The [Disco Chives] Misplaced Parrot Complaint Thread
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just once I would love to open DAZ studio wth my layout, tabs and scripts intact
The room was packed, and we sat through that whole thing to hear about how it was all going to the three relatives who were already well enough off that they didn't need a penny of it, and visited him maybe once every five years. Which was completely contrary to his personality, so it was obvious one of them set it up for him and he just signed it. But appealing that requires money, and they had it all. Which in the end is fine, it's not like any of us would have really turned out better for a share of it. Still, would have been nice to have a Cliff's Notes version ahead of time so we didn't have to sit through that.
MJ = Mary Jane = Marijuana = Pot = Ganja = Smoke = Wacky Weed, ... Recreational Marijuana is now legal in many USA States. An MJ Dispensary is a store licensed to sell Marijuana. Similar to a "Liquor Store" that in some states are the only places licensed to sell bulk alcohol (i.e. by the bottle) .
how I render on 40C days
PC actually runs cooler than ordinary days thanks to the proximity of that refrigerated aircon but a tad more electricity
True, what is not legal is driving under the influence of MJ in my state. I have no problem.
And that's why MJ Dispensaries are not usually located next to police stations, but tend to seek out or attract bakeries. Mmmm..., munchies.
When MJ first became legal in NY State a year or so ago, the first ones to open were on the Indian Reservations where tax laws & regulations are different (e.g. they sell gasoline without the state tax also) So the locals near here get cheap gas at a gas station on the Reservation. The dispensary as well as the station are owned by the same person or company, but in a separate building next to the gas station. But several of the gas stations on the Reservation advertise a free "doobie" with a gas fill-up.
Not a good idea for the weak minded.
More recently MJ dispensaries have been popping up in the middle of the city and along "franchise row". The MJ Dispensaries also sell pipes & rolling papers and other paraphernalia, and wall decorations, and wierd lamps & lights. An MJ dispensary is what in the '60s & '70s we called a "Headshop", but you had to provide your own MJ (At Your Own Risk).
A month or two ago, a dispensary opened across from the BurgerKing near where I do laundry. They're everywhere, they're everywhere. I'm sure, however, that after a while, a lot of those dispensary pop-ups will fail, and we'll get down to a sustainable number. LIke Liquor Stores.
But a proper Dispensary is licensed to sell Medical Marijuana and adhere to the more strict regulations and higher price and precise strains of marijuana.
Back in the day when a Lid was 15 dollars (Sandwich bag with the top flip over only (usually over 28 grams or ounce.), I still partake on a tiny scale, only if someone else buys what I never bought (see what I did. People didn't like that). Also, I remember when Barneys (Old term for Cop) could harass someone over a roach and papers. I watched a po-po take my brother's weed, then come back around toking and flippin' us off.
I got new glasses yesterday. My eyes sting as I am trying to get used to the new glasses.
..could be worse like in Astoria Otegon where there's a dispenmary next to a liquor store. to enlarge
That is not matcha.
...several months ago I ordered one box (100 bags) of my favourite British black tea that has become hard to get where I live anymore. When I got notification the package arrived I discovered it was a bundle of 4 boxes, When I looked at the invoice I was only charged for a single one.
Sometimes it's like the Bank Error in Your Favour card in the Monopoly game.
I still have two boxes left.
...I atually saw that film when it came out. in "Potland" OR you can't swing a dead (or live) lesser capybara around without hitting one.
Now that is messed up.
The Thread Police are going to be like, "we need to take a look at page 82. The Chives are strong on this one".
Me, too!
I wonder when the badly Photoshopping the lizard scales out of press release photo conspiracies are going to start
Probably around the time the open source HD lizard morphs are released.
Non-complaint: Yay, for once I finally saw a major Oscar winner before it was picked. Oppenheimer was a surprisingly engaging story, despite its length. Deserved the award(s).
'Nother Non-complaint: My symphony buddy called up and we're scheduled for another symphony in Buffalo at Kleinhan's Music Hall. Beethoven: Piano Concerto #5 (aka: "The Emperor Concerto"), and Sibelius' second symphony. April 21st.
I've always liked the Emperor Concerto because it's Beethoven, and part of my long time familiarity cache.
But the 2nd Symphony of Finnish composer Jean Sibelius has worked its way into my list of favorites. A while ago this thread was discussing the ability to "see" images in one's head. This is probably one of the few music pieces that always generates, in me, a feeling of a journey. A hero's four day, dangerous, mountain hike from his pastoral homesite on one side of a mountain. Then promptly our young hero sets out on a trip toward a village on the other side of a couple of mountains. I envision each of the symphony's movements as a day of travel beginning with a peaceful morning. But as the day wears on, various dangers and obstacles present themselves, such as dangerous creatures lurking in the shadows of the forest. And night presents its own creepy images of things that go bump in the night. Until on the third day, in a triumphant musical semi-climax (32:30), he sights his objective in the far distance as he crosses the highest mountain top. All seems well, or at least more hopeful, on the way down until near the end of the 4th movement he has to go through a sudden windstorm, but emerges at the finale, successful in his travel. The imagery of each day is so clear in my mind. I "see" the storms, the encroaching night, the creepy stillness & unknown fears in the dark at night, the refreshed waking each morning, the threats in the woods and of the rocks, the struggles during the day, the plodding steps during hard times, the quickening steps during the easy parts, the joy of intermediate successes, and the elation at reaching the last peak. And then the final battering of the violent windstorm(42:00 give it a minute to build) swirlling and shrieking, just before the end. And finally, the jubilent completion of the journey as the sun breaks out and the winds abate. Beautiful mental imagery. Almost like a movie for me.
When you listen to it, imagine it's a movie score, and think of each movement as a day's travel in the movie.
And I love the Kleinhan's Music Hall venue. Its simple parabolic design fills like a bowl, with music. Sitting in the audience before the show is like a typical theater's chaotic noise, but with the orchestra around the focus of the parabola, then once the music starts, the air around you comes alive and is almost palpable. The music surrounds you as if you are standing directly behind the conductor.
Sibelius: Symphony #2
1st movement 0:25
2nd movement 11:07
3rd movement 27:25
4th movement 33:10
Oh... ookay! Selling drugs is not legal here but we have a lot of debate ongoing about getting similar places for drug addicts where they can get safe drug injections. The logic is that they do it anyway so it's better offer a safe place for that so they won't get infected from dirty needless, or overdose, or accidently inject something that is not the drug they thought it is.
There's a health care professional to oversee the process, and who can maybe offer a bit of help to get rid off the addiction. I think it was recently greenlit because the drug use has sort of exploded here. Especially among the youth.
You can already get free clean needles from public health care but yeah, now they are expanding the concept. I think the Needle Exchange thingy is pretty common in many countries but not sure about the drug use rooms?
Edit: I think they are officially called Drug Consumption Rooms (DCRs) and unofficially "Fix Rooms" or "Fixing Rooms".
so much bad gateway and cloudflare errors, I just lost a whole post
it's not legal here either but cannot be bothered discussing as probably would get political anyway
on a positive note, done 6 different animated Dforce sims over the last 2 days and none exploded
Political discussions don't bother me, Mainly because I don't discuss, I expound, then shut up and let others freely misinterpret what I said.
But I do get my hands slapped a lot.
However, swinging massive rodents around one's head is pushing serious boundaries.

You rang (police comment, well ex)? Our state just passed recreational last Nov and medical was already legal for about 4 years now. The state dictated how many dispensaries were allowed in the state, and how many doctors were allowed to give you a card. I'm lucky if I decided to go on it cause my family doctor is the only one in a 30-mile radius. Needless to say, it's hard to get an appointment for it because he's so busy. Everyone keeps telling me to try for my various health issues, but I'm still a cop at heart and it is still federally illegal. I'm also scared because I am prone to addiction problems at times. I started drugs and alcohol when I was 14. I was finally able to get off the drugs when I got married at 21. I still drank though, but am now sober for 5 years. I'm just not sure I wanna go down that road again. If I get desperate enough I may try it in the future. I would love to get off a bunch of these meds if it alone will help.
If my new earbuds are Beats, are they the same as Beats by Dre? I can't find the box they came it right away.
I would think so. Can't have two companies with the same name. I think.
Certainly not making the same product.
Beats by Dre was sold to Apple some time ago. I think that was around the time Dre's net worth exceeded one billion USD.
Non-complaint: I know I gush over the acoustics at Kleinhans Music Hall, but its not just my imagination or braggadocio. I noticed it the first time I went there. Here's a half-hour documentary about the history & design of the venue. The host of the show is JoAnn Falletta, current conductor of the BPO (Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra). There's about 4 minutes beginning near the 15 minute mark(14:20 thru 18:20) that talks about the acoustics.
Because of my PTSD, my doctors decided I might benefit from the psychopharmaceutical. I tried it, but I wouldn't say I liked it. It was bizarre. T
Using Psychedelics to Treat PTSD | Psychology Today
Non-complaint: Yay, my 12 cans of Diced Tomatoes from Amazon has arrived, replacing the mangos they sent the first time. Wheee..., it's spaghetti & goulash & ChilliMac time again.
But I got 12 cans of Diced Mangos for free out of the ordeal. I just have to get used to eating Mangos again(meh).
Also received 10 Solar Eclipse glasses, and some dark filters for my cameras. The April 8th total eclipse goes right over my house. Wheee... I've waited 75 years for this.
It will of course be cloudy.
'Nother Non-complaint: Wheee..., it's that time of year again when my kitchen window prisms cast their rainbows & color spots around the room. And now that the building next door is gone, the morning sun hits the prisms more, and earlier this year. Yay!