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Twins- wonderful! My husband has identical twin brothers. I don't get that though, they are so easy to tell apart. :) What do you have, boys, girls, both? Bet you have fun on Mother's Day!
I'm afraid to make a second pull -- it's frankly amazing I finished three renders this month already! My twins turned 10 last week, so I had to bake 5 dozen cookies and a birthday cake, plus gift wrapping -- and that doesn't even include the mountain of baking and wrapping I should be doing for Christmas. Ack!
I'm with you on the Ken/Lisa/Jack sets. Have pretty much all of it, and yet I haven't pulled any of them in a long while! Funny how the random pulls go, hey? I tremendously enjoy pulling items that haven't seen the light of day in years. :-)
...yeah, my pull had some very interesting items in it.
...and yes, it had one of Jack's sets in it.
I'm always astonished at the sheer quantity of "Jack sets," because they are always so high-quality. I've often wondered if he has elves working in a hidden North Pole office, happily making 3D content and drinking hot cocoa... Or maybe I've just seen too many kids' Christmas specials this week...
Thank you Jindi :)
Tag: Sasje #2
Jim and lizzy on the farm of Aunt Ann.
The barn on the farm is a great place to play
Lizzy: Jim give me my doll back.
Jim: No it is food for the monster, and Roeffus must play the big monster that I captive.
Lizzy: give my doll back and Roeffus is no monster he’s a good big dig ore I will go to aunt Ann.
Jim: nope NANANA try to grab it.
Lizzy: Auntie Ann, auntie Ann Jim won’t give me my doll back.
Pull 2
- Sailor Uniform For A3 (used)
- Martial Arts Weapons
- The Construction Site(used)
- Fantasy Camp III
- Treadz for Genesis (had to remove She freak V4, some problems)
- The Caged Cart (used)
- Toys of Yesteryear (used)
- H4 Hovertank
For the rest
- Barn Yard
- Genesis 2x Clothes and hair
- Mill dog
Great stuff already!
I have just drawn my first set of 8, but I got two Ron's Brushes sets. Do I need to redraw or are those valid items for the RRRR draw?
They are valid, but if they are "unusable" (you cannot use them) it's a redraw.
They are valid, but if they are "unusable" (you cannot use them) it's a redraw.
I have Photoshop, so they should be usable. I now realize that I really only drew one valid Ron's brushes item (a bundle), because my product list listed the bundle and the individual items as separate line items, and I drew both. So I will keep the brush bundle on my list and draw one more item to replace the brush that was part of the bundle anyway. Thanks for the rule clarification.
Okay. I'm caving in -- I'll do a second pull. Because I should have one more thing to do during the holidays... Lol, maybe this will help keep me sane.
5902 Soulmate Poses DAZ
6658 Tootsie Hair DAZ
1877 Dystopia Destinations: Landing Pad DAZ
1968 Eliza for K4 DAZ
5661 SG Steam Queens DAZ
4727 PH's Swinging Cages RO
6641 Tithe Barn DS DAZ
912 Carnival Picnic Tables DAZ
Barn. Landing pad. Picnic Tables. And I've already used the interdimensional portal idea... This should be entertaining!
Here is my first set of 8 items:
Yamaki FDR2 Fusion DS
Ron's Atmospheric Bundle
Steam Truck Red Bizon
M4 Tuxedo
LB Summer Sunrise Cyclorama Textures
Memories for Arcadia Colonnade
Evilson M4 Unimesh Fits
Parkside Cargo
I'm waiting for inspiration to hit.
This image says it all. It is NOT part of the contest, it is posted only here in large form and with that caption.
(I'm glad you all have a whacky sense of humor. You'll see what I mean.)
Good heavens Barbult- what a variety! It's cool that you got Ron's brushes though.
Wow, this is a great story already. I'm pleased to be part of it, and not a sushi or lost at sea part! Poor Ken. I hope he is found alive. RRRR would not be the same without him.
I'm having to fix the newspaper though, for some reason the forum wouldn't let me upload the image (even though it was a jpg) and said "file type not allowed."So I switched it from rgb to cmyk and then back, and it messed it up.
I'm sure Ken will be fine...somewhere down the road in future contests :)
... Then I got an idea.
An awful idea.
This Grinch got a wonderful, awful idea!
*maniacal laughter*
Tag: karibousboutique #2, Picture 1
My Pull:
5902 Soulmate Poses DAZ
6658 Tootsie Hair DAZ
1877 Dystopia Destinations: Landing Pad DAZ
1968 Eliza for K4 DAZ
5661 SG Steam Queens DAZ -- USED
4727 PH’s Swinging Cages RO -- USED
6641 Tithe Barn DS DAZ
912 Carnival Picnic Tables DAZ -- USED
Rendered inPoser Pro 2014, Postwork in Photoshop CS6
My apologies to Dr. Seuss, from whom I shamelessly stole Christmas. I am being aptly punished, however -- I will be dreaming in iambic pentameter tonight...
Story title: How Karibou Stole Christmas
Image Title: An Awful Idea
Every Daz down in Dazville
Liked Christmas a lot
But the Karibou,
Who lived just east of Dazville
Did NOT.
Karibou HATED Christmas! The whole Christmas Season!
All the gift receipts and cookie sheets, that must be the reason.
It could also be that her head was a wee bit off-kilter,
Or perhaps that her mom always called just to guilt her.
But I think that the most likely reason of all
Was that her checking account was always five sizes too small.
Whatever her reasons
Her mom or the baking,
On Christmas eve, she screamed 'til the rafters were shaking,
And she growled from her cage with a Karibou glare
Down at Dazville and all the Victorias there.
For she knew every Daz down in Dazville below
Would be on super-sale... when she had no more dough.
"And my wish-list is growing!" she snarled with a sneer,
"So I'll have to wait for March Madness next year!"
Then she cursed, with her Karibou brain in a knot
"I MUST buy the items that I still haven't bought!"
For tomorrow, she knew...
..Her dear 10-year-old twins
Would leave holes in her wallet where her savings had been.
And then, to her aunt's house for more gifts to give --
If she spent another Christmas dime, she'd have NO PLACE TO LIVE!
They'd do something she liked least of all!
Her angelic children, so sweet and so small,
Would sit close together, occasionally fighting
And then NEXT YEAR'S Christmas lists they'd start writing!
They'd write! And they'd write!
And the more Karibou pondered next year's Christmas spending
The more she thought, "There's no way this can have a good ending!"
"Since I became Santa, I've been poor as a peasant!
I must find some cash for my OWN Christmas presents!"
Then she got an idea.
An AWFUL idea.
I enjoyed your Dazville poem very much!
Items Used in the Render, All except City Ruins : Vehicles
TAG: Jaderail #1
Title: Marble Comix presents - Issue #12 RED Gemini the Chronicles
Part 3: Afterglow
[Blurb]Static Cracke! Chopper 13 reporting, I confirm Sir, looks like the hero's put out all the fires on this side of the city as well. Krakle! But we need to mobilize everyone including the National Guard. Over. Static Pop! "Look at what they did you my City, someones going to pay for this." " You go tell him Mr Mayor he's right over there." " SHHhh.. they have super hearing too you know."[/Blurb]
Omega - "I claim these as my battle rights, Gemini of the Red."
Gemini - "As it should be, Great one. I hope they bring you much pleasure."
Vicky - "Huh? I'm confused, you won Gemini, and he gets to keep prizes? We couldn't even forge those metals until you taught us how."
Gemini - "There is much you still do not know about my kind Vicky."
Omega - "The Over Council will send wealth in a form these beings will accept to repair the damage wrought here this day. I also will have the archives opened so they may not only repair the damage but build it better, stronger and in efficient methods in the future."
Gemini - "As you see fit o' Great one, so shall it be done."
Vicky - "What? Huh? What's all that supposed to mean? Your acting like he has a choice, and Better? What's he mean better?"
Gemini- "Vicky, the Over Council sent me here. Your people are intelligent beings and you have now came far enough as a people that your actions can be seen and heard far into the cosmos. I'm here to protect your world and people from those that might wish to exploit a primitive world such as yours. And as you have just seen we will be giving your world knowledge such as advanced metals and soon advanced engineering. Maybe next it will be advanced crop techniques and animal husbandry. In the years ahead I or another Gemini and he or other Omega's will see your world advance until you can join the Over Council. Your great great grand children will live among the stars.'
Wow, this is a great story already. I'm pleased to be part of it, and not a sushi or lost at sea part! Poor Ken. I hope he is found alive. RRRR would not be the same without him.
LOL. I especially enjoyed the 'genius financial advisor' part but given the fate of poor Scott-Livingston I wonder if I'm not already edible sushi....
Fantastic poem and render, KaribousBoutique.
All's well that ends well with the RED Gemini Chronicles... but something tells me Vicky's not convinced! Enjoyed it, Jaderail.
As for me, I've done another pull but no idea what I'll make of it yet....
ROFL ! I just love that!!!
Well, in fairness to Scott, he could have been the squid as I was going for alliteration, (S-S) but Sasje already had the honor. And I just figured Jindi would love being on a yacht. It's Jaderail's birthday so he got to be Mayor. As for Ken's redemption, he'd better be nice to me because I haven't written THAT ending yet (evil cackle.) I notice he's being very, very quiet....
BTW, the fastest way to do a newspaper (based on MY level of expertise, which doesn't say much) is to bring in primitive planes and attach the images to it in the Diffuse channel. You can move it around that way. I did have to retype that entire thing, because for some reason the forum wouldn't accept my file even though it was a jpg, so I tried switching from rgb to cmyk and that created distinctive areas where I had colored. Go figure. So I had to erase everything and recolor (didn't do it in Photoshop with layers as that's on another computer) so after typing the entire thing a second time, I almost have that newspaper memorized.
My favorite part? When they "sprang into action" (Sports, page 3.)
I just LOVE that poem- so very clever!!!! Reminds me of the famous Johnny Bravo cartoon where he refuses to buy girl scout cookies and uses Dr. Seuss. My favorite part is:
Her dear 10-year-old twins
Would leave holes in her wallet where her savings had been.
And then, to her aunt’s house for more gifts to give—
If she spent another Christmas dime, she’d have NO PLACE TO LIVE!
Okay, gotta start on render two. Off to Bistro Miami, unfortunately for Gunner.
@Novica: Well, I probably had it coming...I lived in Japan for a while and ate all kinds of interesting raw things. I guess karma got me in the end. :lol:
Wow, this is a great story already. I'm pleased to be part of it, and not a sushi or lost at sea part! Poor Ken. I hope he is found alive. RRRR would not be the same without him.
So do I!
I love the the newspaper front page, Novica. Great to see someone raising (or lowering?) the bar even more in our insanity competition.
Kyoto Kid, I am sorry to hear about your trouble. It is truly very frightening.
Zawarkal, thank you for sharing that. If you are crazy, I very much admire your kind of crazy and the path you are taking. Now I know why your renders feel so mythological to me. It is a realm I like to look into and know I will fall into myself one day.
A lot a good stories that I haven't read here and I have a lot of catching up to do.
luci45 #2
Point of Impact
Parkside Passenger Car
Precious Princess
Japanese Tea Garden by Merlin
Freak 5 Big Sweater
Fairytale Collection -- Fantasy Castle
Bellatrix for Genesis 2 Female(s)
Barn Yard
Diamonds, Dragons and Garbage
Part One
Zazu Yee fumed as a her latest mobile phone call to Ma Spencer disconected and Ping Zau patiently awaited her orders. She told him, in her most severe voice, that he would go immediately to the United States of America, to the state of Wyoming, and find Antelope's Play Ranch.
"You will present Ms Spencer with the facts of the situation. And take a dragon with you... Meanwhile operations will continue here. How can this woman be so stupid? All the messy work is my end. She only has to harvest them. Any stupid cattle roper can do that. And we'll both be filthy rich - trash and garbage are in endless supply! I explained that in my letter. You go over there and tell her. Why are you still standing there?"
Precious Princess
Japanese Tea Garden by Merlin
Fairytale Collection -- Fantasy Castle
Also used
Oriental Dragon
M4 Suit
Alpha Scalp - Rendo
Brief Case from Business Suit Expansion
Trash bag from Back Streets
Never Base
Bill Truck and Trailers
Lorenzo Lorez
220 Facial Expressions for Genesis
Rope (Rendo freebie from Bionic Rooster)
LDP2 Dome
Natsumy Hair
Asian Female and Julie Tweens morphs
Xiao Wen texture
Oppa 2 morphs
Ulrich texture
Filter Forge and Photoshop
Diamonds, Dragons and Garbage
Part Two
On the sprawling acres of the Antelope's Play Ranch in Wyoming, USA, Ma Spencer and her son Roy have been pulling giant crystals out of the ground for the past two weeks.
"The crystals pop out of the ground red hot, then cool off in a few days and are ready to harvest," Roy said. "Then about a week or so after this all began, Ma began receiving strange phone calls from a Ms Yee, owner of Chipan International, she said. It sounded like a promotional scam so Ma always hung up. After a lot of calls Ma got really angry and cursed at Ms Yee. And that's when things got really interesting -
"The very next day a little guy, Mr Zau, shows up in a spiffy blue suit. That, and a registered letter comes in the mail the same day from, you guessed it, Ms Yee. And the really crazy part was the dragon - a translucent glowy thing, all long and snaky with little bitty legs and no wings. It looked more like a giant worm than a dragon! It kept flying around the crystals pointing at them making strange sounds. Well, we were soon to find out what all this was about."
Point of Impact
Parkside Passenger Car
Freak 5 Big Sweater
Bellatrix for Genesis 2 Female(s)
Barn Yard
Also used:
Oriental Dragon
LoRez Horse
M4 Hats Stetson (Rendo)
Streetwear jeans
M4 Suit
Alpha Scalp - Rendo
Oppa 2 morphs
Ulrich texture
220 Facial Expressions for Genesis
Mitch Hair
Aged for M4
Letter from Postal Props
Brief Case from Suit Expansion
M4 Morphs for Genesis 2 Male
Main Man Mix And Match Expressions For Michael 6
Mil Dog
Rolled Hair
50s Everyday with Lucy Texture
Smay jacket with texture expansion
Boots from Casual jeans for Genesis 2 Female
Cell Phone from Standing in Line
Jepes PlateZ
...thank you, I'm doing my best to stay positive about it.
The only prezzie I really want so to stay in the place where I am living.
luci45 #2
Diamonds, Dragons and Garbage
Part Three
Fortunately for Roy and Ma, they did not feel inclined to pull out their shotguns. They perused the letter and gave Mr Zau a chance to show them his computer slideshow on Chipan International's operations.
"Here is what happens," he said. "We take a lot of garbage, all kinds of garbage, and we always have a lot of that." He laughed "It goes into the compression chamber, and the dragons... it is a little hard to explain - let me say that they do their "magic" and send it through the core of the earth and it comes out over here somewhere. It is like a million years of compression and the big lovely diamonds come out of the ground."
Roy and Ma were impressed and very pleased when Mr Zau extended Ms Yee's offer of a business partnership, and an opportunity to become very wealthy.
Parkside Passenger Car
Freak 5 Big Sweater
Bellatrix for Genesis 2 Female(s)
Point of Impact Crystals
Also Used:
M4 Hats Stetson (Rendo)
M4 Suit
Alpha Scalp - Rendo
Mitch Hair
M4 Morphs for Genesis 2 Male
Rolled Hair
50s Everyday with Lucy Texture
Smay jacket with texture expansion
Curtains from Country Kitchen Expansion
Freebie Computer (Rendo-Bionic Rooster)
table and chair from Moonshines Diner
Picture frame from Sudio Paris
Filter Forge and Photoshop
Diamonds, Dragons and Garbage
Part Four
The very next day Roy and Ma pulled out their best city clothes and, escorted by Mr Zua, were off to visit Ms Yee in Chipan. It was a long plane ride and an even longer drive, but worth it all. They were greeted warmly by their new business partner, who showed them around the facilities where they observed the dragon magic in action. In the days that followed the four developed their business plan. Ms Yee was and Mr Zau were surprised and delighted by the Spencer's business acumen and Ma and Roy were amazed by the dragons and the ingenious methods used by Chipan International.
And such were the humble beginnings of a company that became an industry that played a major role in cleaning up Planet Earth.
Precious Princess
Japanese Tea Garden by Merlin
Bellatrix for Genesis 2 Female(s)
Also Used:
Jade Hair
Business Suit and Expasion 1
M4 Hats Stetson (Rendo)
M4 Suit
Alpha Scalp - Rendo
Oppa 2 morphs
Ulrich texture
M4 Morphs for Genesis 2 Male
Main Man Mix And Match Expressions For Michael 6
Skies of Tierra Background
Filter Forge and Photoshop
Jaderail #2 Pulls.
1179 Rhino
496 Epsilon for Micheal 4
1162 Real Cases
1241 Shadow Dancer for V4
146 Board Games
81 Antelope Expansion Pack
1668 West Park Treatment Room Specimen
1354 Sushi Time 1
Hmm... two animals, two adventure style clothing sets, one food set and three prop sets. None of which really leap out and say story to me. Need to think on this a bit. Oh, and get my other into the entry thread.
Luci45, Thank you for your comment. Happy to find a kindred spirit.
Lucy, I just love your vibrant colors in your renders, they are really awesome!