Hi all, and welcome. Come on in here and enter a render full of freebies and maybe win a few prizes. This month is a very special theme for me, and I am sure, many others. On September 17th 2008 at 7:00 AM a very special member joined this community. The theme is dedicated to our very own BWSman, from Stratford, Onterio, Canada, who passed away suddenly last month, while walking to the bus stop to catch a bus to go to a meeting his club was having to help support the needy. "B", as we called him here, lost both his legs in the course of about two years due to complications with his feet. In spite of the fact that he never complained, he would not let this "handicap" get him down, nor keep him in a wheel chair. He had artificial legs made and he carried on with life in a cheerful manner, giving of himself constantly. In fact, I knew him here for a long time, and never knew he had lost his legs until he PMed me from his hospital bed the day after he had the second leg removed. He had his laptop with him and wanted to come to the challenge and hang with us. It was then I learned of his legs being gone. I was amazed at this guy, what an inspirational moment I experienced THAT day. I can't find the words to express just how wonderful a person he, I will let YOU FOLKS express it through your art. I know he will be watching and he will be here with us in spirit. So, with that said (and I ain't good with the words), let this not be a month of sympothy and sadness, but of appreciation and joy, because THAT is the kind of guy he was and THAT is what he would want.
The theme for this month is..." HANDICAPPED?...NOT! "
The idea is to post a render showing someone who is physically handicapped that is enjoying life to the fullest. Laughing, playing, compeating, sports, work, etc. Someone PMed me and asked me if you could use a handicapped animal (she is a vetenarian) and I said yes as long as it is having a good time and meets the freebie requirement. Use your imagination.
If at anytime, any of you, who knew "B" wants to say something about him, or in reguards to his works, feel free to. We all loved him dearly.
THIS IS HIS MONTH! (He was to host this month.)
The Rules:
1. A minimum of 10 freebies.
2. A maximum of 3 purchased items. (you may use paid plugins towards your commercial count.)
3. Base figures (V4, K4, Genesis and M4) don’t count as a purchased item or a freebie and may be used as needed.
4. No postwork. This rule WILL NOT CHANGE SO DON’T ASK! (except for signatures and borders)
5. Bryce, Hexagon, Blender, Poser and Daz are allowed for the contest. Items given free with these Apps will not count towards the freebie count as they will not be available for all users, but can be used as non countable items. 3rd party Poser figures need clarification as they can normally only be used within poser and are essentially paid for items as Poser is a paid for app.
6. Morphs will count toward a purchased item, unless free with a working link to them.
7. For an item to be considered free it must be offered as a freebie for the whole of the month. The exception to this rule is all Daz weekly freebies will be allowed throughout the entire month in which they are free. All permanent Daz freebies will be allowed at any time.
8. All links to freebies must work, and all freebies must be clearly and completely seen, not obstructed or hidden in any way from clear total viewing, no water reflections, or reflections that bend the freebie or distort it from it’s original form allowed without the freebie being seen above or outside the reflection itself as a stand alone, the freebie must be seen without having to enlarge the render to see it in any way, no items put against something the same color or texture making it blend into the other item. You may not link to items that specifically ask you not to link to them.
9. This is a family challenge for all ages, so there will be NO NUDIY OR
10. All the rules above will be enforced. If you do not understand any of them, please pm me or ask in the current challenge thread.DO NOT ASK FOR SPECIAL FAVORS AS THIS CONTEST MUST BE FAIR FOR ALL. Rich or poor, new computers or old, all will be treated equally. Newbies will be given as much help as we can offer.
11. You may enter as many renders as you like each month, as long as they qualify.
12. You may post any renders you like without freebies or paid fors, these will be called NAEs, so please list them as such. They will not be considered entries.
13. Having fun is a must. Play hard, but please do not hurt anyone. The Daz team and/or MOD has the right to edit or remove any inappropriate comments they wish to. This will not change.
14. If you are going to be a judge, you must come into the challenge throughout the month, at least once every day or two. You can not just disappear. If you can not be here, do not ask to be a judge. You must also make comments on the entries as to give help to any newbies. You will be required to choose three winners and two honorable mentions for the month you judge. All judges chosen are allowed to enter the contest, but they may not vote for themselves.
15. Mini contests, within the main contest, are allowed at any time the host chooses. Prizes for them will be given seperately from the main challenge.
16. You may use as many freebies from “community” sites. These are sites that feature free items from various authors, like or You may NOT repeat a link to a third party site “exactly” once used in the entry, You can, however, use the same third party site link as long as it goes to a different page. is an example of this.
Robkelk, Cecilia.robinson and Dollygirl are my three judges for this month.
The winners will receive prizes from Daz, Jaderail and myself. Anyone else wanting to donate prizes, please PM me with what they are as well as list them here in the thread. There will be three winners and two honorable mentions. The HMs will receive prizes also but not as many as the main winners.
Daz prizes: 1st place - $15 GC to the Daz store.
2nd place - $12 GC to the Daz store.
3rd place - $8 GC to the Daz store.
Jaderail - $40 GC for 1st place
$30 GC for 2nd place
$20 GC for 3rd Place
$5 GC for HM #1
$5 GC for HM#2
And 1 $5 GC to all that enter a Render this month, This is on top of the Prize offers
Music2u4u - I have made an old time room with a window seat and working door that can be used for what ever you like. There will be more but I need to get some stuff done first.
Novica will donate $5.00 GC to the two honorable mentions.
Cecilia.robinson will donate these items:
For all the three winners - Lisa character morph for Genesis.
For the two HMs - H5 face texture with mustache to go with the skin that comes with H5.
For ALL who enter (after the contest is over) - Gal Pal Dress textures and Wavy tresses hair textures.
You could be here!

I will be a judge for this month Music.
LOVE the theme... and I forgot how to do Sig banners. This I wish to support so Help please.
right click on the image in Music's sig. Save image. Go to your in box and go to Edit Signature. Add the image. Easy Pessy
I'll be. It was not that easy before... TY Much.
Lol Music, You said yes to that when I asked about a handicapped animal in the June thread *winks teasingly* Glad to hear I am not the only one who thought about that *smiles*
Now though, to get any of the ides in my mind onto a render hmmm
I'll kick things off with an NAE from the July 2011 Freebie Challenge (...has it really been THAT long since I made this one?)
I Can Still Play
An accident may have taken her leg, but she wouldn't let that stop her from playing the game she loved...
Read up, I already have you
They fixed it! Thanks for your support are awesome!
I remember this one. I also remember the inspiration it held. I believe this was around the time "B" lost his first leg. Such a great render dear...thanks for posting it.
Our friend "B" was my first ETO (Executive Team Officer) for the challenge. During all these years he was, he entered the contest many times and won many times. He also participated in mini contests within the challenge. Throughout the month, I will be posting some of his work and entries. If anyone else wants to do the same...feel free to. I will start it off with a few of my favs.
Thanks for posting those, Music. "Wanted" is wonderful, of course, and I love "Last Woman Standing"--what a great character.
This challenge has gripped me emotionally both for your dedication to your friend and the knowledge that this was his month, and I must add the fact it says Handicapped .... Not.
My son is paralyzed below the knees from a birth defect. He is 12 and this summer he as water skied, rode horses, target shooting (guns and arrows), He has been to camp where he had tons of fun, and he is now in Basketball camp and shooting at a ten foot net from a wheelchair, which I must add is no small feat. He has done more in his summer than I did in all the summers I had while in grade school.
Thanks for this challenge we have had more people be kind to us than mean but most people either ignore someone who is handicapped, they are too mean, or sometimes too helpful. When you see someone in a chair How do you talk to them? Answer: just like everyone else what they want the most is to be considered equal.
To quote a great move Temple Grandin
Sorry I did not mean to prattle on my emotions got me with this one. Thanks for this Challenge love it!
I want to do something with ASD, but that's going to be a little more complicated to plan...
Here is the PM sent to Jeeperz by Ron's brother. I wanted to post it for those who knew him.
Ron was not only active here in the forums, but he was also a member of a service club similar to the Lions or Kiwanis called The Kinsmen Club of Canada. He was walking to the bus stop to help out at an event they were hosting in our home town when he had a heart attack. He was rushed to the hospital, but could not be revived. He had been a diabetic for over 28 years. In 2005 he was diagnosed with kidney failure and put on dialysis. In the fall of 2008 he received a kidney and pancreas transplant. Just when it looked like things were turning around for him, he developed a sore on his left heel that would not heal. (One of the complications of diabetes is reduced circulation to the extremities, the hands and feet.) This led to the amputation of that leg in the early summer of 2009. He was determined that this would not stop him an refused to be bound to a wheelchair. As soon as possible he was fitted with a prosthetic and was walking again before the year was over. In the fall of 2010 he developed a blister on his right foot. The doctors did their best, but by early 2011 infection had settled deep in the foot. If the doctors had kept removing bad tissue he would have been left with less than 1/2 a foot. He made the decision to have his right foot amputated just below the knee, similar to the left leg, so he could get on with his life, walk on his own and do the things he loved. Early in 2012 the transplanted kidney failed and he was put back on dialysis. This and the sickness earlier that put quite a strain on his heart. Although he had to go to the hospital three times a week for dialysis, he kept helping out with the Kinsmen, and had a daily presence in the forum.
If you want to copy any or all of the above to post in the forum, you have my permission.
Sorry I did not mean to prattle on my emotions got me with this one. Thanks for this Challenge love it!
Thank you Skelch for sharing that with us. It sounds like your son is a real trooper, and has a true love for life. The one thing I think folks take for granted is, seeing life from a wheel chair makes the mind and heart grow fonder and stronger. It gives that person a truer perspective of what life really is, and what is most important about life...Love and compassion. So, who really is the one with a handicap here...huh? We are!
"You just can't hide, when you're crippled inside!"....John Lennon.
Ron's brother posted this poem in the forum. It is his 1st and only posting in these forums. I wanted to post this poem from him to his brother. It is beautiful.
Miss Me - But Let Me Go
When I come to the end of the road
And the sun has set for me
I want not rites in a gloom filled room
Why cry for a soul set free?
Miss me a little - but not too long
And not with your head bowed low
Remember the love that we once shared
Miss me - but let me go.
For this is a journey that we all must take
And each must go alone
It’s all a part of the Master’s Plan
A stop on the road to home.
When you are lonely and sick at heart
Go to the friends we know
And bury your sorrows in doing good deeds
Miss me - but let me go.
Well truth be told he is a pain in the butt like any other 12 year old boy, and that is the point he is just like any other 12 year old boy. I love him and his able bodied sisters more than my own life, sorry to dump that on you guys. Love that quote from Lennon.
How many of you remember this? This was "B"s avatar for years. Can't count how many times I saw this on the old
Well truth be told he is a pain in the butt like any other 12 year old boy, and that is the point he is just like any other 12 year old boy. I love him and his able bodied sisters more than my own life, sorry to dump that on you guys. Love that quote from Lennon.
Dump?...come on!....we welcome you, come have some fun this month...and maybe even get Jr. to come see us too. We love pain in the Jeeperz will surely give him a nice pie in the face from us all. Maybe you can even enter the challenge, that would be great.
Pimp my ride!...YEAH BABY!
Oscar Pistorius— called the "Blade Runner," for his two prostheses — will be the first amputee to ever compete in Olympic track. The 25-year-old South African will not be the fastest runner in the 400 meters in London on Saturday, but to a historic number of disabled veterans returning from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and to millions of disabled people around the world, Pistorius embodies something much bigger than an athletic competition.
Amazing first two pages, Music (and everyone else). Got a feeling this is going to be a very special month for all concerned.
Hi all,
sorry for interrupting the flow of feelings with a cold, rules-clarifying question (actually 2 questions):
Is a 3ds (3d max) freebie considered ok to use? I have found many that i'll need to convert to .obj to use then in Daz studio or Poser and wanted to know if this would be considered valid for a submission.
10 freebies minimum? Err... i fear i'll be in deep trouble to put so many in a render, unless... multiple instances of one freebie model could be considered as many freebies?
what an awesome theme for this month music, our "B" would be honored. I bet he's dancing in heaven though.
I'll let Music answer that Question, I think it is allowed, providing the program you use to convert is also a free one, but he will confirm that
And NO, it does haver to be 12 different freebies, but look at the compilation of freebie links at the top, I am sure you may find some freebies in the lists linked there that may help you.
In the meantime, this is My brothers "Invalid Carriage" (the crutches are under the back seat) You can't keep a good Biker down. He is not only registered disabled, he is also now retired, but still rides his trusty trike around the Medway towns, belongs to a MC, is fully Back Patched and attends all meetings, etc regardless of the Weather. is his chapters Webpage and this, if the link will work is the page for his wife, who passed away in 2007 from Cancer RIP.html.
Despite this he still keeps going and is a good example of someone who is Handicapped...........not
edited to add that the 2nd link will not work, but clicking on RIP will take you to the tribute for her, and Tom's bad hair day was to raise money for the Cancer Ward where she was treated.
Just one photo to show some of you something you may not have seen before... This is my son practicing Hockey, he is part of the Sled Preds sponsored by the Nashville Predators.
They ask what it is that I want written
On the gravestone where I'll lie
Tell them it's just my bones that died there
So save the tears they'll cry
My spirit is still riding somewhere's in this night
And it's these three words that come to me
As I kiss this world good bye
Never say die, never say no...
I didn't knew B at all, but I do remember seeing him around the forum now and then, even actualyl remembered seeing that avatar Music showed earlier in this thread. From what I have heard of you that knew him, I think this little part of the Bon Jovi song Never Say Die seems very fitting for B.
Here's the link to the full song, not sure if the rest of the lyrics fit in but who knows :)
A small edit as I had missed part of the lyrics that I wanted to get into the thread :)
B's last post to the Freebie Challenges was his accepting my render back in June - how could I not do this for him?
And let's see whether I have time to actually render something this month. I have an idea fully-formed in my mind, but my schedule only says "maybe"...
This month touches me not only for honoring our friend "B", so deserving, but because I understand the meaning of the theme so well myself. I'm not in a chair as of yet but I know that day is coming, I'm holding it off as long as I can, I'll not give up the cane till they force me. Some here know I use Dragon Naturally Speaking for most of my posting as my hands are not what they used to be. For me Being here on the Forums among friends who enjoy 3D art as much as I do is my Handicapped NOT! This I can do, this I love to do, this keeps me happy and doing.
Now I just need to talk my brother into that fishing trip he keeps putting off.