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Now see...that's what happens when one of my ETOs is paying attention. Yes we did reach a three edit limit on the entries, but it never got added to the rule list. My bad there. And yes, I have been nice this month because I loved "B" so much, I want this to be his month. So next month I am going to clean house...LMAO.
No, actually, most of you guys have been good with your renders, but the problem with this challenge, and it ALWAYS happens is, one person will do something, then all these folks come out of nowhere and want me to start bending the rules for them too. If I don't, then they start complaining to Daz about he did, she did. Daz are our sponcers ONLY. They have nothing to do with the challenge except provide you nuts with a space to play, and give you prizes and gifts for winning....oh, and provide you with a nice lady with a club to bonk you with when you are being naughty. I'd say thats a pretty darn good deal for FREE! Oh...and they give you the program to make these wonderful renders for FREE also. Pretty darn nice folks I'd say! So quit complaining you dogs and get to work rendering and having fun. Both required to be up in here.
I will allow the edited renders to remain as they are, but please no more editing more than three times to any of you that have exceeded that number.
My habit of saving every version of an entry finally comes in handy!
Cyonix has posted three versions of "I Can Still Have Fun"
MegonNoel has posted two versions of "Black Brandy"
riccopt has posted two versions of "Saci Perere Cega"
Carola O has posted two versions of "Handicapped... Not! Playing with my Dog"
GRNgiant7713 has posted two versions of "Kayaking"
cecilia.robinson has posted two versions of "The House of Widow Moira"
Star Books has posted two versions of "How Did You Get Loose?"
So everybody's still within the letter and the spirit of the rules... It just looks worse than it is because there have been 23 entries so far this month.
Here are the final entries I have (so far - there's still two days left in the Challenge):
Post 74 (KaribousBoutique): WelcomeToHolland1.jpg
Post 89 (mmalbert): Dream-Big-Dreams_1800x1600.jpg
Post 161 (GRNgiant7713): kayaking2.png
Post 166 (KaribousBoutique): JustBreathe1.jpg
Post 180 (mmalbert): temp-shopping_dof_large.jpg
Post 182 (cecilia.robinson): The_house_of_Widow_Moira_2.jpg
Post 190 (Lord Ganthor): Kids_Basketball.jpg
Post 192 (robkelk): come_here_often.png
Post 214 (Star Books): how_did_you_get_lose02.jpg
Post 229 (Tramp Graphics): Sparring-in-the-Dojo-(small):.jpg
Post 230 (GrapeGrandpa): Guard_duty.jpg
Post 246 (cecilia.robinson): Memories_-_graduation_day_3.jpg
Post 253 (Luci45): a_walk_in_the_park.jpg
Post 268 (Star Books): looking_at_the_clouds01.jpg
Post 271 (Dorseyland): Handicap01.jpg
Post 283 (Carola): O handicapped_not-playingwithmydogpw.jpg
Post 284 (GRNgiant7713): pirate2.png
Post 285 (Lord Ganthor): Louie_and_Sol.jpg
Post 311 (riccopt): saci-perere-cega-final.jpg
Post 320 (Alexa Sears): So-Not-Handicapped.jpg
Post 324 (selias19): PlayingBallWithMyFriend_big.jpg
Post 338 (MegonNoel): Black_Brandy_Updated.jpg
Post 351 (Cyonix): I_Can_Still_Have_Fun_V3.jpg
If you entered and your entry isn't listed there, please PM me so I can add the entry to my collection.
Title : Who Needs Two Feet When You Can Get Around On Four
I like it GG
Oh that's lovely, and one of my Fave colours in horses as well.
I have a question about the rules. I'm working on another entry, and I'm downloading the item I really need for it right now, but my downloader says it's going to take 3 years. (Sometimes it switches to "infinity", but mostly it says 3 years, so I'm counting on that.)
I realise the contest ends on Sunday, but now that I've declared another entry is coming, would Music and the judges be willing to wait 3 years to give it consideration? I also realise that all the other entrants would have to wait 3 years to see if they've won, but I think we have a pretty understanding group around here.
Three years isn't that long, when you think about it, and I promise it will be a doozy.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Well, I decided to give it a try anyway. The previews are here:
The rules are simple: write to me which set do you want and I'll send it to you; however, I'm kindly asking you to send me a few renders of yours made using the textures - I'd gladly accept any tips and so on, this will act as a kind of betatesting too. Thanks!
Well... I'd be open to the idea, but BWSman was in favor of playing by the rules, and we are honoring him this month... so I think I'm going to have to ask everybody to post their renders before the announced ending time of the contest.
But you could still post a late image as a NAE...
Speakin' of NAEs...
I had dis weird dream de udder nite...does aliens peoples have disabilities an' how does dey deal wit'em?
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I like it!
I like this version even better. I am not real good at skin stuff. That's what girls No, I need to learn more about organic shaders used with textures. I have seen some real nice skins lately. A lot of work and tweeking I would assume. Very nice.
Hello Dollygirl,
thank you very much for the welcome and your insights. Sorry for the late reply. I was away for a week and had no internet access.
I simply forgot to put my watermark on the picture. You are right of course, I should sign it.
I know that the ball is not positioned very well. I had some trouble with the camera angle as well as with the lighting. I tried to put the ball somewhere else, lower or more near the camera but then the middle of the picture would be empty. That is not good either. Making it less bright is a good idea. I have no idea how I could make it scuffed, or maybe even a little dirty though. Could this be done with the layered image editor? The ball was an obj without any texture.
Well, all in all my picture is not perfect but I am quite happy with it.
I will play with the scene a bit more eventually.
Thank you for accepting my entry, Music. I am glad you like it.
I have edited the post and removed the first link and changed the second link to the download page for the window. I hope it is ok now.
You are right, that was the direct link to the window that is on the Morphography download page.
Here is the link to my original post again:
Hello Dollygirl,
thank you very much for the welcome and your insights. Sorry for the late reply. I was away for a week and had no internet access.
I simply forgot to put my watermark on the picture. You are right of course, I should sign it.
I know that the ball is not positioned very well. I had some trouble with the camera angle as well as with the lighting. I tried to put the ball somewhere else, lower or more near the camera but then the middle of the picture would be empty. That is not good either. Making it less bright is a good idea. I have no idea how I could make it scuffed, or maybe even a little dirty though. Could this be done with the layered image editor? The ball was an obj without any texture.
Well, all in all my picture is not perfect but I am quite happy with it.
I will play with the scene a bit more eventually.
I would say probably no on the layered image editor, unless it's free, and then you start getting into grey areas of the competition. It's best to stay away from grey areas here, once we go there it can get heated with discussions and all. Feelings get hurt and .... Yeah GREY areas are not good for the thread.
Ok Dorsey..... Now you did it..... 3years... Hmmmm .... Why don't you start it now and in 3 years we will have the same theme and then you can enter it.....
I think that deserves a pie fight....*sets out an assortment of pies for the last day of the contests pie fight and runs off laughing*
I agree, it wouldn't be fair as the rules state clearly - no postwork (except for your signatures and frames like the one I used on "Graduation Day"). Not to mention should we ever change it, it's the last day of the competition and it would be unfair for other contestants who have already submitted their entries.
I think, though, that a contest with huge use of freebies BUT allowing postwork with free programmes OR such very "basic" ones like MS Office is a splendid idea.
Anyway, it's the last day of a wonderful competition. It was a pleasure to volunteer there. I hope I wasn't the worst judge in the total history of what the forum saw there, I tried my best :P. Thank you all and each of you for participation!
we have in the past when someone has an older computer and can't get all the stuff in one render, allowed a layered thing, but only with free programs.
Any of you got last minute renders waiting to enter best go ahead and enter them. You have about 24 hours to finish up.
Entries will stop being accepted at midnight tonight. Then the three judges must submit their three picks and two HMs to me. The winners will then be announced in the thread. Like the Real Man would say..."Dats ow we does it!"
Welp, I pretty much failed to keep up with the entire last half of the month. Just busy, busy, busy...the end of summer is always crazy. At least for me.
Lots of nice new entries! Good luck to everyone. This months was a lovely tribute to BWSman. I especially appreciated music posting several of his renders.
If you're using DAZ Studio you can add a grungy texture to the diffuse Strength setting and it will overlay that image on the main diffuse image map. I dirty up clothes and props that way all the time. I don't own Poser, but I'm pretty sure it works with overlays too.
There are lots of freebie grunge textures. One of my favorite go-to sites is Lost and Taken.
I may attempt something for this though if I do it'll be absolutely last minute in release.
Your welcome Sigrid. Yes you can use the layered image editor to add scruff marks to the ball but currently not for the contest. This is due to the fact that you had to buy the editor for DAZ Studio 3 but this is not the case anymore with DAZ Studio 4. We need to address this issue in the rules. To use the Image editor you will need a set of pngs that contain your scruffs . I use the png brush files used by Photoshop, Gimp and Paintshop Pro. Here is one of my favorite brush sites.
Obsidian Dawn
Here is the DAZ instructions for using the Layered Image Editor in case you need them. DAZ Wiki
This contest does allow pre-work to be done. For example before rendering you can modify textures, remap an object, use shaders and the like. Hope this clears up what the rules do and do not allow.
Thank you for the information and the links, Dollygirl. I will have a look at it. I don't intend to change my entry though (it's too late for that anyway I guess). It stays as is. But the information will be useful for the next time I might need something dirty or even broken. I haven't tried the editor yet.
Thank you for the information and the links, Dollygirl. I will have a look at it. I don't intend to change my entry though (it's too late for that anyway I guess). It stays as is. But the information will be useful for the next time I might need something dirty or even broken. I haven't tried the editor yet.
Your very welcome Sigrid. Yes there are many things to learn about DAZ Studio and 3D. I have yet to master any one particular aspect but it is so nice when someone does the leg work to get you started in reaching that best of the best render. I have noticed that there are more artists trying out the features of DAZ Studio. This is a very exciting time for us. So in my way through this tread, I am offering my little knowledge to any who have questions. Like this learning of the Image Editor and finding out that it is part of Studio. I learn with you. It makes me a better artist and I hope it helps you all.
Hey Dorsey, is that whoppin' good, most fantastic render cooked yet? I want to see what you have been up to besides pestering your poor kitties with kannons.
Kinda squeaking in at the last minute here, render took a lot longer to get how I wanted it to be though. Haven't done one of these in a while, but the theme this month touched me in a rather profound way.
This image is inspired by a girl I went to high school with, who luckily did not take offense when I thoughtlessly asked how it was she was able to know she liked the same music I did. What's more, after she explained it to me, it quite literally changed how I experienced music from that point forth and I will always owe her for that.
*= requires registration for download
Rockin Out:
Wood Floor:
Poster1 MAT:
Poster2&3 (Mat for prop above):
*Extra speakers:
*Desk & Chair:
*Cushion on Chair:
On Desk:
*Super Lady Danbo:
Daisy: (12 from bottom)
Veeple Mats: (Veeple: X-Men Set 1 & Marvelous Veeples)
Fishbowl: (2nd down on right)
*Fish Mats:
*PC Tower:
Office set: (10 down)
Expression: (DAZ People, page 2)
Necklace and bracelet: (Gumdrop Gewels)
*K4 Cochlear Implant -
Hair: = Koz's Ponytail
Outfit: - Texture Challenge 10
* (needed for Mats)
* (20 down, Steampunk Collection Earrings - includes metallic shaders) (3rd down, Silly-N-Severe)
Uncounted items:
Alex for K4 by CGdiety (can't seem to find it anymore)
K4 Morphs++
(edited to fix broken shader links)
Very nice image. I loved Fringe!
Might I ask...was she deaf? I ask that because the girl is on top of the speaker. I know some deaf like to feel the music. Some can actually dance to music if the base and drums are loud enough to feel the beat.
Very nice image. I loved Fringe!
Might I ask...was she deaf? I ask that because the girl is on top of the speaker. I know some deaf like to feel the music. Some can actually dance to music if the base and drums are loud enough to feel the beat.
Danachellethecat's use of "*K4 Cochlear Implant - " hints at that, yes...
Long list there, didn't read it all...and didn't notice it in the ear. So...good guess, then!
Thank you for entering the contest. What a profound story to be able to point to a specific time as being a moment of importance in your life. Life stories are a really good source for ideas for renders.
So on to the critique.
You have more than enough working links that are visible in the render and you have identified those sites requiring registration. Based upon this information and the subject you selected I think Music will accept your entry. You do have a not working link for the Leather and Spandex Shaders for DAZ Studio. George updated his shaders in 2011 and combined his four shader sets together into one package it can be found here. His metal shaders are my main go to items.
Composition and Artistic
You have a really nice render. I like the amount of detail that you put into the picture. It is like looking into the room of my son when he was that age. All of the little collections and the posters on the wall. Adding the cat and the fish just says that this little girl is in touch with life. Your poses for the cat and the girl are believable and charming. She looks like she is showing you how she listens. Your have enough ambient light that you can see what is in the room. I can see that you have worked with the surfaces of your objects to get more detail. Over all this render is very charming and believable.
The things I am going to tell you next are just suggestions. Things to try if you want to. Based upon your intro you have indicated that the little girl is the focus of the story but in the render the focus ends up being the window. The contrast between the little girl and the wall is not enough to pull the eye away from the window and back on her. One of the tricks in paintings and renders is to use back lighting. Back lighting provides a glow around the object. It develops a separation between what is in the "background" and the subject that the artist is trying to focus on. You can't see the source of the light. It could be a window or a candle behind the subject you just know that it is there. Since there is a window already, what I would do is pull her and her speakers and TV in front of the window and then place a spot on the outside pointing into the room. This does several things. It gives me the glow I want and adds a more believable shadow pattern because now I am saying that I am getting a lot of my light from the window. It also cuts down on such a big bright spot and allows the eye to keep in focus with the little girl. I would put the spot up higher than the top of the window and then angle it down and into the room. I don't think that that will disturb the ambient light to much but I might have to balance the two light sources until I got sharper shadows or in other words better contrast between the elements in the scene. The basis of the story is so interesting that I would add another child into the scene because the story is really about the moment of realizing that the little girl in not handicapped but just experiences life a little differently then most other kids. The second child could be sitting at the desk with head phones on and eyes shut tapping out the tune. I would have the main character looking at her new friend. Her look on her face to me says that she is connecting with her friend and this gives a reason for such an expression.
As always these are just opinions and ideas to either consider or not too. I would be happy with this render so if you are happy then I am happy. Thanks again for sharing your wonderful story and please sign your work. You did good.
Less than six hours to go for this month's Challenge... (preps judging pad and anti-pie shields)
Do we have a September Challenge yet?