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It does still feature in the rolling banner at the top of the store home page, the new releases page.
That's true, but it's not 1st in the order, it's toward the back of the line.
I'm not complaining or anything, it just seems a little odd. I guess maybe a .5 release doesn't merit as much hoopla? And I know we're going into the PA sale, which is always a big thing this time of year, but now that Carrara is finally Genesis friendly, and with Daz being so big on content, seems like they might want to make a bigger splash.
On the other hand, I guess most Carrara users are probably already aware, just from the forums, and I have seen many threads from people who have never used Carrara before showing interest on what it can do (short answer everything) and whether it is worth purchasing, so apparently the message is getting out and who am I to judge :)
When I asked for known Carrara 8.5 issues, I was referred to the ReadMe file, so I thought that I'm not seeing it because I haven't installed the latest program yet. I did install it just now, and I still see no ReadMe file. Is it hiding in some special directory and I have to fish it out? Or is it a document online? And if it is, may I get a direct link to it? (the one that will point to the list of known issues, please!)
It's in my Mac program folder, called "CarraraReadMe.html" - it references a non-existent pic, but it's there.
It's the stuff in the very first post in this thread, the list of additions to version 8.0, a link to the documentation center, and...
Ah, thank you! The installation referred me to the online documentation center, and when I was searching my drive, I was looking for a wrong sub-string and bypassing this file. Thank you very much for posting it!
Nope... Doesn't work. At least not in the Mac Version.
Either way, you end up in the Modeling Room.
On windows it doesn't work that way either. But you can still do it, it just takes a few extra clicks: add vertex object (goes to modelling room), click on assembly room icon (switches back, but in assembly mode, but with vertex object still selected), click on the icon for editing in assembly (switches to editing mode within assembly room)...
Thank-you Dartanbeck for all the links and the help. I have been watching so many videos I think my eyes are going to bleed. Just watched them through and saved them in a favorites file. Got the VDownloader so I could save them to disc (nice free program for downloading but only works with youtube videos) and watch them while I work in the programs. I have not waisted one link, went to everyone and saved locations so I could go back and learn.
I really do greatly appreciate the time and the help, hope someday in the future I can repay it by being able to help others. Back to work for now, no rest till I learn it all ;)
A quick question, does Genesis work as smoth in Carrara 8.5 as I guess it does in the lates Daz Studio?
I dont use Studio but im willing to uprade my carrara if so is the case.
does for me .
Me too :)
Thank-you Dartanbeck for all the links and the help. I have been watching so many videos I think my eyes are going to bleed. Just watched them through and saved them in a favorites file. Got the VDownloader so I could save them to disc (nice free program for downloading but only works with youtube videos) and watch them while I work in the programs. I have not waisted one link, went to everyone and saved locations so I could go back and learn.
I really do greatly appreciate the time and the help, hope someday in the future I can repay it by being able to help others. Back to work for now, no rest till I learn it all ;)If you want to learn it all... you will. You'll see. Carrara rocks. There's just no way it can't! :)
Thanks for your reply!
Ive red on other carrara forums that loading more then one Genesis in a scene makes carrara slow down, glad that doesnt seem to be the case.
Again, I suppose some of it may have to do with how much horsepower you have, but if you can load and use several Genesis in DS, you shouldn't have any difficulties in Carrara. I use Pro.
It take a little while for the first Genesis to load. Then the next one loads faster. Same with the next one. And then I've ran four Genesis monsters in a replicator to make a whole bunch of them ;)
Quoting, because they are still not in my Product Library ...
And another thing: How do I get my Carrara 8.1 stuff?
My "Carrara 8 Upgrade" doesn't give me 8.1 or the 8.1 content - it is just leading to the 8.5 beta stuff ... Could somebody correct this???
Digital Painters Shaders are now in my Product library
Carrara 8 upgrade is still associated with Carra 8.5 Beta ...
purchaded it now, also got 85,50 discount to the 171$, so seems to be a bargain.
Only thing i am a bit worried about is the matter how long it takes until Carrara 9 will come out, i was buying Carrara 8 first but got than the chance for the 8.5 beta what i was using all the time so i don't want to use a beta all the time and wanted to give the full version a try! :)
Can't wait to test it out and hope it gots also a bit better/faster than the beta.
Well new customers may not be aware of that. It's basically those who run into this problem.
One option might be to start selling it with a free upgrade to next version when there's say 3 months left until the new version is out.
I agree. It is a major bargain!
i have just bought it the last days but now it says "serial number is invalid" - please tell me what to do !!! thx (use os x 10.8.4)
Just don't expect the serial number to work :ohh: >:(
the same about mine, C8.5 and Render Note says Serial is invalid, whats going on?
With the S/N issue it has been flagged up to the PTB. We presume someone forgot to take the expire date off flag from when they created the last beta S/N, I am sure this will be sorted out as soon as possible.
Yes, as Neil said we are trying to get a message through to anyone or everyone who may be willing to listen, which is somewaht problematic as today is a hoiiday in the US. We will persevere.
the same about mine, C8.5 and Render Note says Serial is invalid, whats going on?
And me as well, was working last night, today I get the Serial number invalid message. C8.1 Pro still ok.
Not sure I understand why DAZ reviews serial numbers after a week? They had my money a week ago, so why check back and mess with my account? Glad I haven't bought a lot of stuff other than Carrara lately.
Contrast this to the excellent service I got from Digital Carvers Guild this past weekend when Eric Winemiller looked up my serial numbers for my Carrara plugins for me. Digital Carvers Guild makes great plugins to expand the capabilities of Carrara. Eric is a talented coder and a standup guy. Check out his plugins at .
Hope DAZ gets this straightened out soon.
Two week sale period hasn't passed, yet logging in today, it is no longer showing the full sale price anymore, what happened?
now i have seen that i have a new serialnumber in my account - and it works. thx
I too am only getting the 50% off and not the extra discount for owning 8.1 Pro. Is 8.5 not still on sale for the 87.50 as promised for 2 weeks?
I'm only seeing 48% off. I own 8pro and am a PC member.
I have asked if the price could be looked at. It sounds like it broke again.
Good news the S/N Issue is fixed so those that have C8.5 can play again.