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Merry Christmas all,
While using the HD importer with the dev. version my geograft is sunken into the mesh after merging. It does not do it after merging the base resolution, just the HD. I'm using Golden Palace Gens. Any thoughts?
I posted a screenshot and covered the tidbits but apparently it wasn't good enough for the moderator. Not sure how to post the example when clothing completely covers the issue.
Mod Edit :- to remove image. please note this - Acceptable Ways of Handling Nudity
Good point.
I could actually save the blender file and instead just append the clothes and their rig only - then perhaps merge too; might try that.
I think that happens whent he mesh resolutions don't match. If you have Multi-res with 3 subdivisions on the character mesh, you should have Multi-res with 3 subdivisions on the geograft. That would be my first guess...
HD geografts are not supported because of vertex order issues with multires. Also HD jcms are not supported. But actually Golden Palace is not HD so you can merge the base res it doesn't make any difference. And luckily there are very few HD geografts around.
OK, please try this DLL of the latest HD exporter plugin. I still have to move it to the File menu, I just haven't researched how to do that in Qt. It worked fine with a complex character that I have that doesn't have SBH. Please test it with SBH, as I wasn't sure which property types needed to be supported, so I just tried floats and ints.
Hi Donald, I quick tested the dll and it works great both with figures and sbh. It doesn't work with geografts though, I tried Victoria 8 with the G8F genitalia.
The HD script generates the multires mesh when we import into blender, while the HD dll does not.
If you can't solve the issue with the geometry editor that's ok. We can always export the HD figure without geografts, then the base figure with geografts, then merge them as explained by @Krampus. The geometry editor is just a quick shortcut, it should be needed for HD geografts, but they seem not to work anyway for vertex order issues with multires.
Hi @Padone,
I'm sorry, I don't understand what is not working. Is this not exactly what we wanted?
Edit: Oh, I think I see... there is supposed to be a HD mesh of the figure itself, in this case say, "Genesis 8 Female HD"?
Strange that the Eyelashes and the wings came through, but not the figure. As I just enumerate all the nodes, DS must be removingit for some reason as part of the way geografts work. I'll investigate, but I haven't found much information on how that bullshit works.
If it may help. I found that if we enter the geometry editor then the plugin just doesn't export the HD shape at all. Or diffeo doesn't import it for some reason. Below an example with Mutation Morph HD for G8F. Diffeo imports the HD armature but not the HD mesh. If we don't enter the geometry editor then it works fine.
Again the geometry editor is not essential. So you may also release the plugin as is, with a warning that it doesn't work with the geometry editor, and I guess it will be fine for most people. Then there's always time to improve.
p.s. and Donald happy new year to you and your family
love it. leaps and bounds better than dazToblender
Hi, is it possible to force the plugin to import all the textures?
It's good at importing props and clothes (all textures), but it can't load all textures for my character.
I'm checking several setups:
In the first case, it loaded only dual lobe and normal, although he added more diffuse to the surface of the ears (although in daz on all surfaces there are diffuse, normal, spec, bump, dual lobe spec maps).
In the second case, it loaded diffuse and bump, and for the surface of the lips roughness (although in daz roughness is on all surfaces).
And in the third case, it loaded absolutely all the maps as needed (diffuse, normal, bump, spec, sss) .
These are three different skin settings taken from three different figures and set to my one character.
I didn't find anything in the documentation about this. Maybe I need to somehow" correctly " call the textures or what?
Why does the addon load textures on some surfaces and skip others?
What am I doing wrong?
Hi @Padone, a belated Happy New Year to you and yours as well!
From the "Open Source" link at the bottom of the Daz homepage, they say they are working on standardizing all of the plugins to use the C++ SDK. If this is true, it should be a goldmine of information on the internal workings of Daz Studio. I'll release the plugin as is, and hope that it can be improved once the official Blender plugin is converted to C++. If Daz is OOD/OOP smart, they'll separate the conceptual model of a scene from the means of exporting it to an arbitrary application, and the former will be the Holy Grail we've all been wanting for a very long time.
I admit that the Geometry Editor and Geografts have me stumped... I really wanted to do that for @marble but with no documentation, I have been unable to guess how the whole concept works in the SDK. Strand Based Hair either, except for an indirect method which is sure to break under certain circumstances.
So, I made another 20 attempts and realized what was going on.
If you set it to "Dual Lobe Specular Ratio" = 1.0, the addon DOES NOT LOAD diffuse map in blender.
Also, the addon does not see specular map (reflectivity or top coat curve 0) in Top Coat.
It would be nice if the addon took a map from reflectivity or top coat curve 0 and put it in Specular in the blender (if the glossy slots in daz are empty)
Same thing with Top coat normal/bump, it doesn't see them. It would be nice if the addon took a map from Top coat normal/bump and put it in Normal in the blender (if the base bump/normal map slots in daz are empty)
And I really do appreciate that but no worries, I'm sure you will get there eventually. I'm only at the experimenting stage anyhow so no projects awaiting your progress. I'm sure everyone else appreciates your efforts too.
It is not clear what you are referring to.
Anyway the top coat support is actually limited, because iray gets lots of options for top coat, so we only consider the basic ones. This is expected. But this doesn't mean it can't be improved. Please post an issue in the tracker with an example file, that we can use as test, to show how you would improve it.
As for the diffuse map, iray doesn't consider it for refractive materials. I don't know if this is your case. To report any bug the tracker is the right place, again don't forget to include an example file.
Donald that's great news. Actually your plugin can be used both with sbh and geografts. We only have to export the HD mesh apart that's the method by @Krampus. The geometry editor is just a quick shortcut.
Please is it possible a full IK rigs, not only hand and legs, but also the pelvis without loosing the pose that we import ?
Yes it is. You can use the mhx rig conversion and you'll still be able to import daz poses and animations there. There's also the rigify conversion but it's not good the same.
wow amazing thank you so much Padone, i was using the active pose tool to IK pose the pelvis/hip and using the auto-ik on blender for the hands and legs which was really boring didnt know we could do everything with the Mhx rig without loosing our pose and animation!
just amazing! thanks a lot!
Hi all,
why is the 1.5.1 importer giving weird skin textures for cycles and not eevee? is there something I am supposed to switch on? and the eyes look weird If you look at the material preview for cycles it has weird geometric patterns on it. I would like the same look in the eevee preview in cycles
why is the 1.5.1 importer giving weird skin textures for cycles and not eevee? is there something I am supposed to switch on? and the eyes look weird If you look at the material preview for cycles it has weird geometric patterns on it. I would like the same look in the eevee preview in cycles
That the cycles render is grainy is usually due to too few samples. You need to turn up the number of samples to 128, and enable the denoiser as well.
There are some requirements on some other render and light settings too, but by default the plugin automatically sets those to the minimum working values. Lights already in the scene may have problems though. You can fix the settings quickly with the Setup Panel > Materials > Update Material Settings button. Eyes are particularly sensitive to these settings. Too dark eyes was a problem in the past, but recently I have noticed it again. Don't know why.
I don't think there is a way to change how the preview looks, but I may be wrong. Does it matter?
@vindictivepapi Also in your third image I noticed that the plugin doesn't find the normal map for CBLIL_Torso, this is why the odd geometric patterns are generated. This was an issue in old releases but should be fixed now. Please use the latest development version.
If you're sure you use the latest version then please post a simple daz scene with the issue for testing so may be Thomas can fix it.
As for the skin I see you get very different results with cycles and eevee. If you choose the bsdf option for materials you should get a skin very similar to iray for the cycles engine. As for the principled option for eevee an approximation is used that may work or not depending on the skin, this is expected because eevee can't do everything iray does.
Padone, please actually the MHX RIG worked perfectly for a POSE.
but when i import an ACTION it doesnt work, i lose all movement on the hands and legs once i snap IK.
any idea how to fix please?
For pose it work perfectly! but for animation it doesnt work.. when i click on snap IK it automatically drop the animation on hand and legs.
I tried to snap ik legs and arms before import action nothing.
i also tried bake everything and then snap ik but still nothing.
Also another problem, please except this IK rig that don't work with animation..
i also have almost all my models when they imported to the last version of diffeomorphic there skin is much darker, than on previous version were the skin was automatically light perfect.
Yes, this is true. The snapping tool only snaps the pose at the current frame. It also inserts a key at that frame for the IK bone if the FK bone is keyed, which leads to the behaviour that you described. What you can do is to go over the animation frame by frame, snap the IK bones at each frame, and then go back to FK. But that would be very tedious for a long animation. There is a version of the snapping tool that handles animations in my other add-on, the BVH retargeter, cf and in particular I hadn't used it for a long time, but I checked this morning and the tool seems to work with the latest version of the Daz Importer
The skin materials have not changed in a long time, so perhaps you changed some settings. Skin is often darker if you use the BSDF material method (in global settings) and Cycles than with other settings. But it is this combination that is most faithful to the Iray look.
Thank you so much, haha that was exactly what i was doing rendering frame by frame ;-) a bit slow but better than nothing.
Thanks for the BVH retargeter !i m gonna give it a try hopefully it will go smoothly, and hope one day you can insert it back to the daz importer! ( ik snapping is really important for us animators )specially that now daz are releasing some pretty amazing animations not only poses!
it will best best addon ever, you rock cheers ~
Hay guys. Can I import "Custom Morphs" with HD Subd3 model ?
I export chose "Geometry Editor", set SubD3.
Export scene and .dbz
In Blender I import model Base + SubD3. Next I delete base model and apply all modifiers. Merge rigs. And try to add Custom Morphs. But I can't. If I chose my morphs and apply. Blender do nothing.
With base model I don't have that problem.
Anyone can help ?
@cortek555 It seems some HD morphs are possible now but it requires extensive manual work. And I'm not the best guy to give you advice as for this subject. I can hardly understand it myself and I'm waiting for some tutorials in the blog. But here it is if you can understand something.
just an update omg BVH retargeter work so damn great!!! on daz animations. i'm using blender 2.9.1 and diffeo plugin 1.5.1 can't believe i can edit now all the daz animations on blender without going frame by frame ..
thanks a lot!!!