Novica & Forum Members Tips & Product Reviews Pt 8



  • firewardenfirewarden Posts: 1,484
    edited March 2017

    Does anyone know why my Sassafrat on the right has two colors of skin? I can't figure it out, but I'm probably doing something noobish. It's been a while since I worked with her and I think I tinted her skin green to make her look different than the one on the left (or vice versa), but it obviously is not affecting all of her. I'd like her hands, neck, and ears, to match the rest of her skin.

    Uploaded the wrong file. Uploading the correct one.

    Nvm, it was a problem with makeup changing the skin color. I can't tell the difference between the icons/skin colors. So the skin color was changing with the makeup. Fixed.

    Post edited by firewarden on
  • WonderlandWonderland Posts: 7,027
    Novica said:

    @wonderland   I do really like the hair. I have her already, probably paid more, that's for sure. Thanks for showcasing her. It's nice to have cohorts in crime who also entice people to spend money. Can't blame me for this one Barbult!  devil

    Haha, I think we should get store credit for everyone we convert LOL... I also convinced myself to pick up the Bentley Hair too because I saw that had a long morph and was curious how that would look. (I'm not really into short hair except for used on little pixies.)


  • jakibluejakiblue Posts: 7,281

    I LOVE that bentley hair!!!! It's gorgeous - I also have the Talisken hair and love that too.

    I used the Bentley hair back in the ol' 3delight days here: and here: and here: and here:

    ha ha you can see i've used it a LOT. 


    Novica said:

    @wonderland   I do really like the hair. I have her already, probably paid more, that's for sure. Thanks for showcasing her. It's nice to have cohorts in crime who also entice people to spend money. Can't blame me for this one Barbult!  devil

    Haha, I think we should get store credit for everyone we convert LOL... I also convinced myself to pick up the Bentley Hair too because I saw that had a long morph and was curious how that would look. (I'm not really into short hair except for used on little pixies.)



  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    Just a heads up on the Bridget hair, it has a morph to turn off the braids completely which I thought was really cool.  Lots of movement morphs and colors as well. The bundle for G2f and G3f are only about a $1 difference in price

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905
    edited March 2017

    P3d May     Isidora Dress (Gen3F)       Oriental Breeze Pool      Dragonfly Hair (Gen2/3  V4) 

    Wanted to show you this before I got off the forums for the night- this shows the wonderful morphs of the Isidora Dress.  This was one easy click!

    One thing to note about the lights on the Oriental Breeze Pool- if anyone is sitting close to them, cut the lumens in half. They are set to 2 million, cut back to a million and make sure the figure isn't sitting too close. 

    1400 px render- Click to enlarge  WARNING- Even though Open Window is selected, it's not working. Be sure you use your Back Button. Annoying!!!

    1100 x 1400 - 3M
    Post edited by Novica on
  • WonderlandWonderland Posts: 7,027
    edited March 2017

    Rendering Bentley Hair still right now in fast grab and you can also turn off limits and make it long! So far it looks great, great for a windy look but not IRay, I just ubered it. Still in early render mode on CPU only....But of what I can see, I really like it!

    I parented instead of conformed because it was for G2.

    I have two computers and they are both CPU only. Ugh...


    Bentley Hair.JPG
    956 x 586 - 134K
    Post edited by Wonderland on
  • KeryaKerya Posts: 10,943

    Is there anywhere you can actually get rtencoder? One of my biggest frustations with Studio and 3D rendering is when I want to something that would still be useful but I can't because some utility, morph package, or other essential component of getting that done has disappeared off the face of the Internet. I've never encountered that as often in any other kind of technology as with Studio.


  • WonderlandWonderland Posts: 7,027
    jakiblue said:

    I LOVE that bentley hair!!!! It's gorgeous - I also have the Talisken hair and love that too.

    I used the Bentley hair back in the ol' 3delight days here: and here: and here: and here:

    ha ha you can see i've used it a LOT. 


    Novica said:

    @wonderland   I do really like the hair. I have her already, probably paid more, that's for sure. Thanks for showcasing her. It's nice to have cohorts in crime who also entice people to spend money. Can't blame me for this one Barbult!  devil

    Haha, I think we should get store credit for everyone we convert LOL... I also convinced myself to pick up the Bentley Hair too because I saw that had a long morph and was curious how that would look. (I'm not really into short hair except for used on little pixies.)



    Oh cool, it looks good short too. I love your B&W renders! Is Elite Models still happening? I used to do promo renders with Artistic License...

  • NathNath Posts: 2,846
    Novica said:

    @wonderland   I do really like the hair. I have her already, probably paid more, that's for sure. Thanks for showcasing her. It's nice to have cohorts in crime who also entice people to spend money. Can't blame me for this one Barbult!  devil

    Haha, I think we should get store credit for everyone we convert LOL... I also convinced myself to pick up the Bentley Hair too because I saw that had a long morph and was curious how that would look. (I'm not really into short hair except for used on little pixies.)


    Chalk up another victim of this thread blush Didn't like Talisken when she came out. Now... sigh... laugh

    893 x 1056 - 726K
  • jakibluejakiblue Posts: 7,281

    y'know, I never even thought of turning off limits and making it longer like you said! Brilliant idea, and I shall have to try it! :)

    Yep, still going strong. Mainly on Facebook, and then we stick them in our galleries. :) 

    jakiblue said:

    I LOVE that bentley hair!!!! It's gorgeous - I also have the Talisken hair and love that too.

    I used the Bentley hair back in the ol' 3delight days here: and here: and here: and here:

    ha ha you can see i've used it a LOT. 


    Novica said:

    Oh cool, it looks good short too. I love your B&W renders! Is Elite Models still happening? I used to do promo renders with Artistic License...


  • donovancolbertdonovancolbert Posts: 1,421

    That hair looks great, too. Too many of the styles are runway model fashion haircuts. This looks like... a cut you would see a real person wearing. 

  • WonderlandWonderland Posts: 7,027

    Sometimes I wonder if the PAs are putting limits on, on purpose, so we don't realize how versatile the hair is and have to keep buying more different styles LOL. I'm a hair junkie, I think I have more hair than anything else, but I love to see how it can be expanded. These two AprilYSH hairs are great because they don't get that thick ribbon effect that some hairs get. Not sure if that's a transmap thing or what...

  • WonderlandWonderland Posts: 7,027
    Novica said:

    P3d May     Isidora Dress (Gen3F)       Oriental Breeze Pool      Dragonfly Hair (Gen2/3  V4) 

    Wanted to show you this before I got off the forums for the night- this shows the wonderful morphs of the Isidora Dress.  This was one easy click!

    One thing to note about the lights on the Oriental Breeze Pool- if anyone is sitting close to them, cut the lumens in half. They are set to 2 million, cut back to a million and make sure the figure isn't sitting too close. 

    1400 px render- Click to enlarge

    That's beautiful! I got the Oriental Breeze Pool at some point on sale but haven't tried it yet since I'm CPU only. Looking into external Mac boxes for NVIDIA cards. Have to stop buying content so I can afford to get something to render it all with that takes less than18 hours! That lighting looks gorgeous!

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    Kindred Arts has some great stuff in Fast Grab right now.  Finally go the chance to pick up the Sci Fi Bastion and the Destroyed Hospital for a fantastic price.  $5.99 each plus the Bonus Buyer discount I couldn't pass it up. 

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905
    edited March 2017

    You folks are remembering to get gift cards for 10% off first, then go buy, right? The past two purchases, stupid me forgot to do that. Then I try to rationalize my blunder by saying, well, it's only a dollar. But it adds up. Particularly today. So I put everything in my cart, note the total, open a new window for each one (duplicate, then go back to cart)  so it's easy to add back to my cart, then remove them and get the gift card for that amount, rounded up. Checkout, come back and get the items. Man, it's going to be sad when MM ends and out of habit I go to do that 10%.

    I am getting the DeCrackifier (LOVE that name. Although Debuttifier sounds rather adorable too. Someone will think you're saying Butterfly with a lisp. Or DeHineyfier. Okay, I need to stop.) Anyway, moving on- Rigged Speedy Smoke Iray is handy for special effects (and who doesn't love the pricing on the new water one? Very reasonable.

    One that rather surprised me was Patty Clothes- with the Morphs and Textures, you're all set. You can lengthen the skirt (which is one reason why I didn't get the clothes in the first place, enough with short skirts!) and change the sleeves, the leggings,etc all change. Take a second look at it. With shaders, you can change the outfit so much that it won't even look like the same one when you do the sleeves, lengths, and leggings differently. 

    I almost squealed (well, actually I DID) when I saw Gentle Paladin. Finally, a smooth, sleek armor outfit with a lot of scales and less armor!!! And NO high heels!!!! My main thing that I avoid is the ultra high necks (no way can a heroine turn her head in stiff neck pieces up to her chin, and talk about impractical with being hot and sweaty-UGH. And also I don't like high shoulder pieces that would stick her in the face when she turns her head. You know, skulls on the shoulders or dragons, whatever. Keep her sleek and functional! (Barbarian themes aside of course.) 

    I had wishlisted Devin for awhile now, and note you get the new dude Jaque for the same price as these older releases if you're a Bonus Buyer. I like Jaque, he's different enough that he looks like a normal dude and not a model. Waiting on Samanyo to go off new status and be on sale.

    For gals, picking up Viola from Fast Grab. She's got the thinner eyebrows, good for variety (and $4.85)  Sci-fi Bastion was also on my wishlist. Score!  Totally agree, I'm loving Fast Grab.

    Regarding the Oriental Breeze Pool render (I was so tired last night I didn't want to elaborate much) I am really pleased with one thing that I'll point out- I postworked and hand drew several of the strands on her right shoulder in front (OUR right.) It's the longest strand, it was thin. Go back and take a peek, now that you know. 

    Off to remove from my cart and get my gift card. BTW- It's a whopping EIGHTY EIGHT degrees here right now (yep, March 22nd, UNREAL!) in Pensacola. My husband sent two dozen chocolates to me for our 26th wedding anniversary- and they arrived all melted. Just from Jacksonville to Pensacola, over the weekend though and no deliveries on Sunday. So ticked! 

    Post edited by Novica on
  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905

    I know some of you don't always get the PC newsletter, so do note you get the Marcoor Control Room for 99 cents when you have another of todays new PC items in the cart. (NOT the poses, the actual Control Room.)  Frankly, IMO the poses for it aren't that unique, nothing you wouldn't already have in other pose packs.

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905
    edited March 2017

    I periodically look at how the previous threads are doing, as I'd like to know if people are seeing the product reviews once a thread ends. The folks helping with the thread by showing product renders will be happy to know that yes, indeed they are! As of today:

    When I started the thread, this was posted: This thread is for all forums members to help showcase the products, and the past 7 threads have 445,057 views/posts as of January 2017. 

    As of today:   March 2017: 462,017 posts and views. That is a gain of +16,960
    That means the other threads, not including this one of 13,691, got 3,269 views. (No posts, they are closed.)  That makes me happy that the product reviews are being seen. I appreciate very much everyone who helps showcase the products and get the word out there about the great work our vendors do, and who help spot things that need fixing. I also appreciate the vendors who jump right in to tweak things without being asked, and those who come onto the thread and chat with us. Couldn't do this without all of you- thanks so much!

    And if you haven't surfed the other threads, the links are in the first post. Some great renders in the threads, and a lot of laughs too. I miss RGcincy's cactus bunny. For those of you using 3DL, I'd really recommend going back and looking at the products rendered in that, and the lighting tips. I just don't remember how to do it anymore, or have the time, but there is a LOT of 3DL information in those threads.

    Post edited by Novica on
  • LlynaraLlynara Posts: 4,770

    It's a lot of fun, Novica! Sorry to hear about the melted chocolate, but happy anniversary!

    Thanks for the reminder on the gift cards. I forgot yesterday. I was all caught up in the furry madness. I was better today about the Cookie sale. I didn't realize there was so much Cookie and Chip stuff in the store! Seems like there was more added recently. I certainly hope with a new Cookie release, that we can look forward to a Cookie 2.0 similar to Star 2.0. Love Lady Littlefox's work and would love to see the morphs get added to the current gene pool. Here's hoping!

  • donovancolbertdonovancolbert Posts: 1,421

    Is the Newsletter really a newsletter, or does it look pretty much just like another DAZ promotion e-mail that includes links to a few products and notification of the monthly Freebie? 

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905

    I just asked over in the sale thread, but perhaps someone can answer here- does the Marine Outfit come with the option to shorten the pants legs? Those remind me of the pants back in the 60's. Otherwise, really cute outfit, particularly with the textures. So anyone bought it that can test it? The morphs aren't listed.

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905

    Is the Newsletter really a newsletter, or does it look pretty much just like another DAZ promotion e-mail that includes links to a few products and notification of the monthly Freebie? 

    Like an email, but it's worth subscribing to because it quickly shows the new Wednesday additions, and has the two freebies shown, plus whatever the deal is.

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,757
    Novica said:

     My husband sent two dozen chocolates to me for our 26th wedding anniversary- and they arrived all melted. Just from Jacksonville to Pensacola, over the weekend though and no deliveries on Sunday. So ticked! 

    You picked a winner!

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,757

    May I bring up the topic of Inked again? I used the Map Transfer tool in the Surfaces pane menu to convert the tattoos to Ivan 7's UV. It literally took me hours to figure out how to accomplish this. The result is not perfect, and it has some small seam issues, but it is so much better than trying to put the G3M Base Male tattoos on Ivan, Remember that mess?


    Ivan 7 Flexing with Inked Vol 12 Tattoo Map Transfer Baked.jpg
    1600 x 2000 - 2M
  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905
    edited March 2017

    Blast from the past- I was surfing through another of my older Art Studio threads, and thought I'd re-share since poor V4 doesn't get featured often. Here's the post with the information of products. Going back exactly TWO YEARS to March 2014!   It's Lilith, V4.

    Post edited by Novica on
  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905
    barbult said:

    May I bring up the topic of Inked again? I used the Map Transfer tool in the Surfaces pane menu to convert the tattoos to Ivan 7's UV. It literally took me hours to figure out how to accomplish this. The result is not perfect, and it has some small seam issues, but it is so much better than trying to put the G3M Base Male tattoos on Ivan, Remember that mess?


    It really looks MUCH better. Sure hope you're using him for something!

  • dreamfarmerdreamfarmer Posts: 2,128

    Patty clothes! I rediscovered them a couple weeks ago and wishlisted them and would have totally overlooked them being on sale today if not for your post. Thanks!

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,757

    Rendering Bentley Hair still right now in fast grab and you can also turn off limits and make it long! So far it looks great, great for a windy look but not IRay, I just ubered it. Still in early render mode on CPU only....But of what I can see, I really like it!

    I parented instead of conformed because it was for G2.

    I have two computers and they are both CPU only. Ugh...

    You have definitely discovered a hidden gem of a secret with extending the length of the hairs. Both of your examples look great. I credit you for making me buy Talisken. laugh

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,757
    edited March 2017

    Here is my Talisken render. The hair is great. The character morph is weird. wink Here I tried to de-weird her a bit by mixing in the Una morph that she comes with and also a few 200 Plus morphs for eyes and nose. She still looks pretty weird, though. You can't take the Talisken out of Talisken, I guess.

    Talisken and hair 200 plus_004 PS.jpg
    1600 x 2000 - 1M
    Post edited by barbult on
  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905
    edited March 2017

    Sure, no problem. See, I DID get someone to spend money today. My goal was accomplished. BTW, there is a Patty Bundle in case you want the figure and poses.

    BTW, is anyone else having problems with typing a post, then the black bar shows up in the bottom left of your screen saying Page Not Found? And it won't post? Happened to me all day today. Irritating. I have to do a copy/paste and refresh the page and paste it.

    Post edited by Novica on
  • RGcincyRGcincy Posts: 2,837
    edited March 2017

    Rabbicus to the Rescue!


    @Novica Your husband contacted Rabbicus and asked him to help bring you a fresh box of chocolates. Somehow the top came off and Rabbicus didn't have the fingers to put it back on, but he only lost a few. At least they aren't melted.


    [For those new to the thread, here's the start of the Rabbicus story. It went on for a number of months but he's always in waiting.]

    Rabbicus to the rescue.png
    900 x 900 - 2M
    Post edited by RGcincy on
This discussion has been closed.