Okay! Cry and you buy it anyway!

iSeeThisiSeeThis Posts: 552
edited June 2017 in The Commons

For me, I wait this day for a while. Just ask myself a couple of days ago when will this come. Quite surprised like dejavu today that it finally really happens.

I'm quite satisfied with it. I feel that they do hard work for this. And for you who cry for buying old stuffs lately, if not over 7 days, ask for refund. DAZ won't deny.

G8 comes closer to realism. Not yet. But closer. Lifting arms is always my test for new generation. And this one is quite impressive. Try it and you know it.

I can foresee that when the more G8 products come in the near future, there will be many big WOWs that you can't resist. So pay it today. You will do it anyway!

Post edited by iSeeThis on


  • LlynaraLlynara Posts: 4,770

    I have to agree. Everyone seemed excited until V8 actually showed up, now a lot of people are whining and nitpicking and throwing tantrums because they don't like change? I don't know. I'm an early adopter, and I don't mind going in knowing that things will be different and not everything from the past will be immediately usable. That's okay. These things were solved before and will be solved again.

    A big kudos to DAZ and the PAs that worked so hard to get this out. It's a great product, lots of new features, and plenty of room to create solutions to the issues that come with moving to the next generation.

    There are many generous offers and discounts today to sweeten the deal, but no one has to buy it if they don't want to. And it they're curious, they can try the free Genesis 8 starter essentials and see if it's for them. 

  • Ghosty12Ghosty12 Posts: 1,995
    edited June 2017

    MIght be more a case of G3 has not really had much of a chance to fully mature people are heavily entrenched into G3.. Then out of nowhere G8 drops and catches most by surprise, and well people have a right to be upset they have paid a lot of money and spent so much time getting to know a product, only to have it superceded..  Will be interesting to see how long it takes for vendor support on the various content sites to stop making content for G3 and go too G8..

    For me it is no skin off my nose I pretty much skipped the bulk of G3 did not buy much at all of Genesis 3 as I knew full well last year that a completely new Genesis series figure would drop this year, probably will wait and see what Genesis 9 will look like in 2019 since that will most likely be the release year for it..

    What I find most interesting though is you seem to think that people are not allowed to be a bit miffed..

    Post edited by Ghosty12 on
  • tj_1ca9500btj_1ca9500b Posts: 2,048

    To be honest, I've never been too hung up on the Generations as named conventions.  I look at each model/character for the details I need/like, and then worry about what clothes, etc. I can get to fit.

    Sure, improvements are made here and there as figures are upgraded to the next generation, and some tradeoffs are made too.  The only thing I'm looking at is how well each figure looks when appearing to another figure, i.e. does one look too primitive when standing next to another figure, or do they look OK next to each other?

    So I wasn't anxiously anticipating anything, I've been good with what's in the library now, and have been buying a lot of older stuff lately.  The only issue I've had is that I'd like better portability of older clothing items, etc. to newer figures, especially since I have a few V1-V2 clothing items that actually look quite nice, but take a bit of work to fit to newer figures.

    Especially shoes, but that seems to be an ongoing issue... Sometimes shoes aren't very cooperative when you try to autofit them to newer figures.

    Genesis 8 does add a few features that look attractive to me (mainly in the posing department) but I'm not too worried about jumping on any bandwagons.  The only question I'll continue to have is what outfits and hairstyles can I fit to the figure, and are they affordable/within my budget.

    My existing custom characters for my ongoing projects are Genesis 2 and Genesis 3, so I'll continue to work with them.  I had bad luck trying to upgrade a G2F custom character to a G3F with GenX (face went weird), so I"m not too optimistic or worried about porting them to Genesis 8.  If a utility shows up that does this well, I may worry about it then, but for my purposes, I'm more interested in the appearance of the character, not so much what generation it is.

    Sure, the number of manipulation points does also come into play (i.e. more bend points in newer figures), but not enough to convince me to try to recreate an older character on a newer frame.

    I'll probably use a Genesis 8 base for my next new character, but for now it'll be gathering dust in my library until I get to that point.  As for V8, well I'm looking more at the products that come along with V8 than just V8 herself, although V8 has some nice touches.  I'm all about finding the best deals, as my budget is limited.  And I've passed on a few things lately, and haven't cried about it much.  I'm not above suggesting to the Daz Sales team what might make a sale look more attractive to me though...  If they want more of my business/dollars, it's good to let them know what's on my mind.  Whether they choose to listen is up to them of course!

  • DavidGBDavidGB Posts: 565
    Llynara said:

    I have to agree. Everyone seemed excited until V8 actually showed up, now a lot of people are whining and nitpicking and throwing tantrums because they don't like change?

    Actually I'm whining and throwing tantrums because of a lack of change. G8F has exactly the same bad mistake (from my use POV) as G3F, which has kept me on G2F.

    G3F was the first figure sinve Victoria 2 not to have edgeloops in the topology outining the main muscle groups, tendons etc. This has meant that all the DAZ Artists and PAs have no defined exact location of various things on the base mesh. And that has meant that most of the figure mophs, FBMs, PBMs, HD morphs and normal maps that have those details think the same parts are anything from slightly to radically different parts of the mesh. And that in turn means they won't mix properly, and mixing attempts make a mess. Whcih leaves the ordinary user stuck with only shoosing between the very few, narrowly distributed provide types, unlike with e.g. G2F where any morphs, SD or HD, or normal maps can be mixed additively subtractively at will. And that means that unlike with G2F or even V4, a great many real world types and levels of definition (not bulk, definition) can't be replicated on G3F. Especially, in my case, my most important character.

    I had hoped, really hoped, that with the generation 8 figures DAZ would relearn the lesson they learnt with Victoria 2, that lead to the original Stephanie (Michael 2's mesh - with body muscle group etc edgeloops, unlike the V1/V2 mesh - but the V2 shape and rig) and then the generation 3's on ALL WITH THOSE VITAL EDGELOOPS.

    But no. So it'll be the very limited range of definitions as with G3F again, and no mixing again to get others because again the lack of those edgeloops will mean all the DAZ and PA products that affect this won't align again just  like G2F.

    The fiddling changes they've made i don't care about. The one tha's vital for me they didn't make.

  • I was thinking the same thing. This showed up as one of those Deviantart ads and I could not believe it.

  • VisuimagVisuimag Posts: 551
    Llynara said:

    I have to agree. Everyone seemed excited until V8 actually showed up, now a lot of people are whining and nitpicking and throwing tantrums because they don't like change? I don't know. I'm an early adopter, and I don't mind going in knowing that things will be different and not everything from the past will be immediately usable. That's okay. These things were solved before and will be solved again.

    A big kudos to DAZ and the PAs that worked so hard to get this out. It's a great product, lots of new features, and plenty of room to create solutions to the issues that come with moving to the next generation.

    There are many generous offers and discounts today to sweeten the deal, but no one has to buy it if they don't want to. And it they're curious, they can try the free Genesis 8 starter essentials and see if it's for them. 

    I agree as well. So much whining and noise! No one's forced into Gen8 stuff. Move on when you're ready and let those of us that asked for this have at it.

  • DirewrathDirewrath Posts: 225

    I didn't see much excitement for a new figure, more like mocking posts of Daz and it's hurry to make more money on the same model as the latter; only with a new name, or posts hoping that Daz would sit on what they had for a while and let it grow before they threw out a new generation. Been here in the hobby for quite a while and only now have I seen posts that were hoping that the newest shiny thing would not come soo soon.

  • SotoSoto Posts: 1,438

    I still use all previous versions and most content is always compatible with the latest version anyway. I remember I was worried when Genesis 3 came out because I was just starting to dive into Genesis 2, and then everything went fairly smooth and still use all my stuff. 

    I am excited with this new release, more options and shiny things to play with. :)

  • a-sennova-sennov Posts: 331

    I've played with Genesis 8 Base Female and now I have feeling that DAZ gonna save me a lot of money as I'll skip this generation of figures at all :) Simply, I don't see them as huge step forward like it was with Genesis 3. It's more like Genesis to Genesis 2: "we've added 2000 polys in random places and dialed girl and boy morphs for you - meet All New Genesis 2 Female and Male figures". So, I'll continue with G3F and G3M and my custom figures built from them.

  • I for one, am really excited about the new expression engine.  I can spend hours dialing in an okay looking smile.  This new set looks much better.  I'm already liking the base figure.

    My bigger concern is not wanting to rebuy all the costly tools and utilities in order to get the same functionality I now have with G3 and previous generations.  This is no small chunk of change...at least, not to me.  I realize that like all businesses, Daz wants to make money.  That's fine by me.  I'd just like to move forward, instead of having to spending all that money all over again just to have use of the new model.  Maybe there could be some sort of G8 upgrade path that lets those of use who already have purchased head and body morphs, pose converters, texture editors, Measure Metrics, skin shaders...and on and on for the previous generations, have a deep price break, or even a free update that includes the G8 settings.  That would make me a lot more excited to buy new tools and content for the new character.

    So, Hurray for the new generation.  Just help me move that direction without refinancing the house. ;)

  • Fixme12Fixme12 Posts: 589
    edited June 2017
    Llynara said:

    I have to agree. Everyone seemed excited until V8 actually showed up, now a lot of people are whining and nitpicking and throwing tantrums because they don't like change? I don't know. I'm an early adopter, and I don't mind going in knowing that things will be different and not everything from the past will be immediately usable. That's okay. These things were solved before and will be solved again.

    as G3 was only 2 years old and just started running well in lot of content...
    If it's like me, then i'll guess these days people expect more software improvement first, over launch new content or a complete new figure.
    so 'm curious first what goodies (animation setup) studio 5 would really bring to us, and if it will give me a real reason to upgrade to the next figures.

    Post edited by Fixme12 on
  • iSeeThisiSeeThis Posts: 552

    I was thinking the same thing. This showed up as one of those Deviantart ads and I could not believe it.

    Really? I have to visit them more! Can you show me the ads pix?

  • dracorndracorn Posts: 2,333

    I chose not to invest in G3, and have stayed with G2.  So In my case, upgrading to G8 will be a big jump from G2F, so I'm going to do it!

    However, I simply don't like most of the stuff in the bundles, so skip those, get the base character plus body and head morphs plus the elf ears, and that's it.

    I'll wait for a character I like before I buy. 

  • ThatGuyThatGuy Posts: 794

    I'm all for moving forward,but my wallet isn't frown  I'm just not very sold on V8.  I remember when V7 came out...I was really hyped the moment I saw her.  It was like love at first sight.  My reaction to V8 when I saw her this morning for the first time was "uh...they could have made a better looking V8".  HOnestly, she just looks old to me.  And I wasn't going to buy her (the Pro bundle - it was all or nothing for me), but then I came home this evening and DAZ has offered me an additional discount to persuade me to buy into it, so I guess I will.  I'm sure PAs will develop contents that will improve her and make my wallet cry even more!

  • iSeeThisiSeeThis Posts: 552

    >> HOnestly, she just looks old to me.

    She is the infrastructure for something like Teen Josie 8! :-D


  • AdemnusAdemnus Posts: 744
    edited June 2017
    Llynara said:

    I have to agree. Everyone seemed excited until V8 actually showed up, now a lot of people are whining and nitpicking and throwing tantrums because they don't like change? I don't know. I'm an early adopter, and I don't mind going in knowing that things will be different and not everything from the past will be immediately usable. That's okay. These things were solved before and will be solved again.

    A big kudos to DAZ and the PAs that worked so hard to get this out. It's a great product, lots of new features, and plenty of room to create solutions to the issues that come with moving to the next generation.

    There are many generous offers and discounts today to sweeten the deal, but no one has to buy it if they don't want to. And it they're curious, they can try the free Genesis 8 starter essentials and see if it's for them. 


    Honestly? I LOVE G8. I didn't get any special offers tho but that's OK.

    Post edited by Ademnus on
  • AllenArtAllenArt Posts: 7,148

    She looks old? How old we talkin'? LOL..."she looks old" is subjective. To me, she looks young, just not AS young as previous Vickys - totally fine by me, but I knew a lot weren't gonna like it ;)


  • TaozTaoz Posts: 9,761

    To be honest, I've never been too hung up on the Generations as named conventions.  I look at each model/character for the details I need/like, and then worry about what clothes, etc. I can get to fit.

    Same here.

  • wolf359wolf359 Posts: 3,786
    edited June 2017

    "She looks old? How old we talkin'? LOL..
    ."she looks old" is subjective. To me, 
    she looks young, just not AS young as previous
     Vickys - totally fine by me, but I
     knew a lot weren't gonna like it ;)

    She( G8F) could pass for age 30 out of the box.
    in many human cultures a 30+ womans sexual marketplace value
    plummets signifigantly as she is considered past her prime Child
    bearing years .
    I find it odd that a person would complain about  a 3D figure
    mesh in this respect.
    It is not as though they could actually marry& breed with it broken heart

    Post edited by wolf359 on
  • RitaCelesteRitaCeleste Posts: 625

    Okay, I am sorting my library again. I loaded up on PC items and got a lot of old stuff I have been wanting.  I am so happy I just want to thank Daz for making buying and getting as much content as have possible over time.  I come in and here is V8.  I just got skin builder for G3F and have yet to really get time to play with it and here is V8.  I was happy they stopped autofit from trashing long dresses.  This is better for new people, as is the sale.  I will buy things here but you are wrong, V8 won't be one of them for over 2 years. Buying older items still helps generate dollars for projects like V8.  I'm good with that.  If a model is only given a two year run, I can wait until she is old news and on an even better sale!!!  I can wait because I spent a buttload on G3F and giving her two years to work off my investment in her is reasonable.  She is now my indentured servant for the next 2 years.  When V9 comes out I can see if she is way better than V8 and maybe skip V8 entirely.  Now I am glad you are happy and ready to invest in V8 on day one and buy things hot off the press.  Great, good for you.  I am really tired of being what I will do, how I should feel, and what I should think.  I have plenty of stuff I have not used yet in my library.  Perhaps I'll just play with that old stuff and disappear never to be seen again. I don't know, how could you know?

  • iSeeThisiSeeThis Posts: 552

    >>  I have plenty of stuff I have not used yet in my library.

    The way DAZ luring us to buy their products force us to have the same experience. Anyway, I've found that it's handy to have a load of unused things in library. When I have any ideas and I try to see what I already have for it, always there. But if I know everything from the start, I would have never bought any deducted-price stuffs. It's much cheaper to seek for it only when you need it. Not let them in our library and may not touch them even once in our life time.

  • MendomanMendoman Posts: 401

    I know exactly how you feel. I was horrified, when I realized that I have over 1000 items installed, and I have probably used about 300 of them, if even that. Also I'm on the same train, that I'll try to enjoy my G3 stuff first. New environments and stuff work flawlessly with G3, so I can still do shopping here. I already have lots of outfits, but there's still some stuff in my wishlist that wait good G3 sales, so I can finish my collection cheaper. Good times.

  • PenguinistoPenguinisto Posts: 83
    edited June 2017


    Okay folks... let me 'splain my end of it, and it may lend perspective. For those who wonder how long I've beenfarting around with this, let's just say that I still have P3 Posette (Poser 3 default female) and P3 Dork lurking in my runtimes. Mid 1990s stuff. So, you can say that I've been doing this awhile. :) 

    So... G8 drops this week - cool. I'm willing to give it a go and see what it does. 

    I completely understand how folks can freak out a bit... after all, Victoria 4 had the stage all to herself for years on end. My Vicky4 Poser-style runtime weighs in at nearly 150 GB all by itself (urgh.) I can dress up G1-3 in the content there, a metric frigton of poses have been converted-up from Vicky 3 to G3 (yeah, those work too - kinda cool, no?) so let's just say that I've felt spoiled... 

    ...now this thing shows up, demands that I upgrade DS, and I gotta basically start all over? Well, not really... I still have the mountains of older stuff all the way up to G3 (and that's not going to change), and it's very nicely backwards-compatible with a lot of stuff (and the stuff that isn't? Okay, so I gotta do one more step... BFD.) 

    I think I'm going to give it a try. See what it does. If it turns out to be a hassle with little benefit like the original Genesis figure was (no, really), then I'll stick with G3 until things get more cozy for me. I stuck with Vicky 4 until G2 came out, so no skin offa mine, yanno? (Hell, I do that sort of now with using 3delight because I don't have a spare machine set aside just to render iRay stuff; that may change in a few months, but Daddy needs himself a new MacBook Pro first, so that's where my pennies are going. ;) ).

    Anyrate - just give it a shot. If you like it, cool. If you hate it, cool. On my part, I'm looking forward to the expanded PowerPose thing where you can generate unique expressions with it.

    Post edited by Penguinisto on
  • iSeeThisiSeeThis Posts: 552

    >> I was horrified, when I realized that I have over 1000 items installed

    Sometimes I was scared, too. Now I'm trying not to think of it. There was someone in DAZ comanding his team not to tell us how much we've spent so we would spend more and more without knowing what we were doing. I show you my downloadable stuffs here...


    Screen Shot 2560-06-16 at 10.50.53 PM.png
    1236 x 656 - 82K
  • retiretomauiretiretomaui Posts: 383

    My bigger concern is not wanting to rebuy all the costly tools and utilities in order to get the same functionality I now have with G3 and previous generations.  This is no small chunk of change...at least, not to me.

    Exactly. That's the biggest single issue for me. I'm rather heavily invested in Gen2 and 3, and don't want to have to go back and repurchase EVERYTHING utilities-wise to suit Gen8. Otherwise, I'd buy whatever clothing and characters looked good to me at aht particular moment.

  • RitaCelesteRitaCeleste Posts: 625

    Car companies come out with a new model every year.  Who buys a new car every year?  I love my Kia, I don't go test drive Kia's new model every year because its new and therefore better.  My daughter is a gamer but she doesn't have to upgrade her console every two years.  Daz can come out with something every two years if they wish.  My upgrade cyle personally won't be every two years, no more than I can run out and buy a new car every two years.  I have spent money getting losts of stuff. But I am on a budget so I don't even have everything I want for G3F.  I never did anything for the G3M, yet.  One set of great decked out characters would work better for me than half finished Genesis and G2 sets did.  Now this is great if you are new and want to take all the Genesis V's for spin after you BUY all the Genesis head and body morphs.  The free shell is just a shell with no morphs.  Why should I be in a building phase with a model waiting on this or that add-on all the time and pressuring the artists about when its going to be ready and waiting to work on renders until I get x,y,z? So I think as long as I am spending my allowance, small as it is, on this, I am a contributing member of the community. Every little bit helps, right?  I think it is okay to play with what I have already, that is after all why I bought it.

  • ThatOminThatOmin Posts: 37

    I think the options are good but I don't like how they just abandon their other models.



  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 37,944
    ThatOmin said:

    I think the options are good but I don't like how they just abandon their other models.



    this is my biggest gripe

  • RitaCelesteRitaCeleste Posts: 625
    edited June 2017

    Mine too!

    This cut off date of every 2 years and done kinda stinks.  Its something I don't feel I have any control over and I wish it wasn't like this.  Maybe it won't go that way at the other place as well.

    Post edited by RitaCeleste on
  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 14,907
    Visuimag said:
    Llynara said:

    I agree as well. So much whining and noise! No one's forced into Gen8 stuff. Move on when you're ready and let those of us that asked for this have at it.

    This means many of us will never, ever get products because none of the figures will ever be current long enough for pas to get around to them.

    Maybe some compassion for those with somewhat different interests than you?

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