GenX and DSF Toolbox Updates for DS 4.5



  • icprncssicprncss Posts: 3,694
    edited December 1969

    opal42987: Who knows?

    icprncss: Compressed DSF files use the same compression as compressed Poser files, i.e. Z-compression. So, just append .Z at the end, and many compression utilities (e.g. the free 7 ZIP) will decompress them. DSF Toolbox has a feature to compress/decompress DSF files, including a batch mode for several files or whole folders.

    Thank you for the info. I have your toolbox but I must have missed the compress/decompress portion.

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,565
    edited December 1969

    I'm pretty sure making a clone for distribution would require the creator's permission -- Apollo's EULA would certainly prohibit it.

  • IceEmpressIceEmpress Posts: 639
    edited December 1969

    So GenX distributes clones of its supported figure morphs, i.e, Gen X distributes a K4 clone? I thought that unless it's a Genesis morph sold here, that you had to create them yourself based on what Dimension3D said in this topic...

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,565
    edited December 1969

    opal42987 said:
    So GenX distributes clones of its supported figure morphs, i.e, Gen X distributes a K4 clone? I thought that unless it's a Genesis morph sold here, that you had to create them yourself based on what Dimension3D said in this topic...

    No, the autofit clone for K4 comes as part of Genesis Starter Essentials.

  • Dimension3DDimension3D Posts: 464
    edited December 1969

    opal42987 said:
    So... are you saying you haven't decided, or that the March Madness sale is outside of the 3rd party artists' control?

    Also, would the DSF Toolbox etc. allow someone to clone a 3rd party figure like say-- Mayadoll or Apollo Maximus and turn them into Genesis morphs? (Actually, rereading your initial response to my earlier posts, I'm guessing not. THough I really, really hope you'll create GenX support for Apollo, Pippin, Mayadoll, and maybe Mavka in the near future as they all seem to be quite popular unlike Sadie.)

    I'm saying that you have to look yourself when sales are happening.

    GenX transfers morphs relative to a basic shape. It requires that such a morph for a basic shape already exists. This is the case for the gen4 and the adult gen3 characters. GenX does not transfer the shape itself as it would be required to turn other figures like Mayadoll or Apollo Maximus into a Genesis morph.

    The DSF Toolbox has a feature to turn an existing morph (namely the clone morphs) into a morph with joint adjustments. Again, this requires that a morph for the shape already exists. It only adds the joint adjustments to allow correct bending when the morph is applied. This is mainly intended for the K4 shape, because there is only the clone morph for it, but no official shape morph.

  • IceEmpressIceEmpress Posts: 639
    edited December 1969

    Crap... my head hurts, I don't understand any of that (well, I understand what morphs and clones etc. are, I just don't understand what you're saying.) It sounds like what you're saying is and isn't possible are the EXACT same thing :(

    Also, the reason I asked about your products being on sale is because I'm on a very limited budget for the rest of the month, so I wanted to plan ahead on what to get, but the problem is that I don't know what's on sale ahead of time, so I could miss out :(

  • icprncssicprncss Posts: 3,694
    edited December 1969

    opal42987 said:
    Crap... my head hurts, I don't understand any of that (well, I understand what morphs and clones etc. are, I just don't understand what you're saying.) It sounds like what you're saying is and isn't possible are the EXACT same thing :(

    Also, the reason I asked about your products being on sale is because I'm on a very limited budget for the rest of the month, so I wanted to plan ahead on what to get, but the problem is that I don't know what's on sale ahead of time, so I could miss out :(

    If you only have GenX, you need the base shape to transfer morphs. The Gen4 have only 3 base shapes: V4, M4 and K4. GenX has shapes for V4, M4 and the Gen3 in an add on. What it does not have is a base shape for K4. Think of GenX as more advanced version of the morph injection system. I know it's more complex but the principle is the same. You need a base shape to start with.

    If you have the DSF toolbox, you can take the autofit clone and create a K4 morph for the Genesis figure by using the Clone to Morph function.

    The only thing I don't know is if you can save out the K4 morph as a base shape and use it in Gen X. It's too bad I have a major deadline and can't experiment.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,825
    edited December 1969

    ...worked a lot with GenX. Have the V4, M4, S4, A3, & H3 shapes and successfully transferred morphs, including special ones like the S4 Natural Petite morphs, to Genesis.

    Haven't worked with the DSF toolbox yet.

  • Dimension3DDimension3D Posts: 464
    edited December 1969

    GenX transfers morphs that are made for a particular figure like V4 to Genesis. Because there is a morph for Genesis that turns Genesis into the shape of V4, using the morphs transferred from V4 by GenX will give the same shape on Genesis as you get on V4. But this all works only, because Genesis can be shaped into V4 by a morph that exists before GenX is doing anything.

    If there is no morph that turns Genesis into the shape of a legacy figure, there's nothing that can be done with GenX. That's why there will be no GenX support for other figures at the moment.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,825
    edited March 2013

    ...indeed and why I'm in the same boat about Genesis Mavka.

    3DU included a clone figure for the toon kids which allows older character morphs and clothing content to be used with the Genesis versions. For Genesis Mavka there was no clone provided so my extensive library of older Mavka content (a sizable investment on my budget) is pretty much useless.

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • IceEmpressIceEmpress Posts: 639
    edited December 1969

    Oh, crap, I forgot to specify that my questions are geared specifically to what can be done with GenX PLUS the DSF Toolbox, and not GenX by itself.

    And, I'm still a bit confused here :( I thought that you had to use the DSF Toolbox to create a clone morph for K4 in the first place...

    Damn, this is disappointing to hear. I was really hoping that Genesis would get some REAL anime character morphs besides Hitomi-- ones with faces reminiscent of say-- Nearme and Kururu. :( I don't even see any A3/A4 morphs that make the characters' eyes significantly bigger and the irises oval.

  • icprncssicprncss Posts: 3,694
    edited December 1969

    A clone morph is not a the base shape. I could be wrong but I think that's where the problem is.

    As stated before Gen 4 has 3 base shapes. DAZ released base shapes for V4 and M4. They did not do one for K4. Until they do one for K4, you can create a morph of K4 from the clone but it is not the same as the base shape.

    Up through V4, DAZ would included legacy shapes with new generations. These figures had the body shape of the previous generation with the head of the new generation. V4 to V3 was the last of these legacy figures.

  • IceEmpressIceEmpress Posts: 639
    edited December 1969

    As stated before Gen 4 has 3 base shapes. DAZ released base shapes for V4 and M4. They did not do one for K4. Until they do one for K4, you can create a morph of K4 from the clone

    Ohhhh. That explains everything, thanks.

  • JOdelJOdel Posts: 6,275
    edited December 1969

    Weeeell... GenX can transfer a K4 morph to Genesis using the clone. But it will not resize genesis to child size. You need to do that first and them apply the morph. But that's the way it works for other morphs as well. First dial in the original base morph, then dial in the tranfered morph.

  • cridgitcridgit Posts: 1,757
    edited May 2022


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  • cridgitcridgit Posts: 1,757
    edited May 2022


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  • IndigoneIndigone Posts: 86
    edited December 1969

    The only luck I've had with Michael is when I use a "loaded" m4 cr2. The base doesn't work for me either, only the head shows up in GenX. But with the gen4's I always saved a "loaded" one, filled with all the morphs that crazy gen4 system exp system used. That did seem to work better.

  • cridgitcridgit Posts: 1,757
    edited May 2022


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  • cridgitcridgit Posts: 1,757
    edited May 2022


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  • DAZ_ann0314DAZ_ann0314 Posts: 2,839
    edited March 2013

    Yes GenX works with Michael with no problems (or atleast I've never had any) It could be maybe you are skipping a step in the process? Did you read through the manual that comes with it? I know I initially overlooked the manual which is why I ask. If so and you are still having issues, I would consider contacting the vendor by PM as they are always very helpful and I am sure they would be more then glad to help you with any issues you are struggling with and you can then probably give more details etc on what you have tried etc as well.

    Post edited by DAZ_ann0314 on
  • icprncssicprncss Posts: 3,694
    edited December 1969

    Indigone said:
    The only luck I've had with Michael is when I use a "loaded" m4 cr2. The base doesn't work for me either, only the head shows up in GenX. But with the gen4's I always saved a "loaded" one, filled with all the morphs that crazy gen4 system exp system used. That did seem to work better.

    The M4 characters you are transfering to Genesis, are they custom morphs that do not require the morphs++ package or are they dial spins that require morphs++?

    If the character is custom and can simply be injected and requires no other morph packs to work, you should be able to use the base M4, inject the morph and transfer it via GenX.

    If the character requires outside morph sets (morphs++ and/or elite morphs and/or ethnic morphs), you will have to inject all the required morph packs, inject the character morph to set the sliders/dials and then you should be able to transfer via GenX.

  • DAZ_ann0314DAZ_ann0314 Posts: 2,839
    edited March 2013

    icprncss said:
    Indigone said:
    The only luck I've had with Michael is when I use a "loaded" m4 cr2. The base doesn't work for me either, only the head shows up in GenX. But with the gen4's I always saved a "loaded" one, filled with all the morphs that crazy gen4 system exp system used. That did seem to work better.

    The M4 characters you are transfering to Genesis, are they custom morphs that do not require the morphs++ package or are they dial spins that require morphs++?

    If the character is custom and can simply be injected and requires no other morph packs to work, you should be able to use the base M4, inject the morph and transfer it via GenX.

    If the character requires outside morph sets (morphs++ and/or elite morphs and/or ethnic morphs), you will have to inject all the required morph packs, inject the character morph to set the sliders/dials and then you should be able to transfer via GenX.

    What icn said :) Nice explanation...I was thinking on how to explain LOL I usually do all custom morphs with GenX so I knew it was a bit different process and couldn't think how to explain the differences...

    Post edited by DAZ_ann0314 on
  • JOdelJOdel Posts: 6,275
    edited December 1969

    I remember having a lot of inconsistency when I started trying to port gen 3 & 4 figures to Genesis with GenX. Some came over seamlessly. Some flatly refused to recognize any morphs at all, even when working from an exported .cr2 file. I don't remember what the fix was, but there was a fix and it was in the GenX thread back some months ago. I don't remember whether it was before the forums changed, though.

  • cridgitcridgit Posts: 1,757
    edited May 2022


    Post edited by cridgit on
  • MBuschMBusch Posts: 547
    edited December 1969

    cridgit said:
    Hi all

    I've been transferring some of my gen 4 characters over to Genesis. V4 seems to work well in most cases, but I'm running into 2 issues:

    - Some V4 characters don't seem to add any morphs. I usually select Transfer On for All Non-Zero Values, but when I click Transfer I get an error "No Morphs Selected for Transfer". Why do some presets add morphs whereas others don't?

    - I can't get M4 to work. When I load V4 in Gen X, it shows me BODY and head morphs. However, when I load M4, all I get is head morphs. So every M4 character I add to Gen X doesn't do anything.

    Any suggestions?


    Sometimes I get the same problem, so my trick is inject the morphs and export the figure as a new cr2. So I use the new cr2 in Gen X. This always solved my problems, I hope this can help on yours.

  • Dimension3DDimension3D Posts: 464
    edited December 1969

    - You may need to apply some generic morph injection poses (like morphs++) before applying the character pose. By default V4 and M4 only have few morphs, V4 has only the male body morph and M4 no body morph. I guess you are using Power Loader in DS. This will load all morphs directly when loading V4 or M4 in DS. When loading M4 or V4 in GenX, you have to inject the morphs from the morph injection poses like "INJ Morphs++ M4" and "INJ Morphs++ V4".
    - If the morph is injected without setting a value, you can either mark the morph to transfer and use "Selected morphs" as transfer mode, or you may set the value in GenX to 1 by double clicking on the value column and enter the value.
    - For the screen shot with the morph, what resolution do you use in GenX? Try higher values, may 20 or 50.

  • cridgitcridgit Posts: 1,757
    edited May 2022


    Post edited by cridgit on
  • vienastoksvienastoks Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    I've just read through all the 18 pages here, but can't make Gen X work with custom morphs for character - they simply do not appear on the Gen X tab (I tried show all morphs, etc). I tried both loading from files, exporting and loading CR2, getting values from scene - nothing works.

    The morphs in use are the ones that many PA's like Freja, Adiene, Rebelmommy and others are placing directly into Libraries folder into their own folders (eg., "RMMorphs"). As I understand they load from PZ2 provided with the character set, but the morphs do not show up anywhere in DS as being in use (although the character in scene does change the shape).

    Does than mean that characters with custom morphs do not work with Gen X at all? Is there a way to transfer those morphs to Genesis?

  • drinkingbuddydrinkingbuddy Posts: 350
    edited December 1969

    Hmmm, I've been reading the most recent posts in this thread and I'm realizing many folks are using Gen X differently than me.

    I'll go through how I use it. It might not be the best way, but it seems to work. Hopefully this might help cridgit and vienastoks with their issues.

    1) Make sure you have M4/V4 Shapes for Genesis in addition to Gen X (or S4, A3, V3 - whatever is relevant to your character).
    2) Start DAZ Studio.
    3) Go to Window -> Tabs -> Gen X. Click on the top bar and attach it to the opposite side of your Content Library (for me, the CL is on the right side, so I'll attach Gen X to the left).
    4) We'll do a Michael 4 character. In the Content Manager, go to your Gen 4 stuff (e.g., your Poser library).
    a) Go to Figures -> DAZ People and drag Michael 4 to the center of the Gen X window.
    b) Go to Pose -> DAZ's Michael 4 -> Morph Injections and drag INJ Morphs++ M4 to the Gen X window.
    c) Repeat step (b) for Elite, Ethnic, or whatever if they're needed.
    d) Go to your desired character (in my case, I'll use Donovan for M4). Drag the body, then head morphs to the Gen X window (or just the body if you prefer).
    5) With the Gen X window staged, below the center panel, select "Create a single morph" then "Transfer On: for all non-zero values"
    6) Right below that, Michael 4 should be already selected. Click on Transfer. I'll just use "Donovan" for both the Identifier and Name.
    7) Load a Genesis figure into the scene.
    8) In the Shaping tab, for Actor -> Male, crank up Michael 4 to 1.0
    9) In the Shaping tab, for Actor -> Gen X, crank up Donovan to 1.0
    10) In the Shaping tab, for Torso, crank up Navel to 1.0

    For V4 characters, it's pretty much the same thing. Hope this helps.

    800 x 544 - 144K
  • vienastoksvienastoks Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Thank you, Spiderland, for nice and concise description. It works for some characters for me - mainly those, that use ++ morphs to shape the features of the face or body. But it doesn't work for custom morphs - they just don't register on Gen X tab at all - even with zero values. They do not appear when I switch on to show hidden/all morphs. My guess is that Gen X fails to parse the PZ2 file. In my case the "inj head" file calls for several other PZ2s. I'll try to drag those files directly into Gen X tab, but I'm worrying that the main one passes some parameter to them maybe... Well, only way to learn. :)

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