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Moving is not fun. I've moved four times in two years. Settled for good now though and looking forward to getting caught up with everyone's thread.
I am finally moved in my new place. But during the holiday season I spend a lot of time out of town. Go figure! Can't wait to see your new batch of renders.
My most recent Blender foray is more successful than the previous. The 2.8+ interface makes a big difference for me.
I completed the Level 1 Blender Guru tutorial. It is seven parts and you make a donut with icing. Here is the level 1, part 7 video but you should be able to get to the first one from it.
And here is my Blender part 1 donut.
Some recent projects
I picked up OSO3D's sheep2 with hair.
This was for the Daz+ monthly themed Oxymoron. Science Fiction is an Oxymoron.
Have been working on a workflow to create some simple terrains. This is an alien landscape generated in Carrara and textured in Substance Painter. Just proof of concept. Worth exploring further, I think.
Had some fun with the June 2022 Daz+ Anniversary. Here are some of my efforts with cntent I got from the sale. More than a dozen are attached, but I will highlight only a few in the next posts.
This one was made with the Old Lighthouse
This one uses SickleYield's clones to go from V3/M3 to Genesis 8 figures. The woman's clothing is Jim Burton's Day in the Office outfit for Victoria 3, and the man's shirt is the Safari shirt for Michael 3. Both have the textures sucstituted for Iray.
I went for a Noir feel in this one. I chose the Abandon District because a spotlight behind the railings cast a noir-type shadow on the sidewalk. At least I think so. The qualifying item was Alex Capital 8.1.
Here is some War of the Worlds fun with the Ruined Cottage. I tried using Depth of Field to focus on the nearest alien, but I am still not comfortable with the way DOF works. The overall result feels distorted to me. Will just have to try to do better in futue projects.. Practice makes perfect I guess.
A few more entries in the Daz+ PC Club Summer 2022 Anniversary. Here is a scifi image. The qualifying item was the vehicle.
A few more for the same challenge. I enjoyed this one in which the Hulk cannot get his phone to work because it requires a fingerprint ID, and of course he no longer has Dr Banner's exact fingerprints because of size. Others attached.
Grateful to the Daz+ PC Club judges for awarding this entry an honorable mention for Ensk Mining Colony. I will make sure to use the $5 associated with it on a Daz+ item.
Practice Workflow for Upcoming Genesis 9
Return to Genesis 1
Genesis 9 and Genesis 1 each uses the same base for both the female and the male figures. This is different from Gensis 2-8 which had separate figures for male and female. In anticipation of release of Genesis 9, I am revisiting the original unimesh genesis 1. I have an old copy of Marveous Designer before they went subscription so I don't have all the tools, but I can use it to make a quick loose skirt for the Genesis 1 Basic Female shape morph. Will then use reverse deformation in the transfer utility when rigging the for Daz.
I am loosely following the very generous Jay Versluis and John Holden (Fugazzi) who held a webinar shortly after the announcement of G9 release. I will provide a link to their video with an edit. But for my own memory aid, I will be posting a series of screenshots on a Marvelous Designer to Daz Studio unimesh workflow. So here we go.
Step 1 - Creating the Genesis 1 Avatar for Use in Marvelous Designer
Start up Daz Studio new empty scene.
Load the Genesis 1 base mesh, no frills. Make sure SubD is at 1.
- export the obj of the base mesh as high resolution (SubD =1).
Dial the Genesis 1 Basic Female FBM to 1.
- export the obj of the base mesh as high resolution (SubD = 1).
I have attached a screenshot of the export settings. One key is Daz Studio scale because my version (and any later version) of MD has a Daz scale importer.
The reason I export the genesis figures at SubD = 1 is because the MD program will be draping the clothing against it. Get better results and fit if use better resolution. IMPORTANT. Be consistent. There will be times when want the avatar morphed or posed so be consistent when adjusting the avatar.
2 - Import the Daz Figure OBJ as an Avatar to Marvelous Designer
- start up Marvelous Designer. Use the file menu to import the Genesis Basic Female because that is the shape will be designing for.
In the import menu, make sure to use the Avatar option and to use the Daz Studio scale. Also check arrangement points..
3 - Getting Started on a Waistband - Measure the Waist First
The screen is cut in half. On the left side is your 3D Avatar. On the right side is a flat projection of your avatar. Will be creating 2D panels on the right, which will be converted to 3D sections on the right.
I want to measure the waist before creating the waistband. To do that, I go to the top menu for Avatar. I navigate to Measurement, Circumference. This gives me a tool to wrap around the waist and get a measurement.
Genesis 1 basic female has roughly a 26 inch waist. I am going to be making the waist band in four equal parts, so each will be 26/4 = 6.5 inches.
4 - Create 2D Panels for the Waistband on Right Side Using Polygon Tool
After creating the initial pattern, will need to edit it to fit. So start by choosing the edit pattern tool in the top menu.
If you click on a horizontal line, you will see it is the wrong size. I want 6.5 inches, so need to adjust.
5 - Adjust the Size of the Waistban Panel
Using the editor tool, Right Click the upper line waistband panel and there is an option to change segment length. Enter 6.5 inches. Repeat for the lower line. Now slect and slide the lines so they match up in a rectangle.
6 - Want 3 More WaistBand Panels. Note - Symmetrical Sewing Option
The waist is 26 inches and now have one 6.5 inch panel. Need three more. MD has a feature that allows a symmetrical copy/paste, and also has symmetrical sewing for those panels. So will want two front panels with symmetrical sewing and two back panels with symmetrical sewing.
- Use the 2D selection tool at the top left of the editing menu.
- Select the whole first panel. Right click and get an options menu.
- Choose Symmetrical Pattern with Sewing.
- Place the new panel on the other side of the front of the avatar.
- Select and right click the first panel again.
- In the options menu, do a simple copy. This copy will be on the same side as the first panel but further away from the avatar.
- Select this third panel, right click, and choose symmetric pattern with sewing to get the final back panel.
7 - Arrange the Panels in Left Side 3D View Around Avatar Waist - and Flip Normals of Back
If you have a more up to date version of MD than mine, you will have automatic arrangement points. These are blue dots that surround the avatar. You can drag and drop a panel from the left side onto an arrangement point and it will help aling the panels for better sewing and draping. I am supposed to have auto arrangement points but there is a bug in my older version. I can make custom arrangement points, but have not done so for Genesis 1. So I am going to do mine more manually. In selection mode of the editor, simply select a panel on the left side 3D view. The translation/rotation widgets will appear. Using the right click button of the mouse to navigate, use the widget arrows to place the 4 panels arround the waist. One thing you will notice is that the back panels face the wrong way, which gets addressed in the next step.
8 - Make Sure 3D Panels face the Correct Way (Normals)
When the front-facing panel was copied and pasted, it faced front. So the panels for the back also face front. Couple ways to address that. I prefer to keep the left side on the left, and the right side on the right, and use a 'flip normal' option. Select each back panel, right click, and choose flip normal from the menu.
9 - Segment Sewing.
There are sewing tools on the second row of the top menu in my older version. Newer versions of MD may have collected them elsewhere.
- With segment sewing tool selected, click the upper half of the left front panel and then click the upper half of the back left panel. A set of colored lines will appear connecting the two panels. If the lines are straight, al is well. If the lines cross, then you need to try again and make sure to connect upper to upper or lower to lower. Because symmetrical sewing is on, the right side should be automatic.
- repeat for front middle panels, then repeat for back middle panels.
The waistband should have colored sewing lines connecting completely around.
10 - Initial Waistband Sew and Drape Simulation
When all of the panels have been arranged and the sewing connections are complete...
... use Spacebar
to start the simulation. In this case, the 4 panels of the waistband are 26 inches and the Genesis 1 waist os about 26 inches so the default works out pretty well. There are ways to make a number of adjustments to the cloth and to the simulation, but this is good for now.
11 - Creating a Loose Skirt with Folds
For this project, I am going to make a simple circular cloth panel with a hole and that will be the skirt. I want a gathered look so I am going to want the interior circle hole to be moe than the 26 inch waistband.
In the top menu, change the default rectangular polygon panel creator to elipse.
Holding down the shift key to constrian the elipse to a circle, click and drag in the 2d panel view right side to create a large circular base for the skirt.
Right cliock on the circular panel to bring up the options menu. Want the option to offset with an interior line. This will create a circle within the circle.
Right click on this inner circle to bring up the menu again. This time choose to convert the circle to a hole.
12 - Arranging and Sewing the Skirt to the Waistband - then freeze the waistband
Look at the left side 3D view. The circle with the hole in it is facing front instead of up. Select the circle in the 3D view and use the arrow widgets to rotate so it faces up, and then translate so the hole surrounds the waistband.
- once in place, note that the inner circle does have four segments. Therefore, it is possible to use the segment sewing tool to sew the front left of the skirt to the front left of the waist band and so on.
- But do not simulate yet by hitting spacebar. At this stage, I think it is a good idea to freeze the waistband so the weight of the skirt does not pull it down too far. can always adjust later.
- Select all four panels of the waist band, and only the waistband, right click, and choose freeze from the menu.
13 - Spacebar to Simulate the Skirt Drape. Decrease particle distance lower than default 20 in properties lower right for more detail. I lowered to 10.
Self explanatory. With waistband frozen and skirt sewn, hit spacebar and the skirt should drape and fold.