Beta for DazCentral, your new Content Manager

Further greetings, with updates to DazCentral!
First things first, thank you so much for your engagement and feedback. We appreciate both, without which we wouldn’t be able to announce that we’ve made some new updates to DazCentral. Which we have :).
This current build that we’ve published solves three issues that users highlighted specifically:
Computer reboot
DazCentral no longer reboots your computer upon installation. -
File Path issues
DazCentral has improved how it will handle multiple paths that are already setup in DIM. If you change the path in DazCentral, it overrides your DIM paths as well. -
Exiting while installing
If you attempt to quit DazCentral while installing/updating/uninstalling an item, you will now be asked if you really want to exit and will exit if you choose to.
Again, thank you all for your feedback and for trying out our new Content Manager. Please continue to let us know about things that you notice (good or bad), whether just general or anything new you see.
Greetings, Daz Forumites!
We’re inviting you to try the Beta test of DazCentral, the new content manager from Daz 3D! Because managing Daz Studio 3D content can be… difficult, we made a simple, clean, and easy-to-use Content Manager that combines upgraded storing and sorting capabilities with an intuitive user interface.
DazCentral comes with exciting updates like enhanced sorting capabilities for content and One-Click open directly into Studio. DazCentral’s new features include:
One-Click Open
You asked for it, Daz built it. Open your 3D content directly into Studio with (yeah, you guessed it) one click. -
Easy Content Sorting
The ‘My Assets’ tab sorts your content by Name, Order Date, or Size so you can find your 3D models quicker. -
Plug-in Capabilities
DazCentral comes with a framework for you to manage and update your Daz Plug-ins so you can do more with your content. -
A Sleek User Interface
By which we mean, DazCentral looks good, it works great, and it’s intuitive and easy to use.
Why you should get DazCentral
Just like Studio and Hexagon, DazCentral is powerful, easy to use, and totally free. This Content Managing wizard makes importing your content into Studio a breeze, and delivers tutorials and other helpful links right when you need them.
Things you might be wondering about:
Can I still use the Daz Install Manager (DIM)?
Absolutely! DazCentral is to offer another Content Manager to users who may not have as much experience with the DIM, or are unfamiliar with the DIM’s processes. DazCentral and DIM cannot currently run at the same time.
Can I use both DazCentral and the DIM?
You can certainly do so, but not concurrently. DazCentral will not only detect what content is installed through DIM, but also automatically read and install to that path.
Can I use DazCentral with a Mac?
Unfortunately, Mac isn’t a supported operating system at this time. Mac users should continue to use DIM.
For additional information, check out the DazCentral page and DazCentral FAQs.
Try the DazCentral Beta today!
Note: As installing DazCentral may require a restart of your computer, we recommend you save your work and exit programs before installation.
Does DazCentral make changes to the CMS database? For example, Connect will update metadata when you log in, even if you haven't installed anything with it.
DazCentral by default will install content updates automatically (click the gear icon to switch that off), but it does not fetch metadata from the store on login.
My Studio system does not have internet access; I currently use Install Manager to download to a USB drive, move the drive to my off-line system, and use Install Manager to do the product installs. Is there a way to get content to an off-line system with DazCentral?
Nope, keep on using DIM.
DazCentral's feature set is trimmed down to make it more streamlined for typical usage.
OK - I will admit that 'typical' has never been a description that fit me.
I looked through the FAQ but didn't see an answer - Will DAZCentral install and manage items purchased from other vendors?
And if not directly, could it be something that can happen via a plug-in?
What's the Base Path? I thought this was the location of my library, but apparently I messed something up lol.
Well i don't know if you are after feedback in general or only bugs. HEre is both just in case:
* Compared to DIM i kind of miss multi selection install.
* The fact that in dashboard only shows recent purchases to install may be a good thing. But what is exactly the criteria? If i did not open central in over a week and have purchased but not installed some products, will they not show in the dashboard?
* What does "Update assets automatically actually mean?" Only models but not main software and plugins gets updated?
* What is the criteria for Asset/Pluging? I have "Look at Me II" in assets and Michael 4 base in plugins. Some things do not get shown at all? I'm not finding scene optimizer
* Search so far seems really good. Search response is instant, partials and multiples words have no issues. I think it can still be improved by adding more info: specially thinking in artist and also "tags". If its just too many columns, maybe add the ability to choose witch ones we want to see, but index all by default.
Possible bug: I get error when trying to open a base character from central. Daz do open, but i get this:
I assume that means updates only for items installed with DazCentral? You can't access the settings gear before logging in.
I just switched back to DIM and now it's showing that nothing is installed. So apparently switching the Base Path has made my library null and void.
Anyone able to help with this please?
Nevermind - I fixed it. I won't be using DazCentral again until it's out of Beta lol.
Assets are things that only install to your content folder. So scripts are like content. Plugins are things that install files to the Daz Studio program folder or that require something to be run as part of the installation, like the Mil 4 figures bases and morph packs. In essence, the things that Connect can't install.
Does it download and install template files as well?
Noted, I can't promise it will get in there but I like the idea. Thank you for the feedback.
The recent purchases just shows the last few products sorted by when you purchased them. If you make a bunch of purchases over the course of a week they would not be visible.
Just content is updated, no plug-ins or applications.
I'll have someone look in to that, DazCentral attempts to sort things a little bit differently than DIM so some things may need a little updating on the store's database to get them to appear in their correct locations.
Once again, thank you for the feedback. This will probably have to wait for the refreshed store software in order to get the data in the right places at the right time to make this happen.
Are you running the latest version of Daz Studio? It had fixes in it to solve that bug (and also a newer version of Iray with a bunch of fixes and improvements in that as well).
I tried it and it decided I did not have Daz Studio installed! I had both the regular one and the Beta. Next thing I knew DAZ Central is downloading and installing a new copy of DS. I saw a glimpse of a message of fixing an error or something. Hard to read when moving fast. I checked both Content Directory Managers and found some new entries on the new DS. I am attaching images of both Content Directory Manager (CDM) for the new DS and the Beta. I am at a loss. I have my content on my 8TB F: drive.
It took me and Customer Service to get my directories to work correctly. So please let me know if the C:/ProgramData/DAZ 3D/Applications/Data/DAZ 3D/My DAZ 3D Library is not going to mess me up, or do I need to move the directory to F:?
I just tried to open DIM and it swirls then shuts off and doesn't open.
I redownloaded the DIM, and when I tried to open it, got a message that DIM and DAZ Central can't be open at the same time. Closed DAZ Central. Opened DIM and found all my content is under 'Ready to Download' some 14636 products, not 'Installed'. I only have 7 items under 'installed' now. Well. Just. Well. Yeah.
Yeah - I ran into the same issue. Not sure if it'll work for you, but in DIM:
I tried it, it didn't try to install anything. It picked up my paths from DIM but still said I didn't have Daz Studio installed. The list of your products is in way too big a font -- even if I was starting out it would quickly become unwieldy. Having the figure the product applies to is the only plus, but you can't sort by that column, and AFAICT it's just pulling that information from the store pages, which has problems (textures for outfits don't have a compatible figure listing, and DazCentral doesn't know that listing Victoria 7 means it's G3F).
I'm not the target audience, but it doesn't feel to me that it would give a new user anything but confusion.
After closing it I opened DIM and nothing had been altered (although I hadn't tried to change any paths in DazCentral).
Having over 9000 products, I install my content to different, broad folders. Example: Genesis, Pre-Genesis, Past, Modern, Future, Environments, Animals and Others. Is there any way Connect could pick those up from the Install Manager otherwise it does not look like I can safely use this.
Is that even an option? I was under the impression you couldn't share accounts or content in a single account.
Thanks, you just saved my sanity. I went in and adjusted the correct thing like your instructions said, let it whirl, then closed it and when DIM reopend, I had content loaded, 12560 loaded and 2121 that I haven't installed. (Poser files that I have in reserve if those really old DAZ files act up again.) The last time I downloaded my library, I had to do it in bits over 5 months, so I wouldn't exceed our limit, and still leave room for my flatmate who has to maintain his three websites.
I think I will keep DAZ Central off for now.
I tried loading content from DazConnect -- it correctly read (from DIM, I assume) that the product had been installed, and launched DS, but i also got the file not found error:
EDIT: ah, I see it requires the latest release. I only have that in the beta channel, but DazCentral launches the general release
I'm guessing this won't bring any relief with regard to assets purchased at Rendo, etc?
Awesome - glad you're back in business too :)
I am a bit confused with the overlapping funtionality of DazCentral with SmartContent. Is there anything, even a prospect, in DazCentral that is not already there/possible with SmartContent? Or, is this just an attempt to bring SmartContent functionality by replacing the underlying Connect? In the present state, I feel SmartContent to be more cohesive, intuitive, stable and feature rich than DazCentral, so what is the business direction and prospects with DazCentral in the light of SmartContent?
First thing I can see is that DazCentral can install some things that Connect can't, like plugins or V4/M4.
Plugin installation/update support could have been added to SmartContent. V4/M4 capability and content development is pretty much frozen wrt Daz store, so once installed via DIM/manual don't require further maintenance. Doesn't justify building an entire "parallel" product for it.