Daz Install Manager (DIM), Now Available! (*UPDATED*)



  • Is there every going to be an option for DIM to read a folder of manifest files, and use that list to redownload/reinstall DIMs?

    Say for example, due to space restrictions you have deleted all installer DIMS on your laptop, but you kept a backup copy of your manifest files. Then you upgrade to a new computer with bigger hard drive, copy the manfest files to your new PC, and then DIM reads this and redownloads/reinstalls your content to the new PC.

  • TGSNT said:

    Is there every going to be an option for DIM to read a folder of manifest files, and use that list to redownload/reinstall DIMs?

    Say for example, due to space restrictions you have deleted all installer DIMS on your laptop, but you kept a backup copy of your manifest files. Then you upgrade to a new computer with bigger hard drive, copy the manfest files to your new PC, and then DIM reads this and redownloads/reinstalls your content to the new PC.

    The purpose of manifest files is for DIM to know which files are installed.

  • 2two2two Posts: 0

    When I try to open the install manager and press login, it doesn't matter if the password is right or not, it crashes without attempting to load.

    Try the 32bit version of install manager. I had the same problem with the previous installed 64bit version: it crashes every time i tryed to open it. The 32bit version now works properly. Maybe this is a workaround for those who have the same issue.

  • arbee999arbee999 Posts: 104

    Tried to run DAZ Studio 4.10 (64 bit) which I had downloaded and used successfully June of 2019. DAZ Studio has encountered a fatal error.

    OK fine - let's download the latest version. Now I get DIM - when I start it prompts for account and password which I provide correctly (verified on the site) and it says I need to verify my account. Click the button, get the EULA page which says I must be logged in to sign the license agreement, even though the account icon shows me logged in and has my profile info. No matter how I get to the EULA page, it says I must login, even though I'm logged in already.

    Browser is Firefox if that matters



  • Tried to run DAZ Studio 4.10 (64 bit) which I had downloaded and used successfully June of 2019. DAZ Studio has encountered a fatal error.

    OK fine - let's download the latest version. Now I get DIM - when I start it prompts for account and password which I provide correctly (verified on the site) and it says I need to verify my account. Click the button, get the EULA page which says I must be logged in to sign the license agreement, even though the account icon shows me logged in and has my profile info. No matter how I get to the EULA page, it says I must login, even though I'm logged in already.

    Browser is Firefox if that matters



    Try going here directly https://www.daz3d.com/eula

  • arbee999arbee999 Posts: 104

    Try going here directly https://www.daz3d.com/eula

    Thanks Richard.

    I ended up having to click on one of the products I had purchased a while back, which took me to the EULA from my logged in session, then I was able to accept it. Unfortunately DAZ studio still crashes on startup, but I created a ticket for that.

    Again, thanks for the prompt reply.



  • iSeeThisiSeeThis Posts: 552
    edited April 2020

    Now I can't install new items. Install Manager has encountered a fatal error, and must close. The details in attached file. I would like to ask for recommendation what to do to cope with the situation.

    Post edited by iSeeThis on
  • iSeeThis said:

    Now I can't install new items. Install Manager has encountered a fatal error, and must close. The details in attached file. I would like to ask for recommendation what to do to cope with the situation.

    How much available space do you have on F drive? Is it a local or network drive?

  • iSeeThisiSeeThis Posts: 552
    iSeeThis said:

    Now I can't install new items. Install Manager has encountered a fatal error, and must close. The details in attached file. I would like to ask for recommendation what to do to cope with the situation.

    How much available space do you have on F drive? Is it a local or network drive?

    iSeeThis said:

    How much available space do you have on F drive? Is it a local or network drive?

    Thank you Doctor Jellybean.

    I have got a plenty of space. (1)

    Everything is local. But I download to F: and install to L: (1)

    The current version of DIM (just installed) show this window (2)

    Whether I click Start Queue or start download new items, it always crashes. (3)

    Moreover, DIM has 2000+ items ready to install but I had installed them all. Just shown this way with the current version of DIM.

    745 x 836 - 164K
    911 x 511 - 103K
    726 x 497 - 50K
  • iSeeThis said:
    iSeeThis said:

    Now I can't install new items. Install Manager has encountered a fatal error, and must close. The details in attached file. I would like to ask for recommendation what to do to cope with the situation.

    How much available space do you have on F drive? Is it a local or network drive?

    iSeeThis said:

    How much available space do you have on F drive? Is it a local or network drive?

    Thank you Doctor Jellybean.

    I have got a plenty of space. (1)

    Everything is local. But I download to F: and install to L: (1)

    The current version of DIM (just installed) show this window (2)

    Whether I click Start Queue or start download new items, it always crashes. (3)

    Moreover, DIM has 2000+ items ready to install but I had installed them all. Just shown this way with the current version of DIM.

    Your F drive looks like a flash drive? Try using an internal drive (NTFS) as the download drive and see if that works.

  • iSeeThisiSeeThis Posts: 552

    >> Your F drive looks like a flash drive?

    Nope. It's WD MY BOOK 3.5" USB 3. Thank you!

  • Didn't help me. Still can't open a lot of gen 8 stuff.

  • nico12vnico12v Posts: 0


    Je viens d'installer daz3d 4.12 j'ai tous suivit pour installer le logiciel mais j'ai un problème lors de la connexion sur daz installer je rentre mes identifiants mais l'application se ferme et rien s'ouvre derrière

    auriez-vous une réponse pour moi s'il vous plait 

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,565
    nico12v said:


    Je viens d'installer daz3d 4.12 j'ai tous suivit pour installer le logiciel mais j'ai un problème lors de la connexion sur daz installer je rentre mes identifiants mais l'application se ferme et rien s'ouvre derrière

    auriez-vous une réponse pour moi s'il vous plait 

    Voulez-vous dire que DAZ Studio se ferme lorsque vous essayez de vous connecter? Votre adresse e-mail ou votre mot de passe utilise-t-il des caractères accentués?

  • xyer0xyer0 Posts: 5,845

    I recently upgraded DazStudio, and my DIM went wonky (intermittently installing products, and in one case, installing Valentino 8's materials but not his geometry). So, I finally settled on re-installing DIM. Two things have changed. Well, three, because product installation returned to normal.

    1) Each time I open DIM, a dialogue box appears telling me to download and install Daz Studio. 2) The files in the Download list are no longer absolutely alphabetical but chrono-alphabetical (products from the same order/purchase are alphabetized and products from earlier purchases are alphabetized underneath them in retro-chronological order).

    Is this an improvement? Or is my DIM going wonky in a new way?

  • DoctorJellybeanDoctorJellybean Posts: 8,142
    xyer0 said:

    I recently upgraded DazStudio, and my DIM went wonky (intermittently installing products, and in one case, installing Valentino 8's materials but not his geometry). So, I finally settled on re-installing DIM. Two things have changed. Well, three, because product installation returned to normal.

    1) Each time I open DIM, a dialogue box appears telling me to download and install Daz Studio. 2) The files in the Download list are no longer absolutely alphabetical but chrono-alphabetical (products from the same order/purchase are alphabetized and products from earlier purchases are alphabetized underneath them in retro-chronological order).

    Is this an improvement? Or is my DIM going wonky in a new way?

    It is a new feature, called Install Sets. More about that in the first post:


  • xyer0xyer0 Posts: 5,845
    edited May 2020

    Thank you @DoctorJellybean. Now to discover how I can return to STRICT alphabetical listing of installed items so that I don't have to type in the name of every item that NEW DIM decided to incompletely install. (Though it thoughtfully left a greyed out Connect icon for each item it nixed).

    While I'm at it, I need to know how to return to strict alphabetical for my downloads as well.

    Post edited by xyer0 on
  • DoctorJellybeanDoctorJellybean Posts: 8,142
    xyer0 said:

    Thank you @DoctorJellybean. Now to discover how I can return to STRICT alphabetical listing of installed items so that I don't have to type in the name of every item that NEW DIM decided to incompletely install. (Though it thoughtfully left a greyed out Connect icon for each item it nixed).

    While I'm at it, I need to know how to return to strict alphabetical for my downloads as well.

    In DIM there is a Sort Order option, use whichever option you like.

  • xyer0xyer0 Posts: 5,845

    @DoctorJellybean Domo Arigato Muchos Gracias Merci!

  • L'AdairL'Adair Posts: 9,479

    Any info on the update to DIM?

    My install is, but the thread title has been changed ot

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,565
    L'Adair said:

    Any info on the update to DIM?

    My install is, but the thread title has been changed ot

    From the first post: (May 12, 2020)

    • General
      • Fixed an issue with the creation of a CMS configuration file
        • Addresses a folder/file permissions issue in some Windows environments
        • Addresses a folder/file ownership issue in some macOS environments
      • Product views (i.e., Ready to Download, Ready to Install, Installed) now limit context menus to columns to the left of the info column
        • Prevents context menus (and unintended associated behaviors) in unintended columns
  • L'AdairL'Adair Posts: 9,479

    Thank you, @Fixmypcmike.

  • sfaa69sfaa69 Posts: 353

    I suppose it's not a coincidence that my first attempt to use install manager after a new public version is announced gives me this message:


    Screenshot (5).png
    1132 x 626 - 58K
  • DoctorJellybeanDoctorJellybean Posts: 8,142
    sfaa69 said:

    I suppose it's not a coincidence that my first attempt to use install manager after a new public version is announced gives me this message:

    Most likely a server glitch.

  • scorpioscorpio Posts: 8,352
    edited May 2020

    I can't log in to DIM now won't recognise my details, I'm not the only one either, I tried updating but that failed as well. 

    Post edited by scorpio on
  • DoctorJellybeanDoctorJellybean Posts: 8,142
    edited May 2020
    scorpio said:

    I can't log in to DIM now won't recognise my details, I'm not the only one either, I tried updating but that failed as well. 

    It has to be a server issue, but you can contact Customer Services and ask them to check your account details.

    If you are using DazCentral, log out of that, close it and try DIM again.

    Post edited by DoctorJellybean on
  • scorpioscorpio Posts: 8,352
    scorpio said:

    I can't log in to DIM now won't recognise my details, I'm not the only one either, I tried updating but that failed as well. 

    It has to be a server issue, but you can contact Customer Services and ask them to check your account details.

    Its not a server issue, I have just changed my password via Daz and now I can log in with the new password.

  • BejaymacBejaymac Posts: 1,872
    edited May 2020

    DIM has been updated, anyone who hasn't updated wont be able to log in with the old version.


    Scratch that, the new DIM and that Central don't recognise my password, same one I'm logged into the site with, guess the coders made an ass of it somewhere.

    Post edited by Bejaymac on
  • GaryHGaryH Posts: 66

    I'm having the same DIM login problem as sfaa69 above.  angry

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 98,453
    Bejaymac said:

    DIM has been updated, anyone who hasn't updated wont be able to log in with the old version.


    Scratch that, the new DIM and that Central don't recognise my password, same one I'm logged into the site with, guess the coders made an ass of it somewhere.

    You may need to update your password, especially if it's short or simple.

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