Novica & Forum Members Tips & Product Reviews Pt 8
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@donovancolbert Not sure on the HDRI if you're using 3Delight. In Iray you just set it to render dome and scene in the environment tab I think. Your render looks great, by the way! And thanks for posting that link to the skin fix for the Gen 3s on the shopping thread.
@novica You're certainly welcome! It was frustrating to figure out but easy once you know where the stuff actually is. I'll do some more with it later.
Two items by Canary3D in the Fast Grab that look very promising:
There are some great shoes on sale today. Grace Pumps caught my eye. The beautiful stockings come with it, and it's for Gen 4 and Genesis. With a Still Mad item in my cart, it came to $2.79.
Nope, I was doing a Photoreal iray render on a Nvidia GPU. I'm not sure what isn't working or why with it. :/
You're welcome on the link. It helps open up your texture options on Generation 3 characters, for sure.
Well, I appreciate that the vendor made an effort to fix it, and it is a lot better. But I see that you looked more carefully than I did. Last time the problems were so glaring, I couldn't overlook it. This time they are a little more subtle. Now that you mention it, I see issues on the arm near the elbow that still look like a seam.
The Yosemite Sets are made for 3Delight only. The dome and the plane are geometry and blocking your Iray Lights. Hide the geometry parts and the Iray Lights will work. Pretty sure the Uberenvironment Light is useless in Iray and can be deleted.
There are a few ways to get the Yosemite backgrounds working but it takes a bit of time :)
1) Remove the domes and just use the HDRI in the Environment Map in the Iray dome. Set it to Finite Dome and scene and delete the UberEnv Light, the Distant Light can be either used as the sun or delete it. You might also have to set the Ground Texture Scale and move the camera about to get the ground position to match the HDRI ground.
2) Make the Double Dome see through and use Sun and Sky only or put the Yosemite HDRI in the Iray Dome and set it to Dome and Scene.There are different ways of doing that too :)
This one uses the see through Yosemite dome and Sun and Sky.
I've looked at the fixes and decided to put in for a refund request. I can't say that I'm overly fond of what they've done so far to fix the problems. I'll keep a watch on what everyone says about the fixes as they occur. If I decide I like the changes and they fix the problem with the anatomical elements then I'll consider repurchasing. However, I'm not very happy with what I've seen so far especially the kind of fuzzy spot on the legs now. That type of tattoo should be all clean lines and it isn't anymore.
That's too bad, because that product looks really cool. It's on my wishlist. I do hope it gets fixed to everyone's satisfaction.
FYI Be sure and read the Bonus Buyer banner- I don't need any, but you get a free Daz Original shoe product with a still new or new release.
@Fishtales Thanks for helping! @DarwinsMishap Keen eyes! (No surprise, with the amount of details you use!)
It is a very cool design and I wish there hadn't been any issues. As it is, all of the ideas for renders that I had for it don't really work with the product as it is right now unless I stick to the one area of the upper chest that I managed to render and post on my thread. One body area doesn't allow for as much creativity as I was expecting to have in this product. It's a shame, too, because I really love the face tattoo and now I'm losing that great part of the tattoo by returning it.
@MN-150374 and @Fishtales I figured it was something like that. I didn't realize that HDRI worked with 3Delight, so I learned something new about Studio today in addition to learning why I couldn't get it to work - that probably explains why I've had problems with thinking I had lighting set, every thing looking ok in the Interactive Aux window, but when I went to do a real render it was way too dark on OTHER renders too. Must have had something going on with using 3Delight lighting when I thought I had lit the scene with Iray lighting in those cases too.
Just went I start feeling like I'm getting a pretty good grip on Daz Studio... something new comes along that makes me realize how little I actually know it.
Anyhow, thank you both for the help. I'll go back and play with it now that I know what I was doing wrong.
Also, love the sun effects in that render, Fishtales. You've helped me in a couple of threads with lighting issues and emitters, although you might not have know that. :)
I redid an old render using the Yosemite .tiff in the Environment Map with the Yosemite Domes deleted and used the Distant Light for some sunlight. It took 10 mins to render CPU only :)
Has anyone purchased the Old Chapel ( Does it have an entry door, or is it another set where the characters have to break in through the windows?
I bought that pack a long time ago (last March, actually) when I just started with DS before I understood the difference between IRay and 3Delight. So basically if I just replace the default Daz HDRI with a Yosemite one in render settings and play with lighting, that's all I need to do? I don't have to load the dome at all?
Glad it is working now. For those wondering, I did include a readme that I updated to remove all the decoding information that was required before. I do not know where Daz put it, but I put it in the Readme's/CDI Readme folder. It was pretty short though:
To use, load Furries MEL FBM or Furries MEL LE from the CDI\Furries\ subcategory of your Figures library, then apply tail and face shaping poses as desired from the CDI\Furries\ and CDI\Furries\Faces Melody\ subcategories of the Pose library.
There are some notes at the end too:
CDI morphs on the neck are controlled by the same morph on the head and should not require adjustment.
Due to puffiness of some tails, rotations should be limited. In some cases, manual rotations will work better than the EasyPose dials. Adjustment may be necessary with some predefined poses.
Some morphs should normally be used at 1.0 only, such as TeethRodent; but limits have not been set on the morphs in case there is a need to use them at different values.
Scale and position of eyes may need adjusting when creating custom faces.
Some facial poses will require adjustment to Scale and Translation of hair and other head props.
Most dials do not work well over a value of 1 or below a value of -1 where appropriate. However, there are exceptions.
Some morphs do not work well in combination with others. Most notably, some eye morphs do not work well with the Blink morphs.
Be sure to apply your facial pose before adjusting head dials. If you apply a facial pose after customizing dial settings, the customized settings will be reset by the pose.
I hope everyone has fun with them. I still think it is one of the funnest morph sets I ever did. :)
@capsces Thanks for this- I'll put it as a link in the second post of this thread (the References.)
Thanks Novica.
I really appreciate your threads. They are most helpful and informative.
I don't have any CDI directories related to these characters in the locations mentioned - I got the bundle, but nothing else. I'm assuming that I just didn't buy enough? :)
I was wondering about the mention of rtencoder. I've got a handful of things that require the use of that, and I can't find it for download anywhere, or an online translator either. When you go to the site of the guy who I guess developed that, his website just says something about how he is back in development and it should be coming soon? It seems like that site has been saying this for at least 9 months.
Is there anywhere you can actually get rtencoder? One of my biggest frustations with Studio and 3D rendering is when I want to something that would still be useful but I can't because some utility, morph package, or other essential component of getting that done has disappeared off the face of the Internet. I've never encountered that as often in any other kind of technology as with Studio.
The easy answer would be yes..........but the HDRI doesn't always work and then you need to work on the Iray Dome and Ground to get them to work. I have used Finite Dome with some; Finite Dome and Ground and then change the ground scale and the camera settings ; Infinite Dome with others; changing the height of the camera and moving it left, right, up or down works sometimes too. The Yosemite images work, the HDRI, the .tiff and the .jpg, but each gives a different render. That one above was the .tiff. this one is the HDRI. The only thing changed is the map, some Tone Mapping adjustments for the lighting and I moved the distant light to match the sun.
I Googled it and found rtencoder at Rendorosity.
I believe once Melody and Micha were brought to DAZ, they were edited so they no longer needed RTEncoder to be properly installed. I suspect the instructions were not properly updated to omit references to that tool.
Of course, I could be wrong. Capsces can hopefully clarify any confusion on that issue.
Oops! I see you were referring to other items that require it. English Bob of Morphography provided a "Wayback" link to a hopefully viable download. Here's that link.
@Capsces Thanks so much for the information! I installed via DIM and checked the list of installed files and didn't see a readme for it. I found the one for Melody for A3, with all encoding and decoding info, which was very confusing (nothing on using the morphs in that one.)
I'll add this to my personal notes, which I'm keeping in the ReadMe folder. The morphs work beautifully when they're loaded the right way.
@donavancolbert - you don't need to decode or encode anything for Melody for A3. The ReadMe for her is very old. Just follow Capsces' instructions above. The folders should be in your Poser Runtime location, which is usually under My DAZ Library\Runtime\Libraries. If you don't see the folder, make sure the package is installed too.
@Fishtales that Rendo link links to the original author's site, where you get the same error message.
But @Redfern - you're the... um... King of Beasts! I'd been to Morphography and dug all around his utilities site, but must have missed his link to depreciated software available via the wayback machine. That did the trick! Now I just have to remember what I needed it for and figure out how to make it work! But at least I've got it, now!
Trust me, it was EASY to flat out miss.
I felt confident English Bob rferenced the tool, so I used the search tool which sent me to the utility page. Then I used the "edit" tab in FireFox and selected "find". That gave me a window to type "RTEncoder". It highlighted within a particular paragraph and close to it was a link to a "WayBack" page. English Bob did the hard work of finding a viable download page in the first place, but I'll admit it could have been displayed a tad better.
Anyway, glad you got the application.
Me, the King of Beasts? Oh, I don't know...
Well, thank you for putting that much effort into tracking it down for me. I've been looking for it for months, and had *considered* the Wayback machine, but I've had bad luck that way before and so I didn't even try. Next time I'll know to start there. :)
As for the photograph... I was going to say, "You're the man!" but realized that wasn't quite the praise I was going for and caught myself just in time. Clearly. :)
In case you have the lovely Isidora Dress, heads up that Dragonfly3D is one of the featured stores, and a couple of the morphs that work with that dress are in that store. Handy that there's two, that means the discount goes to 50% plus 10% off that for Bonus Buyer. The Isidora Dress has a list of the other morphs. Keep an eye out for Danie and Marfono's store. Also watch for Elliandra, that store has the Burlesque poses and Dance of the Butterfly poses.
Angelic for Aiko 7 Delicate Display For Genesis 3 Female(s)
Edit- Talk about SUPER easy to use- in Parameters, under Actor and Poses, with your character selected in the Scene tab, you simply choose the pose you are using. Example: Fashion Model Pose 18. Voila, the Isidora Dress moves perfectly. LOVE that dress.
In case anyone was considering Talisken in Fast Grab, I think she's totally worth it even just for the hair. I turned off limits on the hair and you can make it extra long. The skin on the character seems a bit plastic-y but that can be changed with Anagenessis or another shader. I think she makes an interesting fantasy character. I kept her with regular teeth, changed the shader to car paint and the nail polish and added elf ears. Still rendering with my CPU only computer.
Oh, but I hate her body, changed it completely, but I think she has an interesting face and smile if you don't use the horror teeth, which I'm not into...
Wow, I never would have looked twice at that, because the character looks so bizarre in the thumbnail, but the hair looks great in your render. I think I'll get it now.
@wonderland I do really like the hair. I have her already, probably paid more, that's for sure. Thanks for showcasing her. It's nice to have cohorts in crime who also entice people to spend money. Can't blame me for this one Barbult!
Here's the link to my cabinet rigging tutorial. I even figured out how to get the bi-fold doors to operate as one. Covers five steps: Combining the Two Parts of the Prop, Adding Bones to the Prop, Positioning the Bones, Weight Mapping the Bones, and Making the Doors Move Together. I learned a lot by doing this so I hope it can help others as well.