Daz Install Manager (DIM), Now Available! (*UPDATED*)



  • I think the best thing to do is to uninstall DIM. Then make sure that the DIM directory in C:\Program Files (x86)\DAZ 3D\ is empty, as well as the InstallManager directory in %appdata%\DAZ 3D. Don't worry, it won't uninstall your downloaded content.

    Download the latest DIM installer from your store product library and install. Setup all your directories\paths in DIM and hopefully all should be good.

  • antaresantares Posts: 26

    I think the best thing to do is to uninstall DIM. Then make sure that the DIM directory in C:\Program Files (x86)\DAZ 3D\ is empty, as well as the InstallManager directory in %appdata%\DAZ 3D. Don't worry, it won't uninstall your downloaded content.

    Download the latest DIM installer from your store product library and install. Setup all your directories\paths in DIM and hopefully all should be good.

    Hi DoctorJellybean

    Your Tipp ist great and works fine to Start DIM without "crashes" and no Dialog!

    After twice Installation and Restarts i give up, i take a local Path and it's run fine. With the old Path to my NAS it don't like to work = may i must solve by myself and must check again the Permisions.

    Again, big thx to you!


  • I have a problem with DIM, I made  this order today:  and when I was going to download and install through DIM as usuall it told me that there was an update avaliable to DIM so I clicked update and then clicked download and install on my purchases. The problem is that none of the products show up where they are supposed to according to their readmes, they can only be found under Products under the  product's name.  I have not had this problem before and I have made no changes since the last DIM update. I use DIM beacause I have no idea where to put the files manually. Please help me with this, I can't work like this, I won't be able to find a thing if everything only shows up under products sadsad.


  • Sounds like the MD is missing. Try reimporting the metadata in DAZ Studio. On the Content Library pane menu, click on Content DB Maintenance. Check the 4th one (Re-import Metadata) and then Accept. This might take awhile.


    Content DB Maintenance.jpg
    635 x 472 - 60K
  • Thank you for the reply! smiley I just uninstalled and installed it again through DIM and it worked, now everything is where it's supposed to smiley. I appologize, I should have tried this before posting blush. I had a really bad day today and I panicked. If I have this troubble again and reinstalling won't help I will try your advicesmiley.

  • Worlds_EdgeWorlds_Edge Posts: 2,147

    After the update, DIM installation is going at snails pace for me.  I've never had to let it run overnight before this.  I have high speed internet and so I don't think dl speed is the issue, and I also did a speed test.  Is anyone else having an issue with slow downloads of products via DIM?

  • The servers are quite busy with all the Public Beta downloads. Give it some time to settle down.

  • Worlds_EdgeWorlds_Edge Posts: 2,147

    Ah, ok.  Glad nothing is "wrong" :)

  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,164

    I was updating some content  today and when I started Dimm it said I needed to update the install manager. I click yes and it install the new Dimm , ever since the update Dimm will not allow me to signit giving me please check login or password... well Duh!  I signed into the daz site using the same login creditials   I even rebooted my computer to see if that would fix it.. no go. I still get the same loghin error.

    Any ideas how i can correct this issue?

    787 x 702 - 58K
  • firewardenfirewarden Posts: 1,459
    Ivy said:

    I was updating some content  today and when I started Dimm it said I needed to update the install manager. I click yes and it install the new Dimm , ever since the update Dimm will not allow me to signit giving me please check login or password... well Duh!  I signed into the daz site using the same login creditials   I even rebooted my computer to see if that would fix it.. no go. I still get the same loghin error.

    Any ideas how i can correct this issue?

    Exact same issue. Updated and can no longer log in. Can't download the content I bought today. 

  • Same problem here for about an hour or so. It was working earlier. They're probably doing something on their end. I'd say give it a while and try again. :)

  • firewardenfirewarden Posts: 1,459
    Ivy said:

    Any ideas how i can correct this issue?

    @Ivy, Have you started a separate thread on this? I found your post surfing around the forums trying to see if anyone else had this problem. I'm wondering if anyone monitors this thread to see our problem. 

  • It should be working now.

  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,164

    @ DoctorJellybean

    Thank you for fixing it. Dimm just as I refreshed the site page & dimm logged in after

  • firewardenfirewarden Posts: 1,459

    It should be working now.

    Awesome. Now to play with my new Mec4D shaders!!! :D

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548
    dw191062 said:

    At a guess I would say this from the update notes:

    Updated default filters;

    • Added Filter By Tag/Content/
      • Maya
    • Added Filter By Tag/Plugins/
      • Maya


    Thank you David!

  • Have a minor issue. I can't be certain if the update for DIM caused this. I uninstalled some content today and tried to reinstall. However, instead of the content being in the ready to install tab it was located in the download tab. I don't ever remember it doing this before. Any suggestions?
  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    Did you delete the package? Is it showing as an update?
  • Chohole said:
    Did you delete the package? Is it showing as an update?

    Not showing as update. And I don't think I deleted the package. I just remember whenever I needed to uninstall content I could easily reinstall and not have to redownloa the content.
  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    I went to download something and got the log in error..  Telling me I need to verify my login.

  • SamanthieSamanthie Posts: 308

    I'm having login issues too. Login error from Daz Studio to PostqreSQL. Had error with DIM trying to update which it looks like it finally did update but now the PostqreSQL login error. 

  • y3kmany3kman Posts: 765

    Is it possible to add paused and failed download filters or sorting order?

  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,107
    y3kman said:

    Is it possible to add paused and failed download filters or sorting order?

    There is a way to show resumable downloads but I forgot how at the moment.  I can try to look it up later.

  • y3kman said:

    Is it possible to add paused and failed download filters or sorting order?

    It should be possible: http://docs.daz3d.com/doku.php/public/software/install_manager/referenceguide/interface/filter_field/advanced_filtering#resume

  • almahiedraalmahiedra Posts: 1,349
    dw191062 said:

    At a guess I would say this from the update notes:

    Updated default filters;

    • Added Filter By Tag/Content/
      • Maya
    • Added Filter By Tag/Plugins/
      • Maya


    Thank you David!

    ehhhH? this says Maya and nobody says something??? Why we need Maya (Autodesk) in plugins and content as a tag? why? why? why? why? why?surprise

    ...and Zbrush?...and Vue?...

  • KeryaKerya Posts: 10,943
    GiGi_7 said:
    dw191062 said:

    At a guess I would say this from the update notes:

    Updated default filters;

    • Added Filter By Tag/Content/
      • Maya
    • Added Filter By Tag/Plugins/
      • Maya


    Thank you David!

    ehhhH? this says Maya and nobody says something??? Why we need Maya (Autodesk) in plugins and content as a tag? why? why? why? why? why?surprise

    ...and Zbrush?...and Vue?...

    I know the answer for Vue - you can buy Vue content here in the DazStore.

  • erostewerostew Posts: 214

    I'm having an issue with DIM failing to install the metadata since the last update. It's intermittent but fairly frequent.

    The content installs okay but when I look on the "Installed" tab the metadata column has no checkmark. Open DS and it isn't in Smart Content. 

    If it fails, it fails for anything installed in that DIM session. If I uninstall/reinstall it still fails to import the metadata. The only fix is to close and then re-open DIM. After that it usually completes without issue.

    Happens with local files and downloaded files. Both Online ond Offline. Start/Stop CMS without restarting DIM does not seem to help either.

    Using latest DIM. Also have latest DS and DS Public Beta installed. Had this happen only once or twice in the past that I can remember. Since the DIM Update it probably happens 1/3 of the time.

  • erostew said:

    I'm having an issue with DIM failing to install the metadata since the last update. It's intermittent but fairly frequent.

    The content installs okay but when I look on the "Installed" tab the metadata column has no checkmark. Open DS and it isn't in Smart Content. 

    If it fails, it fails for anything installed in that DIM session. If I uninstall/reinstall it still fails to import the metadata. The only fix is to close and then re-open DIM. After that it usually completes without issue.

    Happens with local files and downloaded files. Both Online ond Offline. Start/Stop CMS without restarting DIM does not seem to help either.

    Using latest DIM. Also have latest DS and DS Public Beta installed. Had this happen only once or twice in the past that I can remember. Since the DIM Update it probably happens 1/3 of the time.

    Do you close DS then launch DIM? If so it's possible that the PostgreSQL database was still running but switching off when DIM started, and so DIM didn't restart it. It's safe to run DIM without closing DS, but if you want to close DS use Task Manager to check that it and the PostgreSQL processes have ended befoer you start DIM.

  • erostewerostew Posts: 214
    edited October 2017
    Do you close DS then launch DIM? If so it's possible that the PostgreSQL database was still running but switching off when DIM started, and so DIM didn't restart it. It's safe to run DIM without closing DS, but if you want to close DS use Task Manager to check that it and the PostgreSQL processes have ended befoer you start DIM.

    Mostly I don't run both at the same time. On occasion I might open DS after installing something, without closing DIM. I've had experience of DS not getting connected if I open it too soon after closing DIM or vice versa so I generally avoid that situation.

    Post edited by erostew on
  • SamanthieSamanthie Posts: 308

    This is the error I am getting. It did not start until this last update with DIM. Then DIM just stopped working and the icons for it vanished from my desktop and taskbar. DIM had to be reinstalled. Then after DIM looks to be working closed it out and clicked on DS and got this error..same error I've been getting.

    >>A valid PostgreSQL CMS connection could not be established. Several DAZ Studio features that require a valid PostgreSQL CMS connection, such as context aware content views and loading content installed using the Das Connect service, will not be available. Check your network, anti-viurs, and firewall settings for conflicts.<<

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