Novica & Forum Members Tips & Product Reviews Pt 8



  • chris-2599934chris-2599934 Posts: 1,796
    edited March 2017

    Don't have any of them, I'm afraid. I'm still using this set (not in the sale, but PC+) which fits fine to G3F if you have Wear Them All:

    Trainers don't seem to have the same cross-generational issues that heels do.

    Post edited by chris-2599934 on
  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,869
    edited March 2017

    First, thanks to everyone for posting what they're going through with the Furries, and trying to help each other. I haven't tackled it yet, I don't want to get sidetracked (am weight mapping a project, have to stay focused, it's time consuming and my first time doing it.)  I may return all of it if it's that hard to find/use. I only use Content Library, does anyone know if it's easy to use from start to finish from there and not Smart Content? If it's this hard to use, I'm not interested in it. I got it because it looked fun- and it doesn't sound like it would be. 

    Shoes- the Slide3d have two colors plus white, one bar stripe along the side.  You can change the colors on this one and have more variety, if that white one is included. So if you can only get one, I guess I would pick this one- IF you wanted it for athletics. (Which you stated you wanted casual, so keep reading)

    The Running Shoes by Cute3D have great details at the sole/side. However these will basically be black with different colors (although a template is provided.) 

    TreadZ can double for other shoes- which is what I would use them for. They don't seem like athletic shoes to me. The front is decidedly rounded and longer, there isn't any detail on the sides. For "other" shoes, this one would be the pick. If you want running/ athletic shoes that you can change colors, I'd go with the Slide3d.  Edit: And here's the Gen3M version

    Post edited by Novica on
  • FrankTheTankFrankTheTank Posts: 1,131

    FYI, the seam issues on the Inked Vol 12 full body tattoo for G3M has been fixed. I don't see any issues now, although I've only tried it on George as he's the only G3M I own. But with his proportions, if it fixes the seams on him, it should be good now. Thanks @ShanasSoulmate for fixing so quickly.





  • jakibluejakiblue Posts: 7,281

    Thanks Chris and Novica. 

    I'm thinking the Treadz Athletic may be good - there is a heap of presets/textures, and it's a running shoe AND a crosstrainer shoe included, plus he's included morphs so you can have them lying on the ground unworn (like if you want mess in a room, or someone sitting NEXT to their shoes after taking them off). I always wish modellers would do TWO separate shoes, a L and a R, instead of them together and adding a few morphs so you can have the shoes sitting on their own. Sometimes it can be damn difficult fiddling with shoes to get one lying on its side and the other standing up. 

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,869
    edited March 2017

    Oh the textures on these are just so much fun!  Looks like something similar to Hello Kitty(in the form of a bunny) made it onto the shoes!  Seduzione Heels (Gen3)   I actually like these because there's some very classy, formal options too.  The options are really varied, with and without the bow, and note- with and without the strap AND WITH POINTED OR ROUNDED TOES!  So you really change up the look. There's one with cupcakes, one with a pink skull I think? Anyway, give it a look. (Edit- I like these so much I went to see if that vendor made any other shoes. Nope.  :(   They should!)

    Post edited by Novica on
  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,869
    edited March 2017

    Don't have any of them, I'm afraid. I'm still using this set (not in the sale, but PC+) which fits fine to G3F if you have Wear Them All: ;

    Trainers don't seem to have the same cross-generational issues that heels do.

    Chris- that link doesn't work. 404 error. Well funky. I get the same link. I'll just post that and let's see if it works. (Edit, it does. Same link as yours, go figure. Maybe it's getting a space, comma or something.

    Post edited by Novica on
  • jakibluejakiblue Posts: 7,281

    if you take out the 's' in 'https', it works.  

    Novica said:

    Don't have any of them, I'm afraid. I'm still using this set (not in the sale, but PC+) which fits fine to G3F if you have Wear Them All: ;

    Trainers don't seem to have the same cross-generational issues that heels do.

    Chris- that link doesn't work. 404 error. Maybe it's the https? 


  • WonderlandWonderland Posts: 6,780
    Llynara said:

    Not sure if anyone showed this yet but it's Shaya (still endlessly rendering) for Mika with Georgia hair which you can make long, wavy, go behind ears, my new favorite hair! And I'm still in love with Mika and her addition to the gene pool!  I'm getting Stonemason's set but probably can't use it until I can figure out how to get NVIDIA on my Mac or laptop... The FWSA character looks too much like Shaya without the Mika morph...

    Oh, wow, Wonderland! That's gorgeous! Love this combo! And didn't know that about the hair. Thank you!

    Thanks! My new favorite combo, except it took like 16 hours to render without even a background! Need NVIDIA!

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,869
    edited March 2017
    jakiblue said:

    Thanks Chris and Novica. 

     Sometimes it can be damn difficult fiddling with shoes to get one lying on its side and the other standing up. 

    That's when you have a ghost (close the eyes in Scene pane and remove the figure in the scene) wearing the shoes, and only the shoes show. It's a fast cheat LOL. 

    Post edited by Novica on
  • KeryaKerya Posts: 10,943
    Novica said:

    Don't have any of them, I'm afraid. I'm still using this set (not in the sale, but PC+) which fits fine to G3F if you have Wear Them All: ;

    Trainers don't seem to have the same cross-generational issues that heels do.

    Chris- that link doesn't work. 404 error. Well funky. I get the same link. I'll just post that and let's see if it works. (Edit, it does. Same link as yours, go figure. Maybe it's getting a space, comma or something.


    If you delete the %C2%A0 that comes at the end for the " ;" at the end of Chris link, you get the correct page.

  • CapscesCapsces Posts: 465
    lulamfada said:

    Hey, for all of you who use Melody, is there something special you have to do to get her to work in Daz? I got the morph bundle, but when I try to apply the faces, it seems to only half apply the morphs--like the rabbit will end up with round ears, not long ones, the faces will only partially apply--and the tails are all just sticks of various lengths--no poofiness at all, no matter the morph I try. I've never used any 3rd Generation figures before, so it's entirely possible I'm missing something really obvious.

    For those having problems with Furries, be sure you are loading the figures (labeled Furries) from the CDI Furries folder in the Figures library and not the default Melody and Micah. Sorry the files are divided up. The Furries morphs were made by me and are in CDI Furries folders. The textures were created by Littlefox, so I just put them in her folders with her original Melody and Micah textures. Hope this helps.

  • LlynaraLlynara Posts: 4,770
    edited March 2017

    @Capsces Thanks for the tips, but now I'm even more confused. The folder seems to only contain head morphs, not figures. When I click on them, it wants something to apply them to.

    Here's a pic of what I've got in there: 

    @ all PAs that still sell older items- Please add basic directions to some of these older products. Many of us newer DAZ users are willing to brave the learning curve, but we don't know how things were done "back in the day" and trying to figure it out is difficult sometimes. I've been working with Gen 3 for a while now and I have experience with Poser and how things work in there (which seems to help with the older stuff.) I also have a technical background- I actually work in IT, doing support and troubleshooting, and I'm struggling with some of these. It's difficult to enjoy a product if you can't get it to work. Thanks.

    melody for A3_CDI.JPG
    509 x 624 - 42K
    Post edited by Llynara on
  • lulamfadalulamfada Posts: 69

    Ah, I found it! Llynara--look under Figures for the CDI/Furries folder and the figures are there (rather than the Pose/CDI/Furries with the morphs). That works exactly as I hoped!

    I really appreciate everyone trying things out while I was sleeping. I thought I just didn't get 3rd Gen figures. Now I have to find time to play with her!

  • LlynaraLlynara Posts: 4,770
    edited March 2017

    Ah, it's in the Poser Runtime under Figures\CDI\Furries. Capsces said that, but I was still looking in the Pose folder. Thank you! Now to try, try again...

    melody for A3_CDI2.JPG
    520 x 321 - 26K
    Post edited by Llynara on
  • donovancolbertdonovancolbert Posts: 1,421

    @Divamakeup has a great technique for organizing old Poser Content into a Favorite's folder in Categoriges. For very old content like Generation 3 characters, going in and finding the content in the Poser folders and organizing it this way has been super useful to me. I'll basically go through the various categories in the Poser section of the Content Library and try to group anything old but new to me this way... It can be challenging... sometimes there isn't a lot of sense to where old content ends up or how it is labeled...

    "Will that new hair for V3 be in Figures, Hair, Pose, or Materials? Oh... the hair is in props, the colors are in Pose, and the accessories are in Figures, but they're all in folders with different names than the actual content and the files themselves are labeled descriptive things like, h01... and have icons that don't make it clear what they actually do!" 

    I'll take it all and dump it in my own custom directory structure under categories in a way that makese sense to me. Or at least, I try. Sometimes months later I find a collection of files and go, "Wait! That is the hair texture for THAT hair package? Oh wow. I thought the only option was blond." 


  • donovancolbertdonovancolbert Posts: 1,421

    And even with old content that is installed with DIM and is DAZ supported, sometimes that old stuff that ends up in the Poser Runtime doesn't end up in the right place, and you either need to edit file directories or drag actual folders around into a Runtime folder where Studio will see it or you end up searching for "STEEL.JPG" or "Bluehair.png" or "structure.obj," or whatever when you load the content.

    In some cases, it just isn't there... at all. :)  

  • LlynaraLlynara Posts: 4,770
    edited March 2017

    Yay, it works! And it's easy IF you know where to look and what to do! Here's some instructions, still tweaking as I go. I saved them as a read me so I can refer back to them: 

    Loading Furries

    1. Load Melody: go to Poser Runtime: Figures->CDI-> Furries and click on MEL FBM
    2. Load furry morph: go to Pose->CDI\Furries->Faces Melody and click on one of the head morphs (make sure Melody is selected in scene tab)
    3. Load textures: go to Pose->Melody and select one of the textures for her. Click to apply.

    Posing: Melody takes A3 poses, so any you already have are fine. If you picked up Ensary's Feral poses in the sale, they are in Pose->Ensary->Feral

    For the tail: 

    1. Load the morph you want to use from the Pose->CDI->Furries folder
    2. Select the tail in the scene tab. There are 26 bones in that tail. You can do pose manually, BUT with the right items loaded, I just found Easy Tail Posing and CDI Morphs under the parameter tab. Yay! There are tons of options in here. Make the tail fluffy, twisted up crazily, whatever you want.
    3. Play with the dials under the Parameters tab and have fun! 

    Hair: A3 and V3 hairs should work. I haven't played with this much yet, but there are magnets for helping to pose the hair in the Props\Melody folder. You can choose to load one for Figure Hair or Prop Hair.

    Clothing: She takes all A3 clothing. May have to tweak for tail, but so far everything I've tried on her fits. Here she is in the A3 MFD in Iray, still fiddling with shaders and I definitely need to choose a lighter figure to try it on. Can't see much with the dark Bast skin. I did throw Uber over the MFD texture, but it still looks toony at the moment.

    Iray: If you have Anagenessis and the freebie script for manual shading (first post of Anagenessis support thread) , you can load some Iray shaders onto her. So far, the eyes and nail shaders don't work. I've had that issue with other Gen 3s. You can see my notes on page 15 of my art thead here.

    1. Go to the Surfaces Tab.
    2. Highlight the following zones: Nipples, Pubic Hair (not that she has any!), SkinArm, SkinFeet, SkinForeArm, SkinHand, SkinHip, SkinKitty, SkinKnee, SkinNeck, SkinShin, SkinTail, SkinThigh, SkinTorso.
    3. Load the skin shader by clicking on NGS_Shaders_New in My DAZ Library\Shader Presets\NGS Anagenesis2\Manual Apply\Shaders
    4. Then run the shader script in the Manual Apply folder (one folder up.)
    Melody Iray2.png
    2000 x 1928 - 3M
    melody for A3_CDI4.JPG
    1255 x 887 - 109K
    melody for A3_CDI5.JPG
    1293 x 918 - 129K
    melody for A3_props hair.JPG
    513 x 183 - 23K
    Post edited by Llynara on
  • donovancolbertdonovancolbert Posts: 1,421

    I did figure out how to get my on board Intel VGA to be my primary display driver, but my Nvidia 750ti to be my rendering GPU. Now I don't get that error about the primary GPU being the primary display card and that impacting performance - and I manage to get just a little more memory out of the 2GB on the Nvidia card. 

    It requires a setting change in the CPU bios. I *feel* like renders are going faster now and less likely to require me to tweak with textures and geometries to get a scene to fit on my available memory. If you have an integrated video in your PC and you're using your GPU to drive your primary display, I recommend looking into how to set this up. 

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    Jakiblue, I don't own any of them but the treadz athletic collection is very much like the tennis shoes that I own and I do zumba in them as well as wear them with casual clothes all the time.  So that would be my pick.  The other two look more like traditional running shoes although lots of people where them out and about as well.

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    The first thing I do is track down all the pieces in the Poser files and add them to my custom categories.  Another reason for them to bring back the blue *new* bars to Studio.  They highlight exactly where all the new content is.  But for those of you who don't have access to the blue bars, this is how I track things down in the Poser files.

    I start with Figures, although a lot of the time, the props or figures are not in figures but in pose.  (A LOT of stuff gets dumped in pose).  If its not there, or I have found the main figure in Figures, my next stop is props.  Then Pose, and then Materials. I always do materials last because those are the hardest to match up and if you have found everything else, its a bit easier to track down.  Also, look in Expressions, there is a part of the melody pack or one of the add ons in expressions if I remember correctly (at work so not at my rendering computer).

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 23,550
    jakiblue said:

    ok guys, I need help. I am utterly doomed - it's a SHOE sale!!! I am addicted to digital shoes (in real life, I own three pairs - I hate real life shoes), and my Genesis 3 Female needs a pair of sneakers. She has none at all. Can anyone help me decide between these three pairs:

    I'm hoping someone has any or all of those and can help me decide between them as I can only get one. I render iray, use G3F and while I don't really do "sports/exercise" renders, I'd like a pair to go with renders where she's wearing casual clothes or shorts - with the caveat that I CAN use them if I ever decide to do an exercise render. 

    Any thoughts? Previous reviews?

    One thing to look at is the shoe laces. Sometimes the shoes don't have realistically tied laces. Based on promo images, I would eliminate for that reason. Do you ever do extreme closeups of shoes? has very high resolution image maps good for that purpose. I have the male version. It has a LOT of options, which can be great, but can also be overwhelming when you just want to put a shoe in a character. The metadata for the male version was not very well done IMHO, making it harder to use. The lace visibility options are difficult to figure out for me. looks very nice in the promo images, but there isn't much detail in the description. I don't own it, but it may be a good compromise between the simplicity and complexity of the other two.

  • jakibluejakiblue Posts: 7,281

    Thanks Barbult. I ended up going with the Athletic version, due to the versatility of the morphs.

    The Running Shoes for Gen 2/3 don't have looped laces at the top, but I have seen sneakers that are similar - you kinda just slide your foot in, instead of tying laces. But the athletic treadz definitely have way more options than them, so I'm happy with what I got. :D  

    barbult said:
    jakiblue said:

    ok guys, I need help. I am utterly doomed - it's a SHOE sale!!! I am addicted to digital shoes (in real life, I own three pairs - I hate real life shoes), and my Genesis 3 Female needs a pair of sneakers. She has none at all. Can anyone help me decide between these three pairs:

    I'm hoping someone has any or all of those and can help me decide between them as I can only get one. I render iray, use G3F and while I don't really do "sports/exercise" renders, I'd like a pair to go with renders where she's wearing casual clothes or shorts - with the caveat that I CAN use them if I ever decide to do an exercise render. 

    Any thoughts? Previous reviews?

    One thing to look at is the shoe laces. Sometimes the shoes don't have realistically tied laces. Based on promo images, I would eliminate for that reason. Do you ever do extreme closeups of shoes? has very high resolution image maps good for that purpose. I have the male version. It has a LOT of options, which can be great, but can also be overwhelming when you just want to put a shoe in a character. The metadata for the male version was not very well done IMHO, making it harder to use. The lace visibility options are difficult to figure out for me. looks very nice in the promo images, but there isn't much detail in the description. I don't own it, but it may be a good compromise between the simplicity and complexity of the other two.


  • donovancolbertdonovancolbert Posts: 1,421

    So, I didn't have as much problem with finding Melody and getting her tail to pose. Use the "ActivePose" tool (looks like an arrow with a bone, click on any bone of her tail, go up to tail one in your scene tab, in parameters, under Morphs, there are morphs for JCM TailDown, TwistAft, SSideAft and BendAft. 

    Even got her dressed in A3 Angel of Light and wearing Valen's Hair for Aiko3, found some A3 poses too. So far, so good.

    But I decided to use the Yosemite HDRI pack as the background and lighting - and I can't figure it out.

    Anyone else own this?

    It says:


    • You can find new icons for loading this product in the following DAZ Studio Folders:

      • “Scenes:DimensionTheory:HDR Pro-Sets:Yosemite”

    • You can find new icons for this product in the following DAZ Studio Categories:

      • “Lights:Other”

     But if I load from Scenes, I get a Distant Light, an UberEnv Light a DoubleDome and a Ground Pane, but inside the dome, it is dark. Even setting the exposure to 0 I can just barely make out the character in the scene. I tried going into Environment and loading the HDRI as the environment map, setting Dome and Scene on, Draw Dome On, but that doesn't change anything. 

    There isn't much documentation other than the readme file I linked to above. 

    Sometimes DAZ is more like a video game than an art program, "Solve the puzzle! How do you get the content you just bought to work!" 

  • donovancolbertdonovancolbert Posts: 1,421

    Oh, and in Lights in the DAZ Studio Categories, I have no "Other". Nothing there. 

  • RGcincyRGcincy Posts: 2,828
    edited March 2017

    I had a quick question: what forum category do people prefer to find tutorials (Art Studio, Commons, New Users, Technical Help)? I'm putting one together on how to rig the cabinet prop I showed a few days ago.

    Post edited by RGcincy on
  • barbultbarbult Posts: 23,550

    I tried the Inked Vol 12 update to see how the seam changes look. The tattoo on the right arm has been changed (different design) to avoid the messy seam issue. There is still a tiny bit of discontinuity, but you'd only notice it in a very close render. The leg seam seems to have been fixed by fading out the edges of the original design to avoid a sharp seam. (Note: the promo images were not updated, so the actual tattoo you get doesn't look quite like the promo images' arms and legs anymore.). There is no fix for the anatomical elements issue. The product page has been updated to clarify that it only works on character skins with Genesis 3 Male Base UV, where as the product page originally said it would work on all G3M characters. So it won't work on the Daz skins for Michael 7, Gianni 7, Elijia 7, etc.. It will probably work on most 3rd party skins, since most PAs seem to use the Base Male UV. The skin in these image is one of those PA skins.


    Inked Vol 12 arm seam line updated.jpg
    800 x 1000 - 493K
    Inked Vol 12 leg seam line updated.jpg
    800 x 1000 - 426K
    Inked Vol 12 front updated.jpg
    800 x 1000 - 481K
    Inked Vol 12 back updated.jpg
    800 x 1000 - 434K
  • donovancolbertdonovancolbert Posts: 1,421
    edited March 2017

    I gave up on the Yosemite HDRI and just used the Woodlands Playset. :) 

    Had to use a custom D-Former to get the Aiko 3 skirt to fit around her leg right. 

    1010 x 921 - 661K
    Post edited by donovancolbert on
  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,869
    RGcincy said:

    I had a quick qiestion: what forum category do people prefer to find tutorials (Art Studio, Commons, New Users, Technical Help)? I'm putting one together on how to rig the cabinet prop I showed a few days ago..

    I very rarely go to Technical Help (it just reminds me of how little I try in the studio, and how little I know)  and I guess it depends on your goal. To be seen, would be Commons or New Users, but I would think Commons would get the folks who are most comfortable using the tools. I'll also add a link to my references on the second post, I already did the first one. I will also add a link to the explanations on the Furries. Thanks Llynara! 

    Hopefully someone can answer DonovonColbert's question. I haven't used that in ages and don't remember anything about how to do it. I did check and I don't find anything in Lights/Other or Light/Other- I don't have it either.

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,869
    barbult said:

    I tried the Inked Vol 12 update to see how the seam changes look. The tattoo on the right arm has been changed (different design) to avoid the messy seam issue. ...

     The product page has been updated to clarify that it only works on character skins with Genesis 3 Male Base UV, where as the product page originally said it would work on all G3M characters.

    Thanks for testing that and letting us know. Appreciate it.

  • DarwinsMishapDarwinsMishap Posts: 4,080
    barbult said:

    I tried the Inked Vol 12 update to see how the seam changes look. The tattoo on the right arm has been changed (different design) to avoid the messy seam issue. There is still a tiny bit of discontinuity, but you'd only notice it in a very close render. The leg seam seems to have been fixed by fading out the edges of the original design to avoid a sharp seam. (Note: the promo images were not updated, so the actual tattoo you get doesn't look quite like the promo images' arms and legs anymore.). There is no fix for the anatomical elements issue. The product page has been updated to clarify that it only works on character skins with Genesis 3 Male Base UV, where as the product page originally said it would work on all G3M characters. So it won't work on the Daz skins for Michael 7, Gianni 7, Elijia 7, etc.. It will probably work on most 3rd party skins, since most PAs seem to use the Base Male UV. The skin in these image is one of those PA skins.


    Even with the different design, there's still a seam issue.  I see two spots in particular that I would send it back for.  The same for the legs-two areas still show seam issues.  The back piece has one at the arm/shoulder seam.

    I'm glad they are working on it, though.  It's a nice collection.

This discussion has been closed.