Michael 6 Render Thread



  • KarthKarth Posts: 709
    edited December 1969

    My first FW Dan Render :-)

    800 x 800 - 208K
  • KharmaKharma Posts: 3,214
    edited December 1969

    Jepes Nathan is incredible. the only thing I can't figure out is why his eyelashes are barely visible, and sometimes they disappear completely when changing mats

    1000 x 1000 - 361K
  • SylvanSylvan Posts: 2,696
    edited December 1969

    I've had the same issue with the eyelashes.
    Thought it was just me...

  • ErdehelErdehel Posts: 386
    edited November 2013

    Kharma said:
    Jepes Nathan is incredible.

    He is indeed! I haven't seen anything going wrong with his eyebrows though I morphed them, nor with the eyelashes. Here is a part of an image of him I can't post here. See my sig for the full 'toasted' pic.

    [Added]: I just fiddled with the eyelashes again. The eyelashes are nearly invisible in renders this may explain what you see.

    455 x 508 - 39K
    Post edited by Erdehel on
  • KharmaKharma Posts: 3,214
    edited December 1969

    I tried to get it to repeat so I could post a render of the eyelashes disappearing, but it didn't happen so maybe just a glitch in my computer?

    Erdehel what lighting did you use? It looks good

  • ErdehelErdehel Posts: 386
    edited November 2013

    Kharma said:
    ...what lighting did you use?

    Can't tell you that precisely I must have saved the file in an unusual place and I don't find it. Needs a search through all my files and that can take hours. Anyway basically this is a picture where I used AoA Ambient light + Ambient 01 light from Lantios' daylight pack. And then I used Photoshop to enhance the render. Tell me if you want to know what enhancement technique I used. You can also do a search in the Internet on how to enhance pics.

    [Added] You don't need photoshop to enhance pics. Most image editors supporting layers will do.

    Post edited by Erdehel on
  • DigitalrdwDigitalrdw Posts: 87
    edited November 2013

    Just a fun one with Victoria 6 checking out the new guy.

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  • RogerbeeRogerbee Posts: 4,460
    edited December 1969

    Very nice,

    I love the way you integrated the Daz figures with the photo backdrop, very hard to pull off. Lighting is key and you got it just perfectly.


  • Herald of FireHerald of Fire Posts: 3,504
    edited December 1969

    I don't know why I keep putting Michael 6 in the father role, but for some reason that's how I see him. He seems a far cry from his herculean predecessors, but I can't quite put my finger on what it is specifically which draws me to putting him in as a Dad. Regardless, I think he fits the role pretty well so here's Michael welcoming his daughter in the early hours.

    I used the Michael HD morphs as well as the Victoria HD morphs on Polly here. The effect on Polly wasn't terribly dramatic, but I definitely feel it looks better than the default I had planned. Put the country kitchen to good use here with a single directional light and an UberEnvironment to give a little filler.

    1000 x 1000 - 710K
  • SylvanSylvan Posts: 2,696
    edited December 1969

    That is so cute! Love the lighting in this one.

  • RogerbeeRogerbee Posts: 4,460
    edited December 1969


    That is a really nice render. It's great when what is essentially a bunch of polygons can have genuine character.


  • flashoneflashone Posts: 1
    edited December 1969

    This is M6 HD with default lighting and materials. I added War Dog for Genesis by Luthbel.

    720 x 1280 - 467K
  • RogerbeeRogerbee Posts: 4,460
    edited December 2013

    mcgordon said:
    This is M6 HD with default lighting and materials. I added War Dog for Genesis by Luthbel.

    Wow, that's pretty nice considering everything is default.

    Welcome aboard


    Post edited by Rogerbee on
  • Carola OCarola O Posts: 3,823
    edited December 2013

    Not sure this fits here since it's not a pure M6... but still :) the slightly bigger version can be viewed in the my gallery

    Items used: The Treehouse, Grassy Grounds Megapack, FW Dan Megapack, Wachiwi Hair, Kay's Lair (the lantern and the pose), Magic Fall, Advanced Ambient Light (3st), Linear Point Light (3st), The Executioner, M6 HD (HD details), Fire and Smoke for Daz Studio,

    Software: Daz Studio 4.6

    Signature added in Photoshop CS6

    Raikersh - the Last Wolf Druid


    A light from a lantern fills the clearing, a man walks closer to you, his steps barely heard as the softly moves over the earth. The light of the lantern almost spellbinding and keeps you from noticing his feautures until he is close, eerily green eyes is gazing at you from the dark face of a partially shifted werewolf. Your instincts screams at you to run, but something with this man, or perhaps his lantern, calms you. So when he speaks with a soft voice you listen, and you can detect hints of wisdom, of age, of pain, of loss and of a aching loneliness within his strong timbre...

    "I am Raikersh, druid of the Wolves and last of the Pack. It is a long time since I had visitors, will you join me for a cup of tea?"

    1000 x 1300 - 86K
    Post edited by Carola O on
  • wowiewowie Posts: 2,029
    edited December 1969

    Love the Nevio and Bjorn textures.

    800 x 1040 - 509K
  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,582
    edited December 2013

    Here's my M6 Render. FW Dan

    1278 x 994 - 353K
    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • mackis3Dmackis3D Posts: 44
    edited December 1969

    Two and a half men. One M6, one M4 and one M4/K4 mix.

    The M6 Nevio texture was edited with a tattoo. All skin maps were modified with EZskin2. The gym pants on the M4/K4 mix child was made usable in Poser's fitting room. M6's denim jeans was just conformed over his underwear - the boxer brief was originally for M4 but could be converted in DAZ Studio, as was the hair for M6 (which is GQ event hair for M4).

    2000 x 1312 - 4M
  • TJohnTJohn Posts: 11,055
    edited December 2013

    M6HD with Benjamin M5 textures, morphs are all slider work.

    833 x 1000 - 287K
    Post edited by TJohn on
  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,157
    edited December 1969

    tjohn said:
    M6HD with Benjamin M5 textures, morphs are all slider work.


  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 25,951
    edited December 1969

    mackis3D said:
    Two and a half men. One M6, one M4 and one M4/K4 mix.

    The M6 Nevio texture was edited with a tattoo. All skin maps were modified with EZskin2. The gym pants on the M4/K4 mix child was made usable in Poser's fitting room. M6's denim jeans was just conformed over his underwear - the boxer brief was originally for M4 but could be converted in DAZ Studio, as was the hair for M6 (which is GQ event hair for M4).

    How did you mix M4 and K4?

  • Jim_1831252Jim_1831252 Posts: 728
    edited December 1969

    So many great renders!

    This ones a bit quick and dirty, so don't look too close. I wasn't happy with the original background so had to go render off a mask to cut M6 out - left some jagged edges. The current background, simple as it is, is a huge improvement. I wasn't happy with the way the skin tone was coming out so I ended up fixing it up in post.

    900 x 820 - 61K
  • Teddy GTeddy G Posts: 23
    edited December 1969

    M6 was worth the wait! :) Here's M6 rendered in Octane

    925 x 920 - 4M
  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,157
    edited December 1969

    M6 is proving time and time again with the renders I've seen that they are getting closer and closer to photo realism. Nice stuff here.

  • mackis3Dmackis3D Posts: 44
    edited December 1969

    How did you mix M4 and K4?

    With a python script (http://www.renderosity.com/mod/bcs/cols-m4k4-mixer/98820/) for Poser 9/ Poser Pro 2012. This is also useful for clothing for the M4/K4 mix which I use to create for 5 to 15 year old boys/ teenagers. But it works only in Poser 9/ Poser Pro 2012 and it is not so useful for mixing with V4 because V4 is "technically different" or something. I've tried to use the M4/K4 mix clothing fit in Poser Pro 2014 but it's impossible to get the clothes right there. My workaround is now to set it up in PP2012 or using the Fitting Room in PP 2014. I'm looking forward for Zev0s Growing Up for G2M/M6 (http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/33146/) to get kids/ teens in that age range realistic and more easy to use.
  • Herald of FireHerald of Fire Posts: 3,504
    edited December 1969

    Having a smashing time with Michael 6 lately...

    800 x 1200 - 538K
  • Jim_1831252Jim_1831252 Posts: 728
    edited December 2013

    Been playing around with SSS and specular response a lot lately. Looking for something more photo real.

    Edit: oh that's FW Dan, by the way.

    1388 x 1080 - 578K
    1428 x 1080 - 1M
    771 x 1080 - 752K
    Post edited by Jim_1831252 on
  • Teddy GTeddy G Posts: 23
    edited December 1969

    One more M6 Render with the Octane Render Plugin for Daz. :)

    925 x 931 - 5M
  • LeanderLeander Posts: 56
    edited December 1969

    I'm thoroughly enjoying Bjorn, as you might be able to tell. :-) This is a raw untweaked render using the non-HD M6 (with a couple of very minor shaping changes) and some of Lantios's Fashion Lights with a backdrop thrown in for good measure. I just love the detail in the skin that you can get even without using the HD version. Very happy. Please, please, please, more skins of this level of quality!

    1000 x 1307 - 899K
  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,157
    edited December 1969

    One more M6 Render with the Octane Render Plugin for Daz. :)

    Totally reminds me of the actor that's currently on Beauty and the Beast and was also on Heroes TV shows.

  • mackis3Dmackis3D Posts: 44
    edited December 2013

    M6 (I found the tattoo on some guy in the internet and edited it via Photoshop on the 'Dave' MAT for M5). In the background two M4's. M6 wears the Basic Wear Speedo for M4. The swimcap was originally for V4/A4 (by arcebus), I changed the texture. The pool is from 3DCs Pool and Lounge set. It's an indoor scene but I made the walls, ceiling etc invisible because the render had some unpleasant stripes (in Poser Pro 2014) in the water.

    984 x 1500 - 2M
    Post edited by mackis3D on
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