Denise, love the lighting on Merlin too. The background with DOF and the sets go superbly with each other. Nice work on the pants and the shadows in the folds. Linwelly, your lighting is also really good and it really accentuates the hang of the cape over the shoulder and his jaw.
Thank you, Novica! I really appreciate your kind commment.
So many wonderful renders, its amazing.
This freckled highland youth is a characters my husband plays in RPG, I was allowd to create and render him and he goes by the name
I would love to hear what you did by way of lighting - I still find that the main thing I struggle with.
Thanks a lot ebonartgallery and Novica! As I use 3dlight as renderer this is set up with two distant lights (one bluegray from the right side at 60% and one with a yellow tint at 80% from left top) Two spotlights from the same directions within the same lightcolour each at 30% and uber environment light with a light red touch at 30 or 20 %. I hope that helps.
OK, I think I see some of what I've been missing, then, or doing wrong. Thank you a lot.
So, here is a render with those approximate settings.
So many wonderful renders, its amazing.
This freckled highland youth is a characters my husband plays in RPG, I was allowd to create and render him and he goes by the name
I would love to hear what you did by way of lighting - I still find that the main thing I struggle with.
Thanks a lot ebonartgallery and Novica! As I use 3dlight as renderer this is set up with two distant lights (one bluegray from the right side at 60% and one with a yellow tint at 80% from left top) Two spotlights from the same directions within the same lightcolour each at 30% and uber environment light with a light red touch at 30 or 20 %. I hope that helps.
OK, I think I see some of what I've been missing, then, or doing wrong. Thank you a lot.
So, here is a render with those approximate settings.
So many wonderful renders, its amazing.
This freckled highland youth is a characters my husband plays in RPG, I was allowd to create and render him and he goes by the name
I would love to hear what you did by way of lighting - I still find that the main thing I struggle with.
Thanks a lot ebonartgallery and Novica! As I use 3dlight as renderer this is set up with two distant lights (one bluegray from the right side at 60% and one with a yellow tint at 80% from left top) Two spotlights from the same directions within the same lightcolour each at 30% and uber environment light with a light red touch at 30 or 20 %. I hope that helps.
OK, I think I see some of what I've been missing, then, or doing wrong. Thank you a lot.
So, here is a render with those approximate settings.
What I forgot to mention are the shadow settings, for that render: I used no shadows for the uber environment the bluisch lights where on 100% shadow with 100% softness, the yellow ones where on full shadow with 25% softness.
So many wonderful renders, its amazing.
This freckled highland youth is a characters my husband plays in RPG, I was allowd to create and render him and he goes by the name
I would love to hear what you did by way of lighting - I still find that the main thing I struggle with.
Thanks a lot ebonartgallery and Novica! As I use 3dlight as renderer this is set up with two distant lights (one bluegray from the right side at 60% and one with a yellow tint at 80% from left top) Two spotlights from the same directions within the same lightcolour each at 30% and uber environment light with a light red touch at 30 or 20 %. I hope that helps.
OK, I think I see some of what I've been missing, then, or doing wrong. Thank you a lot.
So, here is a render with those approximate settings.
What I forgot to mention are the shadow settings, for that render: I used no shadows for the uber environment the bluisch lights where on 100% shadow with 100% softness, the yellow ones where on full shadow with 25% softness.
Would you set the UberEnvironment to Ambient, or Bounce Lighting?
So many wonderful renders, its amazing.
This freckled highland youth is a characters my husband plays in RPG, I was allowd to create and render him and he goes by the name
I would love to hear what you did by way of lighting - I still find that the main thing I struggle with.
Thanks a lot ebonartgallery and Novica! As I use 3dlight as renderer this is set up with two distant lights (one bluegray from the right side at 60% and one with a yellow tint at 80% from left top) Two spotlights from the same directions within the same lightcolour each at 30% and uber environment light with a light red touch at 30 or 20 %. I hope that helps.
OK, I think I see some of what I've been missing, then, or doing wrong. Thank you a lot.
So, here is a render with those approximate settings.
What I forgot to mention are the shadow settings, for that render: I used no shadows for the uber environment the bluisch lights where on 100% shadow with 100% softness, the yellow ones where on full shadow with 25% softness.
Would you set the UberEnvironment to Ambient, or Bounce Lighting?
I used the uber environment 2 Base, so no bounce (to my experience that makes things veeeeeery slow)
Here's my second entry. Scott 6 wearing the Old World Knight armor with the Iray brushed metal shader. Gothic ruins from Stonemason in the background and lighting from three spotlights and the Ice Lake HDRI from
My second entry. Same man as before, but now he's gone and gotten himself in trouble.
His girl has been working nights lately, just trying to help make ends meet. She's all dressed and ready to go but he has obsconded with a particular item of clothing that she needs in order to be up to dress code. She laughing scolds him as the two are surrounded by their loving family.
Yes, it is those silly bunny ears that were repurposed.
Things are looking great here...lots of good renders. I am almost finished with my entry for the “re-purposed Non Male clothing” image; working on the background. just wanted to post what I have so far and get some feedback.
I really love all the wonderful male images! Everyone's images are really stunning.
I wanted to play too - so here is Puppy Love:
Daz Studio Iray Render using:
Hair: Mon Chevalier Hair by Neftis
Pants: AS-Narquelir'Kiir by Aery Soul
Character: Nico for M4 and The Freak by Ann0314
With Textures: Jepes Vasco M4 - Iray Mat
Starring: Daz's Puppy
(However, although this is an original render, a modified form of it will appear in my cartoons that are posted everywhere 2 days from now.)
Things are looking great here...lots of good renders. I am almost finished with my entry for the “re-purposed Non Male clothing” image; working on the background. just wanted to post what I have so far and get some feedback.
Clothing repurposing was done with autofit using Wear Them All for Genesis 3 Male. I used the Geometry Editor tool to hide some polygons of the loosefitting Aussie Girl shirt to make it fit under the vest without poking through. I had to convert some textures to Iray. I repurposed the hair with UHT Hair Shaders for rendering in Iray, using different colors on several different hair surfaces to give it even more color variation.
Here is my 1st entry. I don't know if I'll get another one in before the contest ends, but we'll see. Nothing repurposed in this one. I used Boris as the base and then hit him with the old spin dial routine to create a sort of new character of my own. I can still tell it is Boris, but not quite. So, Boris' cousin/ancestor maybe?
Scenery: Castle Ruins, Forest Autumn and a Stock Jpg by Needanewname on Deviant Art for the backdrop which is just on a plane primitive (also used it in the Environment Map for lighting in the Iray engine)
I create Christmas cards every year, from my own photography, for my husband to hand out. His second job is a paper route and the subscribers love the custom cards. Working 365 days a year, though, we haven't gotten out of town to take more pictures. So this year I decided to incorporate 3D into the image. And it turned out so well, I thought I'd share a variation here, just for you folks.
The photo in the background was taken in the Blue Mountains of Eastern Oregon, at Anthony Lakes (2005.) We were coming home from a June wedding in Kennewick, Washington. I recreated the falling snow with a brush from Ron's Magical Snow. I used Mec4d's Santa, available on her website, and converted him to Iray. The buttons use Mec4d's metal shaders, (18 carat gold) and the threads, as well as the suit and hat, use the default "red velvet" shader. I used the Unshaven 2 hair shaders on his hair, (beard and eyebrows,) and the fur. It turned out particularly nice on the hat. Santa's mustache seemed a bit sparse, so I used Unshaven for Genesis and added the handlebar mustache, then I added the soul patch, too. I used eyes from another Genesis figure, though, as Santa's had the reflection baked in. But then I didn't get reflection via Iray, so I added it in Photoshop, along with the "twinkles." I rendered the head and body separately, as the beard and fur intersected, then composited the two together in Photoshop. I also added the "rosy" to his nose and cheeks in Photoshop. I think this is the most postwork I've ever done on a render, and that's not including the work on the background!
Here is my quick work before I go off to vacation... an epic battle from antiquity, well known to a certain subset of historical re-enactors:
Entry: "Spearman Versus Tank"
M7, with the following repurposed: G3F Aldis Adigard skirt, arm armor, and boots (minus the stockings). There are cool Greek-style armor sets, but Spearman is a generic historical figure & not tied to any one place in time.
The fire and background are still lame, but it accomplishes what I set out to do.
Thank you, Novica! I really appreciate your kind commment.
There are some super renders in the contest so far. Please keep the image entries coming.
OK, I think I see some of what I've been missing, then, or doing wrong. Thank you a lot.
So, here is a render with those approximate settings.
What I forgot to mention are the shadow settings, for that render: I used no shadows for the uber environment the bluisch lights where on 100% shadow with 100% softness, the yellow ones where on full shadow with 25% softness.
Would you set the UberEnvironment to Ambient, or Bounce Lighting?
Gorgeous background. Is it a DAZ item and if so which one is it?
Can't resist posting this (Reality) render. I used the original David and the Eros skin. The hair used is Jai hair.
I want to imagine the one on top is Jake Gyllenhaal and the one below is Heath Ledger.
I used the uber environment 2 Base, so no bounce (to my experience that makes things veeeeeery slow)
My second entry. "Portrait of a Warrior".
Male or nuetral items:
Genesis 2 Male Base Figure |
Philip (all hairy) Face No 5 | - Genesis 2 Male Starter Essentials
Re-purposed Female Items:
pants and arm bands fro caped rogue with new textures -
helmet with new paint
Bronze Dragon
Entry #2 The Apprentice
just G2M, in 4.6 3Delight, nothing re-purpose (maybe the cape, but that seems unisex any ways)
Here's my second entry. Scott 6 wearing the Old World Knight armor with the Iray brushed metal shader. Gothic ruins from Stonemason in the background and lighting from three spotlights and the Ice Lake HDRI from
M7 with G3M Head Morphs
Painter's Lights and iRadiance - Light Probe HDR Lighting for Iray
Ron's Antique Glass Plate Textures
My second entry. Same man as before, but now he's gone and gotten himself in trouble.
His girl has been working nights lately, just trying to help make ends meet. She's all dressed and ready to go but he has obsconded with a particular item of clothing that she needs in order to be up to dress code. She laughing scolds him as the two are surrounded by their loving family.
Yes, it is those silly bunny ears that were repurposed.
Comments welcome.
re-purposed Non Male clothing WIP
Hi all,
Things are looking great here...lots of good renders. I am almost finished with my entry for the “re-purposed Non Male clothing” image; working on the background. just wanted to post what I have so far and get some feedback.
Made with:
Genesis 2/Michael 6 (
Princess Zyanya for Genesis 2 Female (
Leyton Hair (
I really love all the wonderful male images! Everyone's images are really stunning.
I wanted to play too - so here is Puppy Love:
Daz Studio Iray Render using:
Hair: Mon Chevalier Hair by Neftis
Pants: AS-Narquelir'Kiir by Aery Soul
Character: Nico for M4 and The Freak by Ann0314
With Textures: Jepes Vasco M4 - Iray Mat
Starring: Daz's Puppy
(However, although this is an original render, a modified form of it will appear in my cartoons that are posted everywhere 2 days from now.)
Removed as an entry. Not an entry.
Looking forward to seeing the finished render.
Wow, this looks so real!
Baby mine
Larger version and list of items used in Daz Gallery; click for link and larger image
Entry #3 Will You Join Me?
Character is a mix of Michael 7 and other morphs, including Scott from the Legacies product, and FWSA Aiden. The skin is Aiden. The background is Le Village Bistro. The vest is from Urban Metro Outfit for G2M.
Repurposed items:
Clothing repurposing was done with autofit using Wear Them All for Genesis 3 Male. I used the Geometry Editor tool to hide some polygons of the loosefitting Aussie Girl shirt to make it fit under the vest without poking through. I had to convert some textures to Iray. I repurposed the hair with UHT Hair Shaders for rendering in Iray, using different colors on several different hair surfaces to give it even more color variation.
Thank you, Sorel! I've found Slosh's Legacies product very useful for mixing in with G3M and even with partially dialed M7.
The Gate
Rendered in DAZ Studio 4.9 Beta, using the Iray render engine.
Repurposed female items:
Iray Conversion:
Coming Home
Here is my 1st entry. I don't know if I'll get another one in before the contest ends, but we'll see. Nothing repurposed in this one. I used Boris as the base and then hit him with the old spin dial routine to create a sort of new character of my own. I can still tell it is Boris, but not quite. So, Boris' cousin/ancestor maybe?
Made with:
Character Base: Boris HD for Genesis 2 Male
Skin: Jepe's Nathan with the new Iray settings
Outfit: Sir Robin for the Old World Knight for Genesis 2 Male
Scenery: Castle Ruins, Forest Autumn and a Stock Jpg by Needanewname on Deviant Art for the backdrop which is just on a plane primitive (also used it in the Environment Map for lighting in the Iray engine)
Lighting: also used Iray Photo Shoot
Postwork: Gimp (B/C, Lighting Effect for the sun, and Lens Flare)
Entry 1: Big Day
Not An Entry: Merry Christmas to all...
I create Christmas cards every year, from my own photography, for my husband to hand out. His second job is a paper route and the subscribers love the custom cards. Working 365 days a year, though, we haven't gotten out of town to take more pictures. So this year I decided to incorporate 3D into the image. And it turned out so well, I thought I'd share a variation here, just for you folks.
The photo in the background was taken in the Blue Mountains of Eastern Oregon, at Anthony Lakes (2005.) We were coming home from a June wedding in Kennewick, Washington. I recreated the falling snow with a brush from Ron's Magical Snow. I used Mec4d's Santa, available on her website, and converted him to Iray. The buttons use Mec4d's metal shaders, (18 carat gold) and the threads, as well as the suit and hat, use the default "red velvet" shader. I used the Unshaven 2 hair shaders on his hair, (beard and eyebrows,) and the fur. It turned out particularly nice on the hat. Santa's mustache seemed a bit sparse, so I used Unshaven for Genesis and added the handlebar mustache, then I added the soul patch, too. I used eyes from another Genesis figure, though, as Santa's had the reflection baked in. But then I didn't get reflection via Iray, so I added it in Photoshop, along with the "twinkles." I rendered the head and body separately, as the beard and fur intersected, then composited the two together in Photoshop. I also added the "rosy" to his nose and cheeks in Photoshop. I think this is the most postwork I've ever done on a render, and that's not including the work on the background!
In summary, items used are:
Mec4d's Santa, Complete Character for Genesis (
Ron's Magical Snow (
Here is my quick work before I go off to vacation... an epic battle from antiquity, well known to a certain subset of historical re-enactors:
Entry: "Spearman Versus Tank"
M7, with the following repurposed: G3F Aldis Adigard skirt, arm armor, and boots (minus the stockings). There are cool Greek-style armor sets, but Spearman is a generic historical figure & not tied to any one place in time.
The fire and background are still lame, but it accomplishes what I set out to do.
My entry.