The "Complaints 'R' Us, complaint thread"



  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 25,850
    kyoto kid said:
    kyoto kid said:

    The kindle does not have the main feature I want which is immersion reading. want to read while in the bath?

    That sounds great right now, but that is not what I meant.  It is more like the read aloud books but not just for kids.  It reads the book aloud while I follow the text.

    ...aahh, kind of like a digital "book on tape".

    Sort of but not exactly.  If I recall correctly books on tape were the audiobooks on some type dark Colored film or tape.  Guess that was like audiobooks on CD. I can listen to audiobooks if I have Bluetooth headphones but not while reading the text.  It is more like digital version of the read along books with audio book which if I recall correctly popular when I was a kid.

    that gives me an idea.  Too bad I left my headphones at home.

  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,288
    edited February 2018
    NVIATWAS said:
    kyoto kid said:

    ..agh I hate getting sales support people for whom English is clearly a second language. Just had the simple question about if I purchased the package could I get a downloadable installer instead of installing on line and for the last 30 min was run around about the different plans and options when I already knew which one I needed, then go off and start asking me how I feel bout topics related to Net Neutrality, targeted ads etc.  Finally I was able to get the technical site address to chat with an actual technician about getting an install file without having to install online (didn't mention that I was no longer with the previous provider that offered the AV as part of their service).

    Going to contact their tech support tomorrow as I want to make 100% sure I can download a full installer package before I plunk any money down.

    Imported idiots are a plague.  Placement agencies hire these guys for a few bucks an hour to run database searches and send emails, they can barely speak English and are clueless as to the jobs they're recruiting for.  About 4-5 times a week I get recruiters leaving messages in such a thick Hindi accent I can't understand them, so at this point I just delete them the instant I hear an accent.

    I had 3 emails for an iOS programmer position and I don't have iOS anywhere on my resume' and I've only touched a Mac about 12 years ago!! What happened to placement agents that were somewhat technical? :-|

    The world is drowning in idiots... :-/


    "Hi, my name is John.   I'm from Microsoft and we've noticed your computer is not safe ...".  Spoken in an almost indecipherable Indian sub-continent accent.  My reply is:  "No, your name is not John, you're not from Microsoft, and my computer is safe enough.  But you can keep talking as long as you want to, as long as you realize I'm not listening."  Then I set the phone down and turn my attention back to the TV or computer or the peeling of potatoes while listening for the satisfying click or sllence of a remote hang-up.

    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • And there's no limitation on the source of idiots.  We grow enough of our own right here in this country.  Idiocy should be a quickly fatal condition.

    NVIATWAS said:
    kyoto kid said:

    ..agh I hate getting sales support people for whom English is clearly a second language. Just had the simple question about if I purchased the package could I get a downloadable installer instead of installing on line and for the last 30 min was run around about the different plans and options when I already knew which one I needed, then go off and start asking me how I feel bout topics related to Net Neutrality, targeted ads etc.  Finally I was able to get the technical site address to chat with an actual technician about getting an install file without having to install online (didn't mention that I was no longer with the previous provider that offered the AV as part of their service).

    Going to contact their tech support tomorrow as I want to make 100% sure I can download a full installer package before I plunk any money down.

    Imported idiots are a plague.  Placement agencies hire these guys for a few bucks an hour to run database searches and send emails, they can barely speak English and are clueless as to the jobs they're recruiting for.  About 4-5 times a week I get recruiters leaving messages in such a thick Hindi accent I can't understand them, so at this point I just delete them the instant I hear an accent.

    I had 3 emails for an iOS programmer position and I don't have iOS anywhere on my resume' and I've only touched a Mac about 12 years ago!! What happened to placement agents that were somewhat technical? :-|

    The world is drowning in idiots... :-/


    "Hi, my name is John.   I'm from Microsoft and we've noticed your computer is not safe ...".  Spoken in an almost indecipherable Indian sub-continent accent.  My reply is:  "No, your name is not John, you're not from Microsoft, and my computer is safe enough.  But you can keep talking as long as you want to, as long as you realize I'm not listening."  Then I set the phone down and turn my attention back to the TV or computer or the peeling of potatoes while listening for the satisfying click or sllence of a remote hang-up.

    That's a popular scam.  Surprised anyone falls for it.  :-|


    And there's no limitation on the source of idiots.  We grow enough of our own right here in this country.  Idiocy should be a quickly fatal condition.

    You're preaching to the choir.  Amen, brother!

    In other news.. rain, rain, rain.  No chance of going anywhere today short of a weather miracle, and I'm not holding my breath.  Deffo planning on food delivery now. :-/


    Well, the sky has gone from the swirling eldritch darkness usually produced by mad Elder Gods to a high gray overcast one might associate with slightly miffed minor deities.  It's also not chill, so if this weather holds it's off for vodka, milk, and potato chips to last the weekend.

    I think I'll pass on pizza in favor of tater chips and dip, I still have 9 huge drumsticks to bbq and weather should be perfect for a Monday shopping trip! I can grab chicken, biscuits, and baked beans then along with wing sauce.  Save money, cook at home!!!

    Maybe a Dr. Who binge tonight, that sounds like a lot of fun!  :-)


    Everyone else must be out having a life or something... :-/

    Pretty successful shopping trip.  Acquired Monopolowa potato wodka, 2 2L bottles of diet Coke, 3 medium bags of chips, and a roll of Tums to last me until Monday.   All the milk was almost expired so I skipped it (ugh old milk).  Breezy and modestly warm, stupidly humid, but plenty acceptable as the clouds held back the Big Bright Thing. 

    Only 3 dicey spots: twice kind of tripped up by curbs I couldn't see (even with my glaasses things past 3 feet are blurry and I missed the ramp from the street to the sidewalk), and one small yappy dog that escaped its owner and tried to take a bite out of my carbon fiber prosthesis! The poor woman apologized and I apologized for her dogs busted tooth, stupid mutt deserved it though.  When it's carbon fiber vs. dog, dog always loses. Maybe next time she'll keep better control of the little monster. :-/

    3 huge drumsticks for bbq thawing, 6 more left in freezer.  I think I'm in fine shape for chicken this weekend! :-)

  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,288
    edited February 2018

    Can't stand yappy dogs. angry   I used to ride bicycle around the city of Melbourne, Florida (nice flat, easily navigated streets) and my trips often took me past one particular house with a sometimes loose yappy dog that tried to bite.  After the first few times I was prepared for him and had my foot ready.  Only connected with him once and he flew about four feet back.  Great satisfaction, but the little monster didn't learn the lesson but he just got better at dodging my foot, and I got better at not getting bit.  Yelled at the owner once when she was out there and she just did the stupid thing owners do when their dogs misbehave, they yell at them, then yell at me.  indecision 

    I particularly hate those ugliest of dogs like "Peek-a-knees" with the pushed in faces, bug eyes, drooling mouths and snorting snotty noses.  Total waste of canine DNA. cheeky  Shame on breeders for going in that direction. no

    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on

    Can't stand yappy dogs. angry   I used to ride bicycle around the city of Melbourne, Florida (nice flat, easily navigated streets) and my trips often took me past one particular house with a sometimes loose yappy dog that tried to bite.  After the first few times I was prepared for him and had my foot ready.  Only connected with him once and he flew about four feet back.  Great satisfaction, but the little monster didn't learn the lesson but he just got better at dodging my foot, and I got better at not getting bit.  Yelled at the owner once when she was out there and she just did the stupid thing owners do when their dogs misbehave, they yell at them, then yell at me.  indecision 

    I particularly hate those ugliest of dogs like "Peek-a-knees" with the pushed in faces, bug eyes, drooling mouths and snorting snotty noses.  Total waste of canine DNA. cheeky  Shame on breeders for going in that direction. no

    I feel your pain.  I used to bike commute in Sunnyvale from my apartment to Palm., Inc. whenever it wasn't raining.  Some bozo kept leaving his backyard fence open and let his mid-size German Shepherd out.  I saw it get picked up by Animal Control a few times but buttface owner kept doing it (at $300 fine perincident, obviously some stupid engineer like me).  I used to carry a collapsable riot baton when I went out to goth clubs (some of those places get rough) so I took it with me.  Ended up chasing the owner (!!) and sometime in the following month he moved.  Apparently he ran out of fine money. :-/


    Nap time!  Cool breeze blowing in the window, perfect time to snzzzz while the wodks chills in the freezer... :-)

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    what time is it?

    i supposed to be doing something but cant remember what it is

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,694
    NVIATWAS said:

    .Finally bedtime!  Too much strong coffee, ugh.  But it's a new day so we'll see what happens...

    ...yeah had a bottle of "real" sugar Coca Cola with my pizza and didn't get to sleep until late/early.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,694
    NVIATWAS said:
    kyoto kid said:

    ..agh I hate getting sales support people for whom English is clearly a second language. Just had the simple question about if I purchased the package could I get a downloadable installer instead of installing on line and for the last 30 min was run around about the different plans and options when I already knew which one I needed, then go off and start asking me how I feel bout topics related to Net Neutrality, targeted ads etc.  Finally I was able to get the technical site address to chat with an actual technician about getting an install file without having to install online (didn't mention that I was no longer with the previous provider that offered the AV as part of their service).

    Going to contact their tech support tomorrow as I want to make 100% sure I can download a full installer package before I plunk any money down.

    Imported idiots are a plague.  Placement agencies hire these guys for a few bucks an hour to run database searches and send emails, they can barely speak English and are clueless as to the jobs they're recruiting for.  About 4-5 times a week I get recruiters leaving messages in such a thick Hindi accent I can't understand them, so at this point I just delete them the instant I hear an accent.

    I had 3 emails for an iOS programmer position and I don't have iOS anywhere on my resume' and I've only touched a Mac about 12 years ago!! What happened to placement agents that were somewhat technical? :-|

    The world is drowning in idiots... :-/


    "Hi, my name is John.   I'm from Microsoft and we've noticed your computer is not safe ...".  Spoken in an almost indecipherable Indian sub-continent accent.  My reply is:  "No, your name is not John, you're not from Microsoft, and my computer is safe enough.  But you can keep talking as long as you want to, as long as you realize I'm not listening."  Then I set the phone down and turn my attention back to the TV or computer or the peeling of potatoes while listening for the satisfying click or sllence of a remote hang-up.

    ..I kind of did that during his spiel )I tired to tell him I already know this, know that) which is why the call lasted so long until I was finally able to state my question and got him to understand what I wanted.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,694

    Can't stand yappy dogs. angry   I used to ride bicycle around the city of Melbourne, Florida (nice flat, easily navigated streets) and my trips often took me past one particular house with a sometimes loose yappy dog that tried to bite.  After the first few times I was prepared for him and had my foot ready.  Only connected with him once and he flew about four feet back.  Great satisfaction, but the little monster didn't learn the lesson but he just got better at dodging my foot, and I got better at not getting bit.  Yelled at the owner once when she was out there and she just did the stupid thing owners do when their dogs misbehave, they yell at them, then yell at me.  indecision 

    I particularly hate those ugliest of dogs like "Peek-a-knees" with the pushed in faces, bug eyes, drooling mouths and snorting snotty noses.  Total waste of canine DNA. cheeky  Shame on breeders for going in that direction. no

    ...where I am living there are tonnes of those ankle biters as most people live in apartments and condos with no yards and which are too small for a "real" dog.  Even in my building (where when I signed up mentioned only cats, birds, and fish were allowed) a number of tenants have them.  One time when I was heading down the hallway on my floor to the lift, a door opened and this ugly little yap monster (yeah, it had a very twisted mean looking face with glaring eyes, we took care of one like it at the old house a year ago and it too was incredibly obnoxious) came out and began barking loudly almost seemingly without stopping to take a breath while circling around my feet (with my "reduced" agility and  mobility something that really concerns and annoys me).  The owner was finally able to call it back but it kept filling the hallway with it's loud high pitched yipping which I could hear even after the lift doors closed and the lift began to descend.

    One night for some reason, another yapper decided to start raising a ruckus around 12:30 AM and kept on for almost an hour making it difficult to sleep.  It was reported to the management as we have a quiet hour policy after 22:30, for older folks (like myself).

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,694
    NVIATWAS said:

    Can't stand yappy dogs. angry   I used to ride bicycle around the city of Melbourne, Florida (nice flat, easily navigated streets) and my trips often took me past one particular house with a sometimes loose yappy dog that tried to bite.  After the first few times I was prepared for him and had my foot ready.  Only connected with him once and he flew about four feet back.  Great satisfaction, but the little monster didn't learn the lesson but he just got better at dodging my foot, and I got better at not getting bit.  Yelled at the owner once when she was out there and she just did the stupid thing owners do when their dogs misbehave, they yell at them, then yell at me.  indecision 

    I particularly hate those ugliest of dogs like "Peek-a-knees" with the pushed in faces, bug eyes, drooling mouths and snorting snotty noses.  Total waste of canine DNA. cheeky  Shame on breeders for going in that direction. no

    I feel your pain.  I used to bike commute in Sunnyvale from my apartment to Palm., Inc. whenever it wasn't raining.  Some bozo kept leaving his backyard fence open and let his mid-size German Shepherd out.  I saw it get picked up by Animal Control a few times but buttface owner kept doing it (at $300 fine perincident, obviously some stupid engineer like me).  I used to carry a collapsable riot baton when I went out to goth clubs (some of those places get rough) so I took it with me.  Ended up chasing the owner (!!) and sometime in the following month he moved.  Apparently he ran out of fine money. :-/

    ...or maybe  you frightened him off. wink

    When I used to do a lot of long distance cycling, I had a second holder on my frame that held a pump bottle filled with a 60/40 mixture of water and cleaning ammonia with the nozzle set for stream.  I only had to land a shot in a charging dog's path or near it to make it stop, turn tail and run the other way. Even in wind, it would shoot a good steady and long stream.  Much safer for both cyclist and animal than swinging a long item (many cyclists would use their frame pumps) which could injure the dog (in some cases only making it madder) and possibly causing one to lose balance.

    There were anti dog mace-like sprays but out in the country they would often disperse too quickly to be effective.

  • TangoAlphaTangoAlpha Posts: 4,584
    edited February 2018
    Mistara said:

    what time is it?

    i supposed to be doing something but cant remember what it is


    It's 23:25 utc +/- local offset, at the time of writing . . .

    Post edited by TangoAlpha on
  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,117
    kyoto kid said:
    kyoto kid said:

    The kindle does not have the main feature I want which is immersion reading. want to read while in the bath?

    That sounds great right now, but that is not what I meant.  It is more like the read aloud books but not just for kids.  It reads the book aloud while I follow the text.

    ...aahh, kind of like a digital "book on tape".

    Sort of but not exactly.  If I recall correctly books on tape were the audiobooks on some type dark Colored film or tape.  Guess that was like audiobooks on CD. I can listen to audiobooks if I have Bluetooth headphones but not while reading the text.  It is more like digital version of the read along books with audio book which if I recall correctly popular when I was a kid.

    that gives me an idea.  Too bad I left my headphones at home.

    So, what is it?  Sort of like an audo book in Surround Sound?  Environmental souds (rain, traffic, whatever is going on in the book?), sound effects.


  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,117
    NVIATWAS said:
    kyoto kid said:

    ..agh I hate getting sales support people for whom English is clearly a second language. Just had the simple question about if I purchased the package could I get a downloadable installer instead of installing on line and for the last 30 min was run around about the different plans and options when I already knew which one I needed, then go off and start asking me how I feel bout topics related to Net Neutrality, targeted ads etc.  Finally I was able to get the technical site address to chat with an actual technician about getting an install file without having to install online (didn't mention that I was no longer with the previous provider that offered the AV as part of their service).

    Going to contact their tech support tomorrow as I want to make 100% sure I can download a full installer package before I plunk any money down.

    Imported idiots are a plague.  Placement agencies hire these guys for a few bucks an hour to run database searches and send emails, they can barely speak English and are clueless as to the jobs they're recruiting for.  About 4-5 times a week I get recruiters leaving messages in such a thick Hindi accent I can't understand them, so at this point I just delete them the instant I hear an accent.

    I had 3 emails for an iOS programmer position and I don't have iOS anywhere on my resume' and I've only touched a Mac about 12 years ago!! What happened to placement agents that were somewhat technical? :-|

    The world is drowning in idiots... :-/


    "Hi, my name is John.   I'm from Microsoft and we've noticed your computer is not safe ...".  Spoken in an almost indecipherable Indian sub-continent accent.  My reply is:  "No, your name is not John, you're not from Microsoft, and my computer is safe enough.  But you can keep talking as long as you want to, as long as you realize I'm not listening."  Then I set the phone down and turn my attention back to the TV or computer or the peeling of potatoes while listening for the satisfying click or sllence of a remote hang-up.

    Yeah, I used to get those.  I don't even pick up the phone anymore if it doesn't have caller ID of someone I know or do business with (and even the latter is iffy these days, with Caller ID spoofing), or if I don't recognize the number.


  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,117
    NVIATWAS said:

    Everyone else must be out having a life or something... :-/

    Had our taxes done, then went to Papa Ginos to get my free birthday pizza...added pepperoni to it.  Then we went to BJs to stock up on some things.  Long day.  Felt good to sit down again.


  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,694

    ...well Happy B'Day there.

  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,117
    kyoto kid said:

    ...well Happy B'Day there.

    Thanks!  It was the 14th.


  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    Mistara said:

    what time is it?

    i supposed to be doing something but cant remember what it is


    It's 23:25 utc +/- local offset, at the time of writing . . .


    midnight snack time there ? smiley




  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    DanaTA said:
    kyoto kid said:

    ...well Happy B'Day there.

    Thanks!  It was the 14th.



    +1  Happy Belated B Day!!

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675



    tee hee

  • Happy B'day.  I love B'day perks.    Back in November I made sure I took advantage of the free dessert B'day perk at a restaurant.  Saved $7 on a piece of killer chocolate cake.  Cool!  cool

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    Happy B'day.  I love B'day perks.    Back in November I made sure I took advantage of the free dessert B'day perk at a restaurant.  Saved $7 on a piece of killer chocolate cake.  Cool!  cool


    killer cake??!!

  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 25,850
    DanaTA said:
    kyoto kid said:
    kyoto kid said:

    The kindle does not have the main feature I want which is immersion reading. want to read while in the bath?

    That sounds great right now, but that is not what I meant.  It is more like the read aloud books but not just for kids.  It reads the book aloud while I follow the text.

    ...aahh, kind of like a digital "book on tape".

    Sort of but not exactly.  If I recall correctly books on tape were the audiobooks on some type dark Colored film or tape.  Guess that was like audiobooks on CD. I can listen to audiobooks if I have Bluetooth headphones but not while reading the text.  It is more like digital version of the read along books with audio book which if I recall correctly popular when I was a kid.

    that gives me an idea.  Too bad I left my headphones at home.

    So, what is it?  Sort of like an audo book in Surround Sound?  Environmental souds (rain, traffic, whatever is going on in the book?), sound effects.


    No nothing that complex.  It is basically the device plays the audiobook while the text version of the book keeps up with the audiobook.   It is an audiobook and I look at the text as it reads to stay focused.

  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 25,850

    My echo dot is singing it is time to go to bed.  Does that mean I need to go to sleep soon?

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,694
    DanaTA said:
    kyoto kid said:

    ...well Happy B'Day there.

    Thanks!  It was the 14th.


    ..oh wow, so belated B'Day dinner then.


    kyoto kid said:
    NVIATWAS said:

    .Finally bedtime!  Too much strong coffee, ugh.  But it's a new day so we'll see what happens...

    ...yeah had a bottle of "real" sugar Coca Cola with my pizza and didn't get to sleep until late/early.

    ..that'll do it..

This discussion has been closed.