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Oh, sure, heating vents always glow hot pink, don't they? Nothing to worry about at all! Nice work! :)
Thank you so much for posting the links to these videos. Especially the Rigging one! I have been beating my head against the wall trying to figure that out in DAZ, and that tutorial was super helpful. Thank you again!!
You're very welcome! SickleYield's got some really, really helpful tutorials on her pages. Always happy to point people towards them.
Today's experiment involves creating greebles/nurnies to provide detail to an object. This has the side benefit of providing lots of practice in what's called hard surface modeling - the manipulation of vertices and edges to create different shapes. I found it to be a really good way of getting faster with modeling. The model also provided a chance to work with material assignment in blender and verifying how it transitions to Daz Studio.
This is part of a larger work in progress of a sci-fi scene.
That looks really cool. I have that pack but haven't really used it much. You did good, though, because I can't tell what you modeled from the parts from the pack. :)
It's all modeled.
I used the terms greebles/nurnies in the generic sense.
Ah, I misunderstood! I get what you were saying now! Sorry, sometimes, I can be a little bit dense with the modeling stuff. I'm getting there, but there are times when I wonder what I'm even doing messing around with it. :)
Absolutely stunning! I also loved your lightning bolt.
Wow great job on the modelling. Looks very technical lol.
Modeling done and some shaders applied. The scene really drives home the need for good textures - the panels and corridor look very plastic like. Need some decent bumps, scratches, etc to make it look less like a model and more like something real. So the next step is UV unwrapping and texture creation.
I need to do something other than a regular emissive plane for the ceiling light, but other than that, I'm pretty happy with the modeling.
Corridor (Work in Progress)
Blender->Daz Studio->Iray->Photoshop
That looks stunning! That turned out AWESOME!
I think the textures look great. The "plastic like" look actually really works - it looks like something you'd expect to see in a realistic futuristic ship.
Great work, Jack!
Just discovered your thread TJ, and I'm glad I did. I'm having difficulty trying to organize my own 3d modeling curriculum. It's good to see a little bit of your learning process. Maybe I need to post more of my learning process too. Is postiing your experiments helpful to you at all?
Still, textures aside which I happen to think work here, too, it turned out to be a great set! Nice modeling.
Wow looks great! Color me impressed!
Thanks, Diva, Knittingmommy, and Sonja!
FaxMisher, it's helpful in that it provides feedback. This is especially true if I'm having a challenge getting past a certain point - asking others for assistance or ideas can help a lot. It's also the case that other folks may have alternative ideas on how to accomplish something. I've learned a lot from knittingmommy, Will Timmins, and others by following their threads.
One thing to keep in mind - if you really want a crtitique of your work, you probably need to specifically ask for it. Some of us (myself included) tend to offer positive feedback freely, but may withhold constructive criticism unless it's requested.
Greebles are pesky criters that are a nuisance... Oooh wait... Greeebles are quite useful... can't ever have enough! Gremlins are the pesky ones. :) Great job on your Corridor WIP... don't scratch it up too much... looks very good as is.
Positive feedback is always good for encouragement. Constructive criticism is good to help us get better and give us alternatives. I'm always open to the latter... no need to ask me.
...and to finish off 2016, here's a render of the completed model:
Blender->Daz Studio->Iray->Photoshop->NIK
Click the attachment for full size
Bay Seven Alpha
and I like this one after running it through one of FilterForge's filters --- the colors help highlight Eva...
Bay Seven Alpha - FF
Thats fantastic! Wow, very well done!
Great job.
Guess I'll have to wait til later this year... 2017 to see what's behind that far door. :)
As for what's behind the's a landing bay....we will have to see what could be there......
You did good, TJ! I love the set and your textures. Very nice renders. :)
So.......I started sketching out a landing bay.....and it turned into a bigger scene with some hangars and a launch deck, etc. I started modeling one of the hangars.
Then a few days ago, I saw petipet's new Sci-Fi Hangar A.. It made me realize how much further I have to go.
Oh well, at least I'm still learning a lot about blender, and getting faster with it. While I've been working on the hangar, I also noticed that I seemed to be shifting towards more of an industrial style look. External pipes with flanges. Visible fuel tanks. Then I realized how much other stuff I wanted to have in the scene to make it look natural. Crates. Tools. Carts. Just general clutter. Felt like a mountain of a project. How do you climb a mountain? One step at a time.
Decided to start building out a cart. And to build a cart, I need wheels.
On the bright side, I'm starting to build out a library of components now.....
Nice treads. I really like the writing on the sidewall!
Excellent! Make it low profile with chrome or brushed aluminum texture on wheel... then model a sports car. :)
It's been a while since I posted anything on canvases. I've seen a couple of questions and requests for information about them recently so I thought I'd update some of the earlier posts I made.
First off, some basics.
What are canvases?
Before I answer that, let's consider how renders work. Simplifying it greatly, imagine light rays being sent out from the camera (yes, I realize that's not how things work in the real world, but there's no point in considering light rays that never reach the camera). Those rays hit an object, collect some properties such as color, specularity, glossiness, and then bounce off, maybe hit another surface, bounce off, and eventually find their way to a light source which gives it an initial color and intensity. This determines what the camera or eye actually sees. The path that a light ray takes from the source to the destination, including all the points where it interacts with some object, is what Iray uses to render an image.
So, back to the original question. What are canvases?
I'm sure that Nvidia and Daz have some specific definition, but from my perspective, canvases are a way to specify exactly which light paths will get rendered in an image.
Daz provides a number of canvases out of the box (Please ignore the black disc in the upper left of the render....that's what happens if you dont turn "Render Emitter" off in the spotlight parameters):
One really nice thing about canvases is they all get rendered simultaneously. Iray has to calclulate all the light paths anyway, so it's not a big deal to determine where the light came from, or what object it hit. This saves a tremendous amount of time when compared to having to do individual renders for each light source and then compositing later.
So why would you want to use canvases?
In a word, postwork.
If you're not doing any postwork, there's no need to do anything with canvases. But if you are, then there are a couple of really useful things you can do, such as:
I'll cover each of these in later posts, but first let's take a look at how to set up canvases.
So how do you set canvases up?
In the Render Settings pane, in the "Advanced" tab, there's a tab for Canvases. You need to check the Canvases Checkbox to turn them on. Then use the "+" sign to add them. It will bring up a pane with fields for the name, type, Nodes,and other information.
The easiest way I've found to set up things like Light Groups is to select the lights I want to use from the Scene pane. Then go to the canvases pane and add a canvas. Select Light Group, and in the Node pull down menu is an option to "Create From Selection". Choose that, and it will automatically create a Node List to be used for that canvas. Give it a meaningful name and you're good to go. Keep setting up canvases until you're done. Then add one more because of some UI weirdness: If you click back to the Render Settings->Editor tab, you'll see there's a new item at the bottom named 'Canvases'. From there you can select which canvas is "Active', meaning which one will show up in the render window when you actually render the scene. The UI weirdness is that the name of the last canvas you created shows up as the default even if you have changed it. So to make sure the new name shows up in the pulldown, I create one last canvas when I'm done. You can always delete it if you'd like, but it's the only way I've found to force Studio to pick up the name of the last canvas
Then you can go ahead and render.
After it's completed and you click Save, it will save all the canvases in a folder in your regular render directory. The files are all 32 bit EXR files, so you're going to need some postprocessing software that can cope with 32 bit images.
Using Canvases in Photoshop
I apologize up front to Knittingmommy - this is gonna be a Photoshop centric post, but I think the concepts carry over easily to GIMP.
So, the first thing we're gonna do is get all the images into PS.
And here's with all the light sources tweaked for a final render.
Set the fill light to be cooler also and get this result
Note all of this is done without ever having to re-render in Daz Studio. So if your renders take a couple of hours, this saves a tremendous amount of time.
Ah, TJ, I could kiss you! I didn't know what some of those did even though I played around with a lot of the presets. I wasn't really sure what the differences were. Thanks for the clear explanations. Canvases have really opened up how I do postwork with my images. I can't even imagine not using canvases for some renders. And, I don't remember to render out canvases, I actually fake it with some layers in Gimp using the NIK filters because there are some there that can get you some interesting layers as if you had done canvases.
I'm starting to get to the point where I remember to do this inside DS, though. I love your explanations. They will help me decide which layers I actually want to play with while I'm playing around with my experiments. Looking forward to the PS part when it gets posted. :)