Official Release of Carrara 8.5 **Update -**

DZ_jaredDZ_jared Posts: 1,316
edited May 2015 in Carrara Discussion

After a lot of hard work, long nights, and even longer days by our development team we are happy to announce that Carrara 8.5 is available for purchase in the DAZ 3D store. We would like to thank all of our loyal Carrara customers for their patience and support with this project.

Carrara 8.5 Pro is priced at $285.00 for a limited time. Carrara 8.5 Standard is priced at $149.95.

Current owners of Carrara will receive a 50% discount on either product for a limited time. Platinum Club members get an additional 40% off, which means it's never been a better time to join the Platinum Club.

Carrara 8.5 Pro
Carrara 8.5 Standard

Included in Carrara 8.5 Pro are the Michael 5 and Victoria 5 Pro Bundles and Carrara Shaders - over $250 worth of Genesis content.
Carrara 8.5 standard ships with the Michael 5 and Victoria 5 Starter Bundles and Carrara Shaders - over $140 worth of Genesis content.

Here's a quick look at some of the new features:

Native DSON Importer means seamless integration of:
- TriAx™ Weight Mapped figures (Genesis, G2F, G2M)
- General Weight Mapped figures
- Legacy Parametric Figures (4th Generation and earlier)
- DSON presets
- Scenes
- Scene Subsets
- Wearable(s) Preset
- Character Preset
- Properties Preset
- Shaping Preset
- Pose Preset
- Hierarchical Material(s) Preset
- Material(s) Preset
- Shader Preset (preset must be for a Carrara shader)
- Camera(s) Preset
- Light(s) Preset
- Support for multiple UV sets (through Hierarchical Material(s) Presets and Material(s) Presets)

Native AutoFit functionality means:
- Conversion of legacy parametric clothing to TriAx™ weigh mapped figures
- Automatic Morph Projection quickly gives you the fit you need for your figure's shape.
- Automatic Weight Map Projection allows AutoFit clothing to bend and pose smoothly with the figure.
- Morphs built into clothing are carried through the AutoFit process.

Improved Sequencer, Keyframing and Animation Tools
- New keyboard shortcuts to:
- Play/Stop animation
- Advance the frame
- Preview a frame
- Key Frame Filters
- Sample – Creates a key at every frame of the animation.
- Smooth – Smooth out wild keys to get an even looking animation
- Reduce – Programatically determine which keys are unecessary and eliminate them.
- Graph Editor Box allows for fine tuning of animations
- Easily adjust timing
- Simple yet powerful manipulation of amplitude
- Scale, and translate key frames along the Graph Editor.
- Marquee selection of key frames for Graph Editor.

Smart Content and CMS Integration
- Carrara can now access the CMS database; PostgreSQL or Valentina.
- New smart content pane allows users to browse smart content by:
- File
- Category
- Product
- File view provides selection based filtering so that the user only sees items compatible with the current instance tray selection.
- Double click and drag and drop loading are both supported in Smart Content Tab.

Parameters Actions
- Zero, Memorize and Restore:
- Figure
- Figure Shape
- Figure Pose
- Selection
- Selection Shape
- Selection Pose
- Selection Tree
- Selection Tree Pose
- Selection Tree Shape
- Provides users with powerful tools to reset a pose, shape or both.
- Memorize and Restore allow user to take a snap shot of the model's current pose and/or shape and restore all or part of it.

Improved Fit to Functionality
- Automatic projection and following of morphs for TriAx™ Figures
- No more relying on built in clothing morphs to fit clothing over a figure. Carrara automatically projects any morphs for a TriAx™ figure onto items conformed to the figure.

Improved Viewport Avatars
- Spotlight, Sunlight, Moonlight, Tube Lights and Shape lights have all received a makeover and can easily be identified in the viewport.

500 x 389 - 108K
Post edited by rbtwhiz on


  • acanthisacanthis Posts: 604
    edited December 1969

    So, just to be absolutely clear, because pricing around here tends to be tortuously complex ...

    ... for all existing 8.0 owners 8.5 is a PAID UPGRADE.


  • edited December 1969

    So let me get this straight, if I were to join the Platinum club for a 3 month period I would get the 8.5 upgrade cheaper then if I were to simply upgrade without?

    Also, has anyone had experience with the bug fixes in 8.5? I am not really interested in any of the new features (except the modelling ones), so I would like to know if the stability fixes are enough to justify upgrading.

    Regardless, thats one hefty upgrade fee o_o.

  • HALO creativeHALO creative Posts: 96
    edited August 2013

    Are the ONLY differences between the Carrara Standard & Pro versions the included M5 and V5 bundles, or is there core functionality differences between the two as well?

    The original post only mentions the difference of the included M5/V5 bundles and the Carrara product page currently gives a 404 error:

    Post edited by HALO creative on
  • acanthisacanthis Posts: 604
    edited December 1969

    strobl said:
    Regardless, thats one hefty upgrade fee o_o.

    Indeed. Over $85 for the Pro version in fact! I don't want to get hung up on version numbers but that price might be justified by a 9.0 release ... but a .5 upgrade?

    I'm not convinced.

  • DZ_jaredDZ_jared Posts: 1,316
    edited December 1969

    8.5 is a paid upgrade, even for 8.0 owners. If you join the Platinum Club you get an additional 40% off whatever version you purchase (pro or standard). If I've done my math correctly this discount is larger than the initial 3 months you would pay to join the Platinum Club. So if you are planning on upgrading it is definitely worth joining the Platinum Club first.

  • DZ_jaredDZ_jared Posts: 1,316
    edited December 1969

    acanthis said:
    strobl said:
    Regardless, thats one hefty upgrade fee o_o.

    Indeed. Over $85 for the Pro version in fact! I don't want to get hung up on version numbers but that price might be justified by a 9.0 release ... but a .5 upgrade?

    I'm not convinced.

    If you look at the feature list, and the included content the price is very reasonable.

  • acanthisacanthis Posts: 604
    edited August 2013

    DAZ_jared said:
    8.5 is a paid upgrade, even for 8.0 owners. If you join the Platinum Club you get an additional 40% off whatever version you purchase (pro or standard). If I've done my math correctly this discount is larger than the initial 3 months you would pay to join the Platinum Club. So if you are planning on upgrading it is definitely worth joining the Platinum Club first.

    Yes, but it's STILL $85 ... and in a time of global recession that is, as a previous poster has said, is one hefty upgrade fee!!!

    Post edited by acanthis on
  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,532
    edited December 1969

    how do you get it for $85? it cost me $171 and I own c8.1pro and am in Platinum club?
    I bought it but now wishing I had waited a day

  • FURBFURB Posts: 29
    edited December 1969

    how do you get it for $85? it cost me $171 and I own c8.1pro and am in Platinum club?
    I bought it but now wishing I had waited a day

    Same here.
    Not getting until this is cleared up.
    Also, if this is the same as the last build then you haven't really fixed any of the bugs have you?

  • namffuaknamffuak Posts: 4,176
    edited December 1969

    acanthis said:
    DAZ_jared said:
    8.5 is a paid upgrade, even for 8.0 owners. If you join the Platinum Club you get an additional 40% off whatever version you purchase (pro or standard). If I've done my math correctly this discount is larger than the initial 3 months you would pay to join the Platinum Club. So if you are planning on upgrading it is definitely worth joining the Platinum Club first.

    Yes, but it's STILL $85 ... and in a time of global recession that is, as a previous poster has said, is one hefty upgrade fee!!!

    And I'm not seeing $85; I'm seeing $171. I have 8.0 Pro and am a PC member, and I'm trying to work out the math here - and not succeeding.

  • HALO creativeHALO creative Posts: 96
    edited December 1969

    The $85.50 discounted price shows in the cart now

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,532
    edited December 1969

    since I got the upgrade from C7pro cheap on sale and got C7pro off a magazine not really upset by price but can understand those who paid in full being.
    if I could have saved an extra $85 I WOULD buy the extra Genesis 2 stuff I have been holding off on until this upgrade came out.

  • MicioDueMicioDue Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    $171 for me too, equals to $285 special price - 40% Platinum Club discount. I'm a previous Carrara 8 Pro owner so I should expect another 50% discount for upgrading, right?

  • bighbigh Posts: 8,147
    edited December 1969

    KJA79A said:
    The $85.50 discounted price shows in the cart now

    cart - $80.50 for me

  • Midnight_storiesMidnight_stories Posts: 4,112
    edited December 1969

    There is no way it said $85 for previous owner of C8 Pro plus I'm a vendor who gets PC for free it's still saying $171. No thanks but $85 I would

  • cryan_1832017cryan_1832017 Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    It took me a couple of tries, but I got $85.50 (with Platinum Club, and upgrade from C8 Pro). Definitely worth it for me.

  • ncampncamp Posts: 345
    edited December 1969

    MicioDue said:
    $171 for me too, equals to $285 special price - 40% Platinum Club discount. I'm a previous Carrara 8 Pro owner so I should expect another 50% discount for upgrading, right?

    I got charged $171 as well. I've Carrara Pro and the upgrades since version 6. I wonder if the people who purchased 8 got the discount and the people who upgraded to 8 didn't (different database entry)?

    In any case, I sent a ticket to sales support. I'll let them figure it out.


  • HALO creativeHALO creative Posts: 96
    edited December 1969

    Because this pricing is valid for the first 2 weeks, I'm hanging out for another week and then I'll use the Sep PC discount coupon to get it down to $79.50


  • bighbigh Posts: 8,147
    edited December 1969

    There is no way it said $85 for previous owner of C8 Pro plus I'm a vendor who gets PC for free it's still saying $171. No thanks but $85 I would

    add it to your cart - then you will see lower price

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,532
    edited December 1969

    damn I still have my coupon for this month to use too!

  • FURBFURB Posts: 29
    edited December 1969

    bigh said:
    There is no way it said $85 for previous owner of C8 Pro plus I'm a vendor who gets PC for free it's still saying $171. No thanks but $85 I would

    add it to your cart - then you will see lower price

    I have and it still says $171

  • Jay_NOLAJay_NOLA Posts: 1,145
    edited December 1969

    The 8.5 Native Content for both Standard and Pro has no manual downloads in My Products Library.

    Also, 2 questions.

    1.) what plugins do I need to download again because they got updated for 8.5?

    2.) Can I install it where my 8.0 was so I don't have to uninstall everything? If not what do I need to copy over so I won't have to reinstall all my content into another directory.

  • bighbigh Posts: 8,147
    edited December 1969

    damn I still have my coupon for this month to use too!

    wow me too - boy glad I didn't buy it yet !

  • UnseenUnseen Posts: 658
    edited August 2013

    Sorry, I add Carrara 8.5 Pro to my cart but I am charged $171.

    I have Carrara 8 and the upgrade to Carrara 8 Pro and I am a PC member therefore I do not understand what is happening since the price should be $85...

    The newsletter says that Carrara 8 Pro must be in our account for the 50% off to apply. Carrara 8 and Carrara 8 Pro upgrade are in my account but I see that the 50% off reduction does not apply.

    No upgrade for me if it remains such.

    Edit: I know that the two M5 and V5 are included for free with Carrara but they are not an incentive for me since I have purchased them when they were released. Nice gift though but I would prefer to see $85 in my cart better than $171...

    Post edited by Unseen on
  • OrcaSoulOrcaSoul Posts: 119
    edited December 1969

    Does the $85 price apply as a PC member no matter what version of Carrara you have?

    I have C7, which works - but I also have C8, with a serial # but the intro does not allow me to enter the long serial #, it defaults to the "trial" version.

    How do I get the C8 to ask for the serial # - and then allow me to copy the long string into the box?

  • CypherFOXCypherFOX Posts: 3,401
    edited August 2013


    KJA79A said:
    Because this pricing is valid for the first 2 weeks, I'm hanging out for another week and then I'll use the Sep PC discount coupon to get it down to $79.50


    It's not much, but I may do that as well.

    It's going to be rougher than I expected, since I pretty much ONLY bought it (back in March) for the Genesis features, but I hope it sets them up for future work.

    Plus September 1 is another pay period.

    Of course they might choose to start the PA sale then, too, which would really be a rough choice...

    -- Morgan

    P.s. I'm seeing the $85.50 price when I go to the Shopping Cart page, not the drop down, just to be clear. That's always the case for programmatic discounts like this. Although it does sound like some number of folks got 'missed'. Some of those prolly own it through other sources, and may not have an entry in their product history for it, but for others I bet the DB check just isn't right for some reason.

    Post edited by CypherFOX on
  • edited December 1969

    OK, bought it - now where do I find the serial number? It's not in my account info and the C8.0 S/N is invalid, and not in my order confirmation e-mail.....


  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,532
    edited December 1969

    actually it cost me $196.40 AUD :long:

  • IllusionArt 3DIllusionArt 3D Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    hello people,
    I just bought 8.5 per Carrara, but I did not get serial number. an error of support or I did something wrong?

  • FURBFURB Posts: 29
    edited December 1969

    actually it cost me $196.40 AUD :long:

    That's why I'm waiting. Nice time for our dollar to go south.......


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