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Here's one I did yesterday,
It's M6 with the Elite Dave texture and Add Some Veins. Dave is a bit of an anomaly, he's an M5 texture, but, everything you apply the materials with isn't DUF so G2 doesn't recognise it. What I did was to use the M4 Skins Auto Converter and then change the UV to M5 when I was done. The lighting is the Day 07 preset from the Lantios Portrait Lights but with the UE replaced with the AAL.
This is definitely one of my favourite renders
PS (I may do an HD version soon.)
Very cool! I'm afraid Elite Dave will have an elite stroke if he keeps straining like that, though. :)
LOL! Thanks,
I wanted to make it look like he was about to transform or was being taken over by some alien virus.
Darc looks pretty good. PA 2013 Holiday Giveaway item.
(rendered in Poser Pro 2014 via DSON Importer)
Well, I bought both the M6 and V6 HD packages,
I've only had chance to work with M6 HD so far. I really like the Bjorn texture, but, the morphs are a little underwhelming. They're something that could have been incorporated with G2 from the get go and not shoehorned in later as a marketing ploy. The textures were worth the money, but, not sure yet about the morphs.
The eyes are the G2M preset from Reinterjection, I don't know why but the standard ones look odd and the tear renders bright white.
Bjorn's expression is a bit like mine right now.....
Been working with Bjorn too. He is a fine character IMO. I am still working on this picture. I think that the final (and bigger) result will be on my Deviantart page this WE. I must say I am quite impressed by M6 HD. Best male character ever. :coolcheese:
Great render,
Perhaps he'll grow on me...
I changed Bjorn's shader settings to those of the M6 texture and he looked better, then I came up with this guy:
M6 with base texture.
Nothing much to do with the facial features but the body morph and Nevio textures are really superb!
On reflection, there is a chance that my Bjorn render may have looked better if I hadn't used such a silly pose. What lights are you using as Nevio tends to look a little orange with the ones I'm using, which is the Day 07 preset from the Lantios Portrait Lights, but with the UE swapped for the AAL.
He looks good! And indeed the Nevio textures are just stunning.
I use light preset from AIDEN for M5. + 1 distant light from the back and adjust all distant lights to a little bit blue shade.
The skin I only adjust on specular 1&2 like 110%+... Oooh...shiny xD
I'm favouring the Advanced Ambient Light because you can flag things in order to decrease render times. The render below used FiberMesh hair, and even with the hair flagged it took over 4 1/2 hours to complete! Had I used an UberEnvironment light I get a horrible feeling it would still be rendering!
Incidentally, how long did your render take?
With fibermesh hair, there are no transmaps, so you could render using primitive hitmode as well as alt samples if you wanted an even quicker render time.
I know, that was done using primitive hitmode and alt samples, LOL! That was the 'even quicker' render time!
ouch, hehehe
As it contain no hair in the scene.
For this pic it took less than 10 minutes but if I apply M4 HD add-on shape it'd took more than half an hour.
That's pretty good!
I took a punt with Neftis' Goya Hair, after converting it to conforming hair, it worked really well. This time the render took just under an hour. I turned off the specular on the tear and the eyes look a lot better.
Michael 6 on the right with his family. Victoria 6 on the left. The boy has a little M6 dialled in using Zev0's Growing Up morphs while the girls have a bit of V6 dialled in with other morphs. I think it's Michael's new look that makes him so appropriate for fatherhood. Either that or I'm just weird.
Very nice,
That last one of mine looked a little dull, so, I upped the specular values on the skin and I think it looks a load better now.
Nope, just maybe a little too conventional. He is a good looking man fit for every situation.
It does look a bit like someone nicked all the presents!
Merry Christmas!!
I looked again at Bjorn to see what I'd changed, and it was the specular glossiness levels and not the strength levels. Still, I like the effect anyway, also Bjorn had white set as the specular 2 colour.
Turn the Specular Glossiness up to 50% and the Specular 2 Glossiness up to 60%.
The Nevio texture looks better now.
Have fun!!
Settings were made to be tweaked. :lol:
I then added in Bjorn's specular colour (225 237 255) and I think it looks even better. He looked so dull and orange before!
Have another neo-ninja boy render to close the year.
( I think he looks like Hyde of Japanese rock band L'arc-en-Ciel).
Done in Poser Pro 2014.
Add veins , HD add-on and fuzz.
Now this is what husband should be!
Pretty cool, and certainly different.
I don't know, as far as I know, none of my lights have any colour to them. The AAL is straight out of the box. I looked at the textures themselves and Nevio's is definitely more tanned than Bjorn's.
I'll have to have another look at the shader settings...