Buy Something That Doesn't Work in Carrara? Post your Questions and Workarounds here. (please)

Hya Wendy mentioned in another thread that a lot of stuff doesn't work in Carrara and we should have a sticky for it.
I've bought quite a few items over the last few years that seem lame in Carrara so I think it might be a common problem, so I thought we could have a thread where people post their problems and others can post work arounds.
That way we can help each other.
So ...
I bought Forest a few months ago and Forest Supreme recently.
Very good products but...
Now try as I might I can't get the preload to load into Carrara - though it loads in poser no problems. If I save the scene as a Poser file then it still will not load into Carrara.
The trick is to load everything separately (yawn) but this means everything is in the wrong place.
The work around I finally discovered this morning is to select everything and align the x and y axii.
Presto.... (I feel like a thickhead for not trying this before)
3Duniverse toon Cow, not at all
Jack Tomalin's Sacrament, off the top of my head (does not load in position)
neither do many other multipart sets, will add to list as I come across them
Morphs missing in Carrosell and many other sets, export as Collada dae from studio to fix
many others, again will add if I find this thread
Most of it loads into Carrara, but I haven't had any luck with the skirt or Bra and veil. What does work, looks good.
Works fine in DS.
If anyone knows a workaround, please post it.
DZFire's AWESOME Cyborg Model 4...
See My Thread with pics -> Cyber Model 4 functionality in Carrara 8.x
Does work In Carrara, the basic model, just the extra hydraulic pistons included on the model as extra parts / bones don't automatically follow one another as they do in Daz Studio. Means they have to be posed manually later. (awesome model though and creative way about handling the mechanical parts)
:edit: renamed thread title
Noggins Chook
Comes in with all constraints on so youy can't move the D%^^&&n thing in the assembly room!
Workaround- turn Contrsaints OFF
Wendy, maybe try selecting everything and aligning the x and y axii?
I just bought the Library - same thing nothing comes in aligned properly. I will try it when I get home.
I've got one.
Trousseau from Frances Coffill
It says it just works in Poser and not Daz Studio, but I bought it and tried it in Carrara. It loads and renders OK. You just can't pose V4 with it. I understand that if the legs move too much they'd come through the dress, but a simple bend at the waist causes the dress to pop out of the back. I haven't found a work around. Any ideas?
It's Poser dynamics and not a conforming figure as stated on the "Features"-page.
FIXED!!! Read reply in thread by DZFire . Very simple fix, quite innovative too :)
funny one this one as I had the toon cow and bull working fine in the previous 8.5 build but they now don't work in the current build.. I think they broke something!
I could never get 3DU Toon Santa to work in 8.1 or earlier but so far in 8.5 it is working with this simple workaround.. This didn't work for me in all previous public releases so something has changed in the 8.5B
When loaded Santa is missing several objects..
1. his pom pom
2. his glasses
3. his belt buckle
4. the fringe of his coat.
Select each item and then Animation---> Set IK & Constraints then untick Change the IK setting.
wow Stezza, how did you ever discover that?
seems to be a common problem with 3DU stuff.. the same applies to Toon Gramps lab coat..
Can't remember how I came across the fix.... I think it was posted a few years ago for the lab coat so I just kept trying the same on other 3DU items.. First time it has worked on Santa though :)
Brian, you can do static poses in that dress using Carrara softbody bullet physics (animated cloth in Carrara with keyframed vertex figures not good)
also you can use attach skeleton and weightpaint it, unless it was made by Optitex, it would not work in studio either.
yes I tried ball joint ik on the toon cow cr2 I created which also fixes some fbx imports but the mesh still just stretches, might look at Fenrics Poser figure plugin maybe as it is a weightpainting triax thing.
the duf import just errors.
I can import the fbx from studio into iclone 3dxchange pipeline, retarget and apply imotions and re-export it into Carrara, replicated a herd that way creating an animation group and converting the keyframes to nla and looping.
fbx straight from studio btw is mangled in Carrara 8.5 but out of 3dx5 pipeline fine.
One I haven't worked out yet is how to get a shadow catcher to work in DT urban recreation..
any tips appreciated :coolsmile:
just use the image in the background and an infinite plane with a shadowcatch shader, you can replicate shadowcatch shaded grass mesh on it too for added coolness, I use Howie Farkes stoney creek grass tufts but any inc Lisa botanicals grass would do.
video using it
Thanks everyone for the information. I usually check to see if clothes are dynamic. I guess I missed it this time. I am able to get some static poses that look pretty good though.
You might be able to tease a tiny bit more usability out of that item by turning off any body part covered by the dress.
I just purchased the M4 Beard & I use Carrara Many of the pose/MATs for the color/style of the beard do not work. Each color has a different file for each type of beard (eg, Goatee, moustache, several combos, etc. When rendered some will lack the color &/or still have the default full beard/mustache. Also, the beard looks totally fake in any pose/color. It looks like some plastic mold over parts of the lower face. In these test renders I am only using the default light (& camera)
Does anyone have any workarounds or suggestions? Is there a later version I need to download, or would the current beta build help?
I am trying to decide if I should return the model, while I have time, so if it's likely to be a lost cause, don't hesitate to say so
Finally, if I cannot get M4 Beard to look better, would the Gen 2 or 3 beard look better, if I can get it to work with M4?.
You might be able to tease a tiny bit more usability out of that item by turning off any body part covered by the dress.
Thanks tsarist. I'll give that a try. Carefully posed it does render well though. (Feet need some work.)
Hello , yes it's a nuisance.
If it's the product I think it is:
I have been using it with M4 beard plus and these are the steps you need to do with that....
You need to select the model/ beard and go into the shader room.
Look for the alpha maps in each part of the beard.
The alpha maps have a texture map somewhere in the alpha map hierachy.
Drag it to the top of the alphamap section.
While you are in the texture room get rid of the value in the highlight section.
Also fiddle with the bumpmap to increase it (Ican't remember if their is a texture map in the bumpmap)
If there is no bumpmap copy the texture map in the coloursection and paste it into the bumpmap section.
this is from memory but it should fix the problem.
cheers from oz :)
I do Headwax's steps with lots of hair in particular.
turning off highlight in clothes usually needed too.
hairs often load without their alpha maps oddly.
if you mouse over the diffuse, it willl tell you which directory it is in
usually content, runtime,textures,creator's name.
I would kill for a plugin to turn off the highlight on every shader in the scene!!!
or make it default to none.
common issue also with imports esp fbx and those load with layers lists which are even harder to navigate through finding highlight channels.
all my iClone figures come in looking like plastic dolls.
and don't ask me about adjusting the highlight on EVERY plant, rock, stone etc in Stonemason's enchanted forest!!!
yes that is a nightmare!!
Wendy, I hope and pray that Fenrick - God BLESS YOU FENRICK - is working on a plugin to do just that.
I hope you can select a hierachy and change a particular parameter in every shader.
You know, even if the highlight value is set to the colour Black, you still get a highlight - isn't that awesome :)
Thanks Stezza!
I have been looking for a fix for a long time.
It works in 8.1Pro.
Yes, that is the product. I'll give those suggestions a try this weekend. Thank you.
Hello , yes it's a nuisance.
If it's the product I think it is:
I have been using it with M4 beard plus and these are the steps you need to do with that....
You need to select the model/ beard and go into the shader room.
Look for the alpha maps in each part of the beard.
The alpha maps have a texture map somewhere in the alpha map hierachy.
Drag it to the top of the alphamap section.
While you are in the texture room get rid of the value in the highlight section.
Also fiddle with the bumpmap to increase it (Ican't remember if their is a texture map in the bumpmap)
If there is no bumpmap copy the texture map in the coloursection and paste it into the bumpmap section.
this is from memory but it should fix the problem.
cheers from oz :)
No problem, good luck. Pity Daz doesn't give these things to a Carrara user to try first before they sell them.
That way they coud post the work arounds and save a lot of us a lot of frustration....
Happy customers buy more stuff - it induces pheremenonenonenoneses - err those pleaure things we have in our brains
I really enjoy those pleasure things in my brain.:cheese:
Hehe, heh, yes, ahh the joy of getting stuff that I don't need with money that I don't have.
The beauty of virtual toys is that they fit nicely in the virtual garage.