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I cleared the cache, restarted the browser, signed in again, and . . . it is $171. Maybe I will see if I can call Daz later today and order on the phone or something.
Like Spooky said, the 50% discount for owning a previous version of Carrara isn't shown until you view your cart. See attached. does the special offer on the 8.5Pro update end on Saturday or Sunday night?
Still desperately trying to scrape up the zlotys I need as I'll never be able to afford it the full upgrade price.
I have Carrara 8 and the upgrade was 50% off. Like it was said, hefty upgrade price.
So I figured I would do it anyway, it is useful. BUT, I only wanted the standard (not pro) version because I have a gazillion things already, so just get the software.
Never so uncomplicated is the way of the software purchaser.
When I got to the download page, no 64bit installer. None. Okay, maybe I missed it saying there was none, so i posted DAZ to say I needed a refund so i can get pro.
Ten days ago - no response yet. I sent a reminder two days ago. Still no response.
I wont send another, nor will I be buying the pro version I think.
Buyer beware, read carefully fine print.
Dorian, I recommend just calling them by phone (you can find the phone number in the 'Help Center' on the 'Help' tab above, and scrolling down (it's near the bottom of the page on the right hand side).
It's been a couple of years since I did it, but I once had an issue, called in and spoke to a lady, and she fixed my problem immediately.
I understand they want us to use help tickets, but heck you've already tried that, and no response yet. Better to just get them on the phone. I recommend Utah business hours (Mountain time) tomorrow as that's when you'll likely catch them in the office.
I you let us know your support ticket number, we will chase up on this for you.
It is stated clearly on the Carrara page that the 64 bit version is Pro only. I don't think it is hidden in fine print. Perhaps we should make a note on the Carrara standard product page though.
Anyway, sales support is extremely backed up at the moment due to pricing issues that happened on the Carrara launch day. They are blazing through tickets as fast as they can, but they are only human. Give them a few days and you will get a response. I promise no one is ignoring you, but until we get our robot there is just a finite number of tickets that can be answered per day.
II appreciate the quick responses, folks.
Support ticket number is #148517
I will say that in the past I've had good support, so I'm not claiming anything wrong about the people at DAZ. Just the way products are presented.
I'm sure all of us have bought items that had issues with them once we downloaded. And while that may be due to the vendors in those cases, I would expect that DAZ, being aware of such problems, would understand that details matter.
On the product page, warnings or notifications should be clear. Perhaps in a tab all their own. I program for a living and this would've been something I would have done.
--Update, the folks got back to me and yes, they are working with me to resolve the problem.
The problem is that everyone is requesting the same thing. It would be unfair to prioritize one refund request over another.
I would never suggest one person be prioritized over another - the gist of my post was purely to suggest clarity on the product page.
For instance, in this case, if you go to the Pro page, it'll tell you a feature is 64bit processing but nothing is mentioned on the Standard page.
So I would scan two pages before I can make an informed purchase.
I was merely (respectfully) suggesting a tab for notes about the software. (When DAZ is the maker, of course).
...Just saying, :)
how much you need Kyoto?
...PM sent.
OK, I've been out of the loop for about a month, health, if anyone was wondering, but let me see if I get this right?
Question 1:
I own Carrara 8,
I am a longtime member of PC,
I have been participating in the 8.5 BETA,
and you want me to cough up $171.00, or even $85 and change, to access a program that has not even cleared a version notch?!
Question 2:
Are you insane, or do you just think that I am?
Nobody says ya gotta though ;)
Hey Dartanbeck!
I have been ill, but still reading and checking out tutorials with an occasional nod to the Bug squad.
This isn't right. They have to know it's not right. This isn't a version update, its a build increment. You can probably come up with software I am heretofore unaware of, but name me one other software company that charges a paid and registered license owner for a build increment?
It would be different if I had Carrara 6 and wanted to upgrade to 8.5. but from 8 PRO to 8.5 PRO? That's not done in a civilized world.
I may actually be done with Carrara. Shame too, cause I was just getting the hang of it.
Don't say Smith Micro, they are not part of the civilized world.
Adobe. I had PS 5.5 and there has been at least on .5 release in the CS versions.
One question that keeps bouncing through my mind is how soon will we see Carrara 9?
Would it be better to wait for that, and how much more will that have to offer?
{mumble}Apple... OS X 10.*, where each point release has been a for-pay one.{/mumble} E-on Software has done it with Vue, apparently. To quote Wikipedia, "With retail software, point releases are often, but not necessarily, free updates for users of the latest full version..."
The other thing to keep in mind is that point releases mean different things to different companies. There's a lot of work that went into this version of Carrara. Don't get hung up on the numbering, look instead at the work that went into it, and judge whether that's work that you care about. (Personally, I actually thought I was buying 8.5 when I picked it up earlier this year, but I eventually realized otherwise.)
If it's not worth the $85 to upgrade, because the work that was done wasn't to your taste (I understand it's a pretty focused release), then no worries, maybe 9.0 will slake your thirst for new features, and you can continue to use 8.0 until then. I've cut pretty dramatically back on content purchases, while I let the Carrara upgrade percolate through my bank account; maybe by next payday I'll be more amenable. :)
-- Morgan
I was afraid to ask Rosie for $171.00, but after thinking back on the difficulties that the Software Team have gone through between some of those beta builds, I decided to ask anyways. She didn't blink. She knows what Carrara means to me. To her, it was a small price to pay. "That beta has been going on for how long?" she replies with that cute sign of sarcasm on her face! lol
My friend, wendy♥catz, and I have had a short conversation on the side lines about this very topic. I was surprised it was so much, she thought it might be more. We both knew that it had taken a lot of person-hours to get this to work. The original plan was to make it an inexpensive upgrade - but it was always planned to cost users 'something'. wendy♥catz explained: it took them a lot longer, and down a much longer road than anticipated.
Some people have complained: "DAZ 3D is only in it for the money"
I didn't know that anyone didn't know this piece of insubstantial information. The word "only" being placed there as some sort of condemning swear, I feel is inappropriate. DAZ 3D has always been the place to go to to improve your content collection. There has always been a driving force at DAZ 3D to push the limits of the Dolly, as many people term the dress-me-up 3d figures. DAZ Dollies have always turned my head and thousands of others. They have always charged something - even if what we were after was free. When what we were after was free, it was so by DAZ 3D's design to get us to walk through their virtual doors and have a look around.
DAZ 3D has made money - and all of us are grateful for that. If they go down, the world becomes Daz-less. And that, my friend's, would suck. That's almost as bad as letting your local grocer go down by not shopping with them. You want fresh food? You buy from those whom can get it for you. You want DAZ? You buy from DAZ.
What happened with the 8.5 upgrade was not a mistake. It IS a LOT more than what was initially anticipated, yes. This came from following logical paths. 8.5 development, to my knowledge, began almost immediately after the release of Genesis and its almighty Triax system. What was going on at that time? Lots. How many thousands of new results now coming in about Genesis? Lots. What has DAZ done about it? They've answered the phone, is what they've done. The tweaked and updated. Listened and developed. Genesis 2 Female is the first in a new line of Genesis as a result of realizing that some men and women will be best represented starting off the appropriate sex. Wait 'till you see Genesis 2 Male. Chances are, you'll like it.
The team did miraculous things to our software over the last couple of years. The software that current Carrara users have will work without paying a dime. But to help finance what has just occurred - and likely to show support for further development, DAZ has offered us a discount for upping to 8.5 which did make it fairly inexpensive as far as software is concerned. PC brings it way down to 85 and change. I didn't know that when I asked Rosie - but was pleasantly surprised upon checkout!
For folks whom never owned Carrara, the price for 8.5 and 8.5 Pro is exceptionally inexpensive for what it is, and what you can do with it! :)
Cypherfox wrote
The big problem is that they gave us what they wanted us to have.....
er 'gave' being a misnomer.
Hopefully for the next release they will ask us what 'we' want.
After all who knows best about what needs to be done to Carrara?
Carrara users or the Daz marketing machine?
Seriously, there's a lot of ways to improve Carrara. I can't remember being asked recently what needs to be done.
By "I" I mean the Carrara user base.
I bought this release to show Daz that we users are still out here.
It's pretty useless for me.
And yes, no one made me buy it.
I was one of those who have voted for this. But I was not alone. DAZ did poll us - asking what we'd like to see for the future of Carrara. This was back before the 8.5 beta was even announced. long before.
Some time after that, they had an open thread (no poll) asking what we wanted to see in Carrara 9 Pro. There were some really good responses. We were asked to "Not" clutter the discussion, but commenting on others' opinions was recommended. For the most part, if I recall correctly, it went pretty well for parts of it - with some really valuable 'wants' from the likes of Holly Wetcircuit, Kevin Sanderson, WendyLovesCats, and others. Many others.
The big problem is that they gave us what they wanted us to have.....
er 'gave' being a misnomer.
Hopefully for the next release they will ask us what 'we' want.
After all who knows best about what needs to be done to Carrara?
Carrara users or the Daz marketing machine?
Seriously, there's a lot of ways to improve Carrara. I can't remember being asked recently what needs to be done.
By "I" I mean the Carrara user base.
I bought this release to show Daz that we users are still out here.
It's pretty useless for me.
And yes, no one made me buy it.
I voted, and I got what I voted for. I'm OK with the update, and I did purchase it. For me, Genesis support is critical.
I did the same and feel the same.
I do not think anyone VOTED for the Fast Mip Map fiasco that is now upon us, and once again it appears we must rely on Fenric to provide a somewhat workable solution.
What I find particularly upsetting is, as the thread regarding this issue went on, there have been disclosures to the effect that DAZ knew there would be problems with the Fast Mip Map and still went ahead and made it the DEFAULT without anyway for the user to change it.
In addition, a change of this magnitude should have been CLEARLY disclosed, so others would not have to discover it and expend hours and hours trying to figure it all out.
This kind of problem, of their own making, can and will surely discourage new users (of any knowledge level) from purchasing the software.
...and do you Love what they've done?
I know I sure am happy with it - granted, I'm still getting used to it... the Genesis side of things, that is. Once in a while, something seems strange about it. Like, some things don't seem to fit like they should. But all in all, I'm really loving having Genesis in Carrara.
Also, I agree with Mr. Sears: Having Triax support in Carrara is crucial.
For me, Carrara's uncanny "Content" support plays a huge role in what makes it so special and unique - and what is going to help propel it into becoming a big player in the market of CG render software. The "Everything Else" that is does so easily and so good is another. But since content is the largest concern of the DAZ 3D Store, it is this DSON support that will hopefully keep DAZ 3D interested in helping us to keep the magic alive.
So it also appears that DAZ is also looking into it.
The same thing happens in DS - so maybe it's just the product? I don't know.
At any rate, the development of bringing Fast Mip Map was brought up and asked for. What was in the running, when asked, was to get Carrara software running competitively with other current apps. Mip Map being one of many. It may need tweaking... but it is a welcome advantage - especially to animation.
Yes, I know they are looking into it - I have been following the thread that I started.
If none of you that wanted Fast Mip Map did not make clear that it should be an ADDED feature and NOT the Deafault without the ability to choose a different Default filtering method, then someone at DAZ should have thought it through. I am all for additional features and CHOICE - not the elimination of features. The fact that it destroys backward compatability to C8.1 alone should have made it clear that it should be a selectable parameter.
And since they have spent over two years getting this release out, it would have prudent to make sure that it worked properly, especially since they want/need to attract new users (buyers) of their software and content.
I've been reading your posts today, and please don't take this the wrong way, but a lot of you are the very reason they get away with this. You let them. You say well if its not in this one it will be in the next, but what if 9 turns out to be a loser? Windows turns up a piece of trash at least every other upgrade. Poser isn't worth spit every other version. Paramount can't even keep an even stream of Star Trek Movies. Yet we keep paying for them hoping they will get it right the next time.
And, no, the version numbers aren't different to different companies, at the very least they should not be, as they were set up to meet certain standards of programming that the public could count on for information'
Don't even begin to try to quote my mistakes here, this is a you get the idea sort of thing: to is usually minor FIXES to code to which were planned, but didn't make the deadline cutoff; Recreateable bugs reported by Beta testers;
the "Copy" command says "Cpoy" or the header on function 54 is the wrong shade of violet. The logo is the wrong size to is usually minor FIXES which were overlooked, but which add to esthetics or smoother operations. Recreateable bugs reported by the consumer;
the "Paste" button cuts the selection; The cursor wiggles and blinks out of existence every 98.5 seconds for 2 seconds. to is usually more serious FIXES usually not readily recreatable bugs
when I try to duplicate a function using triple clicks and depressing Ctrl-z, I get weird results to is usually significant FIXES and updates which effect the utility of the program but which do not warrant a completely new version of the software.
this would work better if you added programmable hotkeys for every function, Add the ability to take screenshots on this menu and that screen
1. 2.0.0 to is significant CHANGES and ADVANCES that fundamentally alter the program
we can now use this program and the toaster at the same time. Now you can play the piano after foot surgery. And we added the ability for three people to use the software on one computer at the same time.
But if you pay them to make the 8.0 to 8.5 changes, next time it will be the 8.5 to 8.5.5 change you'll pay for, and before you know it you will be paying for every individual FIX and it will cost you $85 to get PRO from Pro
The trend has to stop. Not be encouraged through permissions of omission. Look what MAC gets away with. Cypherfox is already paying for each individual step!
No one is making me pay, and no one will either. but I also wont be buying 9 or 10 or 11.
Does anyone here not realize that if you bought 8.0 during the 8.5 beta, like I did, you have actually lost functionality? They took away access everything dealing with 8.5 that I was already using. I don't even have access to my 8.0, let alone my 8.5. I not only have to pay to get what they should be passing along free, but they voided my serial numbers entirely. This, my friends, is CORPORATE THIEVERY!
I'll not back them in this venture. And I withdraw any recommendations I put my name behind.
Not only do they not gain my money, but they also lose the money from those I have influenced to purchase the software. I have close to 2 dozen people ready to buy, who were just waiting for the release of the Non-BETA version. I'll set them straight today. Oh, we'll not break them, we probably won't even matter to them, but I'll not stake my reputation on shoddy tactics. We are now, all of us to a soul, looking elsewhere for a 3D solution.
Dartanbeck, do you recall how enthused I was when I first came in board? I will just as enthusiastically decry Carrara from here on.