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Agree with BWSman. It needs to be tall rather than wide but you are off to a really good start.
Edit: Strike that I see you already did it. Sorry!
I like the framing of the image and the character itself, but because there is hardly no lighting on the character my eyes get drawn to the background instead of the character.
Yeah I agee with what everyone has said about this picture. Your image
We did state in the rules that it needs to be 800 pixels high by 600 pixels wide.
And as Kylumi says, you need to tweak your lighting, so you get more the effect he is showing.
wow kylumi, I love what you've done, how did you do the background. Thank you
chohole, so sorry about the size, I'm afraid I got things back the front:
BWSman and Frank I will resize and try to adjust the lighting.....
thanks all
okay here's my second attempt, I changed the background and adjusted the lights and shadows, I think the second looks better???
That 2nd one is a great improvement.
I eapect on of the orhers will be along soon to comment some more
thanks chohole, :) I'm off to bed, night all
The second is heaps better, well done!
[all I did was to take your image into photoshop and increase the contrast a little].
Now all you need to do is move the lady off center......just so she is not smack-bang in the middle of the background.
Yes, agree. The second one looks much better. Good job.
I want to thank everyone in the WIP for the tips and advice.
I had lots of fun to do this and I love to do this more and more.:-)
Not a problem. We are all here to help you get the best experience you can.
thanks kylumi and frank for your help and advise. Really appreciated, you are all so generous with your advise. I love watching the different pictures evolve and take shape, thanks again
Home and Heart I hate to be a fly in the ointment but I think you still need stronger lighting. This is a Lighting challenge of a portrait image, I think the lighting still needs work to make it really pop. I also agree with moving the image off center for a better impact.
No problems Jaderail, I really appreciate the feedback, thats how we learn, so thank you. I'll continue to play with this and hopefully improve it.
Looking forward to your next post. It improved so much in just one try I'm sure you are on the right path.
Okay I upped the shadows and moved the spotlight (she looked like her face was really dirty), angled more to her hair and dropped the intensity, not sure if I haven't overdone it. Also repositioned her. Feedback please, I been looking at it so long, I can't see the forest for the trees:lol:
This is getting better and better
Yes, it sure is. I think higher Render settings might get that to really popping.
Since the theme of this months contest is lighting, I have a few questions about the various lighting packages that are available for Daz Studio. My reason for asking about the following packages is to find out who uses which products, and also to determine the pros vs cons of each package so that I can hopefully not purchase a package that I will not use in my renders.
Uber Soft Light Bundle: Is this primarily for indoor lighting?
Studio Light Pro: Any input is appreciated.
Light Dome Pro: Does Uberenvironment do the same thing?
Uber Environment 2: Included free - does it compare to other products, or are they apples and oranges?
Reality 2: Will purchasing this negate the need for any other lighting package?
Thanks in advance,
Jaderail, if possible could you please point in the right direction with render settings, I'm not quite sure what you mean (sorry I'm a bit slow on the up take). I really appreciate you all taking the time to help.
That is what these WIP threads are for. To get the most out of your experience. We have all been there and have needed help before. We are very happy to help. I agree the image is just getting better and better each time you do something to it.
I can't help but disagree... I usually don't say much because I am far from pro...
but what makes this "POP" is the SOFT lighting. Having high contrast lighting isn't the only way to get professional light. This one looks very realistic and soft. very beautiful, the style that I often want but fail to achieve. You're selling lighting short if strong lighting is the only way to make an image pop.
When I see good pictures, it is SOMETIMES with strong lighting. But the ones that wow me and make me wish I could do that? That's what Home and Heart's image did. I kept looking at it, because its so pretty. The pose is nice, the expression is nice, the subtle contrast of color tones- did you notice it? I did!) the soft light that that gently illuminates like a bright but overcast day.... it was just a refreshing change of pace from STRONG lighting. Just saying that it doesn't have to be strong, because this image already left a STRONG impression on me as it is with the GENTLY adjust contrast in the second image.
I may try to put my own picture in, but I am terrible at lighting... I can only look at stuff and think "Now that is what I WANTED to do" :)
Everyone else, I only JUST saw this thread, and there's a lot, and may not have much to imput on the topic of lighting!!
I tend to agree I hate too strong a lighting on human subjects. A lot of good protrait photgraphers will filter their lights through gauzy cloth to get a softer effect.
It's a decent portrait, and compared to the two earlier (flatly lit) versions on the previous page, a definite improvement.
Hey, thanks for this thread and all the helpful hints. I haven't had time to read all of the advice yet, but seeing the improvements in the entries is so cool.
Here's my first attempt titled, "You're Breaking Up with Me?"
Any advice that can help me improve is greatly appreciated.
the lighting is a tad harsh, i'm thinking some diffusion could help some. Love the expression on her face.
Glad you liked the expression. I was trying to get Surprised, Disbelief, Sad, Tearful, and slightly Angry all rolled into one look.
Could you elaborate on what you mean by some diffusion? I don't know what that is.
@Dalbelo: I see nothing to fix. That's one good render.
@Denny L: I think diffusion is in Poser. LX is a Poser user. In DS you can get almost the same (I think) by lowering the strength of the main light, and playing with the shadow Bias and Shadow Sotfness some. A Slight tint to the light might also help some.
Everything is sharp and Crisp as it is now. A lighter (intensity) light and Shadow Softness might be the things to play with and see what you get.
um.... I only use Poser, so not sure how to do things in Studio, Diffusion gives you softer shadows