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Thank you guys for the encouragement :
@Fishtales ~ I fixxed the autoplay so you should not be wearing any more coffee when exploring my site,
Thanks again for pointing that out I was to close to project and missed it
@glaseye Its could be my web hosting i just upgraded it and I donl't think they have caught up to my uploads. The front page BG images was a Image I have put together and used in the final rendered animation. it madea good effect. Thank you for noticing.
@Diomede It was a big under taking .. Took 8 days to get everything completed onces the CSS and templete pages where done which took a few weeks. The drone videos is one of the main reasons for upgrading my site to this type style layout
I hope it goes well as well & now that I have this site done you can be sure I'll be uploading all my new videos to my site.
something I made for my website
I did this video as a render test to compare volumtric clouds to flat pane clouds. in a animated short entertaining video
Scene 1 used flat pane clouds from stone mason.
scene 2 was stonemasons volumetric clouds
what I learned was flat- pane clouds render 500x faster than volumetric clouds
Video Page Banish the curse of a soul
video URL
what a cool animation
Thank you very much Wendy for watching and commenting

That was sooo good! Well done :)
But... but... I was really enjoying that! Is there more? I want to know what happens!
Thank you Fishtales :)
I am sorry The cruse was released and that was the end
This video was made for a volumetric vs Bill boards render test. and I am weird I always try to make my test videos entertaining little stories :)
Drone flight footage I took this after a dusting of snow
Video URL Fly Over The Rainbow Mountain
Page URL:
"Still Alive"
Just a bit distracted
Taken witha DJI mavic 3 cina at a 1000 meters at Johnson county airport
"Taken witha DJI mavic 3 cina at a 1000 meters at Johnson county airport"
I would advise anyone who clicks that link to NOT LOOK DOWN.
I did. I also looked up, and there appears to be a circular hole in the sky - is that the hardware or the software?
the camera
it cannot photograph itself
mine (360 camera not drone, don't have one) added a black circular hole at the bottom like that with the metadata details written in it
lets face it, with a drone 99% of the time above and beyond the drone you would only ever see sky, they could have been cheeky and stiched a photograph of the drone into the software (or a dragon)
Ah, I was thinking of the multiiple overlapping exposures used to make HDRis.
Thank you Wendy
Its the 8k hasselblad camera, it does not stitch the tops images for somereason. I stiched these pano's within the drone software instead of Light-room
I took these in multible images stitched all together , wihch I can do on th fly in the drones camera software
I have a bunch of hdr's I have created and I plan on releasing as freebies , right now I am just enjoying flying the drone and exploring
this is a 180 pano
360 pano night hdr taken with a mavic3
My flight data
The video below was captured at 200 shutter speed at 4k for organic slow motion processed in the drone software which has live stream capabilities using my phones wifi
Ah, pity it doesn't do that automatically but there is no doubt that the results are very impressive anyway.
Thankfully I can take the folder that is created with the raw images in the SD card and download & stich the images in lightroom and that seems to fix the ceiling of the dome. But that hole in the ceiling of the dome is something thats been bugging so I did write support today to see if, that i'm processing them right. or if it something else. there is so many camera settings, shutter speeds , light filters, EVU light settings etc. so I admit I can't not blame the drone because I maybe not have something set right in the camera processing. Its taken me a year to learn how to fly get my 107 license so I am still learning. I'll see what Support tells me one thing i can vouch for is. DJI has awesome support for these drones to help people
the photos are just killer
Great stuff, Ivy!!!!!
The quality of the photos and the definition of the details are most impressive. The nightshots lighting is so cool.
Thank you for taking a look guys.
The Mavic 3 sUAV I just got is 900 grams almost 3 pounds, has a hasselblad cina camera shoots in 8k Cinema and Imax, that has shutter speeds from 1fps - 200fps it also have whats that DJI calls night sight camera that has a greater sensitivity to light so picks up low like much better that most camera . My smaller 249g drone does not have the Hassblad camera . DJI has other attachments you can buy for it like FLUR and IRF camera's, loud speakers, microphone, winch, etc.
I also learned from DJI support on the question on that the hole in the sky in the 360 images, I was told has to do with the max angle the camera can reach pointing up and can be fix by reducing the image size down the native 14400 x 7200 in post work to anything under 8k so that explains why I don't get the effect when stitching the image together in lightroom
On the 24th I'll be flying second pilot for a security company at a airspace class B airport, Its for testing & demonstration for some new drone capture technology, where they have capability to locate by radar & then use this tech to capture and take control of rouge drones. Its for military and law enforcement and security firms. It should be fun my fist commercial job
Congratulations on the security gig. Sounds like a great opportunity.
A Crawdad fishing Raccoon
A short clip of raccoon fishing for some crayfish in Roan Creek Tennessee. Filmed with a DJI mini2 sUAV.
Something yall may like.
Drone video of Johnson county Tennessee airport at night
Filmed on 12/09/2023, I was first to Test fly & video the new Johnson county Tennessee Airport runway lights. The video is one flight pass over the JCAA runway starting from about 1 mile out , the low lighting, ground fog and haze made it tough night to keep the camera in focus.
Filmed with a DJI Mavic 3 using the Hasselblad night camera,
YouTube link
Daz Studio animation I posted on youtube.
Karate Girl ~ From a Sparrow to a Phoenix
I wish I had the patience to do half of that :)