It's Raining Men - Forum Team Challenge to the Forum Community (winners announced)



  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,582

    Judging by the entries shirtless men were popular with the judges. wink

    I would suggest if you want feedback you go the art studio forum and post your images for critique.

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,869
    edited January 2016

    Frankly, I really don't like contests where the outcome is based only on a limited group of people's opinions. IMO contests are better when done through members' votes, with hundreds of participants deciding among peers who deserves to win. Hopefully  any moderator contests in the future will have the outcome determined by voting. I think the moderators did an excellent job and many of my favorites (including first place- loved that one!) were in the winners circle. So my preference for voting in contests has nothing to do with the fine job they did with their selecting the winners. Great art. 

    I just think voting is more representative of a general opinion, and gets everyone involved. Kudos to all the winners and to those who weren't official winners (but who created outstanding renders! SO many were superb!) 

    Post edited by Novica on
  • Thanks judges and contestants! An honorable mention is incredible (considering I'm new to DAZ and 3D art in general). I'm encouraged to submit more images to upcoming competitions. And definitely thanks to all who donated prizes. Much appreciated!

  • Novica said:

    Frankly, I really don't like contests where the outcome is based only on a limited group of people's opinions. IMO contests are better when done through members' votes, with hundreds of participants deciding among peers who deserves to win. Hopefully  any moderator contests in the future will have the outcome determined by voting. I think the moderators did an excellent job and many of my favorites (including first place- loved that one!) were in the winners circle. So my preference for voting in contests has nothing to do with the fine job they did with their selecting the winners. Great art. 

    I just think voting is more representative of a general opinion, and gets everyone involved. Kudos to all the winners and to those who weren't official winners (but who created outstanding renders! SO many were superb!) 

    I agree with the voting idea, though I still think there should be a panel of judges making the final decision.

    Personally, I think what would work best is if everyone post their entries, and after the deadline, the mods make a gallery of all the images where everyone can vote, lasting for about 10 days. If voting started before the deadline, it would give an unfair advantage to first entries over last minute entries. After the voting process, the judges then take the top 20 most voted for and pick winners from that.

    There's no way I would even place anywhere if they did it that way, but I think it would be a more fair way of doing it, and, as you said, more representative of a general opinion.


  • Personally, I don't care which way the contest had been judged.  It probably wouldn't have impacted whether I won or lost.  I was just happy that the contest actually happened and I hope they have one again.  It was loads of fun, there were a ton of really great renders and I think people that usually don't even do male renders even had a go.  Considering it was a spur of the moment thing based on a thread post that gertarasmus never expected to go anywhere, I think it was a dynamite competition.  I think the mods had a tough job and maybe it might have been easier on them to do it as a general vote, but I'm hoping they had fun, too, and won't shy away from doing another contest like this again.  Even I didn't expect quite that many entries.  I'm thinking that has to be some kind of record for a forum contest.  I still think the mods did an outstanding job.  And, if I can say that as one of the ones who didn't win and still be very happy with the results, I think that is saying something about the judges picks of those that did win and the contest in general.  Again, just my personal feelings about the whole contest.

  • Considering it was a spur of the moment thing based on a thread post that gertarasmus never expected to go anywhere, I think it was a dynamite competition.

    You're right. I NEVER expected my original thread to get anything but negative comments, and I was TOTALLY surprised when people actually agreed with me, and took it SO much further than I ever expected. Just hoping the PA's took notice.


    PandaB5 said:

    Congratulations to the winners - I suspect many of you will probably be using your prizes to buy your dudes a shirt laugh

    Yep, Just bought an item from the store that includes a shirt AND a vest angel. Though I doubt they'll see much use in my renders devil


  • Chohole said:

    We have also moved the thread we used for judging into the Art Studio, so you can see all the images without any posts in between.

    @Chohole  While I like having all of the renders in one spot without comments and I know I've gone back a couple of times to look at the renders again, it is going to get lost soon.   Can you sticky the post at the top of the art forum so it doesn't get lost since it might not generate comments since the contest is now over?  It would be nice to keep it at the top for future newbies to view as well.  I do love being able to go back and look at all of the renders without having to shuffle through all of the old posts in this thread.

  • scorpioscorpio Posts: 8,352

    Wow thanks.

    Congrats to the other winners, and everyone all the entries were wonderful.

    Its really nice to see a contest concentrate on the male figures; support for them needs to be pushed for and vendors reminded that male stuff is needed in amongst the plethura of female outfits.

    Thank you to those that judged and organised the contest.

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    Chohole said:

    We have also moved the thread we used for judging into the Art Studio, so you can see all the images without any posts in between.

    @Chohole  While I like having all of the renders in one spot without comments and I know I've gone back a couple of times to look at the renders again, it is going to get lost soon.   Can you sticky the post at the top of the art forum so it doesn't get lost since it might not generate comments since the contest is now over?  It would be nice to keep it at the top for future newbies to view as well.  I do love being able to go back and look at all of the renders without having to shuffle through all of the old posts in this thread.

    Seeing as you asked so nicely, we have decided we can do that for a few weeks.

  • Chohole said:
    Chohole said:

    We have also moved the thread we used for judging into the Art Studio, so you can see all the images without any posts in between.

    @Chohole  While I like having all of the renders in one spot without comments and I know I've gone back a couple of times to look at the renders again, it is going to get lost soon.   Can you sticky the post at the top of the art forum so it doesn't get lost since it might not generate comments since the contest is now over?  It would be nice to keep it at the top for future newbies to view as well.  I do love being able to go back and look at all of the renders without having to shuffle through all of the old posts in this thread.

    Seeing as you asked so nicely, we have decided we can do that for a few weeks.

    I'll take what I can get, @chohole yes  Very much appreciated!

  • L'AdairL'Adair Posts: 9,479
    Chohole said:
    Chohole said:

    We have also moved the thread we used for judging into the Art Studio, so you can see all the images without any posts in between.

    @Chohole  While I like having all of the renders in one spot without comments and I know I've gone back a couple of times to look at the renders again, it is going to get lost soon.   Can you sticky the post at the top of the art forum so it doesn't get lost since it might not generate comments since the contest is now over?  It would be nice to keep it at the top for future newbies to view as well.  I do love being able to go back and look at all of the renders without having to shuffle through all of the old posts in this thread.

    Seeing as you asked so nicely, we have decided we can do that for a few weeks.

    I'll take what I can get, @chohole yes  Very much appreciated!

    I added a link to the thread in the Art Studio forum to the OP of the Michael and Friends Appreciation Association thread. Anyone visiting the thread for the first time will have the opportunity to check it out. The links are subtle, though. Perhaps I should make them all a bit more prominent...

    I'd love feedback from any and all of you folks on those links, should I leave them as is, or make them more obvious.

    Here's a link to the first comment so you don't go to the end of the thread. You'll have to scroll up to see the OP. I'd prefer not to clutter up this thread, though, so any feedback could be added to the MFAA thread, or a PM. Thanks.

  • luci45luci45 Posts: 2,710

    Congrats to the winners! And thank you to the sponsors. It was a very fun contest and a lot of really good entries. 

    I was a happy to get a third for my kitbash. It was fun using an "old" genesis. wink

  • Joe WebbJoe Webb Posts: 837

    Congradulations to all the winners, those are all excellent images. There were some images that I totally overlooked, so its nice to get them all in one place and stickied up top. I can't imagine the massive task of judging so many renders.

    I think its a great idea to have a competition like this judged by a few people. Its like a curated exhibit. If the judges are artists and/or critiques and have an eye towards a broad theme, we are getting what can be considered a standard of excellence by professionals. Or at least a goal to shoot for. I don't have a problem with popularly judged contests, but its a different idea with a different goal.

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 23,550

    If you'd like to vote in a render contest, you are invited to take a look at the latest RRRR contest voting thread. You don't have to be a participant to vote, and we'd love to have more voting input. More participants are always welcome, too. Maybe the funny renders in this contest will inspire you to join in on the next one.

  • Claiming your prizes

    Store credit from the mods will be transferred to your accounts automatically. The non-mod GC contributors will be sending a code to the second and third listed Honourable Mentions directly.

    For store items, please place the items you pick in an otherwise empty cart (ideally in Daz working hours) and PM an active mod with the list of items - we will then ask Daz to process the cart as a free order.

    OK, change of system - we've been asked to send all the product awards in as a single request for customer service, so would all of the winners please send me their picks by PM. If you can have the items in your carts (and nothign else), when you aren't shopping otherwise, Customer Services will be eternally grateful and won't stick pins in your effigy - and also your prizes should be added to your account more swiftly than if the items have to be tracked down.

  • isidornisidorn Posts: 1,601

    And on the topic of prizes, could @dvitola please confirm that the forum pm with the gift card code is recieved and that the code worked.

  • Congratulations to all...outstanding renders!

  • TotteTotte Posts: 13,722

    Congrats to all winners, some many great looking renders. Congrats to @barbult for winning the grand prize!

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