except the nailbeds. I made a change there that might not solve the problem, but is a much better option if it does).

    A couple of tests showed no distorts and eyelashes working, but (again) I don't have much in the way of extreme morphs to test. I have my toon stuff, but most of that has been modified to suit the particular figure, and I'm too freaking tired to go through the efforts of protecting for testing right now. (I've not had a full night's sleep in three days. Sickness of some sort. Probably bad food leading to dehydration, which has been causing tenacious headaches, which aren't bothersome at all until I try to sleep.)


    Post edited by Singular Blues on
  • Tanis VoltaTanis Volta Posts: 550
    edited February 2018

    take care please, health is more important than anything 

    My priority is a Sakura male, and I will wait patiently for others to test it because I am very bad on taking errors

    Thanks, get better soon

    Post edited by Tanis Volta on
  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,293

    If you had that flu that was going around earlier by warned that even after the worst of the symptoms comes and goes it seems to linger in a milder form waxing and waning according to I know not what? Enough water? Enough sleep? Bad weather? It seems to stick around though.

  • It's not flu. Thank Dog. I got more sleep than I wanted last night. I almost feel human. I should be fine soon.

    I;m tempted to make a new morph set just test things out, but I really ought to do other things.

  • I keep getting an implementation error when I try to run this script.  Am I doing something wrong?

  • mmkdazmmkdaz Posts: 335

    Doesnt work for me (error running script). Below is a screenshot of where my content folders are. This is also where I installed the script.

    837 x 858 - 98K
  • Singular BluesSingular Blues Posts: 737
    edited February 2018

    I keep getting an implementation error when I try to run this script.  Am I doing something wrong?

    I have no idea what an implentation error is. Could you be more specific?

    To borrow a quote, data, data, data, I cannot make bricks without clay.
    (Edit: I also can't spell. I really wish this site would just le chrome's spellcheck work. Sheesh.)

    magnumdaz said:

    Doesnt work for me (error running script). Below is a screenshot of where my content folders are. This is also where I installed the script.

    See above. This doesn't actually tell me anything. I need more specific information.

    For a good example of what more specific information looks like, see Marth.e's responses. I know they didn't help much, but they were highly detailed. So if you want to send me screen shots of "where you installed the script" navigate to the folder that contains the script and send a screenshot of that including the address bar. If you have an error, post a log.

    I will admit, 5 times of 10 the log file says something like "Implementation error" and is equally useless, but if you post the log, then I know you aren't leaving anything important out. Otherwise you are effectivelly saying "the thing broke," and hoping I happen to know exactly what you mean.

    Now and again, I do and tend to jump into fixing it. But now and again, I don't but I think I do and waste a lot of time chasing rabbits. So I'm going to make a policy of restraining myself. 

    Post edited by Singular Blues on
  • RedzRedz Posts: 1,459
    edited February 2018

    Okay. trying out the latest version, the G8M to G3M transfers are much improved. The eyelashes conform on all of the head morphs I tested. The nail beds on the Orc look good too. Victoria 7's nails look correct on G8F now too.

    G3M to G8M transfers work well, the only issue is with long nail morphs, which transfer over curved up (see pics)

    Attempting to transfer certain morphs between G3M to G8M, nothing happens and the following error shows in the log file -

    2018-02-09 10:27:27.689 WARNING: Script Error: Line 250

    2018-02-09 10:27:27.689 WARNING: TypeError: Result of expression 'sVendorProduct' [null] is not an object.

    2018-02-09 10:27:27.689 WARNING: Stack Trace:

    <anonymous>()@E:/My DAZ 3D Library/Scripts/Morph Transfer Prototype/Prototype.dse:250

    This happens with the Gades character. His morph consists of a .dsf and a .dhdm file (both called Gades) and then the JCMs and MCMs are in subfolders in the product data folder. Favouriting a JCM doesn't work either.

    Also the script terminates at Gades, and doesn't just skip it and proceed to convert other favourited morphs

    Ps out of town for the next week so I hope others can assist with testing

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    Post edited by Redz on
  • The upcurve is probably a result of the same thing that causes the arm curve. I'll try something this weekend to maybe deal with it. I'll also recheck the G*M clone because it might just be sticky verts in the wrong place.

    The Gades thing is unexpected. Something about the way the property is loaded in nonstandard, but I can't test it myself, so I can't say what. My first impression, based on the failure point, was a nonstandard file path, especially with JCM subfolder, but checking the doc center file list shows that the file paths are as expected, and given the evidence up thread of successful Morpheus transfer, the script is handling nonstandard paths as I expected it to.

    If you'll recall from the olden days, an early issue with script is that morphs are not properties. However, the sliders you interact with and tend to think of as morphs are properties. When a property is just a collection ERC data, for example if you query the name using DzProperty().name it will return the name of the property. This was needed before but would be unnecessary now except for one other issue. When a property has a morph attached to it DzProperty().name returns "Value" and that's a sign of problem. The issue being properties that return "Value" respond only with fragment data when given DzUri().assetUri queries. A full assetUri will look something like data/Daz%203D/Genesis%208/Female/Morphs/Vendor/Product/Filename.dsf#Propertyname. A fragment looks like Propertyname. Most of the time Filename and Propertyname are the same, but they don't have to be. So the fragment is fairly useless for this purpose.

    The script uses a smarter version of the same idea the oldscript did. It asks for the Owner of the property using getOwner() this should return either the Figure or the Modifer (the morph). Then it checks if the property has a name or replies with Value. If the latter, it uses the owner of the property (which should be the modifer) to get the Uri.

    The script is erroring out gracelessly because I didn't put in a checkpoint there for errors. I didn't put in checkpoint because I didn't think that was possible. Live and learn. Best guess, since the morph loads, is that this morph returns Value but the owner is the figure. I have reasons for suspecting this that are even more technical, but suffice it to say, it's something in the file list that makes me think these dsfs may have been hand edited. Because very bad things would happen if the script used the figure Uri to do work, there is a defacto checkpoint wherein the script pulls the Vendor and Product names (it needs them) by attempting to scrape the Uri starting with the word Morphs. If that isn't in the Uri, it would return null.

    line 250 is the script checking the scraped data, so up to this point, some kind of Uri was provided. The question is was a fragment or the figure Uri. The follow up question is "why." Unless someone volunteers to test this specific product, I'll have to wait until you get back and send a script written just to answer that question.

  • RbugRbug Posts: 166

    ok this is well something odd and to my reading new. It finished transfering Bethany 7 to G8 and all i get is a duplicate formual found in files, and a Duplicate ids found. how do i get rid of what this script did so i can maybe start over with it.


  • Remove the files.

    This is probably going to sound mean, but this is not something I can handhold you through.

    Based on the way this script works it can't create duplicate formulas that I know of. That said, if it did, I'd like to troubleshoot it because that needs to be fixed.

    That said, this is an at your own risk script. If all you want out of it is a quick transfer and see ya, that's fine. But in that case, it's up to you to locate the files and remove them if it goes wrong. All the information you need to do that is in the Daz documentation center for the Bethany 7 product under the file list link. The only thing is where the docs say Genesis 3 you will look for Genesis 8.

    On the other hand, if you want to help development, post up your log and I'll see what I can do.

    To be clear, I'm not claiming the script didn't break stuff. That's the risk. But the most likely cause is that you have another copy of Bethany 7 already transfered via different means. The second most likely cause is a basic product conflict. The only thing that has an obvious potential to generate duplicate IDs is a transfer to G3F, but there's always potential for the unexpected. But the answer to "how do I fix this," is "look up where the files went and delete the files." The answer to "how do I help you prevent this," is my making a better script and telling you how to fix your issue while I'm at it.

  • I keep getting an implementation error when I try to run this script.  Am I doing something wrong?

    I have no idea what an implentation error is. Could you be more specific?

    To borrow a quote, data, data, data, I cannot make bricks without clay.
    (Edit: I also can't spell. I really wish this site would just le chrome's spellcheck work. Sheesh.)


    Fair enough.  I though maybe someone would have had this as well.

    The first image is what happens when I click your script and the second image is what the error log generates.

    So, I'm thinking I'm doing something wrong here?

    715 x 220 - 32K
    error log.JPG
    792 x 378 - 121K
  • RedzRedz Posts: 1,459

    The upcurve is probably a result of the same thing that causes the arm curve. I'll try something this weekend to maybe deal with it. I'll also recheck the G*M clone because it might just be sticky verts in the wrong place.

    The Gades thing is unexpected. Something about the way the property is loaded in nonstandard, but I can't test it myself, so I can't say what. My first impression, based on the failure point, was a nonstandard file path, especially with JCM subfolder, but checking the doc center file list shows that the file paths are as expected, and given the evidence up thread of successful Morpheus transfer, the script is handling nonstandard paths as I expected it to.

    If you'll recall from the olden days, an early issue with script is that morphs are not properties. However, the sliders you interact with and tend to think of as morphs are properties. When a property is just a collection ERC data, for example if you query the name using DzProperty().name it will return the name of the property. This was needed before but would be unnecessary now except for one other issue. When a property has a morph attached to it DzProperty().name returns "Value" and that's a sign of problem. The issue being properties that return "Value" respond only with fragment data when given DzUri().assetUri queries. A full assetUri will look something like data/Daz%203D/Genesis%208/Female/Morphs/Vendor/Product/Filename.dsf#Propertyname. A fragment looks like Propertyname. Most of the time Filename and Propertyname are the same, but they don't have to be. So the fragment is fairly useless for this purpose.

    The script uses a smarter version of the same idea the oldscript did. It asks for the Owner of the property using getOwner() this should return either the Figure or the Modifer (the morph). Then it checks if the property has a name or replies with Value. If the latter, it uses the owner of the property (which should be the modifer) to get the Uri.

    The script is erroring out gracelessly because I didn't put in a checkpoint there for errors. I didn't put in checkpoint because I didn't think that was possible. Live and learn. Best guess, since the morph loads, is that this morph returns Value but the owner is the figure. I have reasons for suspecting this that are even more technical, but suffice it to say, it's something in the file list that makes me think these dsfs may have been hand edited. Because very bad things would happen if the script used the figure Uri to do work, there is a defacto checkpoint wherein the script pulls the Vendor and Product names (it needs them) by attempting to scrape the Uri starting with the word Morphs. If that isn't in the Uri, it would return null.

    line 250 is the script checking the scraped data, so up to this point, some kind of Uri was provided. The question is was a fragment or the figure Uri. The follow up question is "why." Unless someone volunteers to test this specific product, I'll have to wait until you get back and send a script written just to answer that question.

    I’m here for a few hours more if it’s any help. Gades doesn’t have a separate HD dial, just the one dial. I even tried creating a new LowD morph and saving it to the folder, but it still won’t transfer. 

  • RedzRedz Posts: 1,459

    Also, I just tried various Morpheus morphs, and can’t get those to transfer either. They give the same error as Gades. This is strange, because I must have managed to transfer his body morphs with some older version of the script. (Only the body shapes had transferred though, not the head and face morphs that are in different sub-folders. 

  • Singular BluesSingular Blues Posts: 737
    edited February 2018

    I keep getting an implementation error when I try to run this script.  Am I doing something wrong?

    I have no idea what an implentation error is. Could you be more specific?

    To borrow a quote, data, data, data, I cannot make bricks without clay.
    (Edit: I also can't spell. I really wish this site would just le chrome's spellcheck work. Sheesh.)


    Fair enough.  I though maybe someone would have had this as well.

    The first image is what happens when I click your script and the second image is what the error log generates.

    So, I'm thinking I'm doing something wrong here?

    In order to be sure, I recreated your mistake. And I can say, with certainty, I still have no idea what an implementation error is.

    I can't replicate that. But it sounds bad. Best guess, you aren't using studio 4.10? You are running something not compatible, with your version, either G8 or my script?

    That said, you are missing a step. Given that youmay have the wronf Studio version, doing it right may not help, but I don't know that for sure. But:
    "general\dzscene.cpp(5707): Index out of range in DzScene::getSelectedNode()

    Script Error: Line 685
    TypeError: Result of expression 'oSrcNode' [null] is not an object.

    " Means you haven't selected both figures. Select the figure you are transfering FROM first. Then CTRL click (Command click for silly mac people) the second figure. Also, it probably doesn't matter, but maybe it does. In fact, assume it does. You shouldn't move or pose the figures.

    Redz said:

    The upcurve is probably a result of the same thing that causes the arm curve. I'll try something this weekend to maybe deal with it. I'll also recheck the G*M clone because it might just be sticky verts in the wrong place.

    The Gades thing is unexpected. Something about the way the property is loaded in nonstandard, but I can't test it myself, so I can't say what. My first impression, based on the failure point, was a nonstandard file path, especially with JCM subfolder, but checking the doc center file list shows that the file paths are as expected, and given the evidence up thread of successful Morpheus transfer, the script is handling nonstandard paths as I expected it to.

    If you'll recall from the olden days, an early issue with script is that morphs are not properties. However, the sliders you interact with and tend to think of as morphs are properties. When a property is just a collection ERC data, for example if you query the name using DzProperty().name it will return the name of the property. This was needed before but would be unnecessary now except for one other issue. When a property has a morph attached to it DzProperty().name returns "Value" and that's a sign of problem. The issue being properties that return "Value" respond only with fragment data when given DzUri().assetUri queries. A full assetUri will look something like data/Daz%203D/Genesis%208/Female/Morphs/Vendor/Product/Filename.dsf#Propertyname. A fragment looks like Propertyname. Most of the time Filename and Propertyname are the same, but they don't have to be. So the fragment is fairly useless for this purpose.

    The script uses a smarter version of the same idea the oldscript did. It asks for the Owner of the property using getOwner() this should return either the Figure or the Modifer (the morph). Then it checks if the property has a name or replies with Value. If the latter, it uses the owner of the property (which should be the modifer) to get the Uri.

    The script is erroring out gracelessly because I didn't put in a checkpoint there for errors. I didn't put in checkpoint because I didn't think that was possible. Live and learn. Best guess, since the morph loads, is that this morph returns Value but the owner is the figure. I have reasons for suspecting this that are even more technical, but suffice it to say, it's something in the file list that makes me think these dsfs may have been hand edited. Because very bad things would happen if the script used the figure Uri to do work, there is a defacto checkpoint wherein the script pulls the Vendor and Product names (it needs them) by attempting to scrape the Uri starting with the word Morphs. If that isn't in the Uri, it would return null.

    line 250 is the script checking the scraped data, so up to this point, some kind of Uri was provided. The question is was a fragment or the figure Uri. The follow up question is "why." Unless someone volunteers to test this specific product, I'll have to wait until you get back and send a script written just to answer that question.

    I’m here for a few hours more if it’s any help. Gades doesn’t have a separate HD dial, just the one dial. I even tried creating a new LowD morph and saving it to the folder, but it still won’t transfer. 

    I'll see if I can whip it up that fast. If I can, it will run like the script but it won't actually run the script. Just print the data I need to the log.

    Post edited by Singular Blues on
  • In order to be sure, I recreated your mistake. And I can say, with certainty, I still have no idea what an implementation error is.

    I can't replicate that. But it sounds bad. Best guess, you aren't using studio 4.10? You are running something not compatible, with your version, either G8 or my script?

    That said, you are missing a step. Given that youmay have the wronf Studio version, doing it right may not help, but I don't know that for sure. But:
    "general\dzscene.cpp(5707): Index out of range in DzScene::getSelectedNode()

    Script Error: Line 685
    TypeError: Result of expression 'oSrcNode' [null] is not an object.

    " Means you haven't selected both figures. Select the figure you are transfering FROM first. Then CTRL click (Command click for silly mac people) the second figure. Also, it probably doesn't matter, but maybe it does. In fact, assume it does. You shouldn't move or pose the figures.

    I'm using 4.10 and I am trying to go from G8 to G3, which I thought was supported.  Let me try again.

  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,293
    edited February 2018

    Well, I have Gades & Morpheus both that RedZ is having trouble with if you want me to test while she is out of town let me know. I've just be watching mostly until something that's clean shows up. It seems that since Redz had trouble with Morpheus and another user didn't maybe her content library is much larger than mine or the earlier poster that successfully transferred Morpheus and so is presenting your scripts a unique problem we others aren't.

    I do have G3M 'Long Fingernail' Morphs but they are part of the G3M Male Body Morphs DAZ Originals product and I won't be transferring those as I have the G8M version of that product, besides from the length of the fingernails in Redz post I think that belong to one of those 'G3M creature' or Josh Crockett products.

    So post your next bug fix and I'll test it with Gades, Morpheus, Toon Generations 2, and some ShareCG Freebies without you asking or ask me to use the current version  if you want more information on that version so you can try to figure out the bug and I'll get too it.

    Post edited by nonesuch00 on
  • Singular BluesSingular Blues Posts: 737
    edited February 2018

    In order to be sure, I recreated your mistake. And I can say, with certainty, I still have no idea what an implementation error is.

    I can't replicate that. But it sounds bad. Best guess, you aren't using studio 4.10? You are running something not compatible, with your version, either G8 or my script?

    That said, you are missing a step. Given that youmay have the wronf Studio version, doing it right may not help, but I don't know that for sure. But:
    "general\dzscene.cpp(5707): Index out of range in DzScene::getSelectedNode()

    Script Error: Line 685
    TypeError: Result of expression 'oSrcNode' [null] is not an object.

    " Means you haven't selected both figures. Select the figure you are transfering FROM first. Then CTRL click (Command click for silly mac people) the second figure. Also, it probably doesn't matter, but maybe it does. In fact, assume it does. You shouldn't move or pose the figures.

    I'm using 4.10 and I am trying to go from G8 to G3, which I thought was supported.  Let me try again.

    G8 to G3 is supported. As I said, the qwidget errors I can't replicate. I'm not sure they are related to the script. Maybe, maybe not.

    The error in red is a result of not having both figures selected.

    Redz said:

    Also, I just tried various Morpheus morphs, and can’t get those to transfer either. They give the same error as Gades. This is strange, because I must have managed to transfer his body morphs with some older version of the script. (Only the body shapes had transferred though, not the head and face morphs that are in different sub-folders. 

    I've put together a basic script to pull the data. You can run it in the script IDE or copy the results from the log file. It will tell me what the script is seeing when it runs. You only need one figure selected to run this tester. It's named Gades, but it will test anything for this problem. Probably belaboring the point, but you do need to select the favorite to tell it which morph to test, and it will probably test multiple morphs at the same time.

    EDIT: Changed the order of steps to be sure it doesn't error out before generating some data at 11:12 my time. 8 minutes past the post time stamp.

    Post edited by Singular Blues on
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