Interactive License?



  • a-sennova-sennov Posts: 331

    Yes it's up to you to get it games ready.

    That's why I'll choose PolyPixel's producs from UE4 marketplace over Stonemason's city sets: comparable prices and quality but initially made for games and more modular (not without their own problems thou :) ).

    I am doing a games ready version of my skeleton from 190K to 18K poly's and 2K maps atlas.

    Then you know how much time it usually takes :)

  • a-sennova-sennov Posts: 331

    I think daz has a few things to work out

    Agreed, if product is covered by already owned game-dev licenses then there is no need to show 'Interactive license' option.

  • There are items on sale for a few dollars yet the license few s well over 30


    Sci fi corridor b is on sale for 2.39

    The add on license price is 35.00

    When not on sale the corridor cost 16.95. The license is 2x the cost of the product

  • There are items on sale for a few dollars yet the license few s well over 30


    Sci fi corridor b is on sale for 2.39

    The add on license price is 35.00

    When not on sale the corridor cost 16.95. The license is 2x the cost of the product

    Side note, but it's worth clarifying.. the sale price you're referring to is acually the PC+ member price.   The 16.95 list price is for non-members.  

  • I'm glad I bought the DAZ games license a few years ago I come out way on top!

  • You're correct, did not notice that. Still the license price should not be over double of the models normal price.

    Side note, but it's worth clarifying.. the sale price you're referring to is acually the PC+ member price.   The 16.95 list price is for non-members.  


  • y3kmany3kman Posts: 765
    edited November 2017

    Except it means there's a gigantic ugly block on every product page.  Is there somewhere under settings I can go to get rid of these option boxes?

    Delete, hide or block the license container element. This should be easy to include in the browser add-on.

    Post edited by y3kman on
  • AtiAti Posts: 9,112
    y3kman said:

    Except it means there's a gigantic ugly block on every product page.  Is there somewhere under settings I can go to get rid of these option boxes?

    Delete, hide or block the license container element. This should be easy to include in the browser add-on.

    It is, but Daz usually listens to customer feedback, so let's wait a few days, and see if it gets any smaller, less annoying.

  • marander3dmarander3d Posts: 50
    edited November 2017

    So instead of paying 500$ to be able to use daz mesh into my game i have to pay 35$ each?


    Are you kidding me?  so i just invested 1K over the last month for nothing?


    Are you kidding!!!!??!!!!!

    There was an information about this in the forum from DAZ previously and therefore I bought the game developer indie license last week at a discount for $75. When I see now that each DAZ Original character is $50 for the interactive license then I'm very happy that I purchased the indie license beforehand.
    Post edited by marander3d on
  • jillval8jillval8 Posts: 50
    edited November 2017

    The only good thing that can come of this is, nothing. 

    Post edited by jillval8 on
  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,582

    Since I will never use this feature I’d love the ability to hide it as a purchase option. It clutters up the page especially on smaller devices

  • nmargie_d65db43582nmargie_d65db43582 Posts: 156
    edited November 2017

    To be far to Daz here, anyone who was really planning on using their content in a a game had already bought an Indie license. While I agree their pricing is screwed up this change is going to affect new customers much more than the existing ones 


    SIDE NOTE: Even if they brought back the one time license I doubt it would keep teh 500 - 1000 price tag. 

    Post edited by nmargie_d65db43582 on
  • RawArtRawArt Posts: 5,832
    jillval8 said:

    So instead of paying 500$ to be able to use daz mesh into my game i have to pay 35$ each?


    Are you kidding me?  so i just invested 1K over the last month for nothing?


    Are you kidding!!!!??!!!!!


    There was an information about this in the forum from DAZ previously and therefore I bought the game developer indie license last week at a discount for $75. When I see now that each DAZ Original character is $50 for the interactive license then I'm very happy that I purchased the indie license beforehand.

    Does not excuse anything.

    Umm...this is for all the people who complained that the indy licence price was too high and that they did not want to buy a licence for an entire catalog when they only wanted a product or two.

    This way really makes ALOT more sense, and is more affordable to the developer.


  • marander3dmarander3d Posts: 50
    edited November 2017
    jillval8 said:

    So instead of paying 500$ to be able to use daz mesh into my game i have to pay 35$ each?


    Are you kidding me?  so i just invested 1K over the last month for nothing?


    Are you kidding!!!!??!!!!!


    There was an information about this in the forum from DAZ previously and therefore I bought the game developer indie license last week at a discount for $75. When I see now that each DAZ Original character is $50 for the interactive license then I'm very happy that I purchased the indie license beforehand.

    Does not excuse anything.

    Yes I agree the additional interactive license pricing is also way above of what I expected. I was thinking maybe 25% additional to the original price or similar. Also they could have announced it before and have given the users enough time to decide.
    Post edited by marander3d on
  • dreamfarmerdreamfarmer Posts: 2,128

    It isn't really helpful to assume the worst intentions. The pricing structure here basically seems to reflect the 'commercial license' I see for all sorts of other stuff, like graphical elements and models sold elsewhere. It's not cheap, no. But it never is.

  • @hexadecimalentertainment  As BeeMKay says, game licenses previously purchases are still valid. If you have you have any questions, please open a support ticket through the Daz3D help pages to ask Daz3D directly as it applies to your purchased game license.

  • pruggipruggi Posts: 151

    I've been using Daz for awhile now, but haven't yet made my way into the Forums. I think now is as good a time as ever to start posting :)

    I've previously purchased the Indie Game Developer License in the past, and have a few concerns regarding the changes. I've also opened up a support ticket about this, so I'll see what is said there as well:

    -When purchasing the Indie license, I was under the impression that at a later time, I could always upgrade to the Commercial License. Now, with the new Interactive license option and the inability to upgrade to the Commercial license, I'm really unsure what happens if your income goes over the Indie level. Since the interactive license doesn't seem to differentiate between commercial and indie, I'm left a bit confused. Would I need to then go back and purchase interactive licenses on everything, if I already own the indie license and income grows over 100k? It's a bit confusing (I'm referring to the Daz Originals license). As I've purchased over 700 Daz Originals, it seems quite absurd that I would pay between 10-50$ for a license on all of those items - that would mean paying $30.000-40.000 in license fees (since most have licenses at either 35 or 50$), just for those items...

    -Furthermore, does the new Interactive license apply itself to one project/game, or to multiple? In regards to the previous DO developer license, this applied to multiple projects/games, whilst the PA-specific ones tended to be for either a single one or up to 3. I'm not sure how this applies to the new interactive license.

    -On the other hand, I am happy to see that PAs' items that aren't also Daz Originals can now be purchased with single licenses, meaning I don't have to buy a full developer license if I only want 1 item from his/her catalog - for example, I'm thrilled that I can now get the Genesis 8 Male Intimates from outoftouch ( via this option. But regarding the license upgrade option for the DO Indie vs. Commercial license, I'm quite confused.

    To answer the question previously asked

    BeeMKay said:

    Just a heads up, that the previous "Indie/Pro" Commercial license is no longer available in the store.

    It would be interesting to know what someone who has one of the two sees when they are looking at the product page, as it was mentioned in another thread that those licenses remained valid and would continue to cover new content by that PA...?

    In my product library when clicking on the developer license, there is no longer a link to the product (since it is no longer sold) - I also received an Orange banner that offers an explanation about the changes - that the license is still valid on past and future purchases for the PA you have the license for. But again, I'm left unsure what one will do when their income were to surpass the indie level.

  • RawArt said:
    jillval8 said:

    Umm...this is for all the people who complained that the indy licence price was too high and that they did not want to buy a licence for an entire catalog when they only wanted a product or twThis way really makes ALOT more sense, and is more affordable to the developer.

    Some people will not be happy no matter what you do. The best a company can hope for is to tick off as few customers as possible



  • UthgardUthgard Posts: 849

    The problem with the game dev licenses, asides from the one for Daz originals, was that it was only valid for one project (some were valid for more than one, and details varied, but that was the standard). In that sense, paying $500 to use one character by, for instance, Rawart and then having to buy a new license for the next game project was absolutely ridiculous and a single product license makes much more sense. On the other hand, I agree that, at the current prices and with the explicit warning that they won't be discounted unless otherwise stated, it makes far more sense to just go to the Unity Assets Store, with products at comparable prices to a daz asset without the added cost of an extra license and that are actually game-ready. But that's just, like, my opinion, man.

  • nmargie_d65db43582nmargie_d65db43582 Posts: 156
    edited November 2017
    Uthgard said:

    The problem with the game dev licenses, asides from the one for Daz originals, was that it was only valid for one project (some were valid for more than one, and details varied, but that was the standard). In that sense, paying $500 to use one character by, for instance, Rawart and then having to buy a new license for the next game project was absolutely ridiculous and a single product license makes much more sense. On the other hand, I agree that, at the current prices and with the explicit warning that they won't be discounted unless otherwise stated, it makes far more sense to just go to the Unity Assets Store, with products at comparable prices to a daz asset without the added cost of an extra license and that are actually game-ready. But that's just, like, my opinion, man.

    Ignore what I just said, reading on a small kindle screen and miss understood what you said. Sorry for the confussion 

    Post edited by nmargie_d65db43582 on
  • jillval8jillval8 Posts: 50
    edited November 2017
    RawArt said:
    jillval8 said:

    So instead of paying 500$ to be able to use daz mesh into my game i have to pay 35$ each?


    Are you kidding me?  so i just invested 1K over the last month for nothing?


    Are you kidding!!!!??!!!!!


    There was an information about this in the forum from DAZ previously and therefore I bought the game developer indie license last week at a discount for $75. When I see now that each DAZ Original character is $50 for the interactive license then I'm very happy that I purchased the indie license beforehand.

    Does not excuse anything.

    Umm...this is for all the people who complained that the indy licence price was too high and that they did not want to buy a licence for an entire catalog when they only wanted a product or two.

    This way really makes ALOT more sense, and is more affordable to the developer.


    Yep, I  agree, Much Much more afforable, seeing that you're a PA and all. Because before the indie license was 500, which gave the customer usage of the whole PA library. Now if the customer buys a few items 6 to 7 items, hell might even be less then that. it's already over 500 dollars. wow just wow.

    Post edited by jillval8 on
  • RawArtRawArt Posts: 5,832
    edited November 2017
    jillval8 said:
    RawArt said:
    jillval8 said:

    So instead of paying 500$ to be able to use daz mesh into my game i have to pay 35$ each?


    Are you kidding me?  so i just invested 1K over the last month for nothing?


    Are you kidding!!!!??!!!!!


    There was an information about this in the forum from DAZ previously and therefore I bought the game developer indie license last week at a discount for $75. When I see now that each DAZ Original character is $50 for the interactive license then I'm very happy that I purchased the indie license beforehand.

    Does not excuse anything.

    Umm...this is for all the people who complained that the indy licence price was too high and that they did not want to buy a licence for an entire catalog when they only wanted a product or two.

    This way really makes ALOT more sense, and is more affordable to the developer.

    Yep, I  agree, Much Much more afforable, seeing that you're a PA and all. Because before the indie license was 500, which gave the customer usage of the whole PA library. Now if the customer buys a few items 6 to 7 items, it's already over 500 dollars. wow just wow.


    Seriously dude.....I was quite comfortable with the general license, it is not about greed....but over the years it has been out, I have sold maybe a handful of them.

    ....but the amount of comments I got asking if they could license individual characters was ALOT.

    Sorry if it doesnt make sense to you....but the reality of what people were asking for was alot different.    ...and if I got so many comments, you can be sure that DAZ had much much more. So they worked to try to find a way to appease what people (other than you obviously) wanted.


    Post edited by RawArt on
  • Uthgard said:

    The problem with the game dev licenses, asides from the one for Daz originals, was that it was only valid for one project (some were valid for more than one, and details varied, but that was the standard). In that sense, paying $500 to use one character by, for instance, Rawart and then having to buy a new license for the next game project was absolutely ridiculous and a single product license makes much more sense. On the other hand, I agree that, at the current prices and with the explicit warning that they won't be discounted unless otherwise stated, it makes far more sense to just go to the Unity Assets Store, with products at comparable prices to a daz asset without the added cost of an extra license and that are actually game-ready. But that's just, like, my opinion, man.

    I understand your point, but why not have both options there for those people with bigger projects. Plus I high;y highy dout, 100 % dout, anyone paid $500 to use 1 character. It's just not realistic.

  • pruggipruggi Posts: 151
    RawArt said:
    jillval8 said:
    RawArt said:
    jillval8 said:

    So instead of paying 500$ to be able to use daz mesh into my game i have to pay 35$ each?


    Are you kidding me?  so i just invested 1K over the last month for nothing?


    Are you kidding!!!!??!!!!!


    There was an information about this in the forum from DAZ previously and therefore I bought the game developer indie license last week at a discount for $75. When I see now that each DAZ Original character is $50 for the interactive license then I'm very happy that I purchased the indie license beforehand.

    Does not excuse anything.

    Umm...this is for all the people who complained that the indy licence price was too high and that they did not want to buy a licence for an entire catalog when they only wanted a product or two.

    This way really makes ALOT more sense, and is more affordable to the developer.

    Yep, I  agree, Much Much more afforable, seeing that you're a PA and all. Because before the indie license was 500, which gave the customer usage of the whole PA library. Now if the customer buys a few items 6 to 7 items, it's already over 500 dollars. wow just wow.


    Seriously dude.....I was quite comfortable with the general license, it is not about greed....but over the years it has been out, I have sold maybe a handful of them.

    ....but the amount of comments I got asking if they could license individual characters was ALOT.

    Sorry if it doesnt make sense to you....but the reality of what people were asking for was alot different.    ...and if I got so many comments, you can be sure that DAZ had much much more. So they worked to try to find a way to appease what people (other than you obviously) wanted.


    I was one of those who really wanted an option to have individual licenses. But, I didn't expect that the option to have a more hollistic license would disappear. Also, I didn't really anticipate the license to be that much per item, without the option for discount. Really, if you are a developer looking to buy a few items - then this is great. But, most are looking for a lot, and at up to 50$ for licenses on top of the item, the license costs can start to be unreal... definitely not indie-friendly when you're looking at 100s of assets. Just my thought...

  • RawArtRawArt Posts: 5,832

    not many people were ready to pay $500 for daz's license, then $500 for mine, and $500 for this outfit, and another $500 for this prop, and another  $500 for this scene, etc....just for an indie game. Specially if they didnt need the entire catalog.

    anyway...thats the facts of it with it what you will

    Was just trying to add perspective to clear things up.


  • pruggipruggi Posts: 151
    RawArt said:

    not many people were ready to pay $500 for daz's license, then $500 for mine, and $500 for this outfit, and another $500 for this prop, and another  $500 for this scene, etc....just for an indie game. Specially if they didnt need the entire catalog.

    anyway...thats the facts of it with it what you will

    Was just trying to add perspective to clear things up.


    I completely agree with you here and I'm happy there is now, at least, this option. I think it is particularly useful for PAs that are not listed as DOs - as it gives developers a chance to pick and choose. In my point of view though, I just wish there continued to be an option for complete licenses (I mean, at least for DOs, where it is unlikely that one would only buy one or two items) - I already have an indie one, I'm just stating my thoughts, since as jillval8 wrote, 5-6 items and you're already at 500$. And as I posted higher up in the discussion - I'm not sure what this means when you transition from indie to commercial.


  • RawArt said:

    not many people were ready to pay $500 for daz's license, then $500 for mine, and $500 for this outfit, and another $500 for this prop, and another  $500 for this scene, etc....just for an indie game. Specially if they didnt need the entire catalog.

    anyway...thats the facts of it with it what you will

    Was just trying to add perspective to clear things up.


    So true, I, and many of my friends, stayed clear of 3rd party content becasue it can get super expensive when dealing with licensing. With the new plan I can see paying alittle more to get that one item/character/clothing/hair from a thrid party PA

  • dreamfarmerdreamfarmer Posts: 2,128

    $50 for one of Stonemason's sets seems like a pretty reasonable commercial license. Same for RawArt's characters. Here's the thing: if you're making a game on a shoestring budget it shouldn't have  thousands of interactive elements anyhow. Nobody likes to see 'start small' but in games, you... start small. A few $50ish commercial models seems ideal for 'starting small'.

    Anyhow, I know that's probably not useful or cheering advice. But I just bought a UI set over at another set for $7 and the Commercial LIcense for same was about $100. And this seemed pretty reasonable to me because I figured if I made something and finished something and I decided to try and sell it commercially... I'd be pretty sure I could pay off that $100 with whatever I made from the project.

    Regarding upgrading from Indie to Commercial, I'm pretty sure the straightforward answer is: 'when you hit that point, contact us (Daz) and we'll work something out.' But I'd definitely be interested in what Daz says.

  • jillval8jillval8 Posts: 50
    edited November 2017

    The facts are no one, not one person paid 500 dollars for a prop or outfit. never have never did, They use the whole intire catalog. pure and simple. Plus the numbers arent even adding up. Okay lets say a indie developer buys a outfit, Okay thats about 75 to 100 dollars now, alone. In order for this to make sense  and that user should only buy one thingf rom the store, or they should at least wait for a long long long time, before purchasing anything else, for this to be as cheap as they claim.

    Post edited by jillval8 on
  • mikekmikek Posts: 195


    To be far to Daz here, anyone who was really planning on using their content in a a game had already bought an Indie license.

    I don't agree with that. Unreal engine as an example supports the proper import of daz figures only since the last couple versions. When I jumped on this year there was a lot to learn like how to use blender, substance painter, substance designer, daz and unreal engine together. To reduce poly count, fix issues and replace materials with proper ones. There is a lot work involved to iron out everything if one intends to create something decent. All of that is before even starting with the actual developement.

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