Star Trek Builders Unite 7: The Continuing Mission



  • GRFK DSGN UnlimitedGRFK DSGN Unlimited Posts: 1,051
    edited December 1969

    I'm not a big fan of F3D because I never seem to be able to download anything. I have an account there. I'm either logged in or have issues logging in. I try and have my password reset but I never get the email from them. And it's not in my spam folder either.


  • patience55patience55 Posts: 7,006
    edited December 1969

    I'm not a big fan of F3D because I never seem to be able to download anything. I have an account there. I'm either logged in or have issues logging in. I try and have my password reset but I never get the email from them. And it's not in my spam folder either.


    After one of their long-time ago minor issues: as in once upon a time it took awhile, but eventually using a new email address and a totally offbeat handle I was able to get logged in there. Still works but one has to have script enabled, click way up at the top and that area should provide a drop-down window, hopefully with details remembered by the browser to log in. Then return to the desired page and refresh it. Clicking on download brings up the end user agreement page; clicking on accept, that is the download link.

    Problem with the handle I have I think, the one time I sent them an email inquiring about issues, well, guess either that was down that day too OR nobody took it seriously. It's such a beautiful handle too lol ... almost as nifty as the one for Turbosquid.

  • GRFK DSGN UnlimitedGRFK DSGN Unlimited Posts: 1,051
    edited December 1969

    Problem is I dont even see a "download" button when I'm on a particular item's page. Apparently I'm not logged in AGAIN. Time to sign up again I guess.


  • MattymanxMattymanx Posts: 6,881
    edited December 1969

    YOu need to be logged in at F3D in order to download.

    The reason why most of my conversions are at F3D is because that is where the original was taken from. They have a rule there... if you post it at F3D then it can be freely converted wihtout permission as long as you re-post it at F3D.

  • GRFK DSGN UnlimitedGRFK DSGN Unlimited Posts: 1,051
    edited December 1969

    Well I set up a new account. Waiting on the verification email. So far it's been 15 minutes and it hasnt showed up yet. I can logged in but still no download links or buttons. Even tried a different browser. Beginning to wonder if they have issues with gmail accounts.


  • MattymanxMattymanx Posts: 6,881
    edited December 1969

    Well I set up a new account. Waiting on the verification email. So far it's been 15 minutes and it hasnt showed up yet. I can logged in but still no download links or buttons. Even tried a different browser. Beginning to wonder if they have issues with gmail accounts.


    Can take up to an hour or so for new accounts to be active.

  • GRFK DSGN UnlimitedGRFK DSGN Unlimited Posts: 1,051
    edited December 1969

    Not a problem. Been over an hour for the password reset for my other account and it's tied to a different email address ( another gmail account). Didnt seem to have these issues when I had a comcast account.

  • ncampncamp Posts: 345
    edited December 1969

    Not a problem. Been over an hour for the password reset for my other account and it's tied to a different email address ( another gmail account). Didnt seem to have these issues when I had a comcast account.

    It's been two days since my first password reset request. Never heard a peep.
  • GRFK DSGN UnlimitedGRFK DSGN Unlimited Posts: 1,051
    edited December 1969

    Well I'm going to lunch and see if I get anything when I return. If not then I'll try signing up with my Yahoo account and see if that makes any difference.


  • mdbruffymdbruffy Posts: 2,345
    edited December 1969

    mdbruffy said:
    Redfern said:
    mdbruffy said:
    Does SGreco have a DA account?

    Looks like he does.



    Then all he needs to do is get the shortest possible premium membership and set up a folder. Then his props will be available when he wants then to. DA does not take the folders away when the membership expires, you just can't set up any more.

    Excuse me but it does not cost anything to set up a folder. I have had several. One cannot "nest" folders on the free account, that's all.

    I never used any till I had a membership, so I didn't know that. Sorry.

  • mdbruffymdbruffy Posts: 2,345
    edited December 1969

    Mattymanx said:
    Foundation3D had a minor server issue -

    All downloads to all ships and props on F3D are active.

    They've had a few ... months of ... guess minor is a rather subjective term.

    moving on ... I did model a hallway, ... loosely based on a converted .obj found somewhere on my computer. Think it's one everybody has already but that's okay ... I like modeling.

    Picture? Is it Next Gen?

  • patience55patience55 Posts: 7,006
    edited December 1969

    mdbruffy said:
    Mattymanx said:
    Foundation3D had a minor server issue -

    All downloads to all ships and props on F3D are active.

    They've had a few ... months of ... guess minor is a rather subjective term.

    moving on ... I did model a hallway, ... loosely based on a converted .obj found somewhere on my computer. Think it's one everybody has already but that's okay ... I like modeling.

    Picture? Is it Next Gen?

    Yes I think so ... but I haven't checked it against photos, just made something workable ... hoping to get it uvmapped and ready for posting in a day or two.

  • mdbruffymdbruffy Posts: 2,345
    edited December 1969

    mdbruffy said:
    Mattymanx said:
    Foundation3D had a minor server issue -

    All downloads to all ships and props on F3D are active.

    They've had a few ... months of ... guess minor is a rather subjective term.

    moving on ... I did model a hallway, ... loosely based on a converted .obj found somewhere on my computer. Think it's one everybody has already but that's okay ... I like modeling.

    Picture? Is it Next Gen?

    Yes I think so ... but I haven't checked it against photos, just made something workable ... hoping to get it uvmapped and ready for posting in a day or two.


  • MattymanxMattymanx Posts: 6,881
    edited December 1969

    Well I'm going to lunch and see if I get anything when I return. If not then I'll try signing up with my Yahoo account and see if that makes any difference.


    I use a yahoo email and it works just fine. Hopefully you have been able to make it in.

  • mdbruffymdbruffy Posts: 2,345
    edited December 1969

    Is there a program that can convert poses from one figure to another?

  • MattymanxMattymanx Posts: 6,881
    edited December 1969

    mdbruffy said:
    Is there a program that can convert poses from one figure to another?

    Even if there was, there is NO perfect solution as its impossible to compensate for all characters and addon on character morphs or shapes.

    You are better off doing the conversion yourself.

  • mdbruffymdbruffy Posts: 2,345
    edited May 2015

    Mattymanx said:
    mdbruffy said:
    Is there a program that can convert poses from one figure to another?

    Even if there was, there is NO perfect solution as its impossible to compensate for all characters and addon on character morphs or shapes.

    You are better off doing the conversion yourself.

    Okay. I just wanted one for standing, walking, that kind of pose. Thanks.

    Post edited by mdbruffy on
  • Robert FreiseRobert Freise Posts: 4,303
    edited May 2015

    mdbruffy said:
    Mattymanx said:
    mdbruffy said:
    Is there a program that can convert poses from one figure to another?

    Even if there was, there is NO perfect solution as its impossible to compensate for all characters and addon on character morphs or shapes.

    You are better off doing the conversion yourself.

    Okay. I just wanted one for standing, walking, that kind of pose. Thanks.

    Check over at Sharecg I think there are some pose set's there for most of the figures out
    skylab has some as does just last knight (jlk)

    Most Digital
    Has free poses and stuff

    Post edited by Robert Freise on
  • patience55patience55 Posts: 7,006
    edited May 2015

    I messed up that quote real good. To answer mdbruffy's question:

    Digging through some of the paperwork, TNG, TMP or ???

    Here's a peak. Have a minor uv tweak to make, check some smoothing marks and then duplicate this section over for the other side of the hall.
    There's a break in the middle and the entire tunnel will consist of 2 pieces for loading. All uvmapped :-)

    1000 x 1000 - 269K
    Post edited by patience55 on
  • mdbruffymdbruffy Posts: 2,345
    edited December 1969

    mdbruffy said:
    Mattymanx said:
    mdbruffy said:
    Is there a program that can convert poses from one figure to another?

    Even if there was, there is NO perfect solution as its impossible to compensate for all characters and addon on character morphs or shapes.

    You are better off doing the conversion yourself.

    Okay. I just wanted one for standing, walking, that kind of pose. Thanks.

    Check over at Sharecg I think there are some pose set's there for most of the figures out
    skylab has some as does just last knight (jlk)

    Most Digital
    Has free poses and stuff

    Okay. 'll check them out. Thanks.

  • mdbruffymdbruffy Posts: 2,345
    edited December 1969

    I messed up that quote real good. To answer mdbruffy's question:

    Digging through some of the paperwork, TNG, TMP or ???

    Here's a peak. Have a minor uv tweak to make, check some smoothing marks and then duplicate this section over for the other side of the hall.
    There's a break in the middle and the entire tunnel will consist of 2 pieces for loading. All uvmapped :-)

    Looks good.

  • rdudarduda Posts: 579
    edited December 1969

    10 Forward at VP now, just thought I would let you all know!

    600 x 600 - 73K
  • patience55patience55 Posts: 7,006
    edited May 2015

    mdbruffy said:
    I messed up that quote real good. To answer mdbruffy's question:

    Digging through some of the paperwork, TNG, TMP or ???

    Here's a peak. Have a minor uv tweak to make, check some smoothing marks and then duplicate this section over for the other side of the hall.
    There's a break in the middle and the entire tunnel will consist of 2 pieces for loading. All uvmapped :-)

    Looks good.

    I think it's done, will double check a few things tomorrow and hopefully upload it at DA.

    Here are some more promos.

    edit; Now available.

    Post edited by patience55 on
  • mdbruffymdbruffy Posts: 2,345
    edited December 1969

    Does anyone know of a GOOD Next Generation Transporter Room model? The one I have simply won't work.

  • rschulterschulte Posts: 485
    edited December 1969
  • mdbruffymdbruffy Posts: 2,345
    edited May 2015

    rschulte said:
    mdbruffy said:
    Does anyone know of a GOOD Next Generation Transporter Room model? The one I have simply won't work.

    for purchase:

    as freebies:

    Thanks, rschulte. Seems a shame to buy something I only need for 3 panels, but I don't have any choice.
    Went for the second one.

    Post edited by mdbruffy on
  • shadowhawk1shadowhawk1 Posts: 2,189
    edited December 1969

    Rduda said:
    10 Forward at VP now, just thought I would let you all know!

    AWESOME!!! Thanks Rduda, I love your sets and appreciate all the work that goes into them

  • GRFK DSGN UnlimitedGRFK DSGN Unlimited Posts: 1,051
    edited December 1969

    Still no change on my F3D issue. I've tried my gmail accounts and my yahoo account. No verification emails. And that's after waiting a couple of days. And nothing in my SPAM folders either. Just dont understand what the issue is.


  • patience55patience55 Posts: 7,006
    edited December 1969

    Still no change on my F3D issue. I've tried my gmail accounts and my yahoo account. No verification emails. And that's after waiting a couple of days. And nothing in my SPAM folders either. Just dont understand what the issue is.


    Did you try to simply sign in, maybe they aren't really sending out verification emails ... I know company said they were and never do but don't recall which one.

  • GRFK DSGN UnlimitedGRFK DSGN Unlimited Posts: 1,051
    edited December 1969

    Weird. You say you're going to send a verification email but yet you dont send it. Hmmm... So I tried logging in and lo and behold the "download now" button finally appears. That just boggles the mind. I spend all this time looking for verification email that was never coming...


This discussion has been closed.