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I've never played with them eather. But I have used my method many times, It's quick and easy. I do fake forest canopies with leafs and limbs all the time with it. To give those shadows that a forest needs.
I've never played with them eather. But I have used my method many times, It's quick and easy. I do fake forest canopies with leafs and limbs all the time with it. To give those shadows that a forest needs.
i have used your method in Poser as well, just using a plane with a texture and transparency. it all depends on what effect i am going for and how much work i want to put into achieving the effect.
another nice thing about Poser is you can use animated AVI video as textures, so for animation you can have shadows that move
o yes please :-) will you do that for me and other people.
I tried what you say but I think I do something wrong.
I will look tomorrow :)
o yes please :-) will you do that for me and other people.
I tried what you say but I think I do something wrong.
I will look tomorrow :)
Sure off to set it up now. This will take awhile so I'll be back later.
Thank you for the comment Dollygirl and thanks for the links.
i have used your method in Poser as well, just using a plane with a texture and transparency. it all depends on what effect i am going for and how much work i want to put into achieving the effect.
The omnifreaker lights (uberSpot and uberPoint) can apply a gel image, as can lights made with Shader Mixer. The default lights, however, don't have that as an option.
ok kool, thanx for clearing that up Richard
Here we go people, a easy way to fake light gels in DS4pro.
This site needs to let use edit the Image files like the old one did.
The last I hope.
That was not as easy to post as the old site but now you have it People. I hope you have fun playing with this. The fake gels can be used for many shadow effects.
Tanks very much for that Jaderail I am definitely going to try it out shortly, just wondering if you could control the shadow softness by adjusting the transparency of the plane itself, like in a masking channel in graphics programs.
Tanks very much for that Jaderail I am definitely going to try it out shortly, just wondering if you could control the shadow softness by adjusting the transparency of the plane itself, like in a masking channel in graphics programs.
You can play with them in many ways. The opacity settings, adding a diffuse color and diffues map to the Plane. Changing the shadow settings for the light and it's color. Parenting the Plane to the light so it moves as you move the light. Just play with them and see all the ways you can mess with them. Also try this, Opacity maps run from white to black. Different shades of grey give different opacity effects. If I had done mid grey the bars would only hold back half the light, just like changing the Opacity setting.
Thanks again, I know what I will be doing for the rest of today. ;-)
how far the plane is from the light would change it as well
that is why i like the gel method in Poser, i can quickly make my adjustments in the material settings
This is going to be my second entry for June, I am trying to give the portrait more depth than I have in the past. Using the advice and picture posts in this thread I am pleased with the result.
as indicated by arrow 1, the perspective of the columns point to your subject, this is a good thing, it helps draw the viewers eye where you want them to look. Arrows 4 also show how the arches form curved lines pointing to your subject, also good, well done so far.
number 2, your subject is well placed in the scene, slightly off center is good, things that are centered look a bit unnatural.
the only improvements i would suggest are area 3could be a tad darker, this would help make your subject pop a little more. and i would also suggest zooming in slightly so that less of area 5 is showing. these are only suggestions, even if you do nothing you have done a very good job.
Your composition skills are very good, well done.
lol don't think things are wrong because i used red, i just happened to use red because it stood out against the image, most of my mark ups indicate what is right lol
Now I wana try second photo with other situation, other story.
I know that I should sutdy more about portlaite and basic tecnicque but,
In this picture, I wana challenge free expression of lighting out from basic.
(maybe many men had played like this, Now I play and joy 3D lighiting like a child:lol:)
I hope , I will change this draft to be something more attractive in this month .
it needs many many changing, so if you have advices, tell me please.
Thanks for the tips LycanthropeX
I just visited the contest thread and I must say that my fellow participants did a great job. It is really cool to see the improvement in all of our renders. Thanks to all the mentors.
There has been a vast improvement in everyone. We are really happy everyone is learning.
Yeah, it's real fun helping people who want to be helped, and seeing how they improve.
I know I wasn't doing as well as some of you when I first started.
Here is my second render for this month's contest. I decided to try my hand at an outdoor scene this time. There are only 2 spot lights in the scene so far, one key light with a mild yellow tint to provide sun light, and a fill light with a hint of blue to simulate sky light. I plan on adding a couple of rim lights for highlights to help separate the model from the background. I like the color of the skin on the model but it seems really dry and I can't figure out to make it reflect any light. I look forward to any suggestions that will help improve this render.
Yes it has been enjoyable to see what you all do with the comments. I am learning a lot too. Sometimes a render just stumps me, like what can be said about a render. Doing this excerise has improved my eye and I see more and more stuff. Having to give constructive feedback has made me a better user of the tools as well. I think this type thread is a win win situation for us all.
The fun is watching all you take an idea/tip and run off and do great things. That is fun.
I'm in slow motion today, I'll pop in again after much more coffee.
If anyone is wanting a critique of their image, just give a shout with a link to the image. I was really busy up till last week and finally have some time to spend on the thread, so I am trying to catch up a bit.
Sure off to set it up now. This will take awhile so I'll be back later.
Thanks Jaderail for the pictures :-), now I know what I did wrong I didn’t use a shadow
I think this will be my second entry.
I used three spotlights, the tears I did with Photoshop.
Tips are welcome :)