RRRR Story render contest *closed*



  • KaribouKaribou Posts: 1,325
    edited December 2013

    Tag: karibousboutique #1, Picture 2

    My Pull:

    1229 Crazy Locks Hair for Genesis & V6 DAZ - USED
    4520 Orkz Passages Entry DNA - USED
    3742 M5 Casual Male Textures DAZ - USED
    1755 Dragonfly Jewelry RO - USED
    655 Belly Chains RO - USED

    1211 Country Dining Room Ps DAZ
    6355 The Cargo Hold DAZ - USED
    5442 Sarah DNA - USED

    Also used TentacleZ and Robospider
    Rendered in DS 4.6, Postwork in Photoshop CS6

    Story title: The Guardian
    Image Title: Days Like This

    I hate days like this.

    As if having an inter-dimensional portal in my house isn't bad enough, I am occasionally cursed by jobs featuring another portal within the one in my dining room. Inevitably, when this happens, Guardianship gets, well... messy.

    Slipping past the Buick-sized demonic idol had been quite a challenge to start with. As it turns out, the large marble eyeball embedded in the statue was not actually marble. It was, in fact, a real eyeball. And the creepie-crawlies who worship the darn thing were not at all happy to see me basking in its unholy gaze. But worst of all, after dispatching most of the evil critters, my Guardian "spider sense" was still tugging me deeper into the hellish landscape. The creepie-crawlies were not the reason I was summoned to the dining room, which could only mean one thing: I was just passing through.

    I wasn't surprised by the "portal in a portal," but I certainly wasn't happy, either. The transition from "single-family home" to "fiendish underworld" had already ruined my evening. Now it appears I'm also going to be wandering the dusty corridors of an intergalactic cargo ship. On the bright side, robotic spiders won't spatter me with squishy stuff when I shoot them into oblivion. I wish I could say the same for those creepie-crawlies. I'm going to need three showers to remove all the demon guts from my hair.

    And now I'm inching my way toward the skittering, robotic arachnids while still dodging a few stray tentacles from the eyeball-worshipers. In a few seconds, I'll be up to my armpits in technological vermin. This, however, is not what worries me.

    You see, while I can clearly see the portal into the cargo-ship dimension, I am absolutely clueless as to where I might find the portal out of the wretched place.

    Did I mention that I hate days like this?

    2000 x 1681 - 371K
    Post edited by Karibou on
  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,200
    edited December 1969

    ...good story going there.

    I like the fact you highlight what you use in each scene in a different colour.

  • TotteTotte Posts: 14,056
    edited December 2013

    Totte said:

    Story pull #2

    #1184 Chilly Hair (with the Jayne Hat) (Rendo)
    #2263 Killerwhale
    #1116 Cassia for V4
    #521 Secret Garden Repose
    #3911 TreadZ for Genesis
    #1341 CryoEnvironment
    #2219 Jepes Rodan M4
    #1808 Forbidden Zone (Rendo)

    Scene three - Pulled items used
    - Jepes Rodan M4
    - Killerwhale
    - Forbidden Zone
    - Cassia V4
    - Chilly Hair

    Other items used
    Jack Tee: M6 + Bjorn + Wicked Wear 076 + Zior Hair
    Derek: Genesis + Generation X + SPEX + JeanZ for Genesis + Lone Wolf (vest) + Unshaven Genesis
    Luzy: Generation-X + Interjection + Stalker Girl clothes + FM tank top + Lycan Hunter Bangles + Dental Plan + Daily nails
    Frank: M6 + Japes Nathan + Micah hair + Horror Survivor (boots+pants) + Sir Worthington (west) + Journeyman Scout (wrist guards)
    Bridge for Chirocrates (Water canal) + Chirocrates
    Dark corruption (Shader)
    Stone (Shader)
    Maximum Overkill
    Dystopian Troopers
    Centurion Trrop Carrier + Operation Uranus
    Banshee flyer
    Smay fire

    Saving Willy - Again , final part
    They hurried down to the zone canal and Derek hacked to flood gates and then called Willy and told him to go to the sea. The flood gates set of an alarm and soon several Robotarians arrived trying to stop Willy. The heroes opened up with a heavy barrage to try to ensure Willys safe escape to the sea, and it was close, very close but he got out to deep waters and could dive and escape the Robotarians sentinels, which still cannot work under water. It was the day to remember, the day that forever would be celebrated once the world was free again, the day that everyone would remember as Saving Willy Day, the day Earth regained hope. This was not the end of the Robotarian occupation, not even the beginning of the end, it was merely the end of the beginning, as a famous man put it four hundred years ago, when the Robotarians were humans and wore skulls on their caps.

    1600 x 900 - 230K
    Post edited by Totte on
  • TotteTotte Posts: 14,056
    edited December 2013

    Luci - Great ending of your story!
    Jindi - You're up to a great story with a twisty end!
    Karibo - Thanks! And your renders and story are great.

    This is forming up as one great contest!

    Post edited by Totte on
  • zawarkalzawarkal Posts: 1,018
    edited December 2013

    KaribousBoutique, thanks for your comments.

    It's amazing the wide variety of stories coming out of this challenge.
    Life is amazing. If you only knew the vision I had upon waking this morning.

    KK, my life fell apart in 2005. I lost my job of 18 years due to becoming redundant. My children were 10 and 12 at the time. I lost my house, my car, and watched as things disappeared one by one as if I were falling down the stairs. I gave away everything else that was weighing me down. I moved my children and me in to live with my Grandmother. My husband moved to New York. I have only seen him three times since, though we talk regularly. I did not file for unemployment. I did not search for a job. I knew that I was on a path due to the many messages that I was being given and I chose to embrace my path. And, not once did my children go hungry, not once was I unable to get to where I needed to go. If I truly needed something that something was made available. Now, when it comes to the wants of those things that I do not require, well those things come at a cost of my freedom and so I choose not to want those things. As a result, and yes it took time for me to fully accept my path, I have come upon a life with less stress and much happiness. I have found my passion and I am in hot pursuit. Currently, my sister is undergoing treatment for breast cancer with the hair loss and sickness associated. She is only stage 1. I cannot believe that I am saying this. I never open up this way, but I want you to realize that no matter how bad it may seem there is always someone out there with a story which you can see as worse than your own. I currently have a mass in my breast as well. Well let's put it this way, the entire breast is one huge mass lump, there is no part that I would call breast left anymore. And yet, I am at peace. I am not undergoing treatment. I have decided that I wish to spend my remaining moments in my life as I choose. Now, of course, I believe things about the world that most people would look at me and say that I am crazy. But, I know to the very core of my being that these things are true. The events of my life have proven them to be so such that I have had to rethink many of my previous beliefs. And, I know too, that even though things look dark for you right now that when you finally arrive at your new destination you are going to look back and wonder why you didn't make the change years ago.

    a wise man once said.... And, this too shall pass

    Everyone have a Wonderful Day!!

    edit: oh, by the way, I have to add this... this morning when I got up... I did the chicken dance and I laughed and laughed and smiled... also I am 50

    Post edited by zawarkal on
  • IndigoJansonIndigoJanson Posts: 1,100
    edited December 1969

    I know you didn't address this to me but your post stopped me in my tracks today. Have to say though, this made me smile:

    Zawarkal said:

    edit: oh, by the way, I have to add this... this morning when I got up... I did the chicken dance and I laughed and laughed and smiled... also I am 50

    As to the rest, hugs and I applaud your courage.

  • KaribouKaribou Posts: 1,325
    edited December 1969

    Kyoto Kid said:
    ...good story going there.

    I like the fact you highlight what you use in each scene in a different colour.

    Thank you! I still fumble with lighting in DS, but it's getting easier. :-)

  • zawarkalzawarkal Posts: 1,018
    edited December 1969

    Thanks Jindi. You know how you applaud my courage. I do not feel that there is any courage involved in my choices or decisions. To me this is simply the overcoming of fear. I am releasing all fear. While some of you may have seen my Game of Life story as just a story written for this challenge. I actually believe there is more truth to it than meets the eye. It is all related to quantum physics, but that is another conversation entirely.

    In a very matrix like fashion, I have actually left this reality twice. Both times I woke up in my bed being left to believe whatever I chose to believe. I have actually been on my path since 1992, or at least that is my BS memory inset in this moment ;) Anyhow, I will not run on and take up the forum with all this, but there is much out there that is unknowable. Some of you may have noticed that I sign my art as UTO. This is just a reference to one of my visions where I work with and channel the energies of UTO, The Unknowable One and together we are bringing The Unknowable Story to life. Anyhow, for the reality twice comment, I know that I will not (cannot) leave this reality one moment sooner than I am meant to. So on the day that I finally do leave, I expect everyone to be in celebration for me because it will mean that I accomplished what it is that I came here to do.

    Did I get what I wanted? I'm not there yet, but I KNOW my answer will be YES!!!

  • Ken OBanionKen OBanion Posts: 1,447
    edited December 1969

    That was fun! I want to do it again!

    Next pull:
    634 - Everyday Stationery
    904 - Hiro 5 Pro Bundle
    2142 - Victorian Street Props
    405 - David Diversified
    1059 - Lily Nymph for Genesis
    2106 - Veranda Cafe
    1964 - The Waterfall Tool
    1527 - Raelyn for Stephanie 4

    This could get interesting. Especially with that Hiro 5 bundle in there. (I really, really hate anime!)

    Reality kept intruding, but I finally got the first one done! And of course, there will be more. (And if you want to take that as a threat....)

    TAG: obanion#02
    Story Title: Recovering the Ronin (Further In the Adventures of the 'Repo-Man')
    -- Image #1 --
    Image Title: "The Dickens You Say...!"

    Using from the pull:
    Victorian Street Props
    Raelyn for Stephanie 4
    Hiro 5
    Dryden for Hiro 5

    Also used:
    Victorian Street
    19th Century Suit for M3
    Shelby for M3 by LA3D (a ShareCG freebie)
    Amaya Hair (Hey, it's Alexis' look!)
    Glasses style 002 by JamesJAB, via ShareCG (Ditto!)
    Sensibility for V4 (Okay, so it's Regency, and not Victorian, but you know what? I don't care!)
    Coco Hair (FYI, the Stephanie 4 fit..., doesn't. Took a lot of tweaking.)
    Urban shabby Chic for V4 Unimesh Fits
    Urban Fae for V4 Unimesh Fits (Boots only; do you know how hard it is to find shoes to fit Stephanie 4!?)

    In the picture (I use this gimmick a lot, and I really ought to be ashamed of myself for it! But....):
    (In addition to the Hiro 5 stuff)
    Tre for Young Teens 5
    Preppy for Genesis Young Teens
    Pure Hair space
    Tower Ruins
    The picture itself is actually a morphing map prop with a different texture applied; the prop is courtesy of Adam Thwaites (most-digital-creations.com - I hope I have the URL right!), via ShareCG

    The Story:

    "You want to tell me again why we're decked out like we ought to be on our way to Dickens On The Strand?" Alexis asked Martin as they strolled through one of the very quaint Inner Harbor districts of Victoria, British Columbia. "I feel like a complete idiot dressed like this!"

    "Oh, nonsense," Martin said breezily, "you look charming! And I've already told you three times, I honestly don't know. It was part of my instructions: dress in Victorian costumes, so our client will more easily be able to recognize us. Although you're more Regency; I hope he's not a stickler for detail. Then again," he said speculatively, "this might even be some sort of a test."

    "A test?" Alexis repeated. "A test of what?"

    "Our willingness and ability to follow instructions, perhaps?" he suggested. "Our tolerance for public humiliation?" Martin spead his hands in an expansive shrug. "Who knows?"

    "Does this kind of thing happen a lot in your line of work?"

    "With the periodicity of a tolling bell," Martin said dryly.

    "So, am I to assume that a goodly proportion of the people you work for are, shall we say, a bit eccentric?" Alexis asked with a smirk.

    Martin responded with a full-on grin. "You always were the diplomatic one," he said. "No, I would say that a fair proportion of the people I work for range anywhere from, as you put it, 'a bit eccentric', to full-tilt-boogie, bat-effin'-guano insane. And a lot of them are just plain freakin' nuts." He shrugged again. "One of the many occupational hazards I have to deal with," he said. He stopped, and drew Alexis to a stop beside him. "But if I'm not mistaken," he said, "I do believe our prospective client has arrived."

    The woman who stepped in front of them was, in a word, beautiful.

    "Are you," she said, glancing at a slip of paper in her hand, "Mr.'71077345'?"

    "That's how my bank in the Caymans knows me," Martin answered. "But you can call me Martin. And this lovely lady is Alexis. What can we do for you?"

    "I've been told that you can find things that have gone missing, or have been stolen," the woman said.

    "Well, yeah," Martin said, "that's pretty much what we do." Alexis tossed a quick, surreptitious glance at Martin. 'We? Does that mean...?' "What do you need us to find?"

    "My brother," the woman answered, holding a photograph out for Martin to take. "He's been kidnapped."

    Martin took the offered photograph and studied it briefly. He started to hand it back, but the woman held up a hand. "No, keep it," she said. "I have others. Unless," she added, "you're not interested?" She cast a beseeching look at him. "Oh, please, don't tell me you're not interested! You're my only hope!"

    "Help me, Obiwan Kenobi!" Alexis said with a smirk.

    Martin silenced her with a glare. "I'm not saying no," he said. "Hey, I've been hired to recover missing people on any number of occasions. And it would actually be kind of nice - certainly refreshing - to recover someone who was still alive. The last person I was sent to find, well, we found out that a dragon ate him." The woman looked at him strangely. "Long story," he said, "not important now. We'll need to get some information from you, though. Are either of you up for lunch? I don't know about you guys, but I am starved!"

    922 x 642 - 728K
  • IndigoJansonIndigoJanson Posts: 1,100
    edited December 1969

    Well, it looks like it's Martin's lucky day, taking 2 beautiful women to lunch! :) I'm prepared to forgive Alexis for going Regency too, she does look charming. Alexis and Martin make a great double act, I'm enjoying this one.

    Very imaginative story, Karibous Boutique, and wow, some amazing sci fi scenes in Totte's Saving Willy. (Plus I always enjoy seeing where that Jayne hat will crop up next..). ;)

    Totte is right, this is a fantastic contest, I've enjoyed all the entries. Thanks to you both - KB and Totte - for the comments. Having seen the quality of entries here in previous months I was a little nervous about joining but I had fun!

  • IndigoJansonIndigoJanson Posts: 1,100
    edited December 1969

    Zawarkal said:
    You know how you applaud my courage. I do not feel that there is any courage involved in my choices or decisions. To me this is simply the overcoming of fear

    Yep, I had a feeling that would be the case. :) I guess what I was trying to say was simply that I wish you well.

  • zawarkalzawarkal Posts: 1,018
    edited December 1969

    Jindi said:
    Zawarkal said:
    You know how you applaud my courage. I do not feel that there is any courage involved in my choices or decisions. To me this is simply the overcoming of fear

    Yep, I had a feeling that would be the case. :) I guess what I was trying to say was simply that I wish you well.

    Jindi. I do appreciate your thoughts. Thank you. I guess I was just trying to be sure that no one thought I was seeking pity. And, I did have a really wonderful day yesterday. KK pm'd me and we have taken our conversation further.

  • SasjeSasje Posts: 835
    edited December 1969

    Tag: Sasje #01

    Title: The Magic Gate picture 3

    After the story her mother went with little Maggie to the gate but nothing, nothing to see
    Maggie says I saw it really…… I saw it I saw it. Maggie went sad she know that her mother didn’t believe her, even when her mother says that she believe her story.
    When Maggie grows up, sometimes Maggie heard some noises behind the gate and sees some wonderful things but ……that’s her secret, she call it The Magic Gate .

    Pull: 1
    - the Girl 4 Base (used)
    - The Treasure Beast
    - DVDs and Stand
    - The Backyard
    - Old Fashioned Bicycles (used)
    - Axes of Power
    - Dystopia City Blocks 011-020
    - Moon Gate (used)

    For the rest:
    - Kiki Pixie
    - Posey
    - genesis + hair and clothes
    - Clothes for G4 base

    1066 x 800 - 373K
  • SasjeSasje Posts: 835
    edited December 1969

    Thank you KaribousBoutique

  • Ken OBanionKen OBanion Posts: 1,447
    edited December 1969

    Here's Chapter 2. Looks like there will be at least four, total, maybe five.

    -- Image 2 --
    Image Title: The Plot Thickens (Unlike the Vichisoisse!)

    Using from the pull:
    Raelyn for Stephanie 4
    David Diversified (Roger morphs)
    Veranda Cafe

    Also used:
    Victorian Street
    19th Century Suit for M3
    Shelby for M3 (skin texture) by LA3D (a ShareCG freebie)
    Amaya Hair (it's Alexis' look!)
    Glasses style 002 by JamesJAB (via ShareCG) (Ditto!)
    Sensibility for V4
    Coco Hair
    David Clothing Pack 1
    Jamie Hair for David, by AprilYSH

    The Story Continues...

    "I can't help but be curious," Martin said as he escorted the two women into a nearby cafe, "why you chose to come to us. Shouldn't this be a matter for the police to handle?"

    "In any other circumstances," the woman answered, "I probably would have done exactly that. But you see, I already know who has Chaz. That's my brother's name, by the way. And let's just say that this guy..., well, he pretty much owns the police, if you take my meaning." Her mouth twisted into a grimace which, surprisingly, did not diminish her ethereal beauty in the least. "So, as you can probably surmise, going to the police was not an option. Besides," she added, "they told me if I did call in the RCMP, that they'd kill Chaz."

    "Well, that explains that," Martin remarked. "So what's the story? How much is the ransom?"

    "They're not demanding money," the woman said. "If that was all they wanted, my family would pay it in a heartbeat."

    The waiter approached the table cautiously, and a bit reluctantly; after all, two of the three people seated at the table were dressed rather outlandishly. Even so, the waiter had to admit that they pulled the look off rather well.

    "Good afternoon," the waiter said, "my name is David, and I'll be your server today. Can I offer you something from the bar?"

    "I believe I'd like that," Martin said. "Ketel One Martini, exquisitely dry, up, one olive."

    The waiter took the women's drink orders, and left.

    "Only one olive?" Alexis asked Martin. "A bit anal, are we?"

    "Hey, it's a cocktail, not a salad," Martin answered. He turned his attention back to their guest. "So what's the deal?" Martin asked the woman, who had finally introduced herself as Raelyn. "These goobers have your brother, and are willing to give him back, in exchange for..., what, exactly?"

    "My father is an MP," Raelyn explained. "A Member of Parliament. They've offered to return Chaz, unharmed, in exchange for a 'Yea' vote on a particular piece of legislation currently before Parliament."

    "Say no more," Martin said. "I'll find him, and I'll bring him back to you." He turned to Alexis. "You game?"

    "Hell, yeah!" Alexis announced. "I hate politicians, and I hate crooked ones even more than the rest! Let's do it!"

    "Wait," Martin said to Alexis, with a quirky grin, "I thought you were a politician."

    "No, I'm a corporate lawyer," Alexis told him. "A fine, but critical, distinction."

    "Whatever," Martin said. "But please..., sit."

    "In this get-up? Not happening, sweetheart."

    922 x 642 - 698K
  • IndigoJansonIndigoJanson Posts: 1,100
    edited December 2013

    Zawarkal said:

    Jindi. I do appreciate your thoughts. Thank you. I guess I was just trying to be sure that no one thought I was seeking pity. And, I did have a really wonderful day yesterday. KK pm'd me and we have taken our conversation further.

    I'm glad. Even when it's hard to find the right way to say something, I didn't want to see your post go unanswered.


    -- enjoyed your story and especially that sweet moment pictured in your ending! Maggie is such a little cutie, and Girl 4 is almost as adorable as her mother. I guess the Magic Gate was for her eyes only...

    Post edited by IndigoJanson on
  • zawarkalzawarkal Posts: 1,018
    edited December 1969

    Jindi. NP, I'm actually used to that, lol.

  • Ken OBanionKen OBanion Posts: 1,447
    edited December 2013

    And..., here's the Third Installment. But the story isn't over ('cause I still have a couple of items to use!)

    -- Image 3 --
    Image Title: Extraction
    Using from the pull:
    Dryden Morphs and Textures from the Hiro 5 Bundle
    Tera Poses for Hiro 5 (also from the bundle)
    Pure Hair Sassy (from - you guessed it! - the Hiro 5 bundle)
    Everyday Stationery (used as debris)

    Also used:
    Teen Swag
    Cute3D High-Tops
    Dungeon Hall
    Michael 5
    Aiden for Michael 5
    Bad Guy for Genesis
    Construction Tools (well..., one of them)
    Adventure for M3
    Steampunk Aviator for V4

    The Story Continues...

    After a thorough and exhaustive amount of research, poring over maps, property records, and carefully listening to recordings of the phone calls Raelyn had had with her brother and his captors, Martin was fairly certain that he had determined where Chaz was being held. Getting into the place proved to be surprisingly simple, but Martin was under no illusions: it was the 'getting out' part that would be the real test; it always was.

    "A dungeon?" Alexis said sarcastically as she followed Martin down the dimly-lit corridor. "They're holding the kid in a damn dungeon!? Jeez, is any cliche safe with these guys?"

    "Probably not," Martin acknowledged. "The criminal mind is shockingly unimaginative. But stay alert, please. Kidnappers, by their very nature, are extremely dangerous people. I'd really hate it if anything happened to you."

    "Um, so would I," Alexis agreed. After a moment, she asked, "Was that the voice of experience speaking?"

    "Sadly," Martin said, "yes. Remind me to tell you about it some day. But right now is not the time or place." He stopped in front of a door made of rusty metal bars. A quick glance through the bars at the cell's occupant told him that they had located their quarry. "Chaz, I presume?" he said.

    "Yeah?" a young voice answered. "Who are you?"

    "You can call me Martin, since that is, in fact, my name." Martin placed his pry-bar between the door and the door-jamb, and gave a hefty yank; the door popped open, swinging out into the corridor on creaky hinges. "Your sister asked me to bring you home. Are you okay with that?"

    "More than okay," Chaz said as he stepped through the doorway. "I am so ready to get out of here!"

    "I don't think so," a voice behind them said.

    The three people turned toward the voice, to see a large burly man standing behind them. It wasn't the size of the man that Alexis found most alarming, however; it was the size of the gun he carried. Fortunately, the gun was still holstered.

    Before anyone could react to the guard's abrupt arrival, Chaz leapt into action - literally. His trainer-clad foot clocked the guard squarely under his chin, dropping him like he'd been clubbed.

    After a moment of stunned silence, Martin cleared his throat. "Nice moves you got there, kid," he said dryly.

    "Like I told you, I want to go home," Chaz said. "So.... Can we go now?"

    "I'm down with that," Martin said.

    "Preferably before this guy comes around," Alexis said. She crouched beside the unconscious guard to pull his gun out of its holster, and tucked it into the waistband of her pants. "Now I feel a lot better about leaving this guy behind." She stepped between Martin and Chaz, and linked her arms into theirs. "Come on, boys, let's blow this joint."

    Chaz and Martin exchanged an amused look. "Wife?" Chaz asked. "Girlfriend?"

    "Self-appointed keeper," Martin answered. "But I'm cool with it."

    They met Raelyn at a steakhouse near downtown, where she and Chaz experienced a joyful reunion. At dinner, Martin commented to Alexis, "You know, I'm in the mood for a little downtime. How does a week in the tropics sound?"

    Like I said, it ain't over yet. Stay tuned....

    800 x 600 - 752K
    Post edited by Ken OBanion on
  • hawkonthewinghawkonthewing Posts: 136
    edited December 1969

    Wow, I seem to have missed a lot. I wish words could help, Kyoto Kid. If they could, I'd happily write a few books for you. I hope something good comes your way, and I am thinking of you. Zawarkal, I am inspired by your story. It sounds almost Buddhist how you let go of fear and attachments. At the risk of lapsing into cheesiness, here's wishing health and happiness to everyone!

    And so...on to my story. I'm with you, Ken, I can tell it will take more than 3 renders to wrap this story up.


    Dumpster Diving
    Scene 1: Before the Dive

    Pulled items in scene 1
    393 Jepe's Cosmicz (Used on security bots and various effects on the dumpster)
    30 3dc The Streets 5 (dumpster)
    642 Ron's artistic edges

    Also used:
    Sylia (red hair): HellfishStudios xenoskins (with modification)
    HellfishStudios Genesis shapes
    Regina Malorum Hair (with modification)
    Pale Shadows dress
    Sid (green hair): HellfishStudios xenoskins (with modification)
    HellfishStudios Genesis shapes
    Osaka hair
    Bobbie25 Steampunk pants
    Basicwear for K4 tankini with Age of Armour's metallized glass shaders
    Dumpster add-ons: Dron Thunder (taken apart and cannibalized for parts)
    GIS Skyway pipes
    InLite Studio's Vox Smartphone (freebie, their site)
    Fober's AIIPDA for Daz (Share CG)
    Free Hi-Tech Sci-Fi IT thing from Yughues aka Nobiax (Share CG)
    3dc's Sci Fi Tablet Smartprop (Share CG)
    (Those will be reoccurring, artistic edges included, so I don't have to retype them.)

    Dystopian Console
    Future Quiet
    Light Dome Pro Revolution
    3dc's K-Azonica Security Bot (Share CG)

    Sylia turned to see her chief engineer bouncing rapidly in her direction. “Yes, Sid?”
    “I did it! I did it! The quantum time-flux infracapicator works! It maintained all integrity and broke the space-time barrier! Come see!”
    Sylia sighed at his usual over-enthusiasm. “Quantum...what?”
    Sid stomped his foot, grabbed her arm and dragged her towards the hangar bay. “Quantum time-flux infracapicator. You know, the time machine you wanted! With this we can dive through the time stream, just like you said! It's done, it works, let's GO already!”
    The two of them reached the hangar. Several of the security bots had dispatched, unsure if the new contraption was a threat or not. Sylia took a deep breath and looked at what Sid had built. After several minutes, she shook her head and looked at Sid.
    “Is there...a particular reason you built it to resemble an ancient trash receptacle?”
    Sid nodded enthusiastically. “Oh, yes, the structure is an excellent size for the equipment. It allowed for reinforced construction, and the harmonics resonated cleanly in...”
    Sylia waved her hand impatiently. “Yes, yes. I...really can't believe I am going to say this. If you say it works, well, you are the best at what you do. Let's go test it out.”

    1000 x 800 - 803K
  • zawarkalzawarkal Posts: 1,018
    edited December 1969

    Hey hawkonthewing... you are right about the Buddhist comment, though I have no particular faith. I simply consider myself as spiritual. It's funny you mentioned this as my son and I had just this afternoon been speaking on spiritual topics in general and I was reminded of a vision I had in the past that I had not thought about in awhile. If everyone would bear with me I would like to share.

    There is a woman standing at a clothesline hanging laundry. The era would be 50ish or 60ish, most likely 60ish due to my age. There is a wicker laundry basket on the ground holding me as a baby wrapped in swaddling. Over me there is standing a Monk. It is as if the Monk has just placed me into the basket and the Monk says, "There, there, Baby Mahayana, everything will be alright now." And that was the end of the vision. This is just one of five visions I have had with Monks in them. I call them my Monk visions, lol.

    Since I was a child I have wanted to recreate my dreams as art. I have some really wild ones! Of course, I cannot draw with a darn. My sister got that talent. Now technology has provided me with a way to achieve this. And, by my accepting my path I have been given the time and necessary means to pursue my dream. Thank you Daz!!! ... Did I get what I wanted? Put a check next to Yes on this one.

    Now as to the quality of my artwork, well that's another matter. But, I am learning! And, the best news yet is that just today I have received the message that I have entered front and center stage in my Now Moment. I've been dancing, singing, and smiling all day. I am so excited about this news. I have to believe that it had something to do with my overcoming my fear of sharing... Thank You Everyone for being here for me to share!!!

    Have a wonderful day!!! I know I am.

  • TotteTotte Posts: 14,056
    edited December 1969

    Great to see the christmas spirit is showing in this thread, not among renders but among those who participate, I hope things will get sorted KK, and that was one touching real life story Zawarkal.

    OK, my third pull (thanks to the net outage this week I got so much spare time I did my second in no time at all)

    Story pull #3

    #4193 WT2 Retro Party Wear Textures
    #2947 President Day Super Pack (Elephant)
    #377 M4 Elite Body Shapes
    #897 Armor Rings
    #758 A Curious Chapel
    #2534 Midnight Clubbing Outfit
    #2152 Ideal Beauty: Feet perfect Shapes and Fixes for Genesis (Rendo)
    #389 Marauders for M3

    Still only one environment, a chapel, hmm, and some skimpy wears, I think I got an idea cooking, I think Poor M6 will have a bad stag night the day before he is supposed to get married, what can go wrong on a stag night? Everything to start with ;-)

  • zawarkalzawarkal Posts: 1,018
    edited December 1969

    Thank you Totte for the acknowledgement.

    But, you did say this was the "RRRR Story" render challenge! lol
    Now, just where did I place that image of my life... oops, must have left it on my camera back at the staging setup scene
    I'm certainly having fun playing with my RRRR entry to say the least!

  • Ken OBanionKen OBanion Posts: 1,447
    edited December 1969

    Okay, I managed to squeeze this story into four images. (I was expecting to need five.) And here's the final chapter:

    -- Image 4 --
    Image Title: R-and-R. And R
    Using from the pull:
    Waterfall Tool
    Lily Nymph for Genesis

    Also used:
    Tropical Quest
    Tropical Coast
    Tropical Plateau
    Swimsuit for Michael 3 (Got it from Poser World way back when - 2005, I think - and never used it! Until now.)
    LilianBikini for Victoria 4
    Riley for Stephanie 5
    Branwen Hair for Genesis

    The Story Continues...

    The island was so small that it barely deserved to be called an island, and it was, literally, in the middle of nowhere. Actually, it was in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. And it was here that Martin took Alexis for a bit of 'R & R'.

    "This place is absolutely beautiful!" Alexis proclaimed enthusiastically. "How did you find it?"

    Martin shrugged carelessly. "I get around," he said. He was silent for a moment, and Alexis thought he seemed unusually pensive. Finally, he spoke. "I'm really glad you decided to join me on these little adventures," he said. "I've really enjoyed having you with me. You know, whenever I have to take off on a job, I..., I really miss you. So, having you come along has been..., it's been really good. And I was wondering...."

    Alexis was on pins and needles. Or maybe she was sitting on a palm-frond. Whatever. In any case, she could tell that Martin was leading up to something; something pretty major, by the sound of it, and the prospect appeared to scare the crap out of him. She had known Martin since whe was ten years old, and he had never been this..., hesitant. She thought -- no, she hoped -- she knew what he was trying to say. So she decided to help him out a little. She just hoped that she wasn't wrong about this; that could prove rather awkward.

    "I'm glad I took you up on your offer," she told him, "and I want to thank you for making it. I had a great time! Yeah, there were a few scary moments but, all in all, it was the most exciting experience of my life, and I wouldn't have missed it for the world." She took his hand in hers. "Then again, every time I'm with you is the most exciting time of my life."

    Too syrupy? she wondered. Oh, well. Once said, it cannot be un-said.

    Martin's smile would have lit up the room -- assuming that they had actually been in a room; he positively beamed. "That's good to hear," he said, "because I was wondering if you'd be interested in a bit of a change in your lifestyle."

    "What did you have in mind?"

    "Well, I'm kind of hoping that you'd be receptive to..., well, think of the events of the past couple of weeks, only on a more permanent footing."

    "Martin," Alexis said, "are you asking me to..., marry you? Or something?"

    "Well, not right this minute," he said. And for the first time in the many years she had known him, he acted..., awkward. It was an oddly endearing sight. "But at some point, hopefully in the not-too-distant future.... Yeah, I would very much like to have a future with you." She was still holding his hand; with an almost imperceptible gesture, it became him holding hers. "Surely you know," he continued, "that I've been in love with you for years. I think I fell in love with you when you offered to share your Oreos with me that day in sixth grade. So..., yeah, I guess I am.

    "But for now," Martin said, "what I would really like is for this..., arrangement, for lack of a better term, to continue. Hopefully, I'll get under your skin, and you'll become as addicted to me as I am to you." He gave her an almost childlike smile. "I've been told that I'm kind of like a fungus in that way."

    "I think it was me who told you that," Alexis said with a warm smile. "And you are, and you did. And yes. I'd like that, too. In fact, I honestly cannot think of anything that would make me happier." She suddenly let out a giggle.

    "What's so funny?"

    "I was just imagining what my boss is going to say when I hand in my notice," Alexis snickered. "He's going to s**t eggrolls!"

    Their kiss was interrupted by a young woman who stood beside them. "Excuse me," she said. "My apologies for disturbing you, but.... Are you the one people call the 'Repo-Man'?"

    "Um, yes...," Martin responded tentatively.

    "I am called Leilani. I am of the Mendor tribe." She drew a deep breath, as though she was about to take a step that would forever alter her life. "We need your help."


    And so ends our story of Martin and Alexis. Or has it? The Gods of Random haven't voted yet.

    800 x 600 - 896K
  • Ken OBanionKen OBanion Posts: 1,447
    edited December 2013

    So..., here we go with story number 3!

    My pull:
    1077 - Lily Nymph for Genesis (What, again!?)
    1921 - The FREAK Dark Paladins Styles
    82 - Amaree Style
    2174 - Vivien for Laura
    2196 - West Park Day Room Recreation
    2199 - West Park Morgue
    1191 - Mall Girl for Genesis
    752 - Foyer Living Room Furniture Poses

    Yeah, I'm going to have to think about this one for a bit. And what's up with all the West Park stuff? Did Jack have his fingeer on the scale, or something?

    Post edited by Ken OBanion on
  • hawkonthewinghawkonthewing Posts: 136
    edited December 1969

    Dumpster Diving
    Scene 2: Took a Wrong Turn

    Pulled items in Scene 2:
    819 Udane Hair
    200 DM Talca
    168 Dauntless

    Also used:
    Lady: Genesis 2 female with Nyssa character
    SI Medieval Dress
    Knight: Michael 4 with Beck Character
    Jai hair
    Trees by Merlin
    Ground plane with Dimension Theory's Shades of Nature grass
    Light Dome Pro Revolution

    Sylia thought for a bit. “Ok, set it to...1000 B. C. E.”
    Sid saluted and set the controls. He punched a button, and the dumpster erupted in a flurry of noise and flashing lights. The noise was enough to make Sylia think her head would explode. After what felt like a lifetime, things because quiet again. Sid, unfazed by the whole event, cheerfully climbed the ladder and opened the hatch. He threw it open, looked around, spread his arms and sang, “We're heeeeeeeeeeeere!”
    After dragging herself to the side of the dumpster and pulling herself up, Sylia took a look around. She had to admit, they were not in the lab. However, she had real doubts the time was anything close to 1000 B.C.E.
    “Sid, your timing unit's off. This looks a lot later than I told you to set it.”
    Sid looked around. “How can you tell, Sylia? All I see are a bunch of fields!”
    “Try turning around.”
    “Well all right, but I highly doubt...” Sid saw what Sylia had been referring to. “Oh. Uh...sorry...didn't...uh...mean to interrupt...”
    The people made no response, and seemed frozen in fear.
    “Leave the poor things, Sid. Just figure out how to get us back with the timing unit out.”
    Sid nodded and started muttering to himself as he calculated. He shut the hatch and started up the controls, and the noise began again. Sylia swore and braced herself.

    1000 x 757 - 731K
  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,200
    edited December 1969

    So..., here we go with story number 3!

    My pull:
    1077 - Lily Nymph for Genesis (What, again!?)
    1921 - The FREAK Dark Paladins Styles
    82 - Amaree Style
    2174 - Vivien for Laura
    2196 - West Park Day Room Recreation
    2199 - West Park Morgue
    1191 - Mall Girl for Genesis
    752 - Foyer Living Room Furniture Poses

    Yeah, I'm going to have to think about this one for a bit. And what's up with all the West Park stuff? Did Jack have his fingeer on the scale, or something?

    ...Last month I seemed to draw a lot of Jack's sets, I think I may have too many of them. Then again, when he puts things out at PC price, it's hard to resist.
  • Ken OBanionKen OBanion Posts: 1,447
    edited December 1969

    Kyoto Kid said:
    So..., here we go with story number 3!

    My pull:
    1077 - Lily Nymph for Genesis (What, again!?)
    1921 - The FREAK Dark Paladins Styles
    82 - Amaree Style
    2174 - Vivien for Laura
    2196 - West Park Day Room Recreation
    2199 - West Park Morgue
    1191 - Mall Girl for Genesis
    752 - Foyer Living Room Furniture Poses

    Yeah, I'm going to have to think about this one for a bit. And what's up with all the West Park stuff? Did Jack have his fingeer on the scale, or something?

    ...Last month I seemed to draw a lot of Jack's sets, I think I may have too many of them. Then again, when he puts things out at PC price, it's hard to resist.

    Too many!? Not possible! (Yeah, I'm sucking up. What's your point?)

  • KaribouKaribou Posts: 1,325
    edited December 1969

    Tag: karibousboutique #1, Picture 3

    My Pull:

    1229 Crazy Locks Hair for Genesis & V6 DAZ - USED
    4520 Orkz Passages Entry DNA
    3742 M5 Casual Male Textures DAZ - USED
    1755 Dragonfly Jewelry RO - USED
    655 Belly Chains RO - USED
    1211 Country Dining Room Ps DAZ
    6355 The Cargo Hold DAZ - USED
    5442 Sarah DNA - USED

    Also used TentacleZ and Robospider
    Rendered in DS 4.6, Postwork in Photoshop CS6

    Story title: The Guardian
    Image Title: All in A Night's Work

    Sitting here, reflecting on the ass-kicking I just dished out, it almost makes me pleased with my peculiar vocation.


    There are just too many missing puzzle pieces for me to feel satisfied by my victory. I'm a soldier in a leaderless army with no idea whether the tides of my war are turning. Who's winning? Heck, who's fighting? I certainly recognize the enemy -- they're usually trying to kill me -- but I'm never sure how many allies I have outside my mother's family. Occasionally, at family gatherings, we will share stories of our most memorable experiences. I assure you, this makes for some very interesting holiday dinners. And it also explains why dad's family doesn't come around much anymore.

    Still, I suppose I can find some small peace of mind tonight. Finding the dining room doorway had only taken a few hours and the robospiders weren't terribly cunning. It would have been nice to actually sleep at night, but at least I didn't have to leave anything important for my adventure. (A few years back, I had to leave a funeral to fight zombies in Mom's coat closet. That was a rather socially awkward moment...)

    Now that my cozy, non-alien-infested home is right in front of me, I can't help wishing for a few more answers. On the other hand, there's a fuzzy blanket on my sofa and a bottle of Chardonnay in the fridge. I might smell like dead creepie-crawlies and I might have spider circuits in my hair, but at least I'm back home. For better or worse, it was all in a night's work. And there are worse ways to spend an evening.

    2000 x 1681 - 395K
  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905
    edited December 2013

    I'm still around. Still on story 1, render 1. The vendors better appreciate this contest because I had to buy an item to be able to finish the story that I came up with!

    I'll probably only get to do one story, but having fun again. That's the most important thing :) I am really enjoying reading the stories and laughing at what people have to put together. (I've got a jet ski, a victorian maid outfit-and no I didn't put her on a jetski, lol)

    I am amazed I haven't pulled any of Lisa or Ken's stuff- I have all of it. You'd think I'd get a bird or a plant eventually. Instead, I got Merlin's trees! Had to laugh at that. And agree- surprised I haven't gotten Jack's stuff either.
    EDIT: And NO, I am not creating any props like that fishing pole, lol.

    Post edited by Novica on
  • KaribouKaribou Posts: 1,325
    edited December 1969

    Novica said:
    I'm still around. Still on story 1, render 1. The vendors better appreciate this contest because I had to buy an item to be able to finish the story that I came up with!

    I'll probably only get to do one story, but having fun again. That's the most important thing :) I am really enjoying reading the stories and laughing at what people have to put together. (I've got a jet ski, a victorian maid outfit-and no I didn't put her on a jetski, lol)

    I am amazed I haven't pulled any of Lisa or Ken's stuff- I have all of it. You'd think I'd get a bird or a plant eventually. Instead, I got Merlin's trees! Had to laugh at that. And agree- surprised I haven't gotten Jack's stuff either.

    I'm afraid to make a second pull -- it's frankly amazing I finished three renders this month already! My twins turned 10 last week, so I had to bake 5 dozen cookies and a birthday cake, plus gift wrapping -- and that doesn't even include the mountain of baking and wrapping I should be doing for Christmas. Ack!

    I'm with you on the Ken/Lisa/Jack sets. Have pretty much all of it, and yet I haven't pulled any of them in a long while! Funny how the random pulls go, hey? I tremendously enjoy pulling items that haven't seen the light of day in years. :-)

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