Daz Install Manager (DIM), Now Available! (*UPDATED*)

Daz 3D is pleased to announce the next public version of Daz Install Manager
- Version:
- Date: October 5, 2022
What is new in this version?
The version makes improvements to, or fixes issues discovered since, the General Release. More detail on specific fixes/changes/improvements can be found in the Change Log, which can be viewed online within the Documentation Center portion of our site. All new downloads of DAZ Install Manager will be of this version.
Highlights: (October 5, 2022)
- General
- Account Email
- Account email validation has been rewritten to allow a much broader range of valid addresses
- Product Thumbnails
- Thumbnail images are now automatically resized if the downloaded image exceeds a local maximum height
- Default local maximum height is 182 pixels
- Added support for an "OverrideThumbnailMaxHeight" setting
- Manually set within the INI for a given account
- Maximum supported value is 546 pixels (3 x default)
- Thumbnail images are now automatically resized if the downloaded image exceeds a local maximum height
- Filtering
- Added a Filter Package(s) > By Selected action to the context menu for the Ready to Download page
- Added a Filter Package(s) > By Selected action to the context menu for the Ready to Install page
- Added a Filter Installed > By Selected action to the context menu for the Installed page
- These actions use selection (checked state) of packages in a given view to build and insert a filter into the filter field
- Filters can be saved and recalled for future use
- Package formatting
- Packages (zip files) built using 3rd party tools that use a platform specific path separator (i.e., '\\' Windows) can now be read
- Cross-platform path separators (i.e., '/') are highly recommended/preferred
- Packages (zip files) built using 3rd party tools that use a platform specific path separator (i.e., '\\' Windows) can now be read
- Extended support for application versions
- 3ds Max (2022)
- Blender (3.0)
- Cinema 4D (R25)
- Unity (2021)
- ZBrush (2022)
- Logging Improvements
- Too many to list - see the change log for details
- Account Email (August 16, 2021)
- General
- Extended support for application versions
- Daz Studio (5)
- Blender (2.9)
- Cinema 4D (R23)
- Maya (2022)
- ZBrush (2021)
- Extended supported package tags
- Daz Studio 5 (DAZStudio5)
- Extended support for application versions
- Windows
- Updated SSL support
- Addresses issues with compatibility on newer hardware and newer operating system versions
- Updated SSL support
- macOS
- Now runs on macOS 11 (Big Sur)
- Now (also) runs on Apple silicon (August 20, 2020)
- General
- Made improvements that allow packages with dynamic path requirements (e.g. Daz to Blender) to handle their unique installation (uninstallation) scenarios while maintaining minimal download sizes
- Made improvements to logging
- Improved organization/consistency of data displayed in "Show Installed Files..." and "Show Package Files..." dialogs
- Extended support for application paths
- Unreal Engine
- Unity
- Extended supported package tags
- Unreal Engine
- Unity
- Updated Default Filters (sku::14811)
- Added Filter By Tag
- Content
- Unity
- Unreal Engine
- Plugins
- Unity
- Unreal Engine
- Content
- Added Filter By Tag
- Fixed crash issues in scenarios where the CMS or helper application are closed unexpectedly (July 22, 2020)
- General
- Fixed an issue that would cause application path errors to display an invalid/empty dialog
- Fixed logging of application path errors
- Extended support for application versions
- 3ds Max
- Cinema 4D
- When more than one account is defined, ordering is now consistent across all usages/displays (June 25, 2020)
- General
- Patched SSL/TLS support
- Addresses compatibility with imminent changes to Daz 3D website/services minimum TLS version
- Added tag groupings to Advanced Settings... > Downloads > Filter
- Application Tags
- Install Type Tags
- Platform Tags
- Release Channel Tags
- Daz Connect Tags
- Extended support for application paths
- 3ds Max
- Blender
- Cinema 4D
- Extended support for application versions
- 3ds Max
- Blender
- Cinema 4D
- LightWave 3D
- Maya
- ZBrush
- Extended supported package tags
- 3dsMax
- Blender
- Cinema4D
- Updated Default Filters (sku::14811)
- Added Filter By Tag
- Content
- 3ds Max
- Blender
- Cinema 4D
- Plugins
- 3ds Max
- Blender
- Cinema 4D
- LightWave 3D
- Renamed Filter By Tag/Content
- Lightwave » LightWave 3D
- Added Filter By SKU/Ranges
- 70,000 - 70,999
- 71,000 - 71,999
- 72,000 - 72,999
- 73,000 - 73,999
- 74,000 - 74,999
- 75,000 - 75,999
- 76,000 - 76,999
- 77,000 - 77,999
- 78,000 - 78,999
- 79,000 - 79,999
- Content
- Added Filter By Tag
- Patched SSL/TLS support (May 12, 2020)
- General
- Fixed an issue with the creation of a CMS configuration file
- Addresses a folder/file permissions issue in some Windows environments
- Addresses a folder/file ownership issue in some macOS environments
- Product views (i.e., Ready to Download, Ready to Install, Installed) now limit context menus to columns to the left of the info column
- Prevents context menus (and unintended associated behaviors) in unintended columns
- Fixed an issue with the creation of a CMS configuration file (January 30, 2020)
- General
- Accessing the application Settings has changed
- Clicking the Settings icon (the gear in the top right corner) now presents a menu of options rather that immediately opening the Settings dialog
- Basic Settings...
- Clicking this option causes a greatly simplified version of the Settings dialog to be displayed
- This version of Settings is displayed to new accounts on initial login/connection if the user chooses to change the drive and/or base path for where the information downloaded and installed by Install Manager is directed to
- Changing the "Base Directory" setting automatically updates all other paths displayed to be a pre-defined sub-directory of the chosen directory
- Current - The paths currently configured in Install Manager (at the time the dialog was opened)
- Default - The pre-defined default paths
- Browse... - A (base) path of your choosing
- Advanced Settings...
- Clicking this option causes the complete/advanced version of the Settings dialog to be displayed
- This version of Settings is identical to previous builds in the type and scope of settings that can be viewed/edited, except for functionality that has been promoted to a higher level of the user interface (see "Show Log..." and "Show Helper Log..." below)
- Default Install Sets...
- Only available as an option after logging in (option remains available if you then choose to "Work Offline")
- If more than one "Install Module" becomes available/installed, an "Install Sets" submenu is created in place and this option is moved into the submenu
- For more information on "Install Sets", see below
- Show Log...
- Causes the troubleshooting log file for the main application to be opened in the system default application for text (.txt) files
- Show Helper Log...
- Causes the troubleshooting log file for the helper (i.e., permissions elevation) application to be opened in the system default application for text (.txt) files
- Basic Settings...
- Clicking the Settings icon (the gear in the top right corner) now presents a menu of options rather that immediately opening the Settings dialog
- Advanced Settings
- Context Menus for list based views in the Accounts, Installation, and Applications pages have been updated to provide additional and/or more applicable/contextual options
- Changed some editing behaviors to prevent invalid data from being entered
- Changed some editing behaviors to be consistent
- The Install Errors dialog has been rebuilt/replaced
- When a package that relies on the path of a particular application, version, and bit-architecture being defined fails to install because said path has not yet been defined - instead of displaying a message that instructs users to open the Settings dialog, navigate to the Applications page, and then add the required path for one of several potential options (which requires one to remember, or otherwise capture, the instructions), the dialog now presents a filtered version of the Add Application Path options directly within the Install Errors dialog
- The dialog now provides a "Re-attempt Install" option that is revealed/displayed when an application path for a failed install is defined within the dialog
- When this option is checked (default), packages associated with application paths that are defined within the dialog are automatically added to the install queue (and the queue is started if needed) when the dialog is accepted
- Accessing the application Settings has changed
- Install Sets
- "Install Sets" offer an automated and greatly simplified means of downloading and installing a collection or "set" of packages that, collectively, constitute a complete installation of a larger target; e.g. Daz Studio (PostgreSQL CMS, Application, Plugins, Default Resources, Default Content, etc), Hexagon (Application, Default Sample Content), etc.
- Install Sets are displayed within an accordion style view in the "Install Module" dialog
- Each Install Set provides an indicator that displays a status that bubbles up from individually validated Components, and package Options
- Each Install Set is comprised of 2 or more "Components"
- Each Component is comprised of 1 or more "Options"
- Option selection is automatic, based on the appropriateness for the running platform, operating system and bit architecture
- Some Components within a given Install Set are required, while others are optional
- A required Component cannot be deselected - the only way to deselect a required Component is to deselect the entire Install Set
- An optional Component can be individually deselected
- A Component can require 1 or more application paths to be defined - e.g. Photoshop 3D Bridge for Daz Studio
- If an application path is required and Install Manager has not already been made aware of the path, a filtered set of options for specifying the path is provided
- If a required path for an active Component is not defined, the status of the Component (and therefore the encompassing Install Set) is blocked from progressing until the path is defined - or in the case of an optional Component, until the Component is deactivated
- If a chosen path for an active Component collides with a path that is already defined, the status of the Component (and therefore the encompassing Install Set) is blocked from progressing until the conflict is resolved
- Users can access the Install Sets of a given module from the Settings menu
- The “Default” module is only available as an option after logging in (the option remains available, for the session, if you then choose to "Work Offline")
- Upon retrieval of product information from the store (i.e., login/refresh), if none of the Install Sets in the "Default" module are satisfied (i.e., all required Components of the Install Set are downloaded and installed) a user is prompted to select (and perhaps define application paths) the Install Set(s) to download/install based on which products are associated with a particular account
- The Install Module dialog provides a "Show Automatically" option that allows a user to control whether or not the "Default" module is automatically presented
- ...
How do I get the latest version?
If you have previously installed the Install Manager application and the computer it is installed on is connected to the internet, you can simply launch the application and log into your account. Once connected, you will be notified that an update has been detected and you will be prompted to "Update" or "Work Offline". Click the "Update" button and the application will take care of the rest.
Optionally, you can locate, download and install the application from the Product Library (once you are logged into your account) by entering "Install Manager" into the text field near the top left of the page and clicking the "Filter" button, or by clicking one of the following links:
If this is your first time downloading and/or installing Install Manager, simply follow this link, click the "download free now" button on the page and then run the downloaded installer.
*Note: If you experience a crash during the uninstaller phase of the update, it is recommended that you download the installer from the Product Library (see above) and run it manually.
Is there any documentation?
Yes, documentation is located here. Clicking the "Help" button in the top right corner of the application main window will launch your [default] browser to the same location.
I am getting an "Unable to unpack file ... " message that prevents the installation. I have tried the manual download and the result is the same. Not to mention that my current installation now gives me a Windows cannot access . . . You may not have the appropriate permissions." Not trying to run anything under Adminstrator etc. Really folks?
When I try to open the install manager and press login, it doesn't matter if the password is right or not, it crashes without attempting to load.
Mine checked that I had CMS and then upgraded CMS too.
What is your OS version? Have you tried the offline bitrock installer?
What is your OS and version?
My OS is Win 7 64. The problem is with the download itself. The install starts but can't itself unpack the file. I have no idea what the "offline bitrock installer" is. I also manually downloaded and, as I said before, had the same issue after double clicking the executable. I have not had this issue with previous DIM or Studio updates.
Here is the exact message:
The bitrock installer is the executable, which you have tried. Do you have an anti-virus or anti-malware which could interfere with the installation? I've tried both the executable installation and the DIM auto-update, and they both work for me.
Also check in Task Manager that there is no instance of DIM running before trying the manual installation.
Well, the installer idea was nice, it just didn't work for me at all. It screwed up everything and I ended up uninstalling everything just to reinstall all of this stuff for the 8th time in a week. Took the PC around 8 hours to redownload and reinstall the whole ball of wax. When I got home from work and opened DAZ,,,, presto... nada... zip. Nothing had actually been installed at all. It was there, just not in DAZ Studio. I had to goto YouTube and find a fix. Fortunately it worked. A word to the wise, programs need to tested endlessly before released.
Looks like you're out of disk space or you need to edit inherited permissions on your D:\Apps\DAZ 3D\DAZDIM1\DAZ3DDIM.exe
You could move the old exe on D: somewhere temporarily and try the install again. Doesn't work, you just move the EXE back.
Also the Windows Event Manager "might" have a better clue as to the real cause of the problem.
You haven't installed DIM as elevated Administrator orginally did you?
Just updated the Install Manager and when it re-opened it displayed a message about items that are already a part of Daz Studio and do not appear to be updates. Any idea as to what this is about? Thanks in advance.
DIM now offers the option to install some "packs" of items together like DS and its components, the figure essentials...
That's quite useful for people just starting with DS who often forget to install some components because they don't know which does what, but you can ignore it, If you cancel that screen you'll access the "regular" DIM screens.
The disk has 2TB open. Have not previously installed / run with Administrator. The old exe was removed/destroyed when the new version tried to install.
Oh, just download DIM manually from DAZ, uninstall the old version in the Windows Software Uninstall section, delete the old folder the contained the old install (if there at all), then install the new one manually from your local HD that you just downloaded.
That should work. If not check the event manager.
This is not a universal issue, so it would help if you gave your system specifcations, especially any security software, your path settings, whether you have more than one account in DIM, and what, if any, messages/prompts youn received while installing.
I ran into some issues when I updated to 1.4 on this computer. When it finished installing, I was presented with the popup for the sets. I canceled that window, and when DIM settled, it appeared I needed to redownload and install everything! I'm on Win7Pro, so I went looking for the .ini file in my AppData/Roaming folder, but when I opened the file, I found everything was correct, pointing DIM to my external drives, as it always had. The update had not overwritten my .ini file.
Long story short, it turns out those external drives had not been turned on, (due to some hardware installation changes I made, not related to Daz or Daz Studio.) Once I turned those drives on and restarted DIM, everything worked the same for me as it had when I was still running 1.2.
Hopefully this information will help someone, when updating DIM.
What security software are you using? Any other auto/always on sysem utilities?
It will reappear unless you uncheck the option not to show automatically.
..is there any way to defer this as it auto-updates when opening? I finally got the current version working fairly stable stable and new updates seem to start all the trouble i have over again.
From what I have seen the only way to not update DIM itself is to work offline, which kind of defeats the point ...
...bugger,I don't want to go through all the rubbish I dealt with during the last update. Nothing else updates unless you want it to.
Users should be given an option.(unless this is Microsoft we are dealing with)
You do have an option, work offline and download the zps manually to place in the Downloads folder.
However, I'm not sure what you mean by all this rubbish - for most users the update goes smoothly. You were unlucky once, if it persists then that suggests a local issue with your machine/system set up rather than with DIM per se.
I've tried to install DS 4.11 by putting the files in the Downloads folder and run DIM offline, but it does not show up. Is that a new feature that you can't install older versions anymore?
Never mind, it showed up after restarting DIM a second time...
...but you do not get content updates or beta's that way.
When I say "rubbish" I refer to having to reconfigure all the settings and library paths as they return to default status as if I did a clean install every time a new update occurs, and my sign on is flagged as invalid again. AS I have mentioned, I changed no system settings either in the OS or BIOS before the first incident occurred several months ago that would have precipitated a conflict.
There has to be some issue other than DIM at play, as I have never had any returns to default after DIM updates.
So I'm a little confused about DIM's download speeds...like it'll start fast, and suddenly it slows to a crawl. I noticed that when I pause the currently slow doawloads and start to download a different product all of a sudden the download speeds shoots up again. But when I resume the previus downloads they download at like 512kb.
Also what is the "connect available" filter in the download filters specifically?
..I am not sure what happened.
Several months ago basically "out of the blue", my auto login was rejected even though I had not changed anything. For a while I was doing what Richard suggested, manually downloading and installing in offline mode, however not only is that more tedious as you have to download each file individually but it also meant I'd receive no content updates or betas. When I finally felt I figured it out (for some reason the manifest. JSON file was sent to my desktop and the .ini was not in the proper folder. Once I fixed that, it worked fine until the next update (which was when the UI on Install tools tab was slightly changed). That was when I discovered all the settings were set to default to C: (including the Downloads backup) which I originally had routed to the D drive. I only learned this due to the fact I checked my drive status to find the smaller C: drive was almost full after my system began to get incredibly sluggish.
I had to uninstall everything from that point off of C:, manually reset all the paths in the DIM tools, and then reinstall everything again. When the next update occurred, teh saved login stopped working again (which I had to fix like the last time), and I discovered in the DIM tools that all the paths (download and install) for content were reset once again back to the default (C: drive) destinations. About a two months ago the auto login crashed again and since, I've been having to manually enter my password and not check the "remember me" box. Nothing in my system settings have changed and the DIM is still shows with full permissions (as it always has) by my AV and firewall.
So basically when the first incident happened, apparently something was corrupted that for some reason does not get deleted and overwritten by the new update.
I changed my ssd and now when I tried to reinstall Daz I'm getting this message about PostgreSQL. Never before I had this probleme, any idea about how to solve it will be very appreciated. (MacOS Catalina 10.15.3)
Is PostgreSQL installed? In any event, this isn't (probably) an install Manager issue so would be better handled in its wn thread if it isn't just a need to (re)install