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I just checked DIM.. there is no update!
As far as I was aware, there was an update to fix an issue with the M7 morphs and not the base figure.
Thanks for the info about the bulge morphs and the teeth. I was wondering why his teeth looked so BAD! LOL (I hadn't noticed the same problem with G3F and I don't read the forums very often). I'm only recently a DS convert.
Ah. So with M7 we've finally got rid of the melon shoulders that we've had to deal with since, what, the beginning? Certainly with M3 and up. But the under arm folding hasn't quite caught up to compensate.
I did an overnight render (I loaded up M7, since I started the discussion on the underarms, thought it prudent to test it myself) and I am not using anyone's poses, I pulled the dudes into position with their arms out, no bending, to check both where the arms connect and also that indent where the arms should curve up. The indentation of the muscle is easily seen, under the arms issue not quite as much but you can see a difference (but two different physiques, so...) The main thing is, I'm not going to have my M7 walking around with his arms out in my scenes! The other folks who have already posted their results while I've been offline have pretty much covered it.
"The main thing is, I'm not going to have my M7 walking around with his arms out in my scenes! "
Sadly that it is that or intersection with muscles that don't compress. Not to mention that there are a scary number of over built up men who have what I think of as "floating arm syndrome". Of course your also not going to have many people standing around with their arms in that position. Even I find it uncomfortable and I have double jointed elbows. The normal stance would have the forearm rotated in so that the elbow angles out rather than back. His shoulders also look a bit more slumped than a non emotive (sad) pose would call for and you might adjust the shoulders back for a more realistic hang to the arms.
That was my first thought when I seen him, that he reminds me of Kevin Durand.
M6 looked like he was a mix of Black and White, now M7 looks like a Asian and White Mix.
Here's a quick one of Michael 7. Such a great release.
Picked him up a bit ago. After checking with DAZ sales team. Thanks DAZ for the help. And mulling over the non-promo renders he looks better to me in the non-promos than the promos.
I'm really happy. I only wish I had more moola to pick up everything I want this month. Some things will have to wait until Dec 01.
Now that Michael 7 is finally out, I echo the earlier poster who said he'd like to see more variety and fewer Male Model types. Yes, it's fun to play with pretty boys but I'm trying to do a self-portrait, and I ain't no model. Give me a balding hairstyle and a pot belly, that'll look closer to me.
You should see an update to the morphs in your DIM and product library should have the manual d/l.
First of all I want to thank DAZ for giving us M7
M7 has a beautiful face and the character himself has attractive and youthful appearance but I noticed some details that left me confused:
- The lips seem contracted (also in V7)
- I jumped seeing, in some store promo, a lack of bending in shoulders area and armpits. Defenetly remind me another "3th generation" : M7 has the same "macaroni shoulders" syndrome that M3 has.
I hope in a fix
Here's my take on him.
Good news!!
I like Michael 7, so I do not complain, but it is great that the morphs got an update.
I have put on
Glittery Mask from
an it looks fine to me.
I have also put on him shirt from
but the left collar is distorted after autofit from G2M.
Are there any fix for that issue?
Does anyone know how long M7 will be on sale?
M7 is ok so far but I think his package is too big or something. What I mean is that there seems to not be easy fit of previous Genesis male clothing. Something odd happens in the crotch area. Does anyone know if there is a thread on this? BTW Toyen what a beautiul pix of Mr and Mrs 7
Visually I'd say there are three problems with the arm to torso connection.
1. The Pectoral muscle extends a little bit too far and overlaps the area where the arm should be. Notice how on M6 the pectoral curves upward slightly at the junction point, but with M7 it doesn't do that so there appears to be less room for the arm itself.
2. This issue isn't noticeable at all on thinner, less muscular characters. In fact, the bulkier the morph the more ridiculous the arms appear. Look at this recent gallery submission:
It is a fine render in every respect. The issue is how small the top portion of the arm appears compared to the rest of the body. It is as if the bulky morphs are affecting every part of the figure except the upper arm and shoulder. Looks to me like the upper arms of a rather thin man have been attached to a muscular body mismatch. Not only is the shoulder itself not buly enough, the indentation above the bicep is too deeply cut, making the upper arm appear too thin to look natural.
3. As already mentioned, it isnt just an issue witht eh arm, but with the shoulder as well being too thin looking. I remember back in the days of V3, god did her generation have some huge shoulders. I can see the need to avoid that look. But I feel that hasnt been an issue for several figure releases now. For the first time I find myself wishing for alittle bit more flesh at the shoulders, at least for more muscular characters.
Conclusion. M7 wants to be a thinner, much less muscular guy than M6 wants to be, and that is in a nutshell the problem. Many have stated that M7 seems more feminine than M6, I cannot say I feel the same way exactly. I just feel that for the first time Daz has changed their target male body type to something more like an average human being. While this is great when redering average humans, its's less awesome when trying to render idealized overly masculinized characters.
Someone, hopefully Daz, needs to fix this issue immediately. I too am surprised an issue like this wasn't hammered out long ago. Beta testers really do need to speak up early on in the process so these types of things do not happen. Can't be afraid to offend, gotta speak up. I suspect this will be harder to fix after the fact than it would have been early on.
Fix the skinny shoulders. Fix the shoulder bend geomerty. Fix the deep indentation above the bicep, Fix the pectoral muscle over extended and overlapping the armpit.
Other than that I'd say M7 looks quite amazing. But like many, I just cannot bring myself to purchase him in his current state. Hoping for an update asap.
messed up post, please delete
G3F/V7 have the exact same problems with the upper arms/shoulders. Which isn't surprising since they're basically the same mesh.
I actually kind of prefer the pecs the way they are don't really think they need to be fixed. I also don't really have an issue with the arms or the shoulders. :shrug:
M6/M7 chest is different and improved in my opinion. Comparing the pecs of both figures M7/M6, M7's is clearly superior and thank goodness flatter.
I appreciate that M7 is more of a normal guy than Michael 6. Michael 6 was quite exagerated in some areas, particularly the face, and chest.. and if I want to dial in the buffness, I can do it with M7. =-) I also don't have the problematic weird forehead, and brow ridge that M6 had to try to work with.
Of course like all preferences, everyone has their own take.
For normal guys I agree there is no major issue. But for bulkier guys like the image I linked to its a different story. Did you look at the gallery submission I included? Do you think the arms and shoulders look correct in that render?
Looks good,
Autofit has always mangled things and is never 100% reliable. Is the shirt set to auto follow? That is worth a try.
I'd have to look at a different image.
In general, like I said everyone has different focus points. It could look glaringly incorrect to one person, and not so much to another. I understand. I felt that way about the pecs and the head of M6. But a lot of people think he looks great.
prolly unique uv map
dont suppose M7 skin works g2m?
The Genesis 3 and Genesis 2 figures have different boundaries between maps - that means they can't simply be made compatoible with a remapped UV set.
oh. thanks :)
guess my g2m is a wrap then. cept the occasional multi hair prop.
a g2m satyr never came out.