The Return of the Son of the Complaint Thread
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But I bet your hand is warm now! ;-)
Wrist deep in...
Ahem. So, cats. Are they the greatest or the greatest thing ever?
That is so cool. Thank you ;-)
Okay so I have a huge complaint. I'm reading the posts, and was also reading this: - an overview of "Hunter's Moon Part 3" and start typing how much I HATE how easily humans can condemn an entire species or even a race to extinction over the smallest things out of revenge - regardless of what happened, be it out of self-defence on the "attacker/beast's" part or whatever.
Well, I made the mistake of typing it in the Fast Reply box and hist POST and it told me I had to log in (Apparently I typed so long it logged me out.) It also deleted every single bit of text I posted, which was quite a lot. It didn't recognize my user name nor my email and so I had to go back several pages to log in normally.
Anyway. So mostly reading the review reminded me of how a lot of creatures (Wolves, dragons, etc) get persecuted for sometimes the simplest of reasons (d00d you attacked me while I was burning your forest to the ground!? Ur a devil! I nao want to kill your race! troloololol) and immediately are hellbent on the extinction of the species or even RACE of whatever was unfortunate enough to anger them. Usually it's a #*&!ing human that gets angered, and usually the creature in question was just minding its own buisness, doing what it needed to do to survive, or was protecting itself. Usually, not always. SOmetimes their hatred/anger is warented but bleeds over into single-minded fury that degenerates them into an almost villain like state, but from what I often see it's mostly just "Wrong place Wrong Time" or simply trying to survive and mostly gives me the impression that the human is to blame and is more evil than what they were angry at.
In the case of Hunter's Moon, and what started a 1,000 Year Vendetta against an entire race, it was all three. Apparently, just slashing at the guy and runnign away (leaving him with just a few cuts) was enough to justify the exntinction of a species and deeming their race "demons". *!&!ing idiot.
In a deleted scene on that episode, one of the "Hunters" mentions he doesn't even know how the feud started, and says it doesn't matter now. The person he's talking with responds: "Of course it matters! You hate an entire race and you don't even know why!"
Complaint: now the threads appear to be sorted in creation order (must be... since I had to dig all the way to the back of the forum to find this thread X).
Also complaint: my last post got et because there were other posts while I was typing X(.
On a positive note, I did manage to make a purchase using PayPal yesterday -- my first for two weeks o.O...
... have a great evening y'all! (^_^)/
Morning. Yes t took ages to find the thread !
My paypal account is broken.
I once had a fan, a nice fan that can rotate while it was on. Somehow the cover came off and it fell face down and burned out the poor fan. I am hoping to get a new one soon (which at this rate is like daz soon).
I suppose I should also add that in the aftermath of Hunter's Moon they take this stupid "Revenge on a species for some stupid matter" thing to a new level - While two of the hunters give up the feud the third (After wounding his brother and then blaming it on the creatures he hunted) continues on and even starts a... Well I don't know how I can say it w/o potentially violating the TOS, but starts a group to take advantage of the public's fear of gargoyles to start up a new version of the Hunters known as Quarrymen (a sort of Gargoyles Universe version of the *** **** ****).
I'm reluctant to even post the acronym of the RL group because of just how hateful they were, to the point where the acronym is even censored in some online games.
But seriously, it does go to show just how corrupting and terryfiying hatred and vengeance can be. And how well humans perform it.
Do what I do - Bookmark it.
We got a couple new ones that we saved a few weeks ago from drowning. They are so cute.
TOMB RAIDER 1, 2, and 3 .... Now on for only $10
Ten bucks for all three games. Now THERE is a game I did not expect to see on GoG. What's next, DIno Crisis? :3 (Well that to my knowledge was a console and not a PC game, so yeah...)
HEY maybe Bungie will let them sell the first Myth game there :3
The track listing of "Final Fantasy - Distant Worlds" when they were touring. Supposedly on the disc(s) that were sold later:
"Opening ~ Bombing Mission" (Final Fantasy VII)
"Liberi Fatali" (Final Fantasy VIII)
"Aerith's Theme" (Final Fantasy VII)
"Fisherman's Horizon" (Final Fantasy VIII)
"Don't Be Afraid" (Final Fantasy VIII)
"Memoro de la Ŝtono ~ Distant Worlds" (Final Fantasy XI)
"Medley 2002" (Final Fantasy I, II, and III)
"Theme of Love" (Final Fantasy IV)
"Vamo' Alla Flamenco" (Final Fantasy IX)
"Love Grows" (Final Fantasy VIII)
"OPERA "Maria & Draco"" (Final Fantasy VI)
"Swing de Chocobo"
"One-Winged Angel" (Final Fantasy VII)
Evidently "One-Winged Angel" is performed in every FinalFantasy concert even though the rest of the lineup might vary.
Have y'guys noticed that the notifications now take you to where the last viewed message is actually last viewed message?
Pretty cool - an interactive 360 panorama of the interior of a theoretical spacecraft in the works.
Though I don;t understand why they named the craft "Dragon" =/
I lost the thread but I found it again somehow.
I am so tired.
Hi Y'all. me and Brenden logging in -- from home -- laaaaa
did you notice the new italic tags are 'em' ?
wheeeee no phones ringing, watching outlook, hiding my screen from the bosses. tee hee. it's like so intimate. nuthing to do but refresh. F5 F5 F5
Fiance and I joined a gym. The goal for me is to lose weight so I'll look good when I get married (don't have a date set just yet but I'm hoping late summer, early fall). Fiance is going for better fitness. We spent 45 minutes working out on the treadmill, because we haven't been advised so we know what goals to reach for. Figured something simple and easy until our advisement, which will happen at 10 am Saturday morning (zomg, too damn early >_< ). At first, I couldn't figure out how to make the machine speed up so that I'm walking closer to my natural speed. But I eventually found the setting. Then, when I was done, I got off and felt as if the whole world was still moving around me. Very disorientating.
The gym we joined has a pool AND a jaccuzi. I need to buy a new bathing suit before I can go swimming but I kept thinking of how nice the jaccuzi would feel after working out.
fisherman's horizon! remember when Balamb garden crashed into it? and Squall reunited with Selphie's mission party. it was some exciting action, but i felt bd for Trabia garden.
jacuzzi sounds like a good way to pass some time :)
I'm a bit tired today as well :) The forum isn't working very well on my mobile, so I guess I'll be thinking of you all rather than posting for a while :)
oh boy, just had my first peek at render-um-attica. as far as it would let me go without creating a log in.
are our friends in Oz land awake nowz?
oh well, a couple more F5's, then it's night light on and time for doggie snores.
Do what I do - Bookmark it.
My phone doesn't seem to like the Daz site bookmarks anymore, perhaps because they are dynamic? Anyhow, the mobile web is still a pleasant dream maybe :(
I'm a bit tired today as well :) The forum isn't working very well on my mobile, so I guess I'll be thinking of you all rather than posting for a while :)
mid day here, but having difficulties navigating the forum.
mid day here, but having difficulties navigating the forum.
hiYa ... is it too early for a tequila sunrise on the beach? i luv umbrella drinks
Anyhow is nice sunny Autumn day here, with greens giving way to golden yellows on the trees in my 'hood. I'm happy because production started on one-reel short I'm responsible for and it all looks good so far - and I get a (shared) "story by" credit for the very first time yay !! :)
mid day here, but having difficulties navigating the forum.
hiYa ... is it too early for a tequila sunrise on the beach? i luv umbrella drinks
*waves* Not beach weather here for a while sorry - until August - is a little cool in the Antarctic winds off the ocean we get from the South this time of year :) Better to sit in a cafe by a pier somewhere and drink in the storm-tossed view along with a tequila or three :)
hiYa ... is it too early for a tequila sunrise on the beach? i luv umbrella drinks
*waves* Not beach weather here for a while sorry - until August - is a little cool in the Antarctic winds off the ocean we get from the South this time of year :) Better to sit in a cafe by a pier somewhere and drink in the storm-tossed view along with a tequila or three :)
cheers for warming up on a storm tossed night. hot toddies :)
i'm up passed my bed time. lol turning into a real wild child.
huh? there is an AltGr button on my keyboard, i have no idea what it does?
after 10:pm! urr 22:00
you're not gonna believe this, there is no tequila in my place. :vampire:
all i have on hand is appletini
I'm sittin' on a bench in the tiniest park - two trees and a flower bed - eating cheese rolls for lunch, which is over and I'm back to work *waves, disappears in a flash-bang* LOL