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...thanks. Just want to make sure as I use GenX for creating many of my characters.
Hi I posted a problem with GenX and have been pointed towards this thread.
I’m trying to transfer a V4 character morph (the new iteration of AS Alice) to Genesis using the GenX transfer utility.
Transfer method - Create Single Morph and Select - Transfer On for all Non-zero values.
GenX reads the V4.2 CR2 and loads in the Alice pose OK
but when I press Transfer I get this error message -
GenX - Transferring morphs.
Loading Genesis geometry ...
Applying Genesis morphs ...
Error loading Genesis morph: CloneVictoria4
I’m using the latest update of GenX and Studio 4.6
I’ve tried unistalling/reinstalling GexX but it made no difference.
The error message means that the file CloneVictoria4.dsf is either not found or can't be loaded. This file is part of the Genesis installation. It should be located here: data/DAZ 3D/Genesis/Base\Morphs/DAZ 3D/Base/CloneVictoria4.dsf
Make sure the file is present at the given location and is the original file. It should have a file size of 330.594 Bytes for the actual version of Genesis. Also, make sure you don't have two or more installations of Genesis. GenX uses the data folder where it finds data/DAZ 3D/Genesis/Base/Genesis.dsf. This file is found in your case, or you would get a different error message.
The DSF Toolbox has been updated to version 1.2. Previous customers can download it from their account at DAZ in the Product Library. (It's currently not available by DAZ Install Manager, but should be with the next version of it.)
The new version has a few bug fixes and improvements. Amongst others, Clone2Morph will work with the actual version of Genesis and there is a new option in Dsf2Obj to apply a morph to the geometry. Also, the configuration file dsfTools.ini and the channel templates are now stored in the user configuration folder. See the version history at the end of the manual for a full list of changes.
Thanks D3D - After reinstalling Genesis Starter Essentials it now all works as it should.
Though for some reason it took several uninstall/reinstall attempts before it was finally recognised :roll:
I'm posting this for two reasons. First off these are the steps and settings I used to get around some issues I was running into, so maybe it will help others. I also wanted to make sure my method is correct.
I've been having an issue recently with some morph values being double strength while others are not. I don't remember running in to this before. It's been a while since I used GenX so it's possible I am not following the same exact process, although I did take notes & tried to follow the same steps that worked before. I am using DS 4.6 this time but I don't know if that has anything to do with it.
I was able to fix the problem by turning on non-zero values for only the body and head group instead of all of them at once. Some values are listed twice in different groups like "body" and "chest", I was wondering if I was doing something wrong for this to happen? It's not hard to select only the head and body values but I wanted to make sure I'm not messing up anything by doing this. From my tests the shapes look like they are transferring correctly. The only minor issue I have is that occasionally figure scale and/or proportionate scale for the head and body are not 100% accurate but that's really not a big deal, it's easy to fix.
Here is my entire process:
1. Drag the V4 figure into the transfer tab.
2. Drag the required add-ons (like morphs ++) into the transfer window.
3. Drag the shape/s I want to convert into the transfer window.
4. Highlight all the morphs for the body group, right click: Highlighted > Transfer on for non zero values.
5. Repeat step 4 for the head group.
5. Transfer. Then I turn off the body morphs & Transfer just the head morphs -1 to 1.
6. Close & Restart DS before testing or doing another conversion.
Create Single Morph.
Victoria 4.
Transfer controlled transforms
Transfer dial groups
Show In List: All Controlled Morphs
Show In List: Hidden Morphs/Controllers.
Before testing it or converting another shape I now close DS and re-open it as I ran into too many issues otherwise. I found just reloading genesis was not enough. I sometimes overwrite converted shapes to fix them and it was not updating with the new shape until a close & restart. Took me forever to figure out what was going on.
If I did not have "Hidden Morphs/Controllers" on sometimes the shapes would not transfer accurately, I had some faces that were really off without this checked.
Another major flaw I noticed in conversion is that the area where the chest meets the armpits seems really off. I don't know if anything can be done to improve that. I did create a quick morph to fix it but I've been meaning to look for a better solution or to improve my morph.
...I'm still having trouble with Genesis loading in as Teen Julie. I do not remember what asset (most likely a parameter change) I saved which caused this.
I had to save a parameter change for a V4 character I imported, as every time I reopened a scene subset that used it, the parameters reverted back to 0 - 100 (which made for some hideous morph effects) instead of 0 - 1.0 . However, that change did not affect the base Genesis figure as it was always set to 0 unless I loaded a character that used it.
This also affects any Genesis character I load (which is really odd for the male ones). For now i have needed to zero everything to get the base Figure again and build Genesis characters (e.g. Viicky5, Jasmin etc...) using the sliders rather than simply loading them. I didn't change and save the parameters for the Teen Julie body slider as an asset so I am at a loss as to how this occurred.
When you went to "File > Save As > Support Asset > Save Modified Assets" did you have Julie dialed on genesis in the scene? I think that saves the state of all values set in the scene as default. Unless it's just the selected figure? So if you had genesis with Julie or anything else dialed that would be saved as the default genesis. I wonder if you can fix it by saving modified assets again with Julie set to zero. If that does not work what about if you re-install genesis starter essentials and/or Julie. It might be an issues though if you had a bunch of dials set when you saved modified assets. You might have to find them all and set them to zero and save modified assets again or re-install them. Hopefully it's just Julie so it should be easier to fix.
...I'll try that when I get home.
Actually uninstalling reinstalling won't work as I already updated the Genesis Essentials to ver 1.3 to use the SSS shaders and this occurred with the previous version (1.1).
The only two assets I modified were the parameters for V4/Tommi which did not affect the base Genesis and the one I do not remember.
I just tested it out and now I don't think just adjusting the slider will work. Re-installing Julie might work or try the following:
1. Find the Julie dial under the parameter tab or shapes tab.
2. Click Julie's "Parameter Settings" (click the gear icon).
3. Under parameter settings find "Default", it's value should be incorrectly set to 1 since your having the issue. Change it to 0 & Accept.
4. File > Save As > Support Asset > Save Modified Assets. It should list Julie as the only parameter to save. Accept.
5. Restart DS.
If that doesn't work I assume it's some kind of bug, make sure there are not multiple Julie dials or something crazy like that.
Thank you for the DSF Toolbox update.
I just happened to go to your website yesterday, and noticed the update, so I logged in here, and sure enough, the update was available. Since I saw no mention of a new update here (yesterday), I thought you must have just created it. Your website still shows original release date for the original product, so I couldn't tell exactly when you released it.
Nonetheless, an official update announcement... Wooooohooooo... Thanks again.
But, the reason I ventured to your site was I finally had need of using the OBJ2UV function, and it failed (using version 1.1 with DSPro4.5.1.56) in the conversion to DSF UVs for a custom prop I am working on.
It actually creates the DSF, but the results are incorrect with two versions of UV mapping (out of six) that I tried using the toolbox. The first one was basically lost in cyberspace, and the second seems to be welded to itself at every juncture. I even tried with the "correct polygon order" box to see if it might help to no avail.
Both mappings are identical vertex/polygon order, and world space as the original. This has been confirmed in modeler, and using DSPro4.5 native load UVs (which yielded correct results).
I am going to install update 1.2, and try these two mappings again, but I already completed the work natively within DS.
I just wanted to bring this issue to your attention. Let me know if you would like to see screen-shots of the results, or further details.
Also, I have GenX as well, but I haven't found the time to install, and play with yet. Keep up the great work, and I can't wait to see what crafty application you come up with next.
I just tested it out and now I don't think just adjusting the slider will work. Re-installing Julie might work or try the following:
1. Find the Julie dial under the parameter tab or shapes tab.
2. Click Julie's "Parameter Settings" (click the gear icon).
3. Under parameter settings find "Default", it's value should be incorrectly set to 1 since your having the issue. Change it to 0 & Accept.
4. File > Save As > Support Asset > Save Modified Assets. It should list Julie as the only parameter to save. Accept.
5. Restart DS.
If that doesn't work I assume it's some kind of bug, make sure there are not multiple Julie dials or something crazy like that.
...thank you, that worked. Discovered both the Julie shape and Julie Breasts 1 parameters were set to a default of 1. Set them to zero saved the modified assets and Genesis loads normally again. Test loaded several different base Genesis characters and they all loaded normally again as well as my characters which still retained all the morphs they were built with.
Your welcome, glad that worked.
It would be nice if there was some way to get a list of all morphs/parameters that have a non 0 value. Kind of like "Currently Used" but instead of non default parameters it would list all non zero.
Just wanted to let you know that I installed version 1.2, and ran through the same two mapped model versions as in my post above. They both failed the same as they did in 1.1.
Hopefully you can sort out what possibly is the cause of the issue. It seems a great function to quickly get new mappings onto meshes without having to open DS while working on projects. If only it was working correctly.
Granted, I have only tested it on this one mesh so far, but as I said above, the mappings are sound, and loading via native DS, all works well.
DaremoK3: The release date on my web site just had the wrong year, otherwise it was for the new version. About the problem with UV-maps create from OBj, if you can send me the files that cause the problem and one without the problem (see the manual for e-mail address), I will have a look at it.
I just Purchased GenX today and I followed the instructions explicitly, to wit:
Installed the app and its Bundle components for Gen3 to my C:\Program Files\DAZ 3D\DAZStudio4 folder
Started up Studio
Inserted Serial # into plugins box
Shut down Studio
Started Studio
Went to Window\Panes (Tabs)
and there is nothing there.
Also, I do not find a Customize Feature on the Edit Tab
I have Studio 4.6 on a 64 bit machine
Any help would be appreciated, thanks in advance.
Check Help > About Plugins to see if it's loading, or if you're receiving some kind of error.
Ok, there it is. Apparently you have to restart twice.
I'll be back with more questions before too long, I am sure.
Thanks for now.
Edit: Nevermind issue resolved!
Dimension Sweety ,
Will there be an update or plug in for Gen 1 to Gen 2 morphs....I tkink it would be very very successful and I would use the heck out of it !!!
He has said there will be; both G1 to G2 & G2 to G1 conversions will be in the update. I'm looking forward to it.
Yes 3rd that...
Waiting keenly for this update / expansion.
Post deleted by author - found the problem, nevermind :)
I've created a V4 morph using Faceshop and I wanted to use GenX to convert the morph to Genesis. Does anyone know how to do this? I'm really stuck.
Try this GenX simple conversion video tutorial and see if it helps!-- Morgan
What I'm stuck on is that I don't have a preset to download the morph onto GenX. I simply have a V4 figure.
I'm not sure I follow, but that's probably because I've never used Faceshop. Are you saying it doesn't create a morph for V4? (Something you can dial up and down?)
What is it's output?
(My approach, here, is to attempt to take the old college math test approach of 'transform the problem to a problem we already have a solution for'. :) )
-- Morgan
I'm gonna try to explain this as best I can (I don't have Faceshop, so forgive me if my instructions are flawed.) Assuming the V4 face morph is saved out as an obj file, I believe you can save it as a PZ2 pose file (with morph applied.)
Open GenX, and load V4 as your source model.
Apply the PZ2 file you created as a "Pose"
On the GenX morph list, look for the Faceshop morph, whatever you named it, and make sure that the morph is set to "1"
Press the "Select" button, which allows you to select the morphs applied to V4 via the "Load Pose" based on different criteria (Choose "Transfer: On for All Non-Zero Values")
Make sure the drop down next to the "Select" button is set to "Create Single Morph" and the drop down next to the "Transfer" button is set to "Victoria 4," then press the Transfer Button.
Fill out the information in the Pop Up relative to your morph and save it. (I would suggest changing the location to Actor/Head)
I hope this helps.
PS: I'm sure you are aware of this, but if you don't have V4/M4 classic shapes for Genesis, GenX won't work for V4.
Hi there,
I've got GenX, the A3/H3 plugin, and the A3/H3 iconic shapes for Genesis, but whenever I try using GenX for A3, I receive the following:
GenX - Transferring morphs.
Loading Genesis geometry ...
Applying Genesis morphs ...
Error loading Genesis morph: CloneAiko3
I've checked, and I do have CloneAiko3.dsf on my computer (Located at Documents\DAZ 3D\Studio3\content\data\DAZ 3D\Genesis\Base\Morphs\DAZ 3D\Aiko 3 and also Documents\DAZ 3D\Studio\My Library\data\DAZ 3D\Genesis\Base\Morphs\DAZ 3D\Aiko 3, not sure why it's there twice...)
Any suggestions?
GenX uses the first Genesis data it finds when searching in the content libraries. This means, GenX only finds Genesis morphs if they are located in the morphs folder for the first Genesis.dsf found.
The error message means that the file CloneAiko.dsf is not found where GenX found Genesis.dsf. Maybe you even have a third Genesis.dsf where Aiko 3 is missing.
You may try to change the order of the DAZ content folders for the content library. Setting one of the folder where the Aiko 3 morphs are present to the top should force GenX to use this Genesis.
In general, I would recommend to ensure that you have Genesis installed once only. Several instances may cause problems in other cases as well.